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26 January 2006

VPASA Quarterly Report
to Board of Trustees



Criminal Justice

In early November, several members of Alpha Sigma Omega, the JSU chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association/Lambda Alpha Epsilon, attended the regional meeting in Tallahassee, Florida.  Various students competed in Crime Scene Processing, Marksmanship, Physical Agility, and written exams on the subjects of Criminal Law, Corrections, Police Administration, and LAE Knowledge.  The group brought home one first place ribbon, two second place ribbons, and three third place ribbons from the various competitions.  Randy Wood, co-advisor to the chapter, accompanied the students on the trip.

Dr. Ronald Mellen has agreed to become a member of the Southern States Correctional Association’s Research & Grant’s Committee, and has also been appointed Faculty Advisor to JSU’s College Democrats.

David L. Walters Department of Music

During the reporting period of October, November and December 2005, the David L. Walters Department of Music, its students, faculty and guest performers participated in the following activities:


Solo performances and degree recitals were presented by the following students during this period:

            Joshua Boyd, Trumpet

            Allison Hill, Euphonium

            Mary Catherine Poland, Mezzo soprano

            Amy Hulsey Rohrer, Soprano


Jazz I, directed by Dr. Chip Crotts, presented a concert on 12 October 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center


The Southerners, directed by Mr. Ken Bodiford, appeared in exhibition at Haralson County High School in Tallapoosa, Georgia on 15 October 2005 before an audience of over 3,000 band members.


Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia professional men’s music fraternity hosted the 20th annual Southern Classic Band Competition in Paul Snow Stadium on campus on 22 October 2005.  The all day event hosted 24 bands from Alabama and adjacent states with an audience of over 4,500 guests and participants.


The Southerners, directed by Mr. Ken Bodiford, appeared in exhibition at the Calhoun Country Band Exhibition in Paul Snow Stadium on 25 October 2005.


The JSU Community Orchestra, directed by Mr. Michael Gagliardo¸ presented a fall concert on 4 November in Mason Hall Performance Center.


The Southerners, directed by Mr. Ken Bodiford, appeared as the featured exhibition band at Bands of America Regional Finals at the Atlanta Dome on 5 November 2005 before an audience of over 35,000 bandsmen, parents and guests from all over the southeast region.


The Civic Chorale, directed by Dr. Patricia Corbin¸ presented a concert featuring music by Alabama composers on 13 November 2005 at St. Michael and All Angels’ Episcopal Church, Anniston.


JSU Percussion Ensembles, directed by Mr. Tracy Tyler and Mr. Clint Gillespie presented a concert on 16 November 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Jacksonville Opera Theater, directed by Dr. Nathan Wight, presented a concert of Opera Scenes on 18 November 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


The Chamber Winds, directed by Mr. Ken Bodiford, presented a fall concert on 20 November 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Jacksonville Opera Theater, directed by Dr. Nathan Wight, repeated their  concert of Opera Scenes for over 200 area high school vocal students on 21 November 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


A Cappella Choir, directed by Dr. Patricia Corbin¸ presented a holiday concert on 21 November 2005 at First Presbyterian Church, Anniston.


A concert of Jazz Combo presentations was given on 29 November 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.  Various combos were prepared by Dr. Chip Crotts and Mr. Mace Hibbard.


Jazz II, directed by Mr. Mace Hibbard and Jazz III, directed by Mr. Mark Miller presented a concert on 30 November 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Jazz I, directed by Dr. Chip Crotts, presented a concert on 2 December 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


A Madrigal Dinner event was presented by the Madrigal Singers, directed by Dr. Patricia Corbin, on 2 and 3 December 2005 in Leone Cole Auditorium.


Students from the Flute studio of Ms. Kelly Crotts and from the Clarinet studio of Mr. Mark Brandon presented a joint Studio Recital on 3 December 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


A Community Holiday Concert was presented by various ensembles and soloists of the Department of Music on 4 December 2005 at Buckner Arts and Exhibition Center at McClellan in cooperation with the University Police Department, the Jacksonville Police Department and the Jacksonville Fire Department.  The event was coordinated by Mr. Jeremy Stovall.


The JSU Community Orchestra, directed by Mr. Michael Gagliardo¸ presented a concert on 4 December 2005 at First Baptist Church, Weaver.


Encore! Vocal Ensemble, directed by Dr. Renee Baptiste, performed for the Calhoun County Medical Society on 4 December 2005 at the Anniston Country Club.


Encore! Vocal Ensemble, directed by Dr. Renee Baptiste, presented a holiday concert on 5 December 2005 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


The Gospel Choir, directed by Dr. Myrtice Collins, presented a concert on 11 December 2005 in Leone Cole Auditorium.


The Department presented a Memorial Concert in honor of former department head, Dr. James Fairleigh, on 30 October 2005 at First Presbyterian Church, Anniston.  The Concert, which celebrated the contributions of Dr. Fairleigh, featured the A Cappella Choir and various student instrumentalists in the event.


The Department hosted the Alabama Honor Strings Festival for the second year in Mason Hall on 4, 5, 6 November 2005.  Over 80 strings students from across the state attended the three-day event.


The Southerners have begun plans to celebrate their 50th anniversary at Homecoming 2006.


Spirit Drum and Bugle Corps began plans for the 2006 season with a camp in Mason Hall on 25, 26, 27 November 2005.  Over 200 students applied for marching positions and attended the camp. 


Dr. Chip Crotts, Trumpet, presented a Faculty Recital on 28 October 2005 at First Presbyterian Church, Anniston.  He was assisted by other faculty including Dr. Wendy, Faughn, piano, Dr. Jerryl Davis, English Horn, and Dr. Legare Mcintosh, organ.


Dr. Chip Crotts was named a Yamaha Performing Artist by the Yamaha Corporation.  He will present clinics and make personal appearances throughout the nation under the auspices of the Yamaha Corporation.

Department of History and Foreign Languages

Dr. Llew Cook, Associate Professor of History, presented two lectures at the Naval War College Strategy and Policy Classes on “Coalitions and Warfare during the French Revolution” and “Coalitions and Warfare in the Napoleonic Era.”


Dr. Jennifer Gross, Assistant Professor of History, published “’And for the Widow and Orphan’: Confederate Widows, Poverty, and Public Assistance,” in Inside the Confederate Nation: Essays in Honor of Emory M. Thomas (Louisiana State University Press, 2005) and three entries in The Encyclopedia of Women and the American Civil War.


Dr. George Lauderbaugh, Assistant Professor of History, is finishing work on a paper entitled “German and American Rivalry in Ecuador during World War II,” that he will present to the Latin American Studies Association in April. He was the local organizer of the “Shoeboxes for Guatemala” project which sends needed items to the children of that country.


Dr. Russel Lemmons, Professor of History, presented a paper titled “ ‘Imprisoned, Murdered, Besmirched’: The Controversy  Concerning Berlin’s Ernst Thalmann Monument and German National Identity, 1990-1995,” at the annual meeting of the European Section of the Southern Historical Association.


 Dr. Harvey H. Jackson, Professor of History, spoke on “From Court House to Poutin’ House: Political Folklore in Clarke County Alabama” at the annual meeting of the Alabama Folklife Association.  He continues to serve on the editorial board of the Anniston Star and write a weekly column on southern politics and culture. 


Dr. Phillip Koerper, Professor of History, serves on the Board of Directors of the Alabama Archaeological Society and is President of the Coosa Valley Chapter of the group. He is also co-chair of the Anthropology section of the Alabama Academy of Science.


Dr. Donald Prudlo, Assistant Professor of History, has a chapter entitled “The History of Scriptural Theology in the Counter-Reformation” in a book on the history of scriptural theology published by the New York University Press.  His manuscript, tentatively titled “Convert, Inquisitor, Martyr, Saint: The Life and Cult of Peter of Verona,” is currently under review by the Penn State Press.

Institute for Emergency Preparedness

During this quarter, the Institute for Emergency Preparedness (IEP) continues to grow academically as well as serve the region through contractual emergency planning services and community and scholarly activities. 


The Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (APCO) International, Inc., Leadership Committee met with Jacksonville State University’s IEP (JSU-IEP) to explore the possibility of developing an Executive Leadership Program for public safety communications executives.  JSU-IEP has developed a proposal for the APCO Executive Leadership Program, which was supported by the APCO Leadership Committee, for the APCO Board.  We anticipate this program will be initiated in early 2006.


During this quarter, the IEP has completed 1 project and has 3 on-going contracts, 1 newly approved contract and 1 pending contract. 


Phase II, BAE Systems (formerly United Defense).  IEP completed work to help create a collaborative partnership to research and develop modification kits and programs for the M113 Family of Vehicles to correspond to present emergency response needs which will result in a negotiated contractual statement of work between the parties.


Medical Coordinator for Alabama CSEPP FY05, ADPH.   IEP will continue to work with ADPH to provide medical planning and guidance for the six Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) counties in Alabama in this proposed contract totaling $617,653.00.


Communication Plan for Alabama CSEPP Counties, Alabama Department of Homeland Security.  In this $50,000.00 contract, IEP will prepare a tactical interoperable communication plan for the six Alabama CSEPP Counties. 


