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Monday, January 24, 2005

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Congratulations to Mandy James,  Employee of the Month for January 2005.   Mandy is a Clerical Assistant in the Office of Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

MCIS Schedule Update for May Term/Summer Semesters 2005

Wellness Center Schedule for Cholesterol Screenings

Up 'til Dawn Letter Writing Party
Jan. 27

Prints in the Park: Print Making Workshop Jan. 29 - Fee Change

JSU Students Get Rare Opportunity on Sea Lab

UPD Reports New Stop Signs Installed

Reminder: Vote in Jacksonville's Tax Election Jan. 25

JSU Tsunami Relief

Application Deadline for University Scholarships is Feb. 1

Introductory Blackboard Training Workshop Jan. 27

Dr. Cline Receives Award

Deadlines Approach for Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships

Director of JSU English Language Institute Seeks Help from International Students in Recruiting

Entries for JSU Writer's Club Something Else Contest Due Feb. 7

Great Smoky Mountains Environmental Education/Arts Workshop, 2005

Greek Leaders Elected for 2005

Hammond Hall Art Gallery Features Juried Student Show Feb. 1

IPSA Contributes to Books for Baghdad Project

Beware of Internet Fraud

JSU Fall 2004 Graduation List

JSU Offers New Course for All Jazz Enthusiasts

JSU Fall 2004 President's/Deans' Lists

JSU Receives Good News from SACS

Upcoming JSU Jazz I Events

Memorial Concert Feb. 6

New Mileage Rate for State Travel Effective Jan. 1

Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy
Graduation List

Order Parking Decals Online

Online Parking Violations Appeal Procedure

Photo Archive Now Available

President Meehan's Radio Show This Week

SGA Sponsors "Old Tyme Photos" Jan. 27

Tsunami Disaster Relief Fraud Alert

UPD Issues Crime Alert

UPD Steps Up Decal Enforcement

Volunteers Needed for 2005 EnviroBowl State Competition Feb. 4

JSU Writer's Club Spring 2005 Poetry Contest

Up 'til Dawn Letter Writing Party Jan. 27

Up 'til Dawn is holding its first 2005 Letter Writing Party on Thursday, January 27, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Jack Hopper Dining Hall! At this "Party," all faculty, staff, and students are invited to send letters to their family and friends, requesting donations for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. All donations are sent directly to the Hospital. Also, Up 'til Dawn will supply all letters, envelopes, and mailing costs! All you need to do is bring your address book! Admission charge is the purchase of a meal. For more information contact Megan Radison, Office of Student Life, at 782-5491 or

JSU Students Get Rare Opportunity on Sea Lab

Three Jacksonville State University students sailed the Gulf of Mexico twice last fall in search of unknown species of marine life. Megan Baskin, Robert Dafoe, and Clifford J. Webb accompanied JSU Professor Frank Romano on trips to collect samples of mud and sand from the bottom of the Gulf. Graduate student Clifford J. Webb holds up an angel shark in the lab of the Gordon Gunter which was commissioned as a research vessel on Aug. 28, 1998 in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Dr. Romano was looking for microscopic life. MORE >>>

UPD Reports New Stop Signs Installed

Due to an increase in traffic near Kennamer Hall, the City of Jacksonville has installed new Stop Signs at the intersection of Cole Drive and the Gamecock Center parking area. “We strongly encourage all faculty, staff, and students to take extra precautions in this area.  Officers from our department have been working this area over the past few days and have issued several written warnings,” said Corporal Neil Fetner. MORE >>>

MCIS Schedule Update for
May Term/Summer Semesters 2005

Due to delays encountered with the Ayers Hall renovation, all summer math and computer science courses are scheduled to be taught in Bibb Graves and Merrill Building. In addition, math and computer science courses will be offered in May Term 2005. Refer to the JSU website schedule and to the Update for Spring 05 and SUM 05 for specific details.

Reminder: Vote in Jacksonville's Tax Election Jan. 25

Please remember to vote in Jacksonville's tax election on Tuesday, January 25. City residents will have an opportunity to vote in favor of a 9 mill tax designed to improve the local school system. The university will receive no fiscal benefits from this tax, nor will JSU change in any form the way it treats the city school system. JSU will continue to provide the current opportunities to Jacksonville schools whether the tax passes or not. JSU will continue to provide free telephone service and discounted electricity for Kitty Stone Elementary and Internet access for all city schools. The university will continue the same leased-land agreement for Kitty Stone Elementary -- a 50-year lease for $10, total.

