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5 February 2008
Sign Up Now
to Join JSU's Relay for Life Team

Reminder: Sign up to join the JSU Relay for Life Team or make a donation by Friday, February 8th to participate in this year's fundraising campaign in support of the American Cancer Society. The following message is your invitation to become a member of this year's team.

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,


We would like to invite you to join us in the fight against cancer.  JSU has a team participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society's signature activity and is the largest community fund raiser in the world.  It is a unique event that offers everyone in our community the opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer.  Relay for Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported and that one day cancer will be eliminated.


Relay for Life will be held at Oxford High School stadium on Friday, May 9, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Because Relay for Life is a community gathering, rather than an athletic event, anyone and everyone can participate.  During the event, team members take turns walking on the track.  Each team member is responsible for raising at least $100 for the American Cancer Society.  There will be many fun activities at the event for the team members and their families.


If you are interested in becoming a team member, or if you would simply like to make a donation, please contact Martha Mitchell in the Office of Admissions (782-5363) or Diane Price in the Financial Aid Office (782-5165) by February 8.




Martha Mitchell
Director of Admissions, JSU


Diane Price
Assistant Director, Financial Aid, JSU

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