Smallpox and Influenza Vaccine Pandemic Planning, Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH).  This contract for $49,890.00 IEP will administer courses on smallpox/influenza vaccination and pandemic planning.


One newly approved contract for the Johns Hopkins University Consortium, of which JSU-IEP is a member, for $5,000,000.00 per year for 3 years:


Center for the Study of High Consequence Event Preparedness and Response, Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  The consortium will establish a Center for the Study of High Consequence Event Preparedness and Response.  Final contract arrangements with DHS are anticipated to be completed by March 2006.  This contract will be for $5,000,000.00 per year for 3 years for the consortium.


One proposed contract (cost being negotiated):


Phase III, BAE Systems.  To promote the retrofitting and utilization of the M113 Family of Vehicles in emergency response and law enforcement situations.

As previously referenced in our annual report, IEP faculty, staff and students have a rather extensive involvement in disaster response across the nation.  IEP faculty and students are maintaining a continual role in supporting and assessing the response and recovery efforts related to Hurricane Katrina.   For example, some IEP faculty activities include:

Dr. Fred May, Associate Professor, conducted on-site research in Mississippi coastal areas.  Activities also include developing a collaboration network; collecting perishable information including geo-referenced digital still images, video, and documents; and gathering historical information from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH), Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Ongoing research involves historical perspective of the coastal damage – rebuild – damage cycle.  Initial results have been submitted and approved for publication in Public Management Magazine.  In addition, Dr. May anticipates his research will be published as a monograph as well as in several upcoming papers.


Ms. Bernice Carr, adjunct faculty and employee with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), worked with the Federal Coordinating Officer, Joint Field Office, and Operations Section to complete tasks such as:  coordinating relief from Canada to Louisiana, developing health/welfare policies, resolving congressional inquiries, assisting victims with assistance applications, developing and tracking mission assignments (including for debris removal),  and developing a template for long term recovery operations. She also had the opportunity of shaking the President’s hand.


Dr. Jane Kushma, adjunct faculty and employee by Dewberry, Inc. (FEMA contractor), Fairfax, Virginia, provided technical assistance to the National Working Group, Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 -- Long-Term Community Recovery (LTCR) and Mitigation for the National Response Plan. She developed policy papers, resource documents, and a LTCR website. She was deployed to disaster areas to help stand up field operations for ESF #14.

Learning Services

Dr. Claudia E. McDade, Director of Learning Services, and Courtney Peppers, Secretary of Learning Services gave a presentation entitled, “Precision Teaching and the ExSEL Progarm” which showcased a DVD entitled: “Precision Learning at Jacksonville State University” produced by JSU Television Services. This presentation was given at the 18th Annual International Precision Teaching Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, November 3-5, 2005.

Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences Department

Dr. Srinivasarao Krishnaprasad had a paper, “Multi-Core Processors: Architecture, Technology and Applications”, accepted for presentation at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Mid-Southeast Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, November 2005.  He also served as a student paper contest judge at this regional conference.


Mrs. Marilyn Johnson attended the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Southern Regional Conference in Birmingham, AL, October 2005.


Dr. J. Fred Kelley attended the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Committee on Education meeting held in Washington, D.C., October 2005.


Dr. Dennis Martin attended and was local registrar for the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC) 19th Annual Southeastern Conference in Hickory, North Carolina, November 2005.

National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE)

The national headquarters and central office of the National Council for Geographic Education is housed within the Department of Physical and Earth Science.  Staff on the Jacksonville State University campus includes Dr. Michal L. LeVasseur, Executive Director, Ms. Allison Newton, Associate Director, and Ms. Peggy Pritchard, Administrative Assistant.  Dr. Osa Brand represents NCGE in Washington, DC.


NCGE hosted a summer conference of geospatial specialists to address what the U.S. Department of Labor has identified as one of the three most critical workforce skills in today’s technology labor force – geospatial technology (the other two being biotechnology and nanotechnology).  The conference was funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and ESRI.  The conference was convened to discuss and prepare a national report on the ability of colleges, universities and especially junior colleges to prepare students to enter careers in geospatial technology.  From October through December, 2005, a report of the conference findings is being prepared, funded by the same entities, and will be released in early 2006.


The first online distance learning course for high school teachers of Advanced Placement Human Geography is being offered in the fall of 2005 by NCGE through the University of Oregon.  The course was developed with grant funding from the National Geographic Society Education Foundation.  The grant also supports summer workshops for those teachers enrolled in the online course.  A summer workshop will be held at Jacksonville State University in the summer of 2006 or 2007.


The national conference was held in Birmingham, Alabama.  The annual meeting brought together educators from the United States, Canada, Taiwan, Germany and the United Kingdom.  Over 500 attendees participated in paper sessions, workshops, panel discussions, computer labs, field trips, a Southern Traditions exhibition, and social events. 


The Honda Corporation of Alabama generously donated funds to create a scholarship fund for Alabama teachers to attend the meeting for professional development.  The Alabama Geographic Alliance also contributed mini-grants for Alabama teachers to attend the meeting for professional development.  Over 50 pre-service students from the University of North Alabama and Birmingham Southern College attended a special one-day program designed to introduce these future teachers to the teaching of geography in the K-12 curriculum.


The Jacksonville State University Gospel Choir presented a star performance for the annual awards banquet.  National awards include the Distinguished Teaching Award (elementary through university level), the CRAM/NCGE Award for Exemplary Lessons, Distinguished Mentors, the best articles in the Journal of Geography, Geography Excellence in Media, the Women’s Scholarship, Dissertation in Geographic Education, and Research Grants for Geographic Education.


NCGE received a generous $155,000 bequest from the estate of E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller of Pennsylvania to establish a fund to support research in geographic education.  NCGE will administer the fund to provide grants to educators who are engaged in research of importance to geographic education.  The first research grants will be awarded in early 2006.

Physical & Earth Sciences

Dr. Jonathan Herbert presented a paper, “The present and past climate of Big Bend National Park, Texas” at the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, November 2005, West Palm Beach, FL.


Dr. Miriam Hill published  "Maps as Illustration: Pointing the Way in the Liberal Arts and Sciences," Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences 9 (4): 4-7.


Dr. Miriam Hill presented a paper entitled "AEGIS Provides Map Data: Information and Lesson" at the annual meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education, October 13, 2005, Birmingham, AL.


Dr. Miriam Hill presented another paper "Supplementing Blackboard: Making It Do More" at the Blackboard Showcase, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL on November 10, 2005.


Dr. Miriam Hill gave a presentation "Topographic Mapping" given to Mrs. Teresa Nance's high school earth science class on November 16, 2005 in Wedowee, AL.


Dr. Miriam Hill, "Pine Needle Basketry: A Cultural Ecology Facet of Southern Indians," workshop demonstration presented at the annual meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education, October 13, 2005, Birmingham, AL.


Dr. Miriam Hill, "Geography for Everyone" Barnes and Noble University course content revision for the Liberal Arts Campus at


Dr. Miriam Hill also received a renewal of GeoMedia Education grant from Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions.  This is an unlimited license for GeoMedia Professional and two licenses for GeoMedia Web Map Professional.  100 licenses of the former and 2 licenses of the latter have a commercial value of approximately $773,500 and renewal of Registered Research Laboratory grant from Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions.  This provides software licenses and support valued commercially at $125,000.

Dr. Kelly Gregg presented a paper entitled "The Jacobs Brothers: Jewish merchants on the Arizona frontier" at the annual meeting of the Southeastern division of the Association of American Geographers in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Dr. David Steffy and Dr. Al Nichols presented a paper, “Plant Uptake of Mercury from Contaminated Soil” at the Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Meeting, Oxford, Alabama, December 5-9 2005, San Francisco, CA.

Department of Political Science and Public Administration

Dr. Veasey presented a paper at the Southeast Conference on Public Administration in Little Rock in October, 2005.

Dr. Owens has completed her book, Original Intent and Judicial Confirmations, which will be published by the Mellen Press during the spring of 2006.  She also helped to coordinate the first ever Women’s Day at the Capitol through the Alabama Women’s Commission.  As Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Owens sponsored a trip to Cumberland School of Law for 16 participating students.


Drs. Barnett, Lester and Krejci all received funds from the JSU Faculty Development Program for the dissemination of research for papers they will present during spring, 2006.


In September 2005, Bill Lester was chosen to be on the editorial board and as a reviewer for Scientific Journals International.

Department of Sociology and Social Work

Ms. Kim Womack served as 2005 Conference Chair for the National Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors’ (BPD) Conference in Austin, Texas. 


Dr. David LoConto made the following presentation: "Sociological Naturalism: Integrating Pragmatism and Physics," with Becky R. Hawkins, The Mid-South Sociological Association annual meeting, October, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Nancy Francisco Stewart made the following presentation:
“Civic Responsibility, Service Learning, and Empowerment, The 24th annual Alabama/Mississippi Social Work Education Conference, October 15, 2005, Tunica, Mississippi.

Dr. Mark Fagan made the following presentations:

  1. “Are Doctoral Programs in Social Work Preparing Undergraduate Social Work Educators?” with Rebecca Turner, at the National Baccalaureate Social Work Directors’ Annual Conference, November 5, 2005, Austin, Texas.

