thanks to Victoria Oxley, JSU News
Bureau, for her December 12, 2003, News Wire story.)
Dr. Joe Delap, Jacksonville State University’s Associate Vice President for Academic
Affairs, recently returned from a trip to Wuhan University in Central China where he
participated in its 110th anniversary celebration.
JSU has had an exchange relationship with Wuhan University for more than ten
years. Dr. Delap said JSU President Bill Meehan felt it was important to send a
representative to the special event.
Several Wuhan faculty have taught at JSU in an exchange program that has strong
ties to JSU's College of Education and Professional Studies. Wuhan and JSU
students have also participated in the exchange program. A number of JSU
faculty members have taught at Wuhan.
Wuhan University is in Hubei Province's capital, Wuhan, and known as "the
thoroughfare leading to nine provinces." The university dates back to
Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, governor of
Hubei and Hunan Provinces. By the end of 1946, the university had six colleges:
liberal arts, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine.
Dr. Delap said, “The people of central China are very accommodating. They live
in an area where it’s still unusual to see Westerners. They understand how hard
it is for Westerners to travel to their area so they accepted our visit with
Dr. Delap notes that everyday student life at Wuhan University and JSU is very
“I did notice one small thing though. Students at Wuhan carry their chairs with
them to class. They carry these little stools with them. It’s kind of neat to
see,” he said.
Wuhan University has rolling physical features with a wooded campus that is
attractive year round. It is widely known as one of the most beautiful
universities in the world.
Wuhan boasts more than 45,000 students including over 12,000 postgraduates. The
university's libraries have a collection of approximately 5.2 million volumes
and subscribe to more then 10,000 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals.
Department of Art
The Department of Art had 12 graduates in December, 2003. Two of
these students graduated with “Magna Cum Laude” and two with “Cum Laude”
honors. Seven of these students had “special honors in art”.
The Art Department has been preparing for the NASAD Accreditation visit which will be
in February, 2004.
Biology Department
Papers published.
Dr. James Rayburn and Rhonda Aladdin: “Developmental Toxicity of Copper, Chromium and Aluminum using the
Shrimp Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-
Palaemonid with artificial Seawater.” Bulletin of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 2003, Vol. 71 Number 3: 481-488.
Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani and T.W. Barger (grad student). Influence of water stress on selected
physiological responses of three sorghum genotypes.
Italian Journal of Agronomy 2003.
Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani. Physiological responses of kudzu to varying NaCl concentrations.
Asian Journal of Plant Science 2003. Vol. 2:
Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani and Blair, S (grad student).
Influence of
copper on selected Physiological responses of
Salvinia minima and its
potential use in copper remediation.
American Fern Journal. 2004 (In press).
Dr. Carter, R.E and A.Londo. 2003. Remnant fire disturbed montane longleaf pine forest in
West Central Georgia, USA. Proceedings of the Second International Fire Ecology and
Fire Management Congress, Orlando, FL.
Dr. Carter, R.E and A.Londo. 2003. Community analysis and species responses to fire in
pitcher plant bogs of the Little River Canyon National Preserve, Alabama, USA.
Proceedings of the Second International Fire Ecology and Fire Management
Congress, Orlando, FL.
Dr. Rayburn, and Wolfe, A (grad student). The teratogenicity and mutagenicity for 5 sites
near the Anniston Army Depot (ANAD).” 24th Annual meeting of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology And Chemistry (SETAC) 24th Annual Meeting in North America, November 2003,
Austin, Texas
Ms. Griebeling, K.H. (grad student), Dr. Cline, G. and Dr. Rayburn Jr. Role of the jelly
coat in the development of two frog species exposed to Roundup and Diazinon, using FETAX.”
24th Annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry (SETAC). 24th
Annual Meeting in North America, November 2003, Austin, Texas
Dr. Sauterer, R.A., Millwood (undergrad student), M., Sikes (undergrad
student), J. and Dr. Rayburn, J. “Effects of water and sediments near the Anniston (AL)
Monsanto plant on
Xenopus embryos by FETAX and inmmunoblotting.” 24th Annual meeting
of the Society of Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry (SETAC). 24th Annual Meeting in
North America, November 2003, Austin, Texas
Dr. David Steffy (PES) and Dr. James Rayburn (BY). “Enhanced LNAPL Recovery In An Unsaturated
Aquifer By Using A Humic Acid.” The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Seattle (November 2003).
Dr. Carter, R.E and A.Londo. Remnant fire disturbed montane longleaf pine
forest in West Central Georgia, USA. International Fire Ecology and Fire
Management Congress, Orlando, FL.
Dr. Carter, R.E and A.Londo. Community analysis and species responses to fire in pitcher
plant bogs of the Little River Canyon National Preserve, Alabama, USA.
International Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress, Orlando, FL.
Dr. Carter, R.E and A.Londo. Remnant fire disturbed montane longleaf pine
forest in West Central Georgia, USA. Mountain Longleaf Pine Conference,
Jacksonville, AL.
