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VPASA Report to Board of Trustees

APRIL 2004

APRIL 2004









Department of Military Science

The Military Science Department�s goal is to recruit the very best students available for Jacksonville State ROTC; to retain those students through a challenging curriculum, quality mentoring, and a positive program that encourages leadership, scholarship, individual responsibility and Battalion camaraderie; and to train and develop our cadets to ensure they are fully prepared to accept the responsibilities of a commissioned officer and to effectively lead America�s sons and daughters.We strive to commission the very best lieutenants that enter the Army each year.���

JSU ROTC conducted its annual military ball on January 24th at The Barn in Jacksonville.Over 100 cadets, cadre, alumni and guests attended the event where our seniors were recognized for their accomplishments in ROTC.Dr. Meehan and Dr. Delap were in attendance, and remarks were delivered by Major General Bell, the commander of the 81st Regional Readiness Command.


The Gamecock Battalion hosted a joint field training exercise for six Alabama universities at Fort McClellan on March 18th � 21st. ��The purpose of the exercise was to prepare junior cadets for attendance at the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) at Fort Lewis, Washington this summer.Events included the Army Physical Fitness Test, day and night land navigation, a leadership reaction course, and squad movement techniques and battle drills.Over 100 junior-year cadets participated in the training, and an additional 60 cadets and cadre provided support for the exercise.Each event was evaluated, and JSU cadets finished second overall among the six schools that participated included Auburn, Auburn-Montgomery, Alabama A&M, Tuskegee, and Alabama-Birmingham.


The Military Honor Society of Scabbard and Blade held its annual initiation on February 27th.Thirteen outstanding cadets were inducted.There are currently 29 members of the honor society, up from six two years ago.����


The JSU ROTC Alumni Association will provide $8000 in scholarship support for deserving cadets in AY 04/05.The Department will hold a scholarship board on April 2nd to determine next year�s recipients.Criteria for selection include overall GPA, performance in Military Science classes, character, and a personal interview before the scholarship board.


Cadet Michael Digby, the Cadet Battalion Commander, was accepted to the Military Services Medical School, The Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences at Bethesda, MD.Cadet Digby, a Biology major with a 3.93 GPA, will begin medical school in the fall.��


Lieutenant Colonel May attended the 8th Brigade Commanders� Conference at Biloxi, MS, March 14th � 17th.The conference focused on recruiting, retention and training issues.LTC May lead the recruiting improvement working group during the conference.The Department was asked to develop the program and a number of classes for the Brigade Recruiting Operations Conference that was also held in Biloxi March 17th � 19th.LTC May and Captain Dean Shackelford taught classes addressing Alumni Association Development, Identifying Campus Markets and Resources, Event Planning, and Nurse Recruiting.CPT Shackelford also produced a �battle book� for recruiting operations that was distributed to each of the 21 universities in the Brigade.


LTC May was selected to serve as a Faculty Mentor for freshman and transfer orientation students during AY 04/05.This is the second year LTC May will serve as a Mentor.


The Department is currently focused on continuing to prepare our juniors to excel at LDAC this summer.We will send 18 cadets to LDAC, and we anticipate they will represent the University in an outstanding manner.






The NASAD Accreditation visit was successfully completed in February, 2004 with an excellent exit interview.


The Art Department is working with the Visual Art Society in preparing for the annual VAS Auction and Gala.



Dr. George R. Cline and Dr. James R. Rayburn.Submitted a proposal to the Alabama Department of Conservation of Natural Resources to survey historic sites for the hellbender, (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis), a large aquatic salamander.The proposed project will use Section 6 money (US Fish & Wildlife Service) that is passed through to the state to study listed species.

($40,564.17 + 22,402.15 (JSU Match) = $60,966.32)


Dr. George R. Cline � became a Mentor for the Teaching, Learning, and Cooperating Program to mentor minority professors through the early stages of their careers at JSU.My �mentee� is Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou, of the Biology Dept.


Dr. George R. Cline and Dr. Eric A. Blackwell (UAB) � Ecology of Amphibians, and Alabama Frog Calls � Focus on Frogwatch � Camp Kanawahala, Chelsey, AL � programs presented to 98 Girls Scouts and parents of the Cahaba Council.

29 Feb. 2004.


Dr. George R. Cline, Dr. James Rayburn, Dr. Frank Romano.� Service Award from the US Forest Service for continuing activities with personnel from the Shoal Creek District of Talladega National Forest.


Drs. Robert Carter andAndy Londo (MSU) submitted an annual report entitled �Community analysis of pitcher plant bogs of the Little River Canyon National Preserve� to the National Park Service.

Drs. Robert Carter and Andy Londo (MSU) submitted a report entitled �Remnant fire disturbed montane longleaf pine in west central Georgia� to the Flint River Council, Boy Scouts of America.


Drs. Robert Carter and Mijitaba Hammisou submitted a pre-proposal entitled �Landscape scale physiological response of eastern hemlock to hemlock wooly adelgid infestations� to the National Forest Foundation.Amount of proposal: $54,734.26.Pending.


Drs. Robert Carter and Benjie Blair submitted a proposal entitled �The effect of prescribed fire on small mammal populations and ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi in the Little River Canyon National Preserve, AL� to the Lyme Disease Foundation.Amount proposed: $32,927.27.Pending.


Dr. Robert Carter served as Co-Coordinator of the 2004 Science Olympiad.

Dr. Robert Carter is serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 147, Jacksonville, AL


Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou published an abstract and presented his research at the national Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry meeting in Austin, Texas.


Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou submitted 2 titles and abstracts for paper presentations at the Alabama Academy of Science annual meeting, March 17 � 20, 2004.


Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou was selected to be a 2004 � 2005 Faculty mentor for mentoring, advising, and integrating entering freshman into college life.


Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou was selected to take part in Minority Faculty retention counseling program (MBTI) through the College of Nursing.


Drs. Mijitaba Hamissou, James Rayburn, and Benjie Blair participated in the February preview day.


Dr. Frank Romano, James Rayburn, Mijitaba Hamissou, Robert Carter, George Cline participated in the 2004 Science Olympiad in February.


Drs. Frank Romano andGeorge Cline participated in the March preview day.

Criminal Justice

Dr. Robert Evans reports that the MSCJ program continues to attract record numbers of new students.At this time, there are 75 MSCJ students and 14 MPA students concentrating in CJ.Nine MSCJ students are scheduled to take their degrees in April and five in August, and based on enrollment trends over the past two years, Dr. Evans projects an enrollment of 82 MSCJ students by the beginning of the Fall 2004 term.


Under the direction of Mr. Dean Buttram, III, the Department of Criminal justice participated in the Annual Career Fair, along with Sociology/Social Work and Psychology on March 3, 2004.This was regarded as another successful venture to our students and participating agencies alike. We had a record year of inquisitive students from within the department, as well as from other departments and colleges on campus. There were roughly twenty criminal justice agencies/departments that participated in this year�s event; ranging from local police departments, sheriff�s offices, various state agencies, law schools, to three federal agencies. Hence, virtually every aspect within the field of criminal justice was represented, therefore allowing students the opportunity to gain insight directly from an agency within their field(s) of interest. Feedback from the students that participated was positive. It was perceived to be a very important learning experience along with providing one-on-one interaction with a representative that is otherwise not always an option.


The two Spring Preview Days were also perceived as being successful. Again this year, there were an immense number of incoming students that were interested in the department and what it had to offer. Further, with regard to the advisement sessions that were provided following the Preview Day there was roughly fifty students that had already declared their major in criminal justice. Therefore, it appears to be another positive upcoming year for the department and J.S.U. alike (Go Gamecocks).


Four faculty members from the Department of Criminal Justice presented papers at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 9 � 13, 2004.Dr. Rick Davis and Mr. Dean Buttram, III presented a paper entitled �Internship Participation as a Predictor of Employability in the Field of Criminal Justice�.Dr. Ronald R. Mellen and Mrs. Nancy B. Mellen gave a presentation titled �Quantitative EEG and Neurotherapy, Research with Inmates�.�� Mrs. Mellen also gave a presentation for Dr. Robert Evans and Mr. Stephen P. Asbell titled �A Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Racial Bias Among Criminal Justice and Non-Criminal Justice Students�.��





Little River Canyon Field School


JSU�s Field School recently won the National NatureWatch Award as the best district presentation in the nation for collaborative programming with the United States Forest Service, Shoal Creek District.


A partnership with JSU Archaeology Resource Lab and Continuing Education in partnership with the Poarch Creek of Alabama has resulted in the first annual Summer Archaeology Camp, which will offer high school students the opportunity to participate in an archaeological excavation with qualified specialists from various natural science disciplines and inspire students to pursue a science major at JSU.


JSU�s Field School is presenting a series of environmental awareness and arts appreciation programs to underserved low income and minority students in Wilcox County through collaboration with the Auburn University Environmental Institute, the Alabama Center for the Book, the Black Freedmen�s Living Historical Farm for Children, Inc., and the Alabama Alliance for Arts in Education.


Through Field School outreach presentations in Calhoun and Jefferson Counties, the Field School has reached approximately 5000 individuals in February and March 2004.


Correspondingly, 6000 Field School brochures are being distributed to prospective participants.


In addition to its many programs and classes the Field School conducted three school field trips during 2003 involving a total of 75 students.In the spring of 2004, seven schools and groups have booked trips with the Field School totaling over 300 students.This growth in field trips is due in part to the success of last summer�s teacher workshops.One hundred teachers spent two days with Field School staff learning about Little River, its canyon, and Lookout Mountain.The teachers gave their overall experience in the workshop an average of 6.85 on a 7 point scale � or about 98% - extremely high compared to most teacher workshops.The summer workshop was designed to inspire them to involve their students in more real-world outdoor learning experiences.With another round of teacher workshops this summer additional growth of the Field School K-12 program is expected.