  2. "Influencing Rezoning for Retirement Housing," with Penn Wilson for the American Association of Retirement Communities' Annual Conference; Tunica, Mississippi; October 25, 2005.

  3. “Attracting Retirees for Economic Development," A Workshop for the Crossville, Tennessee Chamber of Commerce; Crossville, Tennessee; October 14, 2005.

  4. National Council on Geographic Education's Annual Conference, Birmingham, Alabama; Assisted Dr. David G. Bronner, CEO of the Retirement Systems of Alabama by showing pictures taken by Fagan during Bronner’s keynote address; October 12, 2005.
He also received the following publicity: The Advisor, Monthly Newsletter of The Retirement Systems of Alabama, November 2005; Oregon Business Journal, November 2005; Warrenton, (Virginia) Fauquier Citizen, November 10, 2005; Atlanta (Georgia) Journal, November 27, 2005; Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, November 27, 2005.

Dr. Ann Callahan made the following presentations: “‘Coming Out’ for Gay and Lesbian Youth: Strengthening Families in Transition,” at the National Baccalaureate Social Work Directors’ Annual Conference, November 5, 2005, Austin, Texas and “Communicating from Spirit in Social Work Practice,” The North American Christians in Social Work’s annual meeting, October 29, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Dr. Clark Hudspeth presented a paper at the 31st annual meeting of the Mid-South Sociological Association, October 26-29, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia.  He conducted a book review: Curry, Tim, Robert Jiobu and Kent Schwirian, Sociology in the 21st Century, Prentice Hall.  He also did two journal article reviews.

Dr. Rodney Friery made the following presentation: "The Incinerator at Anniston, Alabama" at The American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 15 - 20, 2005, Toronto, Canada.

Mr. Jonathan Adams and
Mr. James Powe presented “Social Worker Safety and Prevention of Harm: Current Practices and Future Directions,” at the National Baccalaureate Social Work Directors’ Annual Conference, November 5, 2005, Austin, Texas.

Ms. Robyn Snider presented “Creative Approaches to Teaching Family Issues throughout BSW Education,” at the National Baccalaureate Social Work Directors’ Annual Conference, November 4, 2005, Austin, Texas.

Dr. Tina Deshotels made the following presentation with Craig Forsyth of the University of Louisiana:  “Sex Rules:  Edicts of Control in Exotic Dancing,” Mid-South Sociological Association, October 27, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia.


The College of Commerce and Business Administration has been included in the 2006 Princeton Review of “The Best 237 Business Schools.”  This places the JSU College of Business among the top 10% of all business schools in the USA.


In describing the JSU Business School the Princeton Review quoted business students as follows:  The [CCBA’s Administration] “... has good vision and is focused.”  In commenting on the CCBA’s faculty, students explained they found them “...well-read, detail oriented, and dedicated professors who have good experience in the fields in which they teach.”

Finance, Economics, and Accounting Department

Dr. Ronnie Clayton, Executive Director of the Southern Finance Association, directed the planning and administration of the Annual Meeting of the Association held November 16-19, 2005 at The Casa Marina Resort in Key West, Florida.  The meeting brought 307 Finance scholars from the United States and from around the world together to present their latest research.  This meeting was particularly challenging in that Hurricane Wilma flooded Key West and the resort just three weeks prior to the meeting.  With the help of the resort staff and others, the meeting was a resounding success.

Dr. Clayton, Editor of Financial Decisions, a web based academic journal continues to evaluate submitted manuscripts (approximately 50 in the past 12 months), select individuals to conduct blind reviews of the manuscripts and evaluate the reviews.  A Special Issue  of Financial Decisions is being published as a service to the academic Finance community.  The issue is on Academic Recruiting and contains articles providing advice to those entering the academic job market in Finance about how to conduct themselves throughout the job search process as well as an article providing advice to academic Finance Departments on how the hiring process should be conducted.  In addition, the regular Fall 2005 issue of Financial Decisions has been compiled.

Dr. Clayton’s manuscript entitled “Do Trade Deficits Affect Exchange Rates?  Empirical Evidence from an Error Correction Model for US, Japan and UK” has been published by the Journal of the Academy of Finance.

The CCBA and Dr. Cynthia McCarty, Director of the Center for Business and Free Enterprise Education and Entrepreneurship, sponsored 7 area teachers to attend the National Council on Economic Education’s Annual Conference in San Antonia, Texas on October 5-7.  The teachers attended such workshops as Sports Economics, Chocolate Economics, Financial Literacy, Virtual Economics, Economics in Literature, and Math and Economics.

Dr. Chris Westley was interviewed on  “Morning Air with Sean Harriott” on the Relevant Radio Network to discuss the new Federal Reserve chairman.

Dr. Westley had an articled published in the October 28th edition of the Anniston Star entitled “What Sensible Business News?  Public Radio Ain’t the Place.”

Dr. Westley also served as Vice President in Charge of Arrangements for the Southern Finance Association meeting in Key West Florida that was held November 15-19.

Dr. Angela Sandberg is developing the advanced online quizzes for the 10th edition of Nikolai/Bazley/Jones’s Intermediate Accounting.

Department of Management and Marketing

Dr. Patricia Borstorff

Dr. Borstorff has an accepted paper, “Women’s “Place” in Japan: Perceptions and Reactions of young Japanese Females,” for Academy of International Business–US Southwest Chapter (AIB-SW) meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A. March 1-4, 2006.

Dr. Borstorff has an accepted paper, “International Virtual Teams: Communication and Understanding,” for the 6th annual International Academy of E-Business, Orlando, FL, March 23-26, 2006.

Dr. Borstorff has a paper to be published: E-harassment: It’s New, Is It happening Near You? To be published in JSU Economic Update, December 2005.

Dr. Borstorff attended JSU Foundation Board of Directors meeting, October 20, 2005.

Dr. Borstorff attended the Calhoun County Business Expo and was the co-coordinator of the Calhoun County Supervisory Training session, October 18, 2005.

Dr. Borstorff taught Human Resource Certification seminar all day Saturday September 24 and October 8, 2005.

Dr. Borstorff obtained outside speakers from business for the Student SHRM club meetings on Sept 22, Oct 6, Oct 24, and Nov 21.

Dr. Borstorff serves on the CCBA Promotion and Tenure committee 2005-2006.

Dr. Borstorff is Co-president of the Calhoun County Society for Human Resource Management.

Dr. Richard Cobb

Dr. Cobb had a case study entitled The Proposed Merger of America West and US Airways:  Will it Fly?  Presented at the Allied Academies International conference on October 12th, 2005.  This paper received the Distinguished Research Award.  This manuscript has also been submitted for publication in The Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies.

Dr. Brent Cunningham

Dr. Cunningham served as a reviewer for a Prentice Hall Principles of Marketing textbook.

Dr. Cunningham has spent much time collecting data for an Ethics Education research project with Dr. Thomas.

Dr. Cunningham submitted a Monopolistic Services manuscript to the Journal of Marketing for Higher Education.

Dr. Cunningham began writing a manuscript with Dr. Thomas and Dr. Borstorff.

Dr. Cunningham submitted a Monopolistic Services manuscript to a European journal with Dr. Thomas through a third author Dr. Helen Bussell of the University of Teesside, Middlesbrogh England.

Dr. Cunningham began serving as a CCBA representative to the Faculty Senate.

Dr. Carl Gooding

Dr. Gooding had a case study entitled The Proposed Merger of America West and US Airways:  Will it Fly?  Presented at the Allied Academies International conference on October 12th, 2005.  This paper received the Distinguished Research Award.  This manuscript has also been submitted for publication in The Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies.

Mr. Jeff Parker

Mr. Parker had a case study entitled The Proposed Merger of America West and US Airways:  Will it Fly?  Presented at the Allied Academies International conference on October 12th, 2005.  This paper received the Distinguished Research Award.  This manuscript has also been submitted for publication in The Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies.

Dr. Joann Williams

Dr. Williams and the students of Mgt. 372 visited Honda in Lincoln, Alabama. Besides touring the manufacturing facilities, the students had a question and answer period with Henry Turner, Manager - MRO and Sue Brant, Manager – Trade Compliance.

Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED)

Small Business Development Center

The American Association of Retirement Communities (AARC), headquartered at Jacksonville State University’s Center for Economic Development (CED), conducted its annual conference at the Gold Strike Resort at Tunica, Mississippi, October 23 – 25, 2005.  JSU CED personnel provided administrative, program development and logistics support for the meeting.

The conference was attended by some 75 leaders in retiree attraction as an economic development strategy.  Attendees included those employed as builders and developers, as well as persons involved in government, economic development, tourism, finance and utilities.  Examples of program topics were “Discovering your community’s unique selling position,” “Zoning approval for retirement/age restrictive development”, “Alabama’s retiree attraction strategy”, and “Developer’s roundtable with questions and answers.”

