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27 June 2006
Internships become Tryouts for Full-time Jobs

With jobs scarcer than ever � the national unemployment rate in April was 4.6 percent � summer internships are no longer just a way to get work experience. They have evolved into a summer-long interview that job hopefuls can't afford to squander, says Jill Jordan, who owns the interview-coaching firm IW Associates in Southfield, Michigan. Local companies say they increasingly are using internships as their main source of recruitment. It's cost-effective � companies can try out an employee at discount wages before they're hired full-time.

The cooperative education program at JSU helps students gain work experience related to their major and assists JSU in gaining knowledge of current business trends. Rebecca Turner coordinates JSU's cooperative education program which interacts with such local industries as Honda Manufacturing of Alabama located in Lincoln. This helps JSU to better prepare students and graduates to enter the workforce. According to Turner, the co-op program also offers business and industry a valuable means of recruiting qualified future employees. The program gives employers an opportunity to select and test talented personnel before making a commitment. The co-op program is an excellent source of entry level personnel.

See story at The Anniston Star's website:

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