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Capital Campaign Office Established

LeAnn Al Meshal, director, right, and Paige Faulkner.

April 2, 2004 -- Jacksonville State University has established a Capital Campaign Office to coordinate the soon-to-be-announced effort to raise funds for several important goals, including new construction projects, endowed faculty positions, and scholarship programs.

LeAnn Al Meshal, director of the campaign, is assisted by Paige Faulkner. Both are employed by J.F. Smith Group, Inc. of Auburn. The Smith Group is serving as consultants to the Division of Institutional Advancement, which is spearheading the campaign.

"We look forward to working with JSU to conduct this major fundraising program," said Al Meshal.

The goals of the Campaign will be detailed in the forthcoming public announcement and are included in JSU's five-year plan, which is part of a long-range plan that Trustees hope will take JSU into the year 2025.

Al Meshal formerly worked with the Anniston-Calhoun County Joint Powers Authority as special projects director for McClellan. She is a 1983 graduate of JSU and has a degree in marketing and a background in public relations, marketing and business development.

Faulkner is a 2000 graduate of JSU with a degree in communication and a concentration in public relations.

Al Meshal began her new job in late February, and Faulkner started in March.

The campaign's goal is to raise funds over a five-year period. The Campaign is in its initial strategic planning phase, which includes defining and prioritizing investment opportunities. The new office is also establishing a campaign structure and starting a promotional effort to set the stage for positive responses from constituents.

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