Personnel of Jacksonville State University’s (JSU) Center for Economic Development (CED) and Small Business Development Center (SBDC), along with other JSU employees, attended the 2005 Small Business of the Year Awards Luncheon on November 10, 2005, at the Mary Hardin Center for Cultural Arts in Gadsden, Alabama.

The luncheon was sponsored by The Chamber, Gadsden and Etowah County. The program included a welcome by Mr. Tom Quinn, President, The Chamber; and comments from the guest speaker, Mr. Carey Guffey, Vice President for Regional Development, Colonial Bank.  Mr. Guffey spoke on the importance of personal and retirement savings. He also discussed the relationship between personal savings, retirement planning and social security and that many would be retirees would have to stay in the workforce due to the lack of planning for retirement.

Each the 13 winning small businesses were then introduced by Mr. Quinn and awards were presented by Mr. Sherman Guyton, Chairman of The Chamber. Each winner was provided a plaque and an opportunity to speak.

The Jacksonville State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) conducted an SBA Loan Clinic on November 17, 2005, at The Chamber, Gadsden and Etowah County, Gadsden, Alabama.  The clinic was co-sponsored by The Chamber – Gadsden and Etowah County, the Alabama Small Business Institute of Commerce, Jacksonville State University Center for Economic Development, and the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The focus of the clinic was to provide information on small business loans for working capital requiring no collateral.  The program of the clinic included group presentations, and free technical assistance. Business owners were required to be present in person to apply for loans, and to bring franchise agreements and other appropriate documentation with them to the clinic.

The Small Business Development Center at Jacksonville State University counseled 200 small businesses and presented five training programs to 95 attendees.

Office of Distance Education

Organizational items:  Ms. Gina Glass was employed as a Clerical Assistant Three.   Ms. Glass is knowledgeable in Blackboard as well as other distance learning formats.

The Office of Distance Education was relocated from Curtis Hall to Self Hall.  Staff members are located in close proximity to essential equipment and laboratory opportunities.  Office members are excited about the excellent accommodations that have been provided and look forward to serving the faculty, staff and students in the new location.

The second annual Blackboard Showcase was held on November 10, 2005.  Seven faculty members presented.  Ms. Sherri Restauri was the coordinator of the event.  The Showcase enabled faculty members to share unique Blackboard applications and strategies with their peers.    It was felt that every attendee learned something new that he/she could apply to their own courses.  The Showcase topics were:

  • “SSY 221:  How I Teach My Courses Online,” presented by Dr. Adrian Aveni, Sociology.

  • “Developmental Algebra in a Distance Learning Environment,” presented by Mr. Schott Beckett, Learning Skills.

  • “Oral Communication Online:  It’s Not Just An Oxymoron Anymore,” presented by Mr. Jennifer Foster, English.

  • “Supplementing Blackboard:  Making It Do More,” presented by Dr. Miriam Hill, Geography.

  • “An Online Approach to Music Education,” presented by Mr. Chris Hosmer, Music.

  • “Dragon:  Integrating Speech Recognition Software,” presented by Dr. Fred May, Emergency Management.

  • “Everything I Needed to Know about Teaching Online, I Learned from My Students,” presented by Ms. Lynn Hillhouse, Nursing.
Several Blackboard Training Workshops were offered during the reporting period. These workshops included intermediate, and advanced level training sessions, each lasting 3 ½ hours.  Attendance was facilitated by interest in the Blackboard system spawned by the recent integration process, and the upcoming version change from Blackboard 6.1 to Blackboard 7.0.   Faculty completing each workshop received a certificate indicating their expertise in the specific areas of Blackboard covered in the session.

Individual training sessions between the Instructional Media Specialist and faculty interested in the Blackboard system, instructional design issues, course construction, and other pertinent instructional technology concerns were offered during the reporting period. The Instructional Technology & Design Laboratory continued to be used extensively by faculty members, in conjunction with the Distance Education staff, for one-on-one training on Blackboard, as well as instructional design and instructional technology assistance.

The Office of Distance Education is in the process of adding components to the Blackboard configuration that will allow more direct control of data maintenance using a locally installed secure snapshot client, as well as adding secure statistical data retrieval for more detailed report generation. Included in the new configuration will also be a component that would allow the Office of Distance Education to enable security features for certain types of actions initiated by end users.

The Office of Distance Education remains excited as the county-wide fiber optic project continues to progress.  The applications for fiber and the resultant educational opportunities are apparent.

Fall 2005 Distance Learning Course and Enrollment Data


Course Sections


Bb Online (includes STEP)


2,562 (1,647 unique)

Other Online


165 (141 unique)

Bb Supplements

(see Note 2 below)

(see Note 2 below)


30 (4 courses)

206 (177 unique)



152 (152 unique)

  • Note 1:  Overall unique student count:  The above represents 1,974 unique students.

  • Note 2:  Estimate for courses supplemented by Blackboard:  800 courses, 4,000 unique students.  Estimate based on data as of 9/28/05 – 5,359 unique users enrolled in at least one course or more that have accessed Blackboard in the last 28 days; 1,103 courses remain active (109 are Online Courses, leaving 994); Factored out other usage estimated for other purposes.


Dean’s Office

Dr. Cynthia Harper and Dr. John Hammett presented at the October Board of Trustee’s meeting.  Dr. Cynthia Harper provided an overview of the Teacher Education Assessment Management System (TEAMS).  TEAMS is an electronic information management system used by the College of Education and Professional Studies to assess its students and its teacher education programs.  Information items for individual students are retrieved from different sources (Student Information System, Teacher Service Center, internship records, certification records, faculty files, etc.) and assimilated into a single repository (database) of information.  The information is presented in a format that supports student and program assessment, providing the critical data required to recognize student deficiencies and to identify program strengths and weaknesses.

Reports for individual students and reports containing aggregated data are available through TEAMS.  The information available for individual students provides the capability to identify students that require special attention and/or remediation in specific areas so that the student’s progress can be monitored and assistance can be provided before the deficiencies become problematic.  The aggregated data is used as a tool to identify areas in the teacher education program with indicators that point to specific strengths or weaknesses.  This data supports the decision-making process when evaluating programs and identifying changes to be implemented to improve the programs or insure that effective practices are enhanced.   TEAMS was developed by the Division of Information Technology at JSU.

Dr. John Hammett provided information about the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) review scheduled for November 5-9, 2005.  Dr. John Hammett showed board members the College of Education and Professional Studies’ NCATE website and all the information available at the site to demonstrate the unit’s compliance with the six NCATE standards.  Along with the Conceptual Framework and Institutional Report, the website contains an electronic exhibit room that demonstrates candidate and unit performance data since 2000.

Dr. Cynthia Harper and Dr. John Hammett attended the ALACTE Dean’s meeting in Montgomery, Alabama October 10 – 11, 2005.

The National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Alabama State Department of Education (SDE) reviewed the Education Unit of the College of Education and Professional Studies November 5-9, 2005.  While official results of the review have not been formally received, Dr. Billie Blair (NCATE review chair) and Dr. Ann Jones (SDE review chair) informed Dr. William Meehan, Dr. Rebecca Turner, Cr. Cynthia Harper, and Dr. John Hammett on November 9, 2005 that the Unit fully met all six NCATE standards and that all new program proposals were approved by the State Department of Education.  The next review is scheduled for 2010. NCATE began accrediting Education Units in 1954.  JSU’s Education Unit is a charter member of NCATE, having been first accredited in 1954.

Dr. Cynthia Harper served on the Alabama State Department of Education’s program review for Concordia College in Selma, Alabama, November 13-16, 2005.

The Department of Technology and Engineering continues preparation for the upcoming accreditation visit by the National Accreditation of Industrial Technology (NAIT).  The visit is scheduled for spring 2006.

Department of Child Development Center

The JSU Child Development Center has an enrollment of 100 children ages six weeks through school age. There are nine instructional classrooms opened.  There are currently thirty three instructional teachers, three administrative personnel and two maintenance personnel employed at the Center. All nine classrooms consist of a fully credentialed lead teacher and teacher assistant.  Teachers conduct daily lesson plans and provide quality childcare to the community.

Thirteen of the Center’s employees are currently enrolled in Gadsden State Community College pursuing their Child Development Associate diploma (CDA).  All thirteen employees are attending on a scholarship that they received from the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Alabama, Alabama Partnership for Children.  The course work for this program is taught by Mrs. Cindy Goggans of Gadsden State Community College. The Center is very proud to assist these professionals in their efforts to continue to grow professionally.  Good quality programs require well qualified teachers and administrators.

The Center is currently hosting the following J.S.U. practicum classes: Child Growth and Development 352 (approximately 40 students), Early Childhood Education 306 (approximately 12 students) and Family and Consumer Science 460 (3 students).  We are also offering two optional, extra curricular activities for our three and four year olds.  Ms. Sharon Carroza comes to the Center each Monday and holds basic computer classes. These classes are held in the computer lab.  Mrs. Stephanie Carroll of Carroll’s Gymnastics visits on Wednesdays and holds basic tumbling classes in our indoor play area.  Parents must enroll their children in these classes in order for them to participate.

