JACKSONVILLE -- September 5, 2001 -- Dr. Martha Merrill, professor of instructional media, has co-authored
Dictionary for School Library Media Specialists: A Practical and
Comprehensive Guide published by Libraries Unlimited. Mary Maude McCain, who
has recently retired as a school library media specialist, is the other
co-author. Libraries Unlimited considers this dictionary to be the "first of
its kind, providing a single source of definitions for the language
specifically used by media center professionals." The dictionary is meant to
be a practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive guide to the basic terminology
used in the daily operation of a K-12 school library media center. It
contains definitions of terms that relate not only to the school library
media program but also to computer science, counseling, educational
administration, educational psychology, educational technology, educational
testing, instructional design, literature, and special education. It should
be helpful to both the beginning and the experienced library media