March 1, 2004 -- Human Resources invites you to attend the 14th annual
Retirement Planning Seminar on Thursday, April 8 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
on the 11th floor of Cole Library. The meeting will include speakers from TIAA/CREF,
Teacher's Retirement System, and the Social Security Administration. The agenda
for the evening is as follows:
- 6:00 - 6:15 - Welcome
- 6:15 -7:00 - TRS
- 7:00 - 7:15 - Break
- 7:15 - 8:00 - TIAA/CREF
- 8:00 - 8:30 - Social Security
Individual benefits statements may be obtained from TRS and TIAA/CREF. If
you wish to receive an individual benefit statement from these organizations,
please complete the form below and return to Human Resources by Friday,
March 5. The TRS and TIAA/CREF statements will be available the evening
of the seminar. The Social Security Administration will allow you to order
an Earning and Benefits Statement on-line. You may do so at the web site
The statement will be mailed to your home. Be sure to scroll to the bottom
of the page at that site and click on the “Request a Statement” button.
Spouses, family members, or guests are welcome to accompany you. We look forward
to seeing you on April 8. Please call Human Resources (ext. 5007) if you have
Employee Name ________________________________________________
Employee DOB _________________________________________________
Employee SSN ______ - ______ - ________
Second Annuitant's Name __________________________________________
Second Annuitant's DOB ___________________________________________
Retirements are always effective on the first day of the month. For example,
if you work through December 31, 2004, your retirement date is January 1,
You may request estimate for one or two retirement dates.
Estimated date(s) of retirement
(1) ___________________________________________
(2) ___________________________________________
Please return to Human Resources (329 Bibb Graves Hall) by Friday, March 5, 2004.
If the information is received after that date, we cannot guarantee that your benefits
illustrations will be completed in time for the seminar.
(Forms may be returned by e-mail or campus mail).