The Center hosted a Thanksgiving feast on November 17, 2005.  Families were invited to join their children for this annual event.  Sodexho catered the event and served 85 Thanksgiving dinners.  During the month of December, the children are awaiting a visit from Santa.  Santa is planning to arrive on December 8th for pictures with the children.

Plans are ongoing in the Center’s efforts to become accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).  The NAEYC’s primary goal is to act on behalf of the needs and interests of young children by providing developmental and educational resources to adults who work with children from birth through age eight.  NAEYC accreditation has grown enormously since its inception and now involves thousands of early childhood schools and centers that represent the broad diversity of types of settings available for young children and their families.  The NAEYC accreditation is an effective strategy for improving program quality and identifying high quality programs for parents, families and policy makers. We are expecting a validation visit from the NAEYC during the month of December 2005.  We are looking forward to being able to advertise as an accredited facility beginning in January 2006.

Department of Communication

Dr. Kingsley O. Harbor, head of the Department of Communication (DOC), attended the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC) meeting in Chicago, Illinois from the 1st to the 3rd. of September, 2005. This meeting of the accrediting committee is held annually during which time issues are discussed, and decisions made concerning Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) accreditation. The meeting is open to the public and schools whose (accreditation) visits are imminent are invited to attend. It was a very good experience listening to the committee discuss issues it deals with as well as the do’s and don’t’s of JMC accreditation.

The Department of Communication has reposted the job vacancy for a print/generalist faculty member to join the department possibly in January, 2006. Along with the reposting of the ad, the department will continue to work with the current applications on file.

During the summer, the DOC, with the help of the Television Services Department, advertised and accepted bids for the (Communication) department’s television editing equipment. The winning bid was seventy-five thousand eight hundred and forty-eight dollars and forty-six cents ($75,848.46). The equipment has been purchased and will serve to upgrade the department’s television facility to the state-of-the-art in the field, thus giving our students the competitive edge they need as they graduate. The department also purchased four sympodia for the enhancement of its technology-in-the-classroom skills. A sympodium is a “smart board” that enables an instructor to use time more efficiently in the classroom through multiple technology-applications.

The Department of Communication has requested for some facility renovations that will allow the department to respond to the growing need of the department in terms of office space and a communication reading room/library. The request has been approved by the college dean and is now with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

The Department of Communication held its seminal Alumni Reunion on October 29, 2005 in Self Hall, JSU campus. Attendance was quite impressive and alumni and alumnae were visibly pleased that an annual reunion has become a reality.

On November 21, 2005, the department also held the seminal meeting of its newly formed Communication Advisory Board. Despite the bad weather, this opening meeting went well. Board members expressed their gratitude for being selected to serve and pledged to do their best in support of the department in its endeavors to maintain and further strengthen its program. Several members were unable to attend this initial meeting.

The 2004-05 year-book, the Mimosa, is now available. Copies are available with Mr. Mike Stedham, manager of student media in Self Hall. To reach Mr. Stedham, call (256) 782-5713.

Communication student organizations—the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the Public Relations Organization (PRO)—are alive and well. They continue to be active and to participate in departmental activities, thereby putting the practical skills of their various areas into practice.

WLJS, the campus radio station celebrated its 30th anniversary in October with guests such as Major John Turner, the original faculty adviser 30 years ago when the station began; Mr. Mike Sandifer, the original station manager who, as a student then, put the station on the air for the first time; and Dr. Theron Montgomery, the then Vice President for Academic Affairs. The station played the tape of the late Dr. Ernest Stone, JSU president at the time who presided over the inauguration ceremony (ribbon cutting, etc.,) on the opening day.

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Steve Armstrong attended the State Department Task Force Meeting in Montgomery, AL November 28-29, 2005.

Dr. Larry Beard attended the AFCEC (Alabama Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children) Board Meeting on Sunday, October 16, 2005.  He currently serves as the Treasurer of this state organization.

Dr. Larry Beard attended the State Department Task Force Meeting in Montgomery, AL November 17 and 28-29, 2005.

Dr. Dale Campbell presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference in Birmingham, AL October 20, 2005.  The topic was Mathematics Instruction Through Technology & Activities.

Dr. Dale Campbell presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference in Denver, CO November 10-12, 2005.  The topic was Mathematics Instruction Through Technology & Activities.

Dr. Elizabeth Engley presented at the Alabama Association for Young Children Conference in Birmingham, AL October 21, 2005.  The topic was Using Movement, Dance, & the Creative Arts to Bridge the Communication Gap with English Language Learners.

Dr. Slenda Haynes presented at the Alabama Reading Association Conference in Huntsville, AL October 28, 2005.  The topic was Vocabulary Development in Content Area.

Dr. Celia Hilber presented at the Alabama Association for Young Children Conference in Birmingham, AL October 21, 2005.  The topic was Using Movement, Dance, & the Creative Arts to Bridge the Communication Gap with English Language Learners.

Dr. Celia Hilber attended the State Department Praxis Meeting in Montgomery, AL November 15, 2005.

Dr. Nina King presented at the Alabama Association for Young Children Conference in Birmingham, AL October 21, 2005.  The topic was Using Movement, Dance, & the Creative Arts to Bridge the Communication Gap with English Language Learners.

Dr. Patsy Lowry presented at the Alabama Association for Young Children Conference in Birmingham, AL October 21, 2005.  The topic was Hand Washing:  A Learning Process.

Dr. Patsy Lowry presented at the Alabama Reading Association Conference in Huntsville, AL October 28, 2005.  The topic was Developing Literacy Through Integrated Content Areas.

Dr. Judy McCrary presented at the Alabama Reading Association Conference in Huntsville, AL October 28, 2005.  The topic was Developing Literacy Through Integrated Content Areas.

Dr. Gena Riley presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference in Birmingham, AL October 20, 2005.  The topic was Mathematics Instruction Through Technology & Activities.

Dr. Gena Riley presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference in Denver, CO November 10-12, 2005.  The topic was Mathematics Instruction Through Technology & Activities.

Dr. Gena Riley presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Educator Dispositions in Cincinnati, OH November 15-19, 2005.  The topic was Tracking the Dispositions of Teacher Certification Candidates:  What We Are Learning.

Mrs. Sandra Sudduth presented at the Alabama Association for Young Children Conference in Birmingham, AL October 21, 2005.  The topic was Early Number Sense Experiences Through Multicultural Perspectives, Using Children Literature.

Mrs. Sandra Sudduth presented at the Alabama Reading Association Conference in Huntsville, AL October 28, 2005.  The topic was Early Number Sense Experiences Through Multicultural Perspectives, Using Children Literature.

Kappa Delta Epsilon inducted 18 new members on Sunday, October 23rd.  The induction ceremony was held at the Baptist Campus Ministry Building in Jacksonville with approximately 100 parents and friends of the inductees in attendance.  The faculty sponsors of the organization are Mrs. Phyllis Taylor and Dr. Gena Riley.

Dr. Steve Armstrong (SPE), Dr. Dale Campbell (EED), Dr. Teresa Gardner (SPE), Dr. Celia Hilber (ECE), Mrs. Sandra Sudduth (EED), and Dr. Patsy Lowry represented the C&I Department at the Fall Preview Day on Saturday, October 15, 2005.  More than 60 contacts with students interested in Early Childhood (ECE), Elementary (EED), and Collaborative Teacher/Special Education (SPE) were made by passing out brochures and answering questions related to these program areas.

Department of Educational Resources

Dr. Tommy Turner presented a seminar on “Bullying” for JSU pre-service teachers.

Dr. Betty Morris presented at the AASL/Treasure Mountain Conference in Pittsburg, PA.  The title of the presentation was "Using Brain Research to Teach Information Literacy Skills:  The Dynamic Duo."

Drs. Kathleen Friery, Nancy Fox and Gordon Nelson presented at the Chapter V meeting of the Alabama Counseling Association fall meeting at Jacksonville State University.

Dr. Donna Herring conducted several staff development seminars on Web Design and eMath Training at Georgia Elementary Schools.

Dr. Donna Herring reviewed 120 projects for the Project Evaluator  T4 Project.

Dr. Donna Herring, Dr. Charles Notar, and Dr. Jan Wilson had the following publication:  (2005) Multimedia software evaluation form for teachers.  EDUCATION Around the World, 126(1), 100-111.

Drs. Jerry Kiser, Nancy Fox, Hayden Center, Tommy Turner, Mary Stinson and Gordon Nelson presented at the ALCA Conference in Birmingham, AL.

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Dr. Debra Goodwin and Ms. Karen Nemeth attended the Alabama Women’s Commission in Montgomery, Alabama at the Capitol Auditorium and lunch at the Governor’s Mansion on September 28th, 2005.

Ms. Karen Nemeth attended the ALAFCS Board Meeting in Clanton, AL on October 6th, 2005.  Ms. Karen Nemeth serves as chair on the Task Force Committee.

Dr. Debra Goodwin and a number of her dietetic students enjoyed a field trip to the Lister Hill Medical Library on October 20th ,2005.  The purpose of the field trip was to further their instruction on Medical Literature Research.

Ms. Paula Napoli presented at the AL Assoc. for Young Children on October 21st, 2005.  The Presentation was entitled “Using Movement, Dance and the Creative Arts to Bridge the Communications Gap with English Language Learners.”

