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8 March 2006

Promotion and Tenure List - Fall 2006

Faculty members who have recently been awarded promotion and/or tenure are listed below.Promotions are effective October 1, 2006, and tenure awards are effective with the beginning of the Fall Semester 2006.

Tenure: Effective Fall Semester 2006

Dr. David Dempsey
Mathematical Computing, & Information Sciences
Dr. Jeffrey Zanzig
Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Ms. Hanrong Wang


Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis


Dr. Tony Logsdon


Dr. George Lauderbaugh

History/Foreign Languages

Dr. John Ketterer

Educational Resources

Dr. Charles Notar

Secondary Education

Dr. Noureddine Bekhouche

Technology and Engineering

Dr. David Steffy

Physical and Earth Sciences

Dr. Cynthia Sneed

Accounting, Finance & Economics

Dr. John Sneed

Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Promotion to Associate Professor: Effective October 1, 2006

Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou Biology
Dr. David Dempsey
Mathematical Computing, & Information Sciences
Dr. Christopher Westley
Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Dr. Jeffrey Zanzig

Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Ms. Hanrong Wang


Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis


Dr. Tony Logsdon


Dr. George Lauderbaugh

History/Foreign Languages

Dr. John Ketterer

Educational Resources

Dr. Charles Notar

Secondary Education

Dr. Noureddine Bekhouche

Technology and Engineering
Dr. William Griffin
Health, Physical Education, & Recreation

Promotion to Professor:Effective October 1, 2006

Ms. Diane Cadwallader Art

Dr. Jan Gryko

Physical and Earth Sciences

Dr. Judy McCrary

Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Carol Uline

Secondary Education
Dr. Cynthia Sneed
Accounting, Finance, & Economics
Dr. John Sneed
Accounting, Finance, & Economics
Dr. Roland Thornburg
Health, Physical Education, & Recreation

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