FY 04 and FY 05 funding for construction of the Little River Canyon Field School remains locked by NASA headquarters. Justification for the �early release� of these funds has been requested and submitted in draft form. Congressional assistance is being explored.

History and Foreign Languages

Dr. Llewellyn Cook, Assistant Professor of History, attended the annual meeting of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe. He serves on the Board of Directors for the organization.


Dr. Jennifer Gross, Assistant Professor of History, published a Study Guide for America: Past and Present (a nationally used history text). She also made four presentations on Civil War widows for the Alabama Humanities Foundation. In April she will present a paper at a conference at Rutgers University. Her paper is titled �The United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederate Widows, and the Lost Cause.�


Dr. Russel Lemmons, Professor of History, has been selected to attend the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Seminar on Using Primary Sources for Teaching the Holocaust which will be held in Washington, D.C. in June.


Dr. Harvey H. Jackson, Professor of History, was speaker at the Jacksonville High School Academic Honors program. He is doing a presentation and book signing for the Friends of the Houston Cole Library and the Anniston Public Library.He continues to serve on the editorial board of the Anniston Star and write a weekly column on southern politics and culture.


Dr. Michael Morris, Assistant Professor of History, participated in a conference on the Southern Colonies that was held at Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia.


The Department continues to provide support and instruction in the LASTING program which, in cooperation with the Calhoun County School Board and the help of a major grant from the Department of Education, helps local teachers develop new and more effective ways of teaching. Dr. George Lauderbaugh coordinates the program. Dr. Jennifer Gross made two presentations to the group during the past three months.

Department of Music


During the reporting period of January, February and March 2004 the David L. Walters Department of Music, its students, faculty and guest performers participated in the following activities:


Faculty and staff achievements included:


Dr. Gail Steward, piano, presented a Faculty Recital on 20 January 2004 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Dr. Wendy Channel, piano, presented public recitals on 15 February 2004 at the Anniston Museum and on 24 February 2004 at the Gadsden Cultural Arts Center.


Dr. Nathan Wight, baritone, presented a Faculty Recital assisted by Dr. Gail Steward on 13 March 2004 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Dr. Gail Steward was granted a Tenured appointment and promoted to the rank of Professor of Music.


Dr. Legare McIntosh was granted Tenure.


Mr. Kenneth Bodiford adjudicated at band festivals in Cobb County, Georgia on 26-28 February 2004 and in Warner Robins, Georgia on 25-26 March 2004


Mr. Cameron Crotts adjudicated at a band festival in Cobb County on 26-28 February 2004.


Mr. Cameron Crotts participated in master classes at Arizona State University 13-14 February 2004.


Mr. Jeff Solomon, French Horn, appeared as soloist on Chamber Winds concert, 9 March 2004.


Dr. Kevin Mobbs, trombone, presented Faculty Recital on 30 March 2004 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Public performances by JSU Music ensembles included:


Chamber Singers appeared in Concert at Alabama Music Educators Conference, 15 January 2004 at Auburn, Alabama.


Pep Band (HardCorps) appeared at High Education Day Rally in Montgomery, Alabama, 29 January 2004.


Jazz I Big Band presents Concert on 25 February 2004 in Mason Hall Performance Center.


Chamber Winds and Wind Ensemble present Concert on 9 March 2004 in Stone Center Theater with featured soloist Mr. Jeff Solomon, French Horn.


Chamber Singers present joint concert with visiting Butler University Choir at St. Michael and All Angels� Episcopal Church, Anniston.


Solo Performances by JSU Music students included:


Degree recital, Melody Gaddis, flute, 27 January 2004

Degree Recital, Melissa Weathers Payne, mezzo soprano, 29 January 2004.

Degree Recital, Chrystial Hudson, soprano, 6 February 2004.

Degree Recital, Chris Ashley, Percussion, 19 February 2004.

Degree Recital, Clark Hunt, trumpet, 7 March 2004.

Degree Recital, Nathan Haskew, trumpet, 7 March 2004.

Degree Recital, Jeremy Benson, flute, 8 March 2004.

Degree Recital, Melanie Black, Percussion, 14 March 2004.

Degree Recital, Mark Triplett, piano, 15 March 2004.

Degree Recital, Louis Lugo, trombone, 17 March 2004

Degree Recital, Clint Croft, Bass Trombone, 17 March 2004.


Student Performance Hour presentations occurred on:


30 January, 13 February, 27 February, 12 March 2004.


Sigma Alpha Iota presented a Musicale on 4 March 2004.


Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, professional music fraternity for men, presented its annual American Music Musicale featuring music by American composers.


Studio Recital by trumpet students of Mr. Chip Crotts on 16 March 2004.


Department Events:


On 18 January 2004, the Department hosted Colin Williams, Principal Trombonist, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, on campus who presented a master class for JSU students and invited guests.


On 21 February 2004, the Department hosted a concert open to the public by the Fort Lee (VA) Army Band in Mason Hall Performance Center.


On 10 February 2004 the members of Sigma Alpha Iota hosted the Festival of Roses. Seven bands from Alabama public schools participated, receiving adjudication and participating in master classes presented by JSU faculty and JSU music education students.Over 600 students visited campus for this event.


The Department hosted scholarship audition events for perspective students on 20-21 February, 5-6 March and 12-13 March 2004.Over 250 students, both vocal and instrumental, were auditioned by JSU faculty and staff.


News Events:


Dr. J. Earl Wade, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, announced the naming of the JSU music unit in honor of David L. Walters, emeritus professor and Director of The Marching Southerners for 30 years, at a ceremony attended by faculty, staff, students and friends on 13 February 2004 in Mason Hall Performance Center.

MCIS Department

Dr. S. Krishnaprasad � has a refereed paper, �A Gentle Introduction to Distributed Algorithms� accepted for presentation at the CCSC: Mid-South Computing Conference, Little Rock, AK.The paper will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Dr. Guillermo Francia and Dr. Chi-Chin Chao � have a refereed paper, �An Empirical Study of Bluetooth Performance� accepted for presentation at the CCSC: Mid-South Computing Conference, Little Rock, AK.The paper will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Dr. Thomas Leathrum � as the President of the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics (AACTM), organized and presided over the annual meeting on Feb 13 and 14 at Judson College.

Dr. David Dempsy � served on panel � �Addressing No Child Left Behind� at the AACTM annual meeting, Feb 13 and 14, Judson College.

Dr. Jaedeok Kim � presented a paper, �Interesting Problem Involving Projections in Operations Algebra�, at the AACTM annual meeting, Feb. 13 and 14, Judson College.The paper will be published in the Alabama Journal of Mathematics.

Dr. Edwin Smith � presented a paper, �Packing for Frontier Life in 3-D Space�, at the AACTM annual meeting, Feb. 13 and 14, Judson College.The paper will be published in the Alabama Journal of Mathematics.

Department of Political Science

Dr. Lori Owens attended College Day at the State Legislature.Dr. Owens was also appointed to serve on the Alabama Women�s Commission by Governor Bob Riley.

Dr. Ralph Savage had his article on the �Consequences of the Gulf War II� published in the Anniston Star in 2003.Impressed by the accuracy of his predictions prior to the start of military actions in Iraq, the National Zeitung (newspaper) in Munich interviewed him in July, 2003 and the article based on the interview was published and made available on their website in January, 2004.Dr. Savage continues to write on the consequences of the war/peace today.


Dr. Tim Barnett attended, chaired a session, presented a paper, and served as a discussant on panels at the Mississippi Political Science Association Meeting at Millsaps College in Jackson Mississippi on February 27-28, 2004.Dr. Barnett�s paper was entitled, �The Evolving University Classroom:Pedagogical Challenges Arising in Introductory American Government Courses.�


Also, the department continues to work with various media representatives regarding issues of significance to JSU and the broader service area, such as: the primary elections (Dr. Veasey on Channel 24), ongoing policy issues in the Middle East (Dr. Savage), and Dr. Veasey will work with Channel 24 and the Jacksonville School District regarding a property tax increase during the spring of 2004.

Physical and Earth Sciences

No report.


No report.

Sociology and Social Work

March 3, 2004, the department co-sponsored a Career Fair in Brewer Hall.Some of the agencies appearing at the Jobs Conference were Calhoun-Cleburne Mental Health Center, Second Chance, Inc., Wal-Mart, Three Springs, ABC TV 33/40, Alabama Department of Human Resources, East Alabama Area Agency on Aging, Anniston Parks and Recreation, Youth Villages, Alabama State Personnel Department, Alabama Department of Rehabilitative Services, The Personnel Board of Jefferson County, Mountain View Hospital, Presbyterian Home for Children, and Family Services Center of Calhoun County. There were many students who attended this conference and made contacts with the above agencies for employment possibilities.


The BSW Program and the National Association of Social Workers, Coosa Valley Unit presented the 23rd Annual Social Work Day Conference on March 4, 2004.There were approximately 220 students and professionals in attendance.There were 29 agencies that had displays at the conference.The conference offered 7 guest speakers, including the Commissioner of the State of Alabama Department of Human Resources.


Dr. Rodney Friery

Attended the Alabama Mississippi Sociological Association meeting in Starkville at MSU and took nine sociology students from JSU.


Dr. Clark Hudspeth

Attended the Alabama Mississippi Sociological Association meeting in Starkville at MSU and was nominated for Member-at-Large for the state of Alabama.


Dr. Hugh McCain

Coordinated the Career Fair on March 3, 2004.

Was quoted in The Anniston Star on 2-29-04 in a story about gay marriage.


Ms. Dee Barclift

Served on the planning committee for the 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day Social Work Day.