Ms. Karen Nemeth presented at the AL Assoc. for Young Children on October 21, 2005.  Presentation entitled “Hand Washing: A Learning Process.”

Ms. Robbie Boggs and a number of her Merchandising student attended a seasonal fashion show for Spring 2006 at the Americas Mart in Atlanta, GA on October 21, 2005.

Dr. Tommy Phillips and a number of his students toured the Child Development Center at McClellan on October 24, 2005 for student enrichment which was built into the class schedule.

Ms. Karen Nemeth presented “Developing Literacy Through Integrated Content Areas” at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL on October 28th, 2005 for Alabama Reading Association.

The Dietetic club sponsored a Thanksgiving can food drive for needy families in the community.

Dr. Debra Goodwin had 2 articles recently accepted for publication.  The first entitled “The relationship between self-rated health status and the overall quality of dietary intake of US adolescents,” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.   The second entitled “Socio-demographic correlates of overall quality of dietary intake of US adolescents” has been accepted for publication by the Nutrition Research Journal.

Dr. Tim Roberts is a member of the Auburn University Dietary Manager Advisory Committee.  Dr. Roberts attended an Advisory meeting on November 14th, 2005 at Auburn University.

Ms. Robbie Boggs and a number of her students attended the Alabama Family & Consumer Sciences Fall Leadership Conference at Alabama A & M on November 29th, 2005.

Dr. Tim Roberts and Ms. Karen Nemeth attended the State Department meeting on PRAXIS content in Montgomery, Alabama on November 29th, 2005.

Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation

Mr. Jim McLaughlin and Dr. Debra Goodwin (FCS) are working with JSU ROTC cadets as fitness and nutrition advisors. They meet once a week.  Dr. Goodwin provides nutrition counseling and Mr. McLaughlin provides fitness and metabolic testing.  LTC Hester (JSU ROTC) enrolls cadets into the program as they are identified.

Ms. Donna Hey and Ms. Gina Mabrey presented workshops on Secondary PE Dance and Elementary School Fitness at the fall 2005 Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (ASAHPERD) conference in Birmingham.

Ms. Donna Hey was awarded the ASAHPERD's 2005 Dance Educator of the Year.

The AWEsome Program participants (Adult Wellness and Exercise Program) celebrated AWE Halloween Party at Gamecock Center.  More than 50 senior citizens attended.

Ms. Lori Thornburg, along with physical education students, sponsored the third annual Youth Run on Homecoming Day.  More than 250 elementary school age children participated in the event.  The event raised approximately $4,000 for the HPER Club.

Dr. Ronnie Harris presented a session on Ways to Promote the Social Part of Social Dancing at the fall 2005 ASAHPERD conference in Birmingham.

Dr. Roland Thornburg and colleagues presented—Tracking the Dispositions of Pre-service and In-service Teachers: What we are learning at the National Dispositions Conference in Cincinnati Ohio.

Mr. Jim McLaughlin and Ms. Gina Mabrey served as the co-coordinators for the 5th Annual Gamecock Gallop.  A record number finished the race (137).  The event raised $1,685.00 for HPER Majors Club.

Mr. Jim McLaughlin received the P.R.I.D.E.  award (Personal Responsibility for Delivering Excellence) at the ASAHPERD fall Conference.

Mr. Kory Hill completed stage one of the NASPE Standard One Assessment Project, which is an ongoing national study HPER is participating in.

Mr. Kory Hill received a P.R.I.D.E. award from ASAHPERD.

Department of Instructional Services

No Report.

Department of Secondary Education

Dr. Jan Wilson continued her participation in the ACHE grant workshop EMCAT at JSU, September 22, October 4, 2005.  Dr. Jan Wilson also attended the Collaborative Education seminar in Montgomery, Alabama, November 28, 2005.

Dr. Jan Wilson, along with Dr. Gena Riley and Dr. Roland Thornburg, presented at The Fourth Annual Symposium on Educator Dispositions, November 16-18, 2005, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dr. Charles Notar attended the Praxis II orientation in Montgomery, Alabama, October 28, 2005.

Dr. Denise Richardson attended the Praxis II orientation in Montgomery, Alabama, October 28, 2005.

Dr. Carol Uline presented at the Alabama Reading Association Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, October 28, 2005.

Dr. Jordan Barkley presented at the Alabama Reading Association Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, October 28, 2005.  Dr. Jordan Barkley also spoke to the Inter-Se Study Club of Jacksonville, Alabama, on Reading Education Trends, November 15, 2005. Dr. Jordan Barkley attended the Collaborative Education seminar in Montgomery, Alabama, November 28, 2005.

Dr. Delisa Dismukes attended the Praxis II orientation in Montgomery on November 15, 2005.

Department of the Teacher Service Center

Dr.  Kelly Ryan served on BOE Review Team for Talladega College.

Dr.  Kelly Ryan attended the Alabama Counseling Conference in Birmingham.

Department of Technology & Engineering

Mr. Jess Godbey presented at the NAIT national conference in St. Louis, Missouri on November 17, 2005.

The Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Technology was implemented during the Fall 2005 semester with an initial class enrollment of 17 students.

Department of TV Services

Mr. Bobby Mikel and Mr. Keith Thomas taught Media 100 non-linear editing workshops for the COM 320 classes.

Cable runs consisting of triax, coax, and audio snakes are run through conduit at Paul Snow Stadium.  These cable runs were made in order to have permanent wiring in place for future broadcast productions.

Mr. Ted White and Mr. Keith Thomas worked with University Police to capture photos taken from surveillance footage.

Television Services agreed to produce three new commercials for the “American Cancer Society Relay For Life 2006” campaign.  One commercial will be to ask for sponsorship, one will be to promote the event itself, and one will be a thank you type ad after the event.  Relay for Life is an annual fund-raising event.  The totals will be announced on the night of the Relay celebration in May.

Mr. Bobby Mikel and Mr. Keith Thomas taught camera review/hands on linear editing lab overview workshop for the COM 320 class.

Mr. Ted White assists Communication Professor Jerry Chandler with teaching the use of Adobe Audition 1.5 in the audio editing classes.

Taped the “Alabama Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities” annual luncheon. This is the Twenty-second annual awards luncheon and the third straight year for TV Services to tape the event.  The event will be posted and shown at a later date on CableOne as well as TV24.  Copies of the event will also be made for distribution to committee members and others requesting copies.

Mr. Keith Thomas met with Philip Perkins, Director of the English Language Institute, to discuss ideas for a recruiting video for the Institute. Television Services has agreed to produce the video and an outline and treatment has already been approved.  The next steps in this project will be to write a script and come up with a shooting schedule.

Taped Nursing presentations for Ms. Becky Bertalan’s NU 422 class. Students were graded according to how well they presented themselves in public and in front of a camera.

Mr. Bobby Michael, student worker, edited a video for Dr. Nancy Fox of Educational Resources.  The video consisted of sound bites from Middle School children talking about their experiences working in a community service project.  This video will be shown and discussed with school counselors.

TV Services videotaped the closing ceremony of the 6th annual Emerging Leaders Day program.  Approximately 250 high school juniors participated in various leadership activities.  Students represented high schools from fifteen counties in Alabama as well as three counties in Georgia.  One participant was chosen to receive a Leadership Scholarship at the closing ceremony.

Taped “Blackboard Showcase 2005” for the Office of Distance Education.

The “Spring Registration 2006” commercial is approved.  Three copies will be sent to various Birmingham market stations and one copy will run on TV24.


Office of Continuing Education

As of September 30, 2005, the Office of Continuing Education conducted 382 classes with 8,490 students generating 33,733 contact hours of educational activities.

On October 19, The Office of Continuing Education, in partnership with the Calhoun County Board of Realtors provided a six hour continuing education class to 60 Realtors. The class was divided into two three hour segments with one segment entitled, “Risk Management,” and the other segment, “Real Estate Consumer Agency Disclosure.”

On October 19, the Office of Continuing Education, in partnership with the Retired and Senior Volunteer program and the National Community Service Foundation conducted a training session for RSVP Centers to learn to develop their own websites.  As a result of this session, all 15 participants were able to create and publish their center’s website.

Business and Industry customized computer training was conducted for Dixie Pacific.  Wellborn Cabinet completed its year long supervisory training program in August with seven graduates.

UPACE, the University Partnership for Alabama Continuing Education, continues to offer certificate programs for the Association of County Administrators, Association of County Engineers, County Revenue Officers Association of Alabama, and the Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police.  Participating in the program at this time are 154 County Administrators, 105 County Engineers, 42 Revenue Officers and 366 police chiefs.

In November, the UPACE Partnership began a certification program for the Alabama Association of 9-1-1 Districts.  This association consists of Emergency Communicators which are under the umbrella of the Alabama Association of County Commissions.

On October 12-14, the UPACE Partnership conducted training in Birmingham for the County Revenue Officers of Alabama.  The class, “Local Tax Options” was attended by 15 revenue officers.

On November 3-4, the UPACE Partnership conducted training in Dothan, Al for the Association of Chiefs of Police.  The courses were attended by 27 law enforcement officers.  The courses were “Effective Management and Supervisory Techniques,” and “Effective Discipline.”