Prints at the Park: Printmaking Workshop

Create your own stationary, greeting cards and art prints after learning the techniques for linoleum block printing and natural material print making. Participants will receive their own tools and materials to make prints during this workshop and at home. Pre-register for this upcoming event. Pricing for the event has been restructured. MORE >>>

Introductory Blackboard Training Workshop Jan. 27

The Office of Distance Education is offering the first Introductory Blackboard Training Workshop of the semester for faculty, staff, and administrators on Thursday, January 27, 2005, 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (CST) This workshop is intended to familiarize you with the Blackboard e-learning software platform that delivers a powerful, user-friendly environment for online or supplemental online teaching and learning. MORE >>>

Wellness Center Schedule for Cholesterol Screenings

The Wellness Center is continuing to offer Cholesterol Screenings (Lipid Profiles) to all JSU Faculty, Staff, their dependents and Retirees on Tuesdays (starting January 25) during the Spring Semester. All screenings are conducted in the Wellness Center (204 A Pete Mathews Coliseum). The screening is quick and easy and requires approximately 5 minutes of your time. MORE >>>

Concert Held as Memorial Feb. 6

On February 6, the Chancel Choir of the First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville will honor five former JSU faculty/staff and others by hosting the Memorial Hymn Festival and Organ Concert at 3 p.m. Featured on the organ will be Jamie McLemore, a renowned Birmingham organist.   Being honored are members of the church who are deceased. They are Mrs. Sharon Dempsey, Dr. Bill Koehler, Dr. Gaston Calvert, and Dr. John Van Cleave, all former professors, and Mrs. Clifford Coffee, who was affiliated with the JSU news staff and the Mimosa yearbook staff. MORE >>>

Hammond Hall Art Gallery Features
Juried Student Show Feb. 1

JSU's Art Department presents the Juried Student Show on February 1, 7:00 p.m. at Hammond Hall Art Gallery. This show includes the works of current students. There will be pieces in several different mediums. The Art Department faculty will be the jurors. For more information contact Tracy Reid, Art Department, at 782-8257 or

Upcoming JSU Jazz I Events

Jazz I has been invited to the 47th Annual Notre Dame Jazz Festival to be held during the end of February. This is the nation's longest running and most prestigous Jazz Festival and JSU was picked as 1 of only 10 groups nationally (out of many applicants) to perform at this year's festival. Dr. Chip Crotts, the Director of Jazz Studies and Assistant Professor of Trumpet at JSU, said, "This is an extremely high honor to be invited to Notre Dame and shows the quality of our jazz program not only regionally, but nationally as well." MORE >>>

Entries for JSU Writer's Club Something Else Contest
Due Feb. 7

The deadline for entries for Something Else, sponsored by the JSU Writers Club, is February 7. The entries can be in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. See Dr. Harding, English Department, in Room 213, Stone Center for rules and guidelines.

Order Parking Decals Online

In an effort to better serve the campus community, the University Police Department has automated the procedure for purchasing parking decals.  The registration process is quick and easy.  Faculty, staff, and students must register online at   Online registration is mandatory for all JSU faculty, staff, and students. Anyone wishing to apply for a handicap decal must register for their blue or red decal prior to applying for their JSU handicap decal at UPD. Students must register for their parking decal through the Student Access System (SAS) and pick up their decals at the Theron Montgomery Building Auditorium. Faculty and staff must register their vehicle through the Faculty & Staff Access System (FAS).  The University Police will begin enforcing parking rules and regulations on Monday January 17th. If you need assistance registering for your decal at, please contact UPD at 256-782-5050.  MORE >>>

Dr. Cline Receives Award

Dr. George Cline (JSU Biologist) who is also known as "Dr. Frog" has received two national awards from the USFS for his work through JSU Field Schools with the EPIC Frog Pond project. The awards represent commendation for the best interpretive project of the year and the best environmental program for technology transfer. Congratulations, Dr. Cline.

JSU Tsunami Relief

A group representing the University, SGA, the International House, the Wesley Foundation, and BCM met on Tuesday to formulate a plan of action. We are challenging the 80 organizations on our campus to give $1.00 per active member to this cause. In addition to this, we also will provide donation boxes on campus and around the community where students can give on January 25 and 26. We have set a goal of raising $10,000. The first $2,000 to $2,500 will be used to purchase a water purification pump to be taken to a village by Disaster Relief Teams from the Alabama Baptist Convention. All other proceeds will be donated through the American Red Cross. MORE >>>

Application Deadline for University Scholarships is Feb. 1

The University offers various scholarships for entering freshmen as well as for those already enrolled.  Most scholarships are based on the applicant's academic or extracurricular record, while some are based on demonstrated financial need.  Those requesting scholarships based on need should also submit a need analysis form.  Consult our Scholarship Listing for information pertaining to individual requirements of scholarships offered.  Scholarship offers are subject to applicant being admitted to the University.  Application deadline for scholarships is February 1, 2005 for Fall 2005—Spring 2006.  It is strongly suggested that you include a resume with your application. To apply for a university scholarship complete this electronic application.

