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18 January 2006

Pi Epsilon Presents Faculty Scholar Lecture Jan. 24

Pi Epsilon chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, national English honor society, will have its annual Faculty Scholar Lecture on Tuesday, January 24, 2006, at 3:30 p.m. in 129 Stone Center. Rufus Kinney, a longtime instructor in the English Department, will read two autobiographical stories, "The Easter Egg Hunt" and "After Mama Died." Both are set in Birmingham, Alabama, the first around 1953 and the second in 1961.

Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy this creative presentation.

Sigma Tau Delta membership is open to students who have completed the first semester of their sophomore year, are English/language arts majors or minors, and have a 3.0 GPA in English. Students wishing to become members may pick up an application from Gloria Horton in 115 Stone Center.