On September 14-15, the UPACE Partnership presented training In Montgomery to 28 county administrators and county engineers on “Orientation and Overview of Administrators’ and Engineers’ Duties and Responsibilities.” This training is a part of the Certified County Administrators and the Certified County Engineers programs. Twenty-one participants attended this session.

Because of the volume of activity handled through UPACE with the Police Chiefs, County Administrators and County Engineers, Continuing Education was able to enhance the Aceware registration system.  This enhancement, made possible through a public safety grant, includes on line registration and the capability of doing e-mail blasts to those public safety personnel involved in the UPACE project.


On October 13-14, 2005 the In-Service Education Center co-sponsored the Alabama Staff Development Council Conference in Birmingham, Alabama.   The Center provided registration for 13 participants including school system professional development coordinators and JSU Governing Board members.

On November 8, 2005, Ms. Vicky Brown represented JSU at a meeting of the Executive Board of the Alabama Staff Development Council in Montgomery, Alabama.  Ms. Brown is an elected member of the Board.

On November 16, 2005 and November 30, 2005 the In-Service Center sponsored training for public school teachers who are interested in pursuing National Board Certification for Professional Teaching Standards.  The meetings were held at JSU, McClellan Center and the Joe Ford Center in Gadsden.  They were provided by a grant from the Alabama Department of Education.

On November 30, 2005, the In-Service Center co-sponsored a meeting with the Alabama Department of Education for over 200 principals, math and science teachers interested in participation in the Alabama Math, Science, Technology Initiative.  This was an awareness/recruitment session held in the JSU, McClellan Center Auditorium.


The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) notified the College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CNHS) of re-affirmation of accreditation of both the baccalaureate and master’s programs for 10 years, extending to December 31, 2015.

Dr. Sarah Latham was named Dean of Nursing effective November 1, 2005.  Dr. Latham has been Acting Dean since March 2004.

Dr. Kay Williams was awarded a JSU University Travel and Self-Improvement Grant to present a scholarly paper at the National Society of Pediatric Nurses Conference, April 6-9, 2006 in Orlando, FL.  Her presentation will be “Patient Satisfaction:  The Patch Adams’ Way.”

Ms. Carrie Elkins and Ms. Mendy Wright, Instructors in Nursing, will present “Pretty Woman:  Teens Starving to be Thin” at the National Society of Pediatric Nurses Conference April 6-9, 2006 in Orlando, FL.

Ms. Lynn Hillhouse, Ms. Mendy Wright, and Ms. Katie Brothers, Instructors in Nursing, have been invited to present at the Drexel University 2006 National Conference, June 10-12, 2006, in Providence, RI.  Their presentation, “Gero for a New Generation” will highlight the innovative teaching strategies utilized in the gerontological nursing course, NU 340.

Nursing Instructors Ms. Kristy Beam and Ms. Mendy Wright, along with CNHS Clinical Associate Ms. Amanda Bonds, will present “From Classroom to Clinical Arena - Turning Ordinary to Extraordinary” at the 2006 Drexel University National Conference in Providence, RI, June 10-12, 2006.

The CNHS and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing sponsored a luncheon on November 4, 2005 with guest Dr. Mary Holley, a nationally recognized speaker on methamphetamines.  Dr. Holley spoke to an audience of 200 nursing faculty, staff, and students.

The CNHS submitted the Alabama Board of Nursing Annual Report in October 2005.

CNHS Instructors Ms. Shannon Morrison, Ms. Katie Brothers, and Ms. Lynn Hillhouse continue doctoral study.  Ms. Carrie Elkins and Ms. Mendy Wright will begin doctoral study by Fall 2006.

Ms. Lynn Hillhouse, Instructor in Nursing, received the Governor’s Award in recognition of her work with Alabama SenioRx Program.  SenioRx facilitates senior citizens efforts to obtain affordable or no-cost prescription medication.

CNHS MSN students Ms. Donna Etheredge, Ms.Tammy Morrow, Ms. Patsy Craig, Ms. Karen Blankenship and Ms. Shari Payne were featured in an October 1, 2005 Anniston Star article outlining their six-week nutrition and exercise program, “Healthy B.O.N.E.S. (Building on Nutrition and Exercise in Schools)”.  “Healthy B.O.N.E.S.” was implemented in the Piedmont School System, grades kindergarten through fourth grade.  Ms. Morrow is also a CNHS full time Clinical Associate.

As a result of the untimely death of a Southside, AL elementary school student from undiagnosed diabetes, CNHS MSN students Ms. Peggy Bone and Ms. Dianne Williamson designed and implemented a diabetic screening program on October 11, 2005 at the Southside Community Center.  The screening program, featured in the October 19, 2005 edition of Gadsden’s The Messenger, was part of Healthy Kid’s Fair.

Ms. Shawn Wilson, CNHS MSN student and full time CNHS Clinical Associate, was featured in the November 24, 2005 edition of the Anniston Star for her professional community education projects for nurses to raise awareness of Hepatitis C and organ donation.

CNHS MSN student, Ms. Betsy Gulledge, developed and implemented a program focusing on substance abuse and mental health education that was presented at Disque Middle School in Gadsden, AL during Fall 2005.   Ms. Gulledge also supervises CNHS undergraduate nursing students in clinical experiences.

The BSN program continues to be filled to capacity (64 students in Fall and Spring).  The STEP program has grown exponentially in the last year.  The Fall 2004 enrollment in STEP was 8; Fall 2005 STEP enrollment is 54; Spring 2006 enrollment is expected to be 79-84. 

It is projected that 10 MSN degrees will be awarded at the December 2005 graduation.

JSU Police Department

Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan Training

UPD conducted a CSEPP training exercise on 8 November and 10 November 2005 for all JSU students and employees. Both JSU shelters were opened and a total of 69 JSU employees were trained. To date, 589 students and employees have been trained. The training was announced in advance to allow for maximum participation. Training announcements were placed on the JSU News web site and building managers received email notifications prior to the training. Written comments were solicited from the training participants and will be used to improve future training.

Law Enforcement Summit

Chief Terry Schneider, Sergeant Shaun Giddy, and Corporal Neil Fetner attended the Attorney General's 2005 Law Enforcement Summit held in Birmingham.  Approximately 510 law enforcement professionals received training on how to handle the complex problems of modern "cyber crime" which uses computer technology to victimize citizens.

Overall Campus Crime is Down

Early indications are that the overall annual crime rate on campus is projected to be down by at least 8 percent for 2005. This year’s reduction is part of a trend that began three years ago and reflects an overall reduction of 18 percent.

Admissions Office

Approximately 217 juniors from 70 high schools got a taste of college life courtesy of Jacksonville State University’s Emerging Leaders Day on November 8, 2005.

The event, in its sixth year at JSU, is an opportunity for the students to participate in leadership seminars, meet student leaders from other high schools as well as meet with JSU student leaders. High school counselors were asked to identify three juniors in their school who hold leadership roles and are interested in further developing leadership skills to attend the event.

At the end of the day, several students received door prizes as souvenirs of their day at JSU.  Katie Fleming, a junior from Hokes Bluff High School, was awarded the grand prize: a leadership scholarship worth one year’s tuition at JSU.

Counseling and Career Services

The JSU Peer Educators recently attended the National Bacchus & Gamma General Assembly in Orlando FL, where they were nominated for a national award.  The group was awarded Area 8 Program of the Year earlier in the year, which put them in the running for a national award.  They received Honorable Mentioned and will have an article in the Bacchus & Gamma national magazine about their “Arrive Alive 2005” Program. The organization educates students regarding responsible use of alcohol.

Student Life

The Office of Student Life held the annual Miss Jacksonville State University Scholarship Pageant on November 18, 2005 in Leone Cole Auditorium.  There were 8 contestants in the pageant, and the theme this year was "Walking on Sunshine".  Emily Sheffield, from Gadsden, AL, was awarded second runner-up.  First runner-up and swimsuit winner was awarded to Jessica Andrews, from Alabaster, AL.  Jamie Langley was crowned 2006 Miss JSU, as well as talent winner.  Jamie is from Wadley, AL and will go on to participate in the 2006 Miss Alabama Pageant in June.  The total amount of scholarship money and prizes awarded at this pageant totaled over $10,000.

Freshman Forum

The 2005-2006 Freshman Forum had an outstanding fall semester with 40 excited and energetic members.  The forum volunteered with various community service projects during the semester.  In the first part of the semester, they helped the SGA raise money for Hurricane Katrina relief.  During the last part of the semester, they visited a local nursing home to visit and give out goodie bags to the elderly.  On November 21, Freshman Forum held their annual All Freshman Mixer called "Meet S'more Freshman".  All freshman students were invited to join in on the fun, food and games.  Freshman Forum concluded their fall semester by attending JSU in Lights at the President's home, they enjoyed fun and fellowship at their Holiday party that followed the lighting ceremony.

Freshman Forum has plans underway for the INSPIRE program to begin in the spring semester.  With this program, the forum members will be visiting local high schools to teach high school juniors and seniors the importance of being involved in high school and college.