Deadlines Approach for Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships

The JSU Chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society urges interested and qualified JSU students to consider applying for the Phi Kappa Phi Undergraduate Study Abroad Grants or the Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships. The competition for the Phi Kappa Phi Undergraduate Study Abroad Grants grants is open to all qualified undergraduate students at JSU, whether or not they are members of Phi Kappa Phi. Students may apply through the JSU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, or they may apply independently. The application deadline is January 15, so interested students are urged to contact a chapter officer immediately for advice and help. Applicants for the Graduate Fellowships must be active members of Phi Kappa Phi by the end of the Spring 2005 semester. The application deadline is February 1. MORE >>>

JSU Writer's Club Spring 2005 Writing Contest in Poetry

The JSU Writer's Club is sponsoring a Spring 2005 writing contest in POETRY. The deadline for submission is March 4th, 2005. Please see Dr. Harding in the English Department in 215 Stone Center for submission requirements or email Randy Wilson, Club President, at for more information. Top three finishers receive cash awards.

Tsunami Disaster Relief Fraud Alert

The FBI today is alerting the public to a variety of scams currently being facilitated online involving the solicitation of additional relief funds for the victims of the recent Tsunami disaster. The FBI, through the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), has received reports of websites being established purportedly to assist with collection and relief efforts. Complaints submitted to the IC3 have identified several schemes that involve both unsolicited in-coming emails (SPAM), as well as reports of responses to posted email addresses, to assist for a fee, in locating loved ones who may have been a victim of the disaster. A fraudulent relief donation website has also been detected containing an imbedded Trojan exploit which can infect the user’s computer with a virus if accessed. MORE >>>

Volunteers Needed for 2005 EnviroBowl State Competition

JSU's Environmental Policy and Information Center will host Legacy's 2005 EnviroBowl State Competition this year on Friday, February 4, 2005 at Martin Hall beginning at 8:30 a.m. If you would like to volunteer to help as a judge, scorekeeper or timekeeper, please call Ext. 8010 or stop by the EPIC office at 246 Martin Hall to sign up. Legacy will host six regional EnviroBowl Competitions throughout the state of Alabama for high school teams. Each team will answer science and environment related questions. The top three teams from each regional competition will advance to the state competition. For more information contact Denise Davis, Academic Affairs, at 782-8010 or

JSU Fall 2004 President's/Deans' Lists

Jacksonville State University students named to the President's List and Deans' List for the Fall Semester 2004 are cited here.  Students earning a perfect 4.0 grade point average (all A's) are named to the President's List; those attaining all A's and B's, to the Deans' Lists. MORE >>>

SGA Sponsors "Old Tyme Photos"

The Student Activities Council presents "Old Tyme Photos" on Thursday, January 27, 2005. Have fun dressing up (over street clothes) in one of our costumes from the "tymes." There are tons of hats, props and accessories to accent your look. Each person receives a authentic brown tone photograph in a mount of his or her choice. What fun it is to dress up and take home such a unique Old Tyme Photo! MORE >>>

Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy Graduation List
The graduation ceremony for the 132nd Basic Training Class of the Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy (LEA) was held 16 December. Class officers included Beau Gunter, Huntsville International Airport Police Department; Rory Dempsey, Shelby County Sheriff's Office; and Andrea Penn, Class Chaplain. Beau Gunter was presented with the Director's Award and the Firearms Award. Caleb Courtney, of the Alabama Board of Pardons & Paroles, received the Academic Award. Graduates of the 132nd Basic Session are cited here. MORE >>>

New Mileage Rate for State Travel Effective Jan. 1

The Comptroller's Office announces new mileage rate allowed for state travel expenses. State travel law allows the same mileage rate as the federal rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. This rate will be 40.5 cents per mile effective January 1, 2005.

JSU Fall 2004 Graduation List

Fall commencement was held in Pete Mathews Coliseum, Saturday, 18 December at 10:00 a.m. for candidates receiving degrees from the College of Education and Professional Studies and the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, and at 2:00 p.m. for candidates receiving degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Commerce and Business Administration. Distinguished graduates include Emily Noelle Padgett, of Rome, GA, who graduates with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. Following close behind are Donna Mae Hairston, of Ft. Payne, AL, with a near perfect GPA of 3.99; Meredith Layne Toney, of Gadsden, AL, with a 3.97 GPA; Janis Presley Atkinson, of Steele, AL, with a 3.97 GPA; and Michael Pody, of Piedmont, AL, who also graduates with a 3.97 GPA. MORE >>>