Gorman, R., Dr. R.E. Carter, and Dr. M.E. Meade. Isozyme variation between coastal,
mountain, and transition zone longleaf pine,
Pinus palustris, populations. Mountain Longleaf
Conference, Jacksonville, AL
Womack, W.L. (grad student) and Dr. R.E. Carter. An historical perspective on the
montane longleaf pine forest of Alabama and Georgia.
Mr. Shurette, G.R. (grad student), Dr. R.E. Carter, and Dr. G.Cline. The effects of
hardwood midstory removal in montane longleaf pine stands on breeding bird
assemblages. Mountain Longleaf Conference, Jacksonville, AL.
Dr. LaJoyce Debro served as:
- Invited reviewer of 13 abstracts for inclusion
at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (9/03)
- Represented JSU at the University of Maryland for information on opportunities for
graduate study in Biology (11/03)
- Served on the Policy Committee of the
Southeastern Branch of the American Society of Microbiology
- Served as the Secretary/Treasurer of the
Southeastern Branch of the American Society of Microbiology
- Reader of essay exams for the Educational Service (6/03)
- Participated in training session sponsored by the Southern Association
of Schools and Colleges (12/03)
Department of Criminal Justice
Mr. H. Dean Buttram, III
The Department of Criminal Justice is making great strides to improve communication
and educational significance with local, state and federal law enforcement
agencies. Due to our collective efforts in recruitment and instruction, the
number of students within the department is growing at an astounding rate.
Meetings with representatives from the Department of Physical and Earth
Sciences, as well as, representatives from the Alabama Department of Forensic
Sciences have been positive for our department. These meetings are positive for
our department for several reasons. They keep department members up to date
with the ever-changing track of forensic science and investigation.
Furthermore, by gaining this knowledge faculty members are able to give better
advice to students with regard to their particular needs and interests.
According to the Alabama Department of Forensic Science, the last eight forensic
scientists hired by their department graduated from Jacksonville State University.
This number is staggering especially if you consider the fact that one of the
largest medical schools in the country, University of Alabama at Birmingham, is
less than (80) miles away.
Within the growth of our department there is also a rise in the number of students who
want to pursue a career practicing law. In order to be able to also assist
these students a number of internships have been created with law firms, district
attorney office’s, as well as, district and circuit judge’s.
Along with the growth of the department’s
student body, the internship program is also growing at an alarming rate. We
now have internship programs set-up with: over a dozen local municipalities;
the Gadsden Police Department’s Crime Scene Unit (Gadsden, AL); several
sheriff’s offices’; several district attorney’s offices’; the Alabama
Department of Forensic Science; the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office
(Atlanta, GA.); the Alabama Game & Fish Department; the Alabama Beverage
Control Board; numerous correctional facilities and security agencies; the U.S.
Secret Service; the U.S. Marshal Service; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco &
Firearms; the Drug Enforcement Agency; as well as, the United States Probation
Office (Rome, GA).
The department is also making great strides to keep in touch with past graduates.
We are currently trying to establish a scholarship fund with a number of
graduates, as well as, with the Alabama Bar Association.
Department of Drama
JSU Drama and Music Departments are preparing for the 30th anniversary production of
“West Side Story.” JSU’s first production of
“West Side Story”
took place in 1973. The cast for this production includes
Stephen J. Williams, Matt Thompson, Casey Campbell, Jordan Christenot, Wade
Bramblett, Derek Gindlesperger, Jason Skinner, Cris Morriss, Kelly Summers,
Amanda Kirker, Sara Murdock, Erin Pool, Dani Proctor, Amy Mitchell, Christian
Fernandes, Chris Harper, Rocky Tejada, Josh Sirten, Brian Roberson, Heather
Norton, Judy Holt, Britani Mason, Bess VanLeuven, Cassie Ferguson, Lori
Shaffer, Mandy Dickens, Jessica Sanborn, Brian Seitel, Ben Whitehead, Andrew
Cayse, and Chris West. The production will be directed by Dr. Wayne H. Claeren.
Orchestral Conductor will be Mr. Mark Fifer. Vocal Coach will be Mrs. Teresa Stricklin.
Sets will be designed by Mr. Carlton Ward. Costumes will be designed by Mr. Freddy
Clements. Technical Director will be Mr. David Keefer.
Remaining productions for the drama department’s 2003-2004 season include
“Towards Zero,” “Wise Women,” and
“La Veniexiana” (“The Venetian Way”).
Mid-season passes are still available.
JSU Drama awarded academic scholarships for the spring 2004 term to the following four
students: Amanda Kirker, Ben Whitehead, Lindsay Jacks, and Heather Norton.
The department was able to award partial tuition scholarships to 18 other drama
December graduates for JSU Drama included Dani Proctor, Mandy Dickens, and Jonathan Lawson.
JSU Drama graduates now teaching in universities in the southern region are Todd Edwards
at Middle Tennessee State and Randy Blades at the University of Central Florida.
Department of English
Dr. Robert Felgar has agreed to serve as a panelist for the National Endowment for
the Humanities’ Scholarly Editions II:
American Studies, American Literature, and Philosophy Panel evaluating
Scholarly Editions proposals, which will meet in Washington, DC, on January 30,
2004, to make its recommendations to the Endowment.
