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Photo Feature By Homer Barnwell & Al Harris

A JSU Hot Spot

This picture of Jacksonville's Varsity Cafe was made in 1942, during the midst of World War II, and is from the collection of Mr. Homer Barnwell. He recalls that the Varsity was a favorite hot spot for college students and locals alike, although the war had greatly reduced the number of male students enrolled in school. The Varsity was on the west side of the square. At the right is College Beauty Shop and Princess Theater. More vintage photos from Jacksonville and JSU are available at my photo site.

What was happening in 1942:
- U.S. war censorship code outlaws man-in-the-street, other ad-lib interviews.
- U.S. Office of Censorship bans any mention of weather in baseball broadcasts.
- Thornton Wilder wins third Pulitzer with play, The Skin of Our Teeth.
- Atanasoff and Berry in Iowa build the first electronic digital computer.
- Robert Frost wins fourth Pulitzer Prize.
- "Chattanooga Choo Choo" becomes the first "gold" record.
- C.S. Lewis' satire on salvation, The Screwtape Letters, is published.


All photos copyrighted by the photographer. Please contact Al Harris for permission for commercial use.

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