Ms. Robyn Snider

Served on the planning committee for the 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day.


Reviewed 2 text books for the publishers.


Worked on the merit pay committee for Faculty Council for Arts and Sciences.


Ms. Donna Smith

Presented a workshop for JSU BSW Field Instructors at the 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day.


Mr. James Powe

Received the Social Worker of the Year award from the National Association of Social Workers, Coosa Valley Unit in Alabama.


Served on the planning committee for the 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day.


Mr. Jonathan Adams

Served on the planning committee for the 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day.


Dr. David LoConto
Publications Forthcoming:

�Mead and the art of trash talking: I got your gesture right here.� Sociological Spectrum. With Tori J. Warner. 2004

The Gamecock Guide. Textbook for Freshman Orientation at JSU. ISBN:0-536-82020-1. Pearson Custom Publishing. 2004

Section Three for Wadsworth�s Sociology Online Resources and Writing Companion for Kendall�s Sociology in Our Times, 5th edition. Thomson/Wadsworth Publishers. 2004


�Opposing Viewpoints Exercises� to be included with all Introduction to Sociology textbooks for Thomson/Wadsworth publishers. 2004


Professional Committees

Membership Committee for the Mid-South Sociological Association (MSSA). I am the Alabama representative for this committee, which addresses methods or ways of improving membership in the MSSA.

Community Service
Mentor. Northern District Career Development Conference, March 3, Gadsden State Community College.


Nominated for Chair of �Committee on the Professions� for the Mid-South Sociological Association (MSSA).Election will be this summer.


Dr. Nancy Francisco Stewart


Can you see yourself in this looking glass?� Presented to the 23rd Annual Social Work Day and the National Association of Social Workers, Coosa Valley Unit celebration of social work month, March 4, 2004, Houston Cole Library, Jacksonville State University.



Initiated ongoing research project on social work leadership in Alabama history after identifying there is no publication or text for social work students to understand Alabama�s contributions to the social work profession. Reviewed the historical literature on the Alabama Conference on Social Work, the Alabama Hall of Fame and the Social Work Pioneers of the National Association of Social Work.


Preview Day, March 13, 2004.Created new display board reflecting �the power of social work�, coordinated social work club student volunteers for the day and represented department in Stephenson Hall preview event.


Social Work Club sponsoring faculty to assist students in rebuilding an active organization.


Planning Committee Member for 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day.


The Selected Proceedings publication with my concept mapping research article on social work in hospitals will be released at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care on April 27-29 in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Dr. Maureen Newton

Social Work Day Conference March 2, 2004 - Planning Committee Coordinator:Assisted in planning the 23rd Annual Social Work Day Conference in conjunction with the National Association of Social Work, Coosa Valley Unit.


Prepared and submitted a proposal for a presentation at the 22nd Annual Baccalaureate Social Work Education Conference in November 2004..


Developed a Needs Assessment Survey for the Coosa Valley Unit of the National Association of Social Workers to be distributed and collected and analyzed to determine the needs and interests of professional social workers in the community.


Developed a Yahoo Group Bulletin Board for the Coosa Valley Unit of the National Association of Social Workers to give a public venue for professional social workers in the area to communicate and share information regarding issues relevant to social work practice.


Ms. Kim Womack

As National program Chair for the Baccalaureate Social Work Educators, she presided over the Planning Meeting in Detroit for Annual BPD Conference to be held there in November 2004.


Wrote the requirements for a National BSW Student honor to be presented annually at BPD.


Served on the planning committee for the 23rd Annual JSU Social Work Day where she facilitated the Community Exhibitors for the day and was responsible for coordinating the break down and clean up after the conference.


Dr. Mark Fagan

Wrote �The U.S. Economy and the Housing Market,� American Association of Retirement Communities News, Winter 2004.


Was quoted in an Associated Press article on March 10, 2004 that was released nation-wide and has appeared so far in the following papers: Los Angeles (CA) Times, Atlanta (GA) Journal-Constitution, Bradenton (FL) Herald, Honolulu (HI) Star Bulletin, Anniston (AL) Star, Indianapolis (IN) Courier Press, Cincinnati (OH) Post, Jackson County (OR) Mail Tribune, United Kingdom Guardian Unlimited, Bucks County (PA) Courier Times, Federal News, Las Vegas (NV) Sun, Durham (NC) Herald-Sun, Kansas City (KS) Star, Charlotte (NC) Observer, Tallahassee (FL) News, Akron (OH) Beacon Journal, State College (PA) Centre Daily, Gulfport/Biloxi (MS) Sun-Herald, Aberdeen (MD) News, Macon (GA) Telegraph, Wichita (KS) Eagle, Fort Wayne (IN) News-Sentinel, WTOP Radio in Washington (DC), Washington (DC) Times.


Attended the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education in Anaheim, California from February 28 to
March 1.


Attended the Annual Gulf Coast Social Work Conference (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana) on February 12 and 13, 2004.


Dean William Fielding welcomed the East Alabama Planning Commission Board Members to campus for their meeting, January 28.


Dean William Fielding presented an Economic Impact Study on the State Economy from Out-of-State and International Students to the local delegation at a lunch meeting on February 22.


The CCBA held it�s 2004 Spring Picnic for students on March 17.

Finance, Economics and Accounting

Dr. Christopher Westley had an article published in The Birmingham News on January 11, 2004, p. 4C entitled �The Real Crisis:Mad Socialism Disease.�


On March 11-14, 2004, Dr. Westley attended the Public Choice Society Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland where he presented �Are Political Parties Cost Minimizing?A Panel Study of Campaign Spending and Primary Type.�


Dr. Westley also served as a discussant on two papers �Tax Morale in the United States and in Europe: A Cross-Country Analysis� by Alm and Torgler and �Are Honest Citizens to Blame for Corruption? An Exercise in Political Economy of Tax Evashion� by Evrenk at the Public Choice Society Annual Meeting.


Dr. Westley published an article entitled �How Bush Busted the Budget� in The Free Market, Vol. 22, number 3, pp. 5-6.


Dr. Westley will be attending the Austrian Scholars Conference in Auburn, Alabama on March 19-20, 2004.


Dr. Shawn Carter, Omicron Delta Epsilon Faculty Advisor, coordinated the Annual Spring Reception for ODE, which was held March 8 at the Houston Cole Library.Twenty-eight new members were inducted.Omicron Delta Epsilon is one of the world�s largest accredited honor societies.The primary objective of ODE is to recognize and honor the scholastic attainment of those students meeting its high standards of excellence.Less than one percent of JSU students qualify to join ODE.


Mr. Floyd Kirby, Faculty Advisor for the SAA (Student Accounting Association), coordinated the Annual Student Accounting Association Banquet which was held on February 12.The following awards were presented:


Northeast Chapter of ASCPA Scholarships � Michael Pody and Kristen Burgeet.

Northeast Chapter of Alabama Society of CPA�s Scholarship � Steven McNeal.

Outstanding Accounting Student Award from AL Society of CPA�s �Charles Freeman.

Pearce Bevill Leesburg and Moore Scholarship � Tina Simons.

Robert Trathen Scholarship 1st place � Samantha Heard.

Robert Trathen Scholarship 2nd place � Kirsten Burgett.

Collins Scholarships:Samantha Heard, Traci Boyd.

Department of Management, Marketing and Information Management/E-Commerce

Dr. Patricia Borstorff

Dr. Borstorff has two presentations and they will be published in the Proceedings of the respective conferences. The first paper, �Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggressiveness: Organizational Life, Gender, and Ethnicity�, Logan, Brandy & P.C.

Borstorff was selected as the McGraw-Hill Best Paper award at the Association for Business Communication Southwestern United States Conference, Orlando, FL., March 2-6, 2004.

Dr. Borstorff, P.C. & Gilley, C. Forthcoming March 24-26, 2004. �E-Learning Technology in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges�. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Albuquerque, NM.

Dr. Borstorff was elected member of the JSU Foundation Board of Directors.

Dr. Borstorff has been chosen to be in the Great Women of the 21st Century, 2004 Edition. Earlier Dr. BorstorffI had been chosen to be in the International Who�s Who of Professional and Business Women, 9th edition.

Dr. Mark Hearn

Dr. Mark Hearn and Dr. Cynthia McCarty presented an economic update on Calhoun County and the State of Alabama at the 2004 Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Economic Forum held on February 5th, 2004. The information presented was collected by Drs. Hearn and McCarty with support being provided by Dr. James Thomas and the staff of the Center for Economic Development.

Dr. Deborah Francis

Dr. Francis had an article published: Francis, D.H., Huang, L., Carraher, S. (2004). "Top management teams and friendship: Results from the USA and Taiwan", International Journal of Family Business, Vol. 1: pp. 73-86.

Dr. Francis attended 2004 United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE) conference in Dallas, TX in January.

Dr. Francis was Program Chair for the International Entrepreneurship Division and gave awards for best reviewers. She also assumed the position of Vice President of Division and attended the USASBE Board meeting.

Dr. Francis attended Mid-South Association of Business Disciplines (MSABD) annual meeting on February 6, 2004 in Jackson, MS to review the cases being presented by students in two of the sessions and provide advice to the authors as to their possibilities of being published. Presenting these cases is part of a Department of Education grant obtained by Dr.Jim Ondracek, professor from Minot University in North Dakota.

Dr. Francis reviewed a case for Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice.

Dr. Francis reviewed three papers for 2004 Academy of Management meeting.

Dr. Francis wrote a 3-page newsletter for the International Entrepreneurship Division of USASBE.

Dr. Francis was invited to attend the Oxford Round Table from August 8-13, 2004 to discuss developments in International Trade and the Environment. The title of the meeting is "Regulating sustainable development: Adapting to globalization in the 21st century."