Great Smoky Mountains Environmental Education and the Arts Workshop, 2005

Join JSU Field Schools Coordinator, Renee Morrison, for a fun-filled, inspirational weekend (February 25-27, 2005), dedicated to using the arts to teach environmental education deep in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Renee will be teaching a session entitled “The Nature of Drama: Imagine, Enact & Reflect through Creative Play.” Reservations must be made by December 23, 2004. MORE >>>

Director of JSU English Language Institute Seeks Help from International Students in Recruiting

I am writing to ask you to help the new JSU English Language Institute (ELI) recruit students. The ELI is a non-credit institute set up by Jacksonville State to help students learn academic English. The classes will be geared toward students who have an interest in studying at universities and colleges in the United States. However, students who would like to come for a short-term study experience are also encouraged to attend the institute. MORE >>>

JSU Receives Good News from SACS

JSU recently received good news from the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) at its December 2004 meeting in Atlanta. The commission accepted JSU's first monitoring report addressing seven recommendations with no additional reporting required. Dr. Meehan expressed his gratitude to those who contributed to writing the monitoring report, submitted in September 2004. In particular, Dr. Louise Clark, Dr. Joe Delap, and Mr. Tim Smith are acknowledged for their preparation of the final report. JSU's reaffirmation of accreditation by SACS in December 2004 extends to 2014, according to Dr. Rebecca O. Turner, vice president for academic and student affairs.

Online Parking Violations Appeal Procedure

The University Police Department would like to remind all faculty, staff, and students that effective January 1, 2005, all parking or moving violation appeals must be submitted online at The University Police will no longer accept walk in appeals after December 31, 2004. If you have any questions, please contact Parking Services at 256-782-5835.

UPD Issues Crime Alert

JSU's UPD issues a crime alert involving the investigation of a series of burglaries/robbery near campus by the Jacksonville City Police. Along with reporting these incidentsn, the UPD presents apartment house security and personal safety reminders. For more security information, please visit the UPD website: MORE >>>

Greek Leaders Elected for 2005

JSU's Office of Student Life is very proud to announce the results from the most recent Greek elections. These new leaders will experience a great deal of leadership training in the spring semester. “The Workshop,” held from January 5 – 6, 2005 at the Alabama 4-H Center, will begin this leadership training. The leaders of our Greek community will outline goals for 2005 and develop our own Greek Life Mission Statement. Students selected to represent their chapters and governing councils for the 2005 calendar year are cited in this listing. MORE >>>

JSU Offers New Course for All Jazz Enthusiasts

Jazz enthusiasts can now study their favorite music genre for college credit or simply for fun. Jacksonville State University instructor Kevin Mobbs will teach the new course, History of American Jazz, which includes the origins and development of jazz.  Registration is January 5 - 10 and the course begins January 10. It will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. MORE >>>

Photo Archive Now Available

More than 30 entries (including series and single photos) have been added to the photo feature archive now available at . Everyone is invited to submit photos by e-mailing them to

IPSA Contributes to Books for Baghdad Project

Two members of the Internet Professionals Society of Alabama (IPSA) delivered to Jacksonville State University Wednesday an SUV full of books for the Books for Baghdad project, headed by JSU's Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani, a JSU faculty member and alumnus of Baghdad University.  From left are: Dr. Al-Hamdani, Scott Harp (IPSA), Dr. Jeff Dodd and Scott Schram (IPSA). MORE >>>

Beware of Internet Fraud

University students, faculty, and staff are currently being targeted by an internet “fishing scam”. Hackers are targeting university internet users by posing as legitimate businesses. Hackers are contacting internet users via e-mail posing as financial institutions or prominent businesses. In the e-mail to the internet user, the hacker requests that the recipient update their financial information online. The hackers use the information from the e-mail to draft financial assets and to set up fraudulent checks and credit cards.
MORE >>>

UPD Steps Up Decal Enforcement

The University Police Department is increasing their efforts to get everyone at JSU to register their vehicles. Officers have been forced to boot 14 vehicles in the last three weeks. Many students have failed to register for their decal this semester.  In an effort to motivate students to register their vehicles, the Chanticleer will begin printing the names of persons who are booted each week.  To avoid having your name on the boot list, register your vehicle online at MORE >>>

President Meehan's Radio Show

Sarah Aultman, coordinator of cooperative education in the department of career and placement services, explains the services her department has to offer students.
Tune in here or go to

Submit items for the JSU Digest by using the request form at

Announcements will be issued the day after they are submitted, except those submitted on Fridays (those will be dispatched the following Monday). We reserve the right to edit for style and length.

Compiled and edited by Al Harris, JSU News Bureau

Pagemaster: Carol Winsor

Published by the Jacksonville State University News and Publications Office
700 Pelham Road North
Jacksonville AL 36265
