JSU Newswire
Jacksonville, Alabama

23rd Annual Social Work Day
on March 4

March 1, 2004 -- The Social Work Program of Jacksonville State University and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Coosa Valley Unit will present the twenty-third annual Social Work Day Conference and NASW social work awards presentation from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 4 on the 11th Floor Houston Cole Library on campus.

All are invited:

Pre-registration Information:
  • $20.00 NASW members
  • $30.00 Non NASW Members/General Public
  • $10.00 Students
  • * $5.00 extra for on-site registration
Social Work Day is a celebration of National Social Work Month in March. The theme of this year's campaign�-- �The Power of Social Work: Pass It On��-- is intended to help the general public better understand the profession of social work, how it provides for individuals who need help, and how this process benefits everyone in society.

NASW is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with more than 150,000 members (www.naswdc.org).

Professional social workers assist individuals, groups, or communities to restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, while creating societal conditions favorable to their goals. Social workers help people overcome some of life�s most difficult challenges: poverty, discrimination, abuse, addiction, physical illness, divorce, loss, unemployment, educational problems, disability, and mental illness. They help prevent crises and counsel individuals, families, and communities to cope more effectively with the stresses of everyday life.

The Social Work Program at Jacksonville State University has 751 graduates as of August 2003 and 233 students currently enrolled. According to the U.S. Department of Labor�s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), social work is one of the fastest growing careers in the United States. The profession is expected to grow by 30% by 2010; currently, nearly 600,000 people hold social work degrees.

Resources on the web:

National Association of Social Workers: ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ������������������� www.naswdc.org

Alabama Chapter, National Association of Social Workers:����������������������� http://www.naswal.org/

Baccalaureate Social Work program at Jacksonville State:� http://www.jsu.edu/depart/sowk/bsw_index.html

For additional information please contact Gail Childs or Charlene Stephens in the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Jacksonville State University, 782-5333/782-5591 or Maureen Sullivan with Coosa Valley Unit of NASW, 256-435-2238.

Schedule for the Day:
  • 8:00 - 9:00

  • 9:00 - 10:00

    • Welcome: JSU President Dr. Bill Meehan, JSU VPASA Dr. Becky Turner,
      and Dr. Mark Fagan, JSU Department Head for Sociology and Social Work

    • NASW Awards: Maureen T. Sullivan, MSW
      NASW Unit Chair, Coosa Valley Chapter
      "The Power of Social Work--Pass it On"

  • 10:00 - 11:15


    • � Topic:  �Can You See Yourself in this Looking Glass?�
      � Dr. Nancy Francisco Stewart�
      �� Jacksonville State University

    • Topic:  "Strengthening Chronically-ill Children and Their Families"
      Audrey Lampkin, MSW, LCSW, Leigh Ann Murdock, MSW, LGSW,
      Michelle Bearman-Wolnek, MSW, LCSW, LaWanda Sims, MSW, LGSW,
      Children's Harbor Family Center, Birmingham, AL
  • 11:15 - 12:30

  • 12:45 - 1:45

    Topic:  "The State of the Department"
    Dr. Page Walley
    State of Alabama Department of Human Resources

  • 2:00 - 4:15

    • Topic:  �Cultural Diversity, Cultural Sensitivity, Cultural Responsiveness�
      Wes Akins, MSW
      UAB Department of Sociology and Social Work

    • Topic:  �The Power of Advocacy�
      Louise Pittman, MSW
      National Association of Social Workers

    • Topics:  "Legal Issues for Practitioners"
      and "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing"
      Clinton Clay, MSW, LCSW
      Private Practitioner


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