Dr. Carl Gooding

Dr. Gooding co-authored a paper entitled �Unanticipated Problems Facing the Georgia WebMBA� to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practices, March 29, 2004.This paper will be published in the conference proceedings.

Dr. Gooding served as panelist for �Administrative Perspectives on the Value of Regional Professional Organizations and Meetings� at the annual meeting of the Southeast Decision Science Institute, Charleston, SC, February 27, 2004.

Dr. Gooding served as Chairperson of the Beta Gamma Sigma (National Business Honor Society) Chapter Operations Committee.He led the review of 40 plus �Best Chapter Applications� to select award winners to be named at the annual meeting next month in Montreal.

Dr. Gooding attended the Beta Gamma Sigma Board of Governors meeting in La Jolla, CA, January 9-10, 2004.

Dr. Gooding chaired the AACSB-International Peer Review Team to UNC-Ashville, February 4-6, 2004.

Dr. Gooding served on an AACSB-International Continuing Review Visit Team for a school currently on probation, March 11-13, 2004.

Dr. Gooding continued serving on the AACSB-International Initial Accreditation Committee as liaison for several schools in preparation for the next committee meeting on March 29th, 2004 in St. Louis.

Dr. Gooding served as an accreditation consultant for Meredith College in Raleigh, NC including a campus visit January 29-30, 2004.

Dr. Joann Williams

Dr. Joann Williams was interviewed for an article by J. Centers of the Anniston Star.The article, E-mail madness:By managing electronic mail efficiently, companies can save time and money, was published in the Business Section on January 12, 2004.

The manuscript, So what does dance have to do with it?, co-authored by Dr. Joann Williams and Dr. Tim Peterson of Oklahoma State University was accepted for publication by the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. The article is scheduled to appear in print this fall.

Dr. Joann Williams made a presentation titled E-mail and Business Etiquette to the Future Business Leaders of America Club of Bowden High School in Bowden, GA in February.

Dr. Williams arranged to have Judy Harrison, Assistant Director of Human Resource Management at JSU speak to the student chapter of the Society for

Human Resource Management in February 2004.Ms Harrison spoke on the elements of compensation management.

Dr. Joann Williams along with Tim Peterson of Oklahoma State University presented a teaching workshop entitled, The Dance of Management, at the Southwest Academy of Management in Orlando, FL. In March 2004.

Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED)

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)


Mr. Willard Butterworth, Mr. Penn Wilson, and Dr. William Fielding attended an organizational meeting at the Center for Domestic Preparedness regarding the economic impact of the Center upon the area and subsequent CED contract research.


Ms. Robbie Medders attended meetings of the Calhoun County Career Tech Advisory Board of which she is a member.


Mr. Willard Butterworth, Mr. Mike Self, Mr. Penn Wilson, Mr. Ben Boozer, and Mr. Keith Lowe attended the Gadsden/Etowah Chamber of Commerce annual meeting.


Mr. Keith Lowe attended monthly meetings of the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Small Business Committee at the Chamber of Commerce.


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Penn Wilson, and Ms. Robbie Medders attended an American Association of Retirement Communities (AARC) board of directors� meeting and conference planning session in Atlanta, Georgia.


Mr. Keith Lowe assisted Ms. Jessica Centers of The Anniston Star with research for her article �Small businesses struggle with rising costs of employee health-care benefits�.


Mr. Ben Boozer attended a meeting of the East Alabama Regional Planning Commission�s Revolving Loan Fund.


Mr. Ben Boozer and Mr. Keith Lowe attended the January meeting of the East Alabama Planning and Development Commission which was held at JSU.


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Willard Butterworth, and Mr. Penn Wilson attended the winter conference of the Economic Developers Association of Alabama in Birmingham.

Alabama Small Business Development Consortium Director, Mr. Bill Campbell, visited the JSU SBDC to report on Alabama�s ASBDC accreditation.


Mr. Willard Butterworth, Mr. Mike Self, Mr. Penn Wilson, and Mr. Keith Lowe provided in-depth research data for the speakers for the Calhoun County Economic Summit.


Mr. Willard Butterworth and Mr. Penn Wilson participated in the Alabama Advantage Lifestyles Expo in Gulf Shores, Alabama.�� Mr. Butterworth addressed other Expo participants about the importance of retiree attraction to the state, JSU CED�s retiree attraction efforts and the AARC.


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Mike Self, and Mr. Keith Lowe attended the Calhoun County Economic Summit in Anniston.��


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Mike Self, Mr. Ben Boozer, Mr. Keith Lowe, and Ms. Robbie Medders attended the annual meeting of the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce.

The AARC News, the quarterly publication of the American Association of Retirement Communities, was published during the reporting period.Mr. Mike Self is the AARC News editor.


Mr. Stan Farrel, President of Pinnacle Communities, LLC, visited the CED to discuss potential assistance available through the CED regarding retirement community development of land in southern Alabama.Dr. Mark Fagan was also included in the meeting.


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Willard Butterworth, Mr. Penn Wilson, and Mr. Mike Self participated in the annual meeting of the Alabama Automobile Manufacturers Association in Mobile.


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Penn Wilson, and Mr. Mike Self participated in a meeting of the Etowah County Retirement Development Council.


Mr. Pat Shaddix, Mr. Penn Wilson, Mr. Keith Lowe, and Ms. Robbie Medders represented the CED/SBDC at a Senator Richard Shelby Town Hall meeting at Regency Pointe in Etowah County.


Ms. Robbie Medders served as a judge at the North Regional Future Business Leaders of America competition at White Plains High School.


Mr. Pat Shaddix and Mr. Willard Butterworth participated in �The Tupelo Story�, an economic development conference in Tupelo, Mississippi.


Mr. Pat Shaddix participated in a procurement workshop sponsored by the University of North Alabama SBDC.


Mr. Ben Boozer conducted two workshops at Oxford High School for senior high level business students.�� Over 175 students participated.


Mr. Pat Shaddix and Mr. Penn Wilson met with Mr. Neal Wade of the Alabama Development Office to discuss marketing strategies on retiree attraction.


Mr. Mike Self participated in the steering committee meetings of the Gadsden/Etowah Industrial Development Authority TIP (Tapping Industrial Potential) program.�� The committee develops the questionnaire and oversees the surveying of industries throughout Etowah County every three years.


Ms. Robbie Medders attended monthly meetings of the Senior Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) at the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce.


Mr. Mike Self staffed the Joe Ford Center for Economic Development during the quarter for both the JSU Center for Economic Development and Small Business Development Center.


Mr. Willard Butterworth attended the monthly meetings of the East Alabama Regional Planning & Development Commission of which he is a board member.


Mr. Pat Shaddix and Ms. Robbie Medders attended monthly board meetings for the Northeast Alabama Business Incubator System (NABIS) at the Entrepreneurial Center during the quarter.


Mr. Willard Butterworth and Ms. Robbie Medders gave presentations about CED/SBDC services to the current year�s Leadership Calhoun County group.


The SBDC completed the second quarter of its fiscal year having worked with over 190 clients.�� SBDC assistance is offered through individual counseling as well as through training sessions on a variety of topics pertinent to small business owners.��

Two issues of JSU Economic Update were printed and distributed statewide during the quarter.��� Mr. Penn Wilson is the editor.

The SBDC presented six workshops/conferences with a total of 333 participants during the reporting period.�� Additional workshops are scheduled for the next quarter.




Dean�s Office

Dr. Cynthia Harper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Conference, February7-10, 2004,in Chicago, Illinois.The presentation title was �Inclusion in Higher Education:  Are We Successfully Emulating What We Teach�?

Dr. Cynthia Harper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Conference, February 15-18, 2004, in Dallas, Texas.The presentation, �Inclusion in Higher Education", focused on how faculty in the College of Education and Professional Studies meet the academic needs of college students receiving services through Disability Support Services.

Dr. Cynthia Harper attended the Kidstuff Partnership meeting March 17, 2004 in Montgomery, Alabama.

Drs. Cynthia Harper, Donna Herring, and Kathleen Friery submitted a grant proposal to Hewlett Packard entitled "Using Tablet PC's for Instruction in Teacher Education".The purpose of the grant is to prepare teachers to use and integrate mobile technology in the content areas.If funding is awarded, Dr. Donna Herring will serve as the principle investigator.

Dr. Cynthia Harper participated as a reader at White Plains Elementary School on March 2, 2004 for Read Across America.

Department of Child Development Center


The JSU Child Development Center has an enrollment of 97 children ages six weeks through six years of age.There are nine instructional classrooms opened.Each classroom has a certified lead teacher and two teacher assistants to conduct daily lesson plans and provide quality childcare to the community.


As children enroll at the Center, the parents are issued a password that enables them to go on line and view their child in their classrooms via internet.This unique feature is not available in any other childcare facility in the area.The cameras provide ultimate safety and advancement toward perfecting teaching skills performed and observed daily.


New equipment for the two outside playgrounds and the two indoor playrooms has been installed at the Center.All equipment is safety certified and age appropriate for the students who are served at the Center.


The Center has received a food permit from the Calhoun County Health Department.Food preparation is to begin on site within the month of March.


All employees employed at the Center have undergone fingerprinting and criminal background checks by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation.This information is currently on file at the Center.


Eight computers have been purchased and installed in the computer lab at the Center.Each classroom has an opportunity to visit the computer lab weekly.Mrs. Sharon Caroza provides weekly individualized computer lessons in our lab.


Mrs. Kristi Triplett, the director of the Center, presented during the Calhoun County Chamber sponsored Career Expo on February 3, 2004.Approximately 450 eighth graders were represented at the Expo.


