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8 February 2006

"Wild" Night Program:
Searching for Creatures on Dugger Mountain

A vernal pond is a special type of wetland that remains dry for only a portion of the year. The result? No fish when dry. A wide variety of animals like insects, frogs, crustaceans, and salamanders rely on these ponds as breeding grounds.

Join JSU's Dr. George Cline and National Forest Ranger Jeff Gardner as they explore the web of life supported in these temporary wetlands near Dugger Mountain. Participants who want to get "swampy" should bring waders.

Pre-registration is required. Transportation will be provided from JSU for a limited number of early registrants. CEUs are available for teachers upon request.

  • Date of Event: Saturday, February 18, 2006
  • Where: Vernal Pond Rabbittown, AL
  • Time of Event: 6:00 p.m.
  • Admission Charge: $5/person; $2.50 students & children . . . Family Friendly!
For more information or to preregister, call Renee Morrison at 256-782-5697 or e-mail her at You can visit the JSU Field Schools website for 2006 Programs. See JSU Field Schools February 2006 programs.

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