On November 5-9, 2003, Dr. John Jones attended the National Collegiate Honors
Council Convention in Chicago.
Honors Program also had its first graduate, Rosalind Moore, a political science
and English double major.
Dr. Steven Whitton:
Imagining the Holocaust statewide writing competition for middle and high school
students. 6th year, winner chosen in March.
- Southern Playwrights Competition national playwriting contest, 15th year, winner chosen
in April.
Department of History and Foreign Languages
Dr. Llewellyn Cook, Assistant Professor of History, contributed ten entries to the
International Encyclopedia of Military History.
Dr. Harvey H. Jackson, Professor of History, published
Inside Alabama: A Personal History
of My State (University of Alabama Press, 2004). He continues to
serve on the editorial board of
The Anniston Star and write a weekly
column on southern politics and culture.
The Department continues to provide support and instruction in the LASTING program which,
in cooperation with the Calhoun County School Board and the help of a major grant
from the Department of Education, helps local teachers develop new and more effective
ways of teaching.
Dr. George
Lauderbaugh coordinates the program.
Learning Skills
Dr. Claudia McDade, Director, gave the luncheon address at the annual meeting of the
Alabama Association for Developmental Education in Mobile in early November.
It was entitled, "A Glimpse of Higher
Education in the United Kingdom" and included an electronic projection of
photographs from her recent trip to Oxford University.
She also represented four year institutions
on a panel discussion of the future of developmental education in Alabama.
MCIS Department
Dr. S. Krishnaprasad – has a refereed paper, “Multithreading Technology: The Fabric of
High-performance Processors” accepted for presentation at ACM Mid-Southeastern
Conference, Gatlinburg TN and has been published in the ACM Mid-Southeastern Fall.
Dr. S. Krishnaprasad – has a refereed paper, “SIMD Programming Illustrated Using Intel’s
MMX Instruction
Set” accepted for presentation at the CCSC: Southeastern Conference, Dunwoody
The paper will be published in the
Conference Proceedings.
Dr. Guillermo Francia and
Dr. Chi-Chin Chao – have a refereed paper, “Computer Networking Laboratory
Projects” accepted for presentation at the CCSC: Southeastern Conference,
Dunwoody GA.
The paper has been
published in the Conference Proceedings.
Dr. Thomas Leathrum – presenting a seminar on “Online Mathematics Software – New
Software and Innovative Uses of Existing Software”, AMS/MAA Joint Conference, Phoenix,
Student Activities
Two Computer Science Programming Teams competed in the CCSC Southeastern
competition at Dunwoody, GA.
Team One
placed fifth and Team Two placed fourteenth out of 33 teams.
Department of Music
During the reporting period of November and December 2003 the Department of Music,
its students, faculty and guest performers participated in the following
The A Cappella Choir and the Civic Chorale under the direction of Dr. Patricia Corbin
presented “Messiah” by G. F. Handel at St. Michael and All Angels’ Episcopal Church,
Anniston, AL on 16 November 2003.
included JSU students and JSU Music faculty member Dr. Nathan Wight, bass soloist.
The orchestra was composed of members of the
Alabama Symphony Orchestra as well as JSU students and faculty including Dr.
Jerryl Davis and Dr. Legare McIntosh.
The A Capella Choir and the Madrigal Singers presented the annual Madrigal Dinner on
the evenings of 21 and 22 November 2003 in Leone Cole Auditorium on the JSU campus.
The Department of Music students and faculty presented a Community Holiday Concert on
7 December 2003 in Leone Cole Auditorium.
The Chamber Winds under direction of Mr. Kenneth Bodiford, various choral ensembles under
direction of Dr. Patricia Corbin,
I Ensemble under direction of Dr. Chip Crotts, Gospel Choir under direction of
Dr. Myrtice Collins,
Encore! Vocal Ensemble under direction of Dr. Larry
Hardin, faculty soloists Teresa Cheatam Stricklin, soprano; Dr. Nathan Wight,
baritone; Tracy Tyler, percussion; and pianists Dr. Gail Steward and Dr. Wendy
Channel all appeared on the program.
Dr. Richard Armstrong served as host and presenter.
Non-perishable food items were collected
under the auspices of Jacksonville City Police Department, Jacksonville City
Fire Department and JSU University Police Department for distribution to needy
families in Calhoun County.
Concerts of “Messiah” and the Community Holiday Concert were recorded by JSU Television
Services and broadcast on Channel 24 throughout the holiday season.
The degree Doctor of Musical Arts was conferred upon Dr. Nathan Wight, assistant professor
of music, by Arizona State University on 18 December 2003.
Dr. Wight teaches applied voice and voice related courses in the Department of Music.
Physical & Earth Sciences
Dr. Miriam Hill presented a paper at the National Council for Geographic Education annual
meeting in Salt Lake City, Oct. 9, 2003.
Paper was titled "Web Map Resources for Classroom Activities."
Dr. Hill also received a grant from