The Center has purchased and installed childcare management software.This software provides fingertip access to vital information on the children enrolled and the employees.Information such as, medical history, birthdays, classroom groups, payments of tuition and certification information is stored and readily available.


The Center is currently hosting six J.S.U. practicum classes.The following practicums have been scheduled for the Spring Semester at the Center:Early Childhood Education 352 and 306, Family and Consumer Science, Nutrition and the Life Cycle, HPER, Nursing 324 and Special Education 403.



Department of Communication


The Department of Communication continues to make changes in its curriculum in an effort to enhance and strengthen its programs. A recent major change in the curriculum involves elimination of the new media concentration, thus reducing the number of concentrations in the major from four to three. Faculty decision to delete new media was precipitated by several factors namely: (a) ACEJMC (Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications) consultant�s recommendation, (b) low enrollment, and (c) lack of qualified new media faculty. While new media ceases to be a concentration per se, some of its courses, such as internet research, will still be offered under the print media emphasis. We believe that the department will be more focused and stronger if it concentrates on those areas in which it has greatest strength. Thecurriculum revisions have been approved by the College Curriculum Committee, and the changes are expected to go into effect in the fall of 2004.


The department is in the process of interviewing candidates for the Ayers Chair of Communication. Following that will be another interview of candidates for a broadcast faculty position. The rank of the prospective broadcast faculty will be assistant/associate professor of broadcasting. The chosen candidate must have, among others, a significant industrial media experience.


Mr. Rick Bragg, gave a speech here on Thursday, February 5, 2004 at 6:00 p.m., on the 11th floor of JSU�s Houston Cole library. The speech attracted a large audience both from within and outside the campus.Mr. Bragg has worked for several newspapers including the New York Times. He has also written several books, his most recent being the book, I am a Soldier too, which chronicled the story of Private Jessica Lynch, the POW who was rescued from Iraq not long ago.


Mr. Don Killingsworth, coordinator of advisement, visitedand spoke to the faculty of the Department of Communication on Monday, February 16, 2004, concerning changes in advisement policies at JSU. Communication faculty had a good interaction with Mr. Killingsworth. At the end of the presentation, we requested, through him, that the registrar�s office begin to require and to record, during registration, information about students� concentrations along with their majors. Not only is this vital statistics for reports, but it will also help greatly in improving the effectiveness of advisement because it would allow the assignment of students to advisors who have expertise in students� areas of concentration. Mr. Killingsworth promised to present this matter to the academic affairs and to the registrar.


The Department of Communication�s Third Annual Communication Week will start on April 5 and end April 8, 2004. The Grand Finale�The Communication Awards Luncheon�will take place on Thursday, April 8, 2004. We are inviting all to the activities of the week.


Preparations are underway for the department�s Summer Journalism Institute. Our main event for this year�s institute will be a Minority Journalism Workshop which will assemble a group of about 20 selected minority high school students to undergo a one-week intensive journalism training on radio production, television production, newspaper production, public relations practices, law of mass communication, etc.


Dr. Augustine Ihator has a paper accepted for publication in Corporate Communications: An International Journal. His paper is titled, "The Impact of Social and Technological Changes on Corporate Communication." This is good, and we look forward to more faculty publications as we work towards unit accreditation.


On Wednesday night (3/3/04), the campus radio station�the WLJS�carried live, the Jacksonville High School game--the state championship playoff. This may become the future trend.



Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Dr. Steve Armstrong presided over the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Meeting in Tuscaloosa, AL at the AFCEC Superconference February 4-6, 2004.


Dr. Larry Beard attended the Board of Vision 2020 meeting in Anniston, AL January 6, 2004.Dr. Beard also presented at the AFCEC Superconference in Tuscaloosa, AL February 4-6, 2004.


Ms. Blanche Colley attended the Concern for Children Board Meeting in Anniston, AL January 14, 2004.Ms. Colley also attended the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development State Improvement Grant (SIG) Advisory Committee in Tuscaloosa, AL February 4, 2004.


Dr. Celia Hilber presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, GA February 27-28, 2004.


Dr. Sue Hoppe presented at the AFCEC Superconference in Tuscaloosa, AL February 6, 2004.


Ms. Nina King presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, GA February 27-28, 2004.


Dr. Patricia Lowry had an article published in the Alabama Journal of Mathematics Activities � �Strategies for Problem Solving (Elementary Level)� February 2004.


Dr. Aquilla Mims attended the AFCEC Superconference in Tuscaloosa, AL February 4-6, 2004.


Mrs. Lynetta Owens presented at AACTE Conference in Chicago, IL February 6-10, 2004.Mrs. Owens also presented at ATE Conference in Dallas, TX February 14-17, 2004.


Dr. Gena Riley conducted In-Service �Math Course of Study� in Roanoke, AL January 27, 2004.Dr. Riley presented at the AFCEC Superconference in Tuscaloosa, AL February 6, 2004.Dr. Riley also presented In-Service for St. Clair County Schools February 17, 2004.


Mrs. Jennifer Strain presented at the AFCEC Superconference in Tuscaloosa, AL February 6, 2004.Mrs. Strain also presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, GA February 26-27, 2004.


Mrs. Sandra Sudduth served as a judge for the Calhoun County Spelling Bee February 4, 2004.


Mrs. Phyllis Taylor presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, GA February 26-27, 2004.



Department of Educational Resources


Dr. Donna Herring presented a �Live Text Demonstration� at the SU Pre-service Teacher Education Program meeting.Dr. Herring also presented at the Florida Educational Technology Conference in Orlando.Dr. Herring also made six local presentations on using Web Resources in the classroom and four state presentations on using Web in the classroom.


Drs. Charles Notar, Donna Herring, and Janelle Wilson presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education in Honolulu.


Drs. Jerry Kiser, Hayden Center, and Kathleen Friery, EDRS Counseling Education professors, met with a representative from West Georgia College for an initial meeting to insure CACREP standards are being met in the Counselor Education program area.


Dr. Carol Uline participated in the Reading First meeting with other EH/LA faculty in Montgomery.Dr. Uline also presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta.


Dr. Charles Notar presented at the Technology Resource Development Summit in Birmingham, AL.The topic of his presentation was, �Showcase of Best Practices�.


Dr. Janelle Wilson presented at the Georgia Reading First Association Conference in Atlanta.


Dr. Denise Richardson participated in the AMSTEC meeting to pursue funding for a NASA course.


Several EDRS professors submitted articles for publication in TECH TRENDS.These articles were on how JSU students are successfully using technology in their classrooms.Dr. Janelle Wilson spearheaded this publication effort.


Each program area in the EDRS Department (Counselor Education, Secondary Education & Educational Administration) has completed Orientation booklets to better acquaint EDRS students with their responsibilities as students at JSU.


The Educational Administration program area will begin offering courses at a new JSU Distance Learning site in Cedar Grove at the local high school.

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Mrs. Karen Nemeth was appointed Acting Department Head, Family and Consumer Sciences effective March 1st.Mrs. Nemeth has served on the Family and Consumer Sciences faculty for almost 28 years.

The department of Family and Consumer Sciences updated two offices with furniture.Additionally, a lecture classroom had been updated to a Smart Classroom with the installation of a �Smart Board� and related computer equipment.

Mrs. Karen Nemeth attended the Career Technical Education Teacher Educators Workshop at the State Department of Education in Montgomery March 9th.The purpose of the meeting was to update Career Technical Education Teacher Educators on changes to standards for Career Technical Education.


Mrs. Karen Nemeth served on a review committee for Business-Industry Certification for the Gadsden City Schools on March 17th.Business-Industry Certification is part of the State Department of Education�s Career Technical Education review process.


Mrs. Karen Nemeth serves as the Higher Education liaison on the Alabama Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences (AATFACS) board.She attended the Spring board meeting on February 10th at Five Points Middle School in Chambers County.Ms. Maisie Hales, a JSU alumna, serves as President of the AATFACS and is a family and consumer sciences teacher at Five Points Middle School.


Dr. Tim Roberts assessed school menus and food traffic flow in the cafeteria for Hokes Bluff Middle School on February 27th.


Mrs. Paula Napoli made a presentation at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on February 27th.The topic was Quilt-Making:Art, Culture, and Literature in the Early Childhood Classroom.


The Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (ALAFCS) held the Annual State Conference on February 25-27 in Birmingham.JSU faculty, Mrs. Karen Nemeth and Mrs. Robbie Boggs, and five JSU students participated in many events at the conference.


Mrs. Karen Nemeth, Family and Consumer Sciences faculty member, presided over an educational session, served as the State Student Advisor, and served as Awards Chair. Ms. Shelley Capes, a Family and Consumer Sciences student, presided over the State Student Association meeting.She serves as the current President of the Alabama Student Family and Consumer Sciences Association.Both Mrs. Nemeth and Ms. Capes were honored with awards at the state conference.


Mrs. Karen Nemeth received the 2004 Leaders Award presented by the Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences�� This award is given to identify and honor family and consumer sciences professionals who have made significant contributions to the field through their involvement with Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.


Ms. Shelley Capes received the Future Professional Award.This award recognizes emerging professionals who have shown the potential for making significant contributions to the field of family and consumer sciences.


Students in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences have participated in several field trips within industries applicable to their majors.Dr. Tim Roberts and Restaurant and Foodservice Management students toured the foodservice facilities at Honda Manufacturing in Lincoln on March 15th.Mrs. Robbie Boggs and Merchandising students visited the Atlanta Americasmart (Apparel Mart) on January 30th.Students had opportunities to participate in buying activities.

Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation


Dr. William Hey, Mrs. Donna Hey, and Mr. Jim McLaughlin attended an organizational meeting for the spring conference of the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.


The department was given the okay by the JSU administration to seek external funding necessary to begin an Arthritis Foundation exercise program.�� Dr. Glenn Roswal is chairing the committee.


The department is purchasing an ADE (Automated External Defibrillators) due to the potential for cardiovascular problems that might arise, particularly in the senior adult exercise program (AWE-some).Faculty will be trained to use the device.


Ms. Gina Mabrey, who holds TNT National Coaches Certification as a run/walk coach with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society�s National Team-in-Training Program, participated in the Walt Disney World Half-Marathon on January 11, 2004.The Disney Team raised over $6 million.

Mr. Jim McLaughlin and Ms. Gina Mabrey attended the Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine conference on January 29-31, 2004 in Atlanta.

Mr. Kory Hill (lead author), Ms. Donna Hey, and Dr. Willie Hey have submitted one manuscript.

Mrs. Donna Hey served as a guest instructor in Melinda Brown�s (Nursing) lifestyle class. Mrs. Hey also implemented a practicum experience for her Methods of Teaching Dance course at Piedmont Elementary. The practicum was titled �Kid Shaping�.

Mrs. Gina Mabrey served as a guest lecturer for Melinda Brown�s Nursing Lifestyle Strategies course.�� She is also completing the initial draft of a wellness newsletter.A newsletter for the JSU Wellness Center has not been published since spring 1999.

Dr. Roland Thornburg and the HPER club sponsored Crossville High School boy�s team during the Northeast Regional Basketball tournament.

Dr. Thornburg also spoke at the pre-service teacher�s seminar on �Getting a Job�.He is also serving as an indentured servant to the Conceptual Framework developmental process.

Dr. Willie Hey received notification that his article, Use of Body-Mind-Spirit Dimensions for the Development of a Wellness Behavior and Characteristic Inventory for College Students, was accepted for publication in H.


Department of Instructional Services

The Instructional Services Unit has new signage on the rear East end of the Ramona Wood Building. This signage facilitates the location of the Teaching/Learning Center and the Learning Resource Center by customers that are not current JSU students. The Teaching /Learning Center, being a practicum site for JSU College of Education students, provides tutoring for community K-12 students. The Learning Resource Center provides books, manipulatives, and other teaching resources to parents and teachers in the community.


The Learning Resource Center (LRC) had 172 JSU students and 11 teachers sign in as users in January and February of 2004. Mrs. Penny Lane conducted four class orientations to the Center for education classes. The LRC is preparing for a Scholastic Book Fair to be held from April 2nd through the 9th.


The Teaching/Learning Center is serving as the practicum site for five classes in the spring semester. Two Developmental Psychology classes, two Child Growth and Development classes and one Reading diagnosis class have provided 163 JSU students for the tutoring program. Eighty-two children are being tutored at the T/LC in the Ramona Wood Building while 22 children are being tutored outside the T/LC.David Craig, a Developmental Psychology student this semester, said, �I really did not know what it was to teach until I started this practicum.� Mrs. Dorothy Parker who is the Coordinator of the Teaching/Learning Center says all of the students are learning and enjoying this semester.


The Multimedia Instructional Laboratory (MIL) has completed the transformation begun in September. The new computers and the other technology changes have made the laboratory a good resource for JSU students. Mr. Stan Cates with the assistance of JSU�s Maintenance Department have converted nine classrooms into technologically smarter rooms. Six rooms in the Ramona Wood Building, one room in Mason Hall, east Wing and one room in Pete Matthews Coliseum now have SmartBoards, LCD projectors (ceiling mounted), internet connectivity, a new multimedia computer with an enhanced sound system, a desk for the computer, and a DVD, VCR, MPG combo player. These rooms facilitate the instructor�s incorporation of instructional technology in the classroom as mandated by the State Department of Education and suggested by the College�s accrediting associations. The Faculty vie for use of the smart rooms. Hopefully, progress will continue and more rooms similarly equipped will become available. The ScanTron grading machine was repaired by Mr. Cates.


Mr. Mike Zenanko was invited to and attended the Technology Resource Development Summit in Birmingham. He submitted with coauthors Drs. Dismukes, Yarbrough and Zenanko for publication �Technology at the Center for Two Learners� an article involving students taking the T/LC practicum and surveying their use of technology. Mr. Zenanko created a website for The Association for the Tutoring Profession (ATP), Mr. Zenanko is one of the organizers of this new nonprofit organization, which officially began on February 14, 2004,and serves as the ATP Publications Chair. Mr. Zenanko also participated in President Meehan�s radio interviews where he discussed tutoring and electronic tutoring, A related article was published in The Jacksonville News on March 10, 2004

Department of the Teacher Service Center

Dr. Kelly Ryan attended the Omicron Delta Kappa Conference in Norfolk, VA


Dr. Kelly Ryan was elected Faculty Province Director for Omicron Delta Kappa. His province covers Alabama, Mississippi, and West Florida.

Department of Technology & Engineering

No Report.

Department of TV SERVICES

Michael Edwards edited three four-minute videos together to be played during the Tera Ross memorial service.One of the pieces was a music video tribute performed by a local Christian band and the other two were background images to be played during the service.Video footage from the Ladies softball game was shot by TV Services; all the photos came from various sources.

Upgraded audio production lab for the Communication Department.A new hybrid analog/digital Audio Arts console and a new digital audio workstation based on Adobe Audition has been installed.Digital media recording options now include audio CD�s, Minidisc, and Digital Audio Tape. Work on this lab began immediately following the end of Fall classes.

Two new Spring Preview Day spots were approved by Admissions.These spots will air on TV24 and Cable One.They promote the February 21, and March 13, Preview Days.


Recorded Rick Bragg lecture for the Society of Professional Journalists.Keith Thomas attended the first committee meeting for the creation of a new Informational CD for JSU.He volunteered for the committee.


The Office of Admissions, the President, Dr. Turner, Marvin Jenkins and Joe Serviss previewed and approved the new JSU recruiting video, �JSU�Right for You!� (2004). ����


Michael �Speedy� Edwards is attending EVS (Instant Replay, Packages, Highlights-produced during sporting events) training in Fairfield, New Jersey.


The Boris Red software for the Media 100�s arrived and are waiting installment.


Television Services in conjunction with WJXS TV24 broadcast four JSU men�s basketball games and three women�s basketball games during the month of January.


Television Services in conjunction with WJXS TV24 broadcast two JSU men�s basketball games and three JSU women�s basketball games during the month of February.


Office of Continuing Education

Jacksonville State University Office of Continuing Education along with Troy State University Dothan and the University of North Alabama have been notified that they will be the recipient of the Distinguished Program Award for Association for Continuing Higher Education Region VII at the 2004 Conference in Atlanta on April 19.The award is for the project known as the University Partnership for Alabama Continuing Education (UPACE).Located in three different regions of the state, the three universities have combined efforts in the UPACE Partnership and are offering certificate programs for the County Administrators, County Engineers, Alabama Association of Police Chiefs, and Alabama Association of Revenue Officers.

Five programs offered through the Office of Continuing Education have been approved by VA for financial assistance.These programs are the Real Estate Sales program, the Auctioneering School, the Medical Billing and Coding, the EKG/Cardiovascular Technician, and the Pharmacy Technician Certificate Programs.

The Office of Continuing Education offered its first auctioneer school January 31-February 8, 2004.Fourteen students received their certificates of completions and qualified to sit for their state licensing examination in April.During the school, the students conducted two successful auctions.


The College of Nursing and Health Sciences will host a team of evaluators from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) on March 7-9, 2005. Both the baccalaureate and master�s programs will be reviewed for continuing accreditation. Dr. Sarah Latham is Co-Chairing the Self-Study Steering Committee.

Dr. Jane Cash and Dr. Beth Hembree have received notification of funding for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation � Birmingham Affiliate, for their project entitled, �Breast Screening Project for Underserved Minority Women Living in Public Housing Complexes.� The total award was $14,596.


Dr. Jane Cash, Dr. Martha Lavender, and Ms. Christie Shelton have received notification of a $2,500 Conference Grant from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation � Birmingham Affiliate, for a series of educational sessions in Anniston on breast health and early detection of breast cancer.


The PCB Health Study is gaining momentum in the Anniston community. The project office will be located at 1200 Noble Street to provide easy access to the community. A town forum was held on January 15th with approximately 400 people in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the plans for community outreach, design of the various health studies, and to provide a forum for the research team to meet the community.

A request for approval of the Certificate in Nursing Education has been submitted to ACHE. With the critical shortage of nurse educators in Alabama and the nation, the program is expected to attract more students to the Master of Science in Nursing program. ACHE will consider the request at the June 25th meeting.


Ms. Susan DiBiase, Instructor, was recognized as a recipient of the Alabama League for Nursing (ALN) 2004 Lamplighter Award for exemplary service and contributions to the nursing profession.


Ms. Carrie Elkins, Ms. Christie Shelton, and Dr. Jane Cash have submitted a Community Project Seed Grant application to the Alabama League for Nursing to augment the PCB project in Anniston, AL. Funding status pending.


Nine nursing students were selected to the 2003-2004 Who�s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.


The annual CNHS Honors Ceremony was held on March 11th in recognition of the academic and service accomplishments of nursing students, particularly the 83 seniors in the baccalaureate program. Sixteen nursing scholarships were awarded; 11 students received special awards. Approximately 400 students, parents, faculty, staff, and guests were in attendance.


Twenty-four students and community leaders were recently inducted into the Zeta Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International. The induction ceremony was held in the Houston Cole Library (11th Floor) on March 11, 2004.


The following paper presentations have been presented by faculty:


Dr. Jane Cash presented a paper at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing�s Annual Master�s Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. The presentation was entitled Power, Politics, and Partnerships:Nurses Leading the Way. Dr. Jane Cash and Dr. Martha Lavender coauthored the paper.


Ms. Mendy Wright presented a training session on the Health Provider�s Response to Domestic Violence on March 12th for the Alabama Coalition for Domestic Violence.


Ms. Lynn Hillhouse is the closing speaker for the 2003 Alabama League for Nursing�s Conference on March 19th. Her topic is Generation Twisters for the Nurse Educator.


Ms. Lynn Hillhouse and Ms. Katie Brothers are speaking at a national conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.The topic is generational issues.


The faculty are presenting six educational sessions at FACES �04. The following is a list of presenters and topics:


Ms. Lynn Hillhouse, Ms. Monika Hossain, and Ms. Susan DiBiase are presenting a paper on Decisions Near the End of Life:The Nurses�s Role (Parts I and II)


Ms. Mendy Wright is presenting a paper entitled Adler�s Birth Order Theory:Brady Style


Ms. Katie Brothers and Ms. Mylinda Brown are presenting a paper entitled No Pen No Problem? A Look at Documentation and the Trend Towards Computerization


Dr. Sarah Latham is presenting a paper entitled Cardiac Output:What Does it Mean�How Do You Manipulate It?


Ms. Sherron DeWeese is presenting a paper entitled Why Women Crave Chocolate, Is it a �Cure� for Multitasking?





Faculty/staff accomplishments:Dr. Franklin L. King was awarded a $20,000 ADECA grant to study the feasibility of developing an area-wide broadband network in Calhoun County.

Distance Education has made a very significant impact upon both students and faculty at Jacksonville State University.During the Spring Semester, 6739 enrollments (4,541 individual students) were noted in distance learning classes and in courses supplemented by distance learning technologies.Two hundred and forty six courses were affected by distance learning experiences and three hundred and nine sections were impacted.In addition, the Office of Distance Education has attempted to make an impact upon area businesses.As an example, the Office of Distance Education participated in the Alabama Power Company 2004 Career Fair, Birmingham, AL.���


Videoconferencing workshops were conducted with individual faculty members to familiarize them with appropriate technology. ���������� One new videoconferencing site was added in Georgia. i.e., West Central Technical College, Murphy Campus.New on-site locations were also established in Georgia.Sixteen new courses were added to the Electronic Campus for the Spring Semester, bringing the total number of unique courses JSU is advertising through the Electronic Campus to 113.��� Two Blackboard workshops were conducted at the time of this report. Individual training sessions on the Blackboard system continued, reaching more than 20 instructors during the Spring Semester. Individual training sessions on the Blackboard system, instructional design issues, and other pertinent instructional technology concerns continued to be offered to instructors. The new Instructional Technology & Design Laboratory was available for use by faculty members for one-on-one training on Blackboard, as well as instructional design and instructional technology assistance.


The Office of Distance Education continued to work on highly innovative projects including the implementation of area wide broadband communication infrastructure for education and economic development.The infrastructure will support distance learning, telemedicine, video surveillance and video arraignment, Internet services (email and web-hosting), e-Government services, possibly business broadband services including voice, video and data applications.County stakeholders included twelve high schools, six county seats, two institutions of higher learning and three hospitals.


During the Spring Semester, videoconferencing classes were offered at 14 different sites in Alabama and Georgia.There were 6 videoconferencing classes scheduled for the College of Education and Professional Studies and the College of Commerce and Business Administration.


Spring 2004 Enrollment Data � (2/26/04)


Online and Supplement:


(Note:This data includes the STEP Online Courses.)


Blackboard online �1,724 enrollments;55 courses ( 57 sections)

Blackboard supplements �4,482 enrollments;170 courses ( 202 sections) Other online formats -172 enrollments;12 courses ( 12 sections)


Blackboard ongoing workshop type courses � 11 (enrollment varied)


4,180 actual students supported in all online courses and Blackboard supplement courses in the Spring Semester (including STEP online courses.)


Video-Based Courses:


127 enrollments; 3 courses (3 sections) � 123 actual students


Videoconferencing Courses:


274 enrollments; 6 courses (35 sections) � 238 actual students


Total of 4,277 actual students supported (6671 enrollments) in 257 courses (320 sections) of online courses (including STEP), blackboard supplements, video-based courses, videoconferencing courses and Blackboard based workshops during the Spring Semester.





The Joe Ford Center dedication will be Monday, May 10, 2004 from 9:00-11:00 a.m..The official ceremony will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the lobby.





One elevator has been replaced and work continues on the other three.


54 sections of double-faced shelving have been ordered to relieve crowding on the third and fourth floors.


An upgraded Sun server has been installed to support the demands of the Endeavor library system.


Ms. Sonja McAbee and Mr. John Graham received the Alabama Library Association, College, University and Special Libraries Division Research Grant for 2004.


Mr. John Graham published �What�s in a Name?Faculty Status, Tenure, and Promotion in Academic Libraries.�Alabama Librarian V. 54 no. 1 (2004: 10-16.


Ms. Kim Weatherford received tenure and was promoted to associate professor.





Office of Admissions


The Office of Admissions is pleased to announce that spring preview days were a great success.A record number of students registered in February, which makes this year the most successful preview day ever.299 students registered in February and 216 registered in March for a total of 515 students.A chart has been provided with comparison numbers from 1995-2004.


The fall application count has also been provided for you.With the exception of 2002, the applied and accepted Freshman numbers are higher than previous years. The applied and accepted Transfer numbers are also much higher than previous years.



Career Placement Services


Ms. Janet White presented a seminar on Career Placement Services to the student teachers on January 8, 2004 in Leon Cole Auditorium


Ms. Janet White presented a seminar on �Interviewing Skills� to eighty education majors on January29th.


United Defense held on-campus interviews for an Environmental Health and Safety co-op on February 6th. Four students interviewed on that day and one was hired to begin work the following week.


Ms. Sarah Aultman has presented a seminar on �Employability Skills� to several departments including classes from Family and Consumer Science on February 9th, Education on February 19th, and Nursing on February 27th.


The staff of Career Placement Services received training via the web for Monstertrak on February 16th.


Ms. Janet White spoke to computer science majors regarding the services offered by CPS.


Ms. Janet White attended a Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce luncheon honoring Senator Shelby on February 19th.


Regions Bank conducted on-campus interviews on February 24th.Two recruiters interviewed 16 students.


During the month of February, Ms. Sarah Aultman made 10 short presentations about Monstertrak services to senior capstone classes in an effort to get students registered with the CPS office before graduation.


Ms. Sarah Aultman visited AIDP, the headquarters for Honda employee training, on March 2nd. She met with eight department supervisors to discuss using co-op students as part-time employees.


Ms. Sarah Aultman visited the Honda plant on March 3rd to discuss Accounting and Computer Science co-op�s available to students for both Summer and Fall 2004 semesters. On-campus interviews are tentatively scheduled for April 20th.


Harley Davidson conducted on-campus interviews on March 10th.Two recruiters interviewed twelve technology students for Summer and Fall semester co-op opportunities.


Seventy School systems from all across the nation were on campus for the annual Education Fair on March 11, 2004.Approximately 300 students participated in the event.The day began with a welcome breakfast in the Gamecock Center.Dr. Eric Mackey, Superintendent of Jacksonville City Schools and JSU alumni welcomed the recruiters to campus.Several of the JSU administration as well as faculty showed �JSU hospitality� to the visiting Recruiters.



Counseling and Career Services


The JSU Peer Educators, sponsored by CCS, received the Bacchus & Gamma Area 8 Program/Event of the Year for the second year in a row.This is also only the 3rd year this group has been together.Area 8 consists of universities such as Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, and Alabama A & M, just to name a few.


An award ceremony will be held on April 15th at 3:00 p.m. to recognize the present JSU Peer Educators and to introduce the new Peer Educators for the 2004-2005 school year.


The Appalachian School of Alcohol and Other Drugs Studies (ApSADS), is only a few months away.There is a great lineup of Keynote speakers and core courses.Visit the website at, for more information.


Disability Support Services


December 2003 Graduation � 17 DSS Students earned degrees.


DSS is actively serving 197 students this Spring 2004 semester.


Mr. Dan Miller and Mr. Chris Lanier presented at the Alabama CEC Super Conference on �Academic Coaching� on February 6th.


Ms. Linda Turner, Transition Specialist/Deafness, has conducted nine (9) of twenty-eight (28) scheduled statewide workshops.This is a collaborative effort among JSU, AL Dept of Rehabilitation Services, E. H. Gentry Technical Facility at AIDB, and the Capilouto Center for the Deaf to enable youth who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing to acquire skills and work-based experiences necessary to successfully transition into adulthood, careers, and further education and training.


DSS hosted its 8th �Falling Between the Cracks� Workshop on February 10th with over 45 teachers of the Deaf/HH, Interpreters, and Support Personnel in attendance.


DSS was a downlink site for �Emerging Legal Trends: Impact on Services for Postsecondary Students Who Are Deaf/HH� on February 19th with 15 in attendance.


Ms. Dee Johnston, Lead Interpreter, is teaching a Beginners Sign class for JSU faculty, staff, and students � 14 are enrolled.


Ms. Dee Johnston is also working with Delta Zeta on their philanthropy projects.


DSS hosted Dr. Wendall Walker for Choice Theory/Reality Therapy Training (Intensive Week I) in early February.


Financial Aid Office

The Financial Aid Office has awarded and disbursed over $35,000,000 in Federal, State and University aid for the period August 28, 2003 through February 27, 2004.We have mailed out 6,851 financial aid award letters to students.We have begun the summer awarding as of March 4, 2003.The following is a breakdown of the type and amount of aid that has been disbursed to students:


Federal Direct Loans���������������������������������� $26,877,761

����������� Federal Pell Grant���������������������������������������� $8,297,231

Federal Supplemental Grant���������������������� $���� 392,793

����������� Logan Walker Loans����������������������������������� $���� 115,106 (University funded)

����������� Alabama State Grant����������������������������������� $������ 46,000



The Scholarship Committee will meet on March 16, 2004 to award scholarship recipients for the 2004-05 year.The office received over 2000 applications this year.


