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8 January 2007
Jacksonville State Students Can Take Course in Video Game Design This Semester

This semester at Jacksonville State University, 20 students can play video games for credit.

David Thornton will teach an upper-level computer science course in video game design. It's one of several additional classes the department will add this semester to diversify its offerings.

Based on a popular program at Southern Methodist University, the class is open to students from all fields, not just computer science, Thornton said. Students will present their ideas for a new video game to Thornton, then he'll pick the top handful and split the class into teams to develop them.

“In the old days, a video game could be developed by a couple of computer programmers and a dream,” he said. “Our goal is to assemble such teams from students who have skills in creative writing, art, music, theater, psychology, marketing and computer science. After that, we let them develop ideas and hope they can create something amazing.”

Thornton said students may not end the semester with an actual game to play; rather, they will fully design and present their ideas for the story, graphics and market plans. A more advanced class for the actual programming may be added next fall.

See story at The Anniston Star's website: .

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