The selection process for the 2006 Gamecock Orientation Team is now in progress.  Applications became available on October 3, 2005 and were due by November 30, 2005.  To promote the GO! Team, the coordinators went to over 25 student organization meetings to talk about and answer any questions interested students might have.  Along with preparing for the application and upcoming phases, the coordinators have also participated in Get on Board Day.  During this time on August 30, the coordinators had a booth set up with GO! Leader information and an interest sign up sheet.  This allowed the coordinators the chance to get people excited about trying out for the 2006 Team.

From the applications received Terry Casey, Director of Student Life, Don Killingsworth, Coordinator of Academic Advisement, and the 2006 GO! Coordinators, Dana Roberts, a junior majoring in Early Childhood Education from Douglasville,GA and Matt Morgan, a senior majoring in Communication from Weaver, AL  will choose the applicants they see fit to attend phase two.  Phase two consists of the applicants participating in team building activities in the Houston Cole Library.  This will take place on January 11, 2006.

The field will be narrowed down to an even smaller group who will attend Phase three.  This phase is known as the Interview Phase and will take place on January 20.  From the students chosen to attend phase three, the 2006 GO! Leaders will be picked and begin work for the upcoming orientations.

Multicultural Programming/Student Government Association

November is recognized as National Native American Heritage month. After requesting an enrollment report, it was revealed that Jacksonville State University has an enrollment of 64 Native American students. The office always values the cultural input of all students. A letter of interest, attached with a returnable survey form was mailed out. The goal is to provide programs that are of significant importance to interested groups.

On November 9, 2005, the United Cherokee Ani-Yun-Wiya Nation presented a program on the history of their tribe. The event was held in the TMB auditorium. An invitation was sent to the local elementary school to come and join us in this cultural event. Several kindergarten and first grade classes from Kitty Stone Elementary participated in the program. The students thoroughly enjoyed experiencing the hands on presentation of authentic artifacts and the tribal dance performed for them.

The Student Government Association has been working to provide quality entertainment for the students of Jacksonville State University during the fall semester 2005.  The Student Activities Council recently attended the South Region National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  This conference features many vendors who showcase acts which schools can book for their students.

State University was also named the Outstanding Delegation for the South Region this year and this was the first time JSU has received this award.  The SGA has hosted a total of twenty-three events during the fall semester and some of those included: SGA Tailgating, Homecoming Pageant, SGA & ISO Latin Dance Party, Movie Nights, Foam Dance Party, J-Day Activities, Family Day, Karaoke In the Café, Halloween Movie Night on The Quad, Halo Video Game Tournament, SGA Blood Drive, and the SGA and Campus Organizations Relief Efforts for the Hurricane Katrina Evacuees which raised a total of $4,417.80 and it was given to the American Red Cross. The Student Government Association is continuing to plan events and activities for the spring semester 2006.

Greek Life

Panhellenic Council (PC)

During the Fall 2005 semester the women of the Panhellenic Council spearheaded many successful events, for Greek Life.  One of the crowning achievements was the Greek Fall Fest on the square.  This event was hosted for local children in the area.  Each Greek organization was paired with 2 others to develop and implement booth ideas.  These ideas consisted of a duck pond, face painting, bobbing for apples, etc.  All proceeds were donated to the Jacksonville Boys and Girls Club.  Jr. Panhellenic organized and hosted their annual “Greek Sync,” a lip syncing competition where this year’s Greek Scholarship recipients were recognized. Additionally, with the fall term comes change.  Recently, the 2006 officers were elected.  They are as follows:

                  Stacy Hansen – President

                  Kristina Phillips – VP for Recruitment

                  Holly Esh – VP of Judicial Affairs

                  Tyler Snyder – Secretary/Treasurer

                  Ann Blackwood – Public Relations/Scholarship

Interfratenity Council (IFC)


The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is now in compliance with the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) standards which went into effect September 1, 2005.  The IFC has developed various strategies in an attempt to maintain the 2.5 cumulative chapter GPA among all NIC chapters here on campus.  Additionally, the IFC rallied participation from the Greek community to support campus based programming.  During alcohol awareness week, the IFC encouraged Greek turn out at “Operation Save Teens.”  Out of 229 student participants, 138 were Greek.  Also, they have elected the 2006 Executive Board.  These officers are as follows:


               Jonathan Dorough – President

               William Dowdy – VP for Recruitment

               Justin Lord – VP of Judicial Affairs

               Marcus Shepherd – Secretary / Treasurer

               Mardracus Russell – Public Relations / Scholarship   


National Pan – Hellenic Council (NPHC)


National Pan – Hellenic Council sponsored its first Homecoming Step Show “The Cocky Showdown.”  This event was a tremendous success, with almost twelve thousand dollars raised; this money will be used to assist the NPHC in participating with national leadership conferences.


This year’s winners are:


Fraternity                                           Sorority


Kappa Alpha Psi – 1st Place            Delta Sigma Theta – 1st Place

Phi Beta Sigma – 3rd Place              Sigma Gamma – 2nd Place

Phi Beta Sigma – 3rd Place              Zeta Phi Beta – 3rd Place

Department of University Housing and Residence Life

Occupancy Report:

Please see the attached Spring 2006 Occupancy Report, as of November 29, 2005.


Staff Report:

We are currently searching for (4) Resident Assistants and (2) Assistant Residence Life Coordinators for Spring 2006.


Program Report:

Programming Dimension: LEARN (Life Skills, Education, Awareness, Responsibility, and Needs).


Program Title: Latin Dance

Residents learned a different nationality dance style while interacting with others.  Mexican food samples were served.


Program Title: Fall Door Decorating Contest

Residents showed Sparkman Hall spirit by decorating their doors for the fall. Awards were given to the winners.


Program Title: Organ Donation

Residents learned the myths and facts about Organ Donation.


Program Title: Talking Hands

Residents learned the basics of sign language.


Program Title: Happy Hour

Residents were given mock cocktails and virgin strawberry daiquiris.  They played a human board game with questions relating to drinking.  A speaker talked about drinking and driving and the effects of it.


Program Title: What’s with the Smoke

Health Department worker talked with residents on tobacco prevention.


Program Title: Academic Affairs Committee Meeting

Residents made suggestions for positive changes to the SGA on issues concerning academics.


Residence Hall Association (RHA) Report:

4 RHA delegates and 2 advisors attended South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (SAACURH) conference November 4th -6th at Northern Kentucky University.


4 RHA delegates and 1 advisor attended Mini-Alabama United Residence Halls (ALURH) drive-in conference on October 8th at the University of Alabama.


RHA held a Black and Orange Affair Fundraiser on October 20th at Leon Cole Auditorium. 


Current and ongoing event(s)/project(s):

RHA is currently working on amending their constitution.


The Advisors are currently working on creating/amending RHA Executive Branch expectations and duties.


Set up and delivery of Exam Care Packages-December.



Jacksonville State University

Department of University Housing and Residence Life

Spring Occupancy Report                       11.29.05





# of Residents


Occupancy %
































































# of Residents


Occupancy %

Campus Inn (Eff)






Campus Inn (1Bd)












Jax (1Bd)






Jax (2Bd)






Penn House

































# of Residents


Occupancy %

All Houses












Specialty Houses



# of Residents


Occupancy %

Panhellenic House






International House


























TOTAL Capacity













Disability Support Services

Agreements with the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services and the University reflect an additional $240,000.00 to the budget.  Of this $240,000.00, $150,000.00 is earmarked for the provision of Support Services (i.e. interpreting, captioning, and reading) for students with disabilities who are Deaf or Blind.  A new $90,000.00 agreement focuses on transition services for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and for enhanced support services within Disability Support Services.


DSS provided academic support services to 246 students with disabilities during the Fall 2005 academic semester. 


In the month of October, DSS provided 60+ hours of interpreting and 270+ hours of captioning services for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Reader hours for the Blind/Visually Impaired were 420+. November totals reflected comparable service hours.


DSS is able to provide special testing for students who are blind/visually impaired and who need special technology.  During the Fall 2005 academic semester 65 exams/tests were handled at DSS, of these 25 were Brailled.


Mr. Daniel L Miller, Mrs. Cindy Camp and Mr. Adam Green proctored 12 ECE exams, which required special accommodations (i.e. extended time, use of computer).


Mr. Daniel L Miller and Mrs. Linda Turner hosted a visit by Ms. Fannie Adams, Education Specialist from the Alabama State Department of Education / November 17, 2005.


Mrs. Linda Turner conducted Leadership Training with the seniors at the Alabama School for the Deaf / November 10, 2005.

Conferences Presented and/or Attended by DSS Staff:


October 2005


Satellite downlink, at the Houston Cole Library - “Designing, Implementing and Managing Successful English Programs:  Language and Literacy Programs for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Educational Settings”.


The Council of Organizations Serving Deaf Alabamians conference.


Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness conference.

November 2005

Web downlink workshop, “Best Practices in Developing Accessible Student Services.”

Postsecondary Education Consortium planning meeting in Sevierville, Alabama.

Counselors Association Annual Conference in Birmingham, Alabama.

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