Freshmen who applied and met the requirements for the ACT/SAT based scholarships, were notified beginning December 5, 2003.


Ms. Lori Jones was hired on January 14, 2004 as the Loan/Grant Processor.She comes to the financial aid office with over 6 years experience in financial aid.


Multicultural Services


Southwest Black Student Leadership Conference:The Office of Multicultural Services sponsored eight(8) students to the Southwest Black Students Leadership Conference in College Station, Texas (Texas A & M) from January 22-25, 2004.This was the eighth year that students from the University participated in similar leadership conferences.Over 1200 students and advisors attended the conference.The students attended numerous leadership workshops.The theme of this year's conference was"Developing Collegiate Leaders:The Catalyst for a Productive Tomorrow�.


Martin Luther King Jr. Week At JSU:During the week of January 19-23, 2004 Jacksonville State University celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. week.A special showing of the famous �I Have a Dream� speech was shown on January 21, 2004 in the TMB Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.The office also sponsored a bus trip to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Atlanta, Georgia on January 19, 2004.


Black History Month At JSU:Black History Month at JSU was very entertaining and educational.The highlight of the month was the Soul Food Dinner Theater featuring Pin Points Thretre�s �The Meeting on February� 12, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. at Leone Cole Auditorium.This intriguing play was the critically acclaimed powerful drama about the lives, philosophies, and times of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.The JSU Gospel Choir performed, and the soul food buffet was outstanding by Sodexho Services.�� Other activities for the month included the lecture and motivational speech by Hasani Pettiford, a renowned professional speaker, television personality, financial consultant and author of three critically acclaimed books. A comedy night was held featuring Shawty-Shawty and Tyler Craig. JSU Gospel Choir was in concert along with a religious drama presentation by T& T Christian Group. An African American Heritage Month Scholarship Pageant was held for students followed by a free party in Cole Auditorium.The month concluded with the Black Alumni Chapter Networking Banquet on February 28, 2004 on the 11th Floor of Houston Cole Library.Over 110 JSU Alumni members attended this year�s banquet.


Nine JSU Students Attended The 52nd Annual Southeast Region NAACP Leadership Development And Training Institute: Nine JSU students attended the Southeast Region NAACP Conference in Birmingham, Alabama from March 18-21, 2004.The theme of this year's leadership development and training institute was "Meeting The Challenge For the New Century".Students had the opportunity to attend numerous workshops and listen to dynamic speakers throughout the conference, including the President and CEO of NAACP, Mr. Kweisi Mfume (former U.S. Congressman from Maryland).�� Students had a great time networking with other college chapters.


JSU Students Appreciation And Fun Day On The Quad: The Office of Multicultural Services, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, and the African American Association will sponsor a Student Appreciation and Fun Day on the Quad to end the semester and prepare students for upcoming finals on April 15, 2004.During the fall semester, over 700 students, faculty, and staff enjoyed the free cookout dinner on the Quad.DJ Anthony Gregory provided the latest sounds for everyone�s listening pleasure and students were able to participate in sporting activities.



Department of Recreational Sports


The University just completed its 11th year of hosting the Alabama High School Athletic Association Northeast Regional Basketball Tournament.The tournament had over 25,000 fans during the week-long event.For the first time, a parking fee of $3 per vehicle was charged.The project grossed over $22,000 during the week.The Alumni Association sponsors a half court shot activity during the halftime of each of the 36 games.If a senior, selected at random, from each of the participating schools hit a half-court shot, they will receive one semester tuition scholarship from the Alumni Association.This year there were 5 winners:James Johnson, Litchfield; Chuck Williamson, Crossville; Thomas Nelson, Weaver; David Shierling, Childersburg; and Jonathan Cooper, New Hope.This is a very exciting and entertaining half-time event, the most exciting this year occurred when the students from Litchfield and Crossville hit their shots at the same time as the buzzer was going off to end the competition.It was probably one of the loudest moments from the crowd during the tournament as both sides were cheering.The event continues to be an excellent recruiting tool for the University.


Student Life


JSU�s Greek community was chosen by the Kettering Foundation�s Fraternal Futures Project to hold forums on campus for the betterment of the Greek system.Five representatives from Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) came to campus March 5 � 6, 2004 to reach out to 120 Greeks.


The Interfraternity Council (IFC) attended the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, February 12 � 14, 2004.Students that represented JSU were: Ricky Reynolds, Doug White, John Parrish III, Jeremy Guthrie, and Darren Mitchell.Terry Casey serves as Assistant Executive Director for the Conference.


The JSU IFC was awarded the following awards at the conference: Fraternal Excellence in all areas of programming (highest awarded given); Excellence in Risk Management and Judicial Procedures; Honorable Mention in Recruitment; Honorable Mention for Outstanding Publication; Honorable Mention for all Publications


The Panhellenic Council attended the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference held in Atlanta, GA, March 25 - 28, 2004.Students that represented JSU were: Rachel Townson, Molly Sosebee, Katie Carter, Jenny Wentworth, Crissy Almaroad, Emily Williams, Kourtney Tomica, Bonnie Head, Amanda Tucker, and Rachel McCombs.Emily Williams presented an educational session at the conference.


On March 12, 2004, the Greek community completed their annual Greek Trash Day to help campus prepare for Preview Day.The Greeks collected over 1500 pounds of trash from the Jacksonville Community.


The Student Government Association participated in the 10th annual YMCA Collegiate Legislature Conference in Montgomery, AL on February 19-21, 2004.The JSU delegation, the largest group at the workshop, consisted of forty-five student leaders from the SGA, Student Activities Council, and the Freshman Forum.Six JSU students were elected to serve as officers for the 2005 Conference. Mardracus Russell, Public Relations Director; Cambrey Jordan, Conference Coordinator; Alison Pierce, Lieutenant Governor; Emily Williams, Senate Pro Temp; Allison Crow, Sergeant at Arms; Casie Sanders, Chaplain.Two JSU students were decorated for their outstanding performances:Olivia Fadul was received honors for writing the "Best Bill," and Chris Cook was recognized as the overall "Best Statesman" by conference officials.


Fourteen outstanding student leaders were selected to serve JSU as Peer Counselors for Orientation 2004.These students are:Misty Cassell, Timothy King, Angela Estes, Mardracus Russell, Emily Williams, Marshonntri Reid, Dayton Niehuss, Jessica Bobo, Shelley Capes, Andrew Green, Casie Sanders, Brian Snead, Kenny Reighard, and Alison Pierce.These leaders worked with students and parents at Spring Preview Days, will be enrolled in an academic/leadership development course in May, and will assist incoming students throughout the six Orientation sessions this summer.


During the months of January and February, Freshman Forum administrated Project Valentine, a cellular phone drive, for the TripleHeart Organization on JSU's campus.JSU alumni Kel and Joanne Kelley developed TripleHeart.TripleHeart's purpose is "to provide a place on the Internet for heart and other organ transplant recipients and primary care givers to contact each other across the country and around the world."The cellular phones will be distributed to those awaiting organ transplants so they may make that life-saving 911 cellular phone call for free!Freshman Forum collected 97 phones from JSU faculty, staff, students, and the Jacksonville Community.


The Student Government Association welcomes new Officers to the Executive Board for 2004-2005.These are:President, Emily Williams; Vice President of Organizational Affairs, Allison Crow; Vice President of Student Activities, Mardracus Russell; Vice President of Student Senate, Alison Pierce; Director of Publicity, Brian Snead.


The Student Government Association presents FUEL, live in concert on Friday, April 9, 2004 at 8pm at Pete Mathews Coliseum.


Mr. & Miss Jax State and Mr. & Miss Friendly Elections were conducted along with the SGA General Elections on March 2 & 3, 2004:Mr. Jax State - Brian Snead, Miss Jax State - Katie Nelson; Mr. Friendly - Ryan Mathis, Miss Friendly - Katie Green.These students were nominated by student organizations and elected by the student body.


The Student Government Association and the American Red Cross hosted the spring blood drive on March 8 & 9, 2004 in the Theron Montgomery Building.The SGA Blood Drive Committee raised $500 from community vendors and presented these funds to the American Red Cross in the interest of outreach and research. 166 units were collected from donors in the JSU population.



Department of University Housing and Residence Life


Occupancy Report:


On the first Preview Day, February 21st, we accepted 51 new applications for Fall 2005.


On the second Preview Day, March 13th, we accepted 48 new applications for Fall 2005.


We are in the last week of the Fall 2004-Spring 2005 Reapplication process for our current residents.As of today, we have assigned 50% of the beds within the halls and 78% of the beds within the apartments for the 2004-2005 academic year.


Staff Report:


We are currently preparing advertisement for hiring professional staff within the halls.This staff will consist of (5) professionals with the title Residence Life Coordinators.Residence Life Coordinators will be structured in the following areas:

    1. Crow and Dixon
    2. Logan and Patterson
    3. Daugette and Fitzpatrick
    4. Sparkman
    5. Apartment and House Area


We are towards the end of Resident Assistant recruitment.We accepted 36 new applications 39 present RAs are interested in returning for the next academic year.We will hire 50 Resident Assistants for Fall 2004-Spring 2005.


Resident Assistants have been informed that compensation will no longer consist of the $432.50 monthly stipend.Instead, they will be compensated on an hourly basis.


Resident Assistant Report:


The RAs held 54 programs for the month of February and 459 residents were in attendance.


There were 30 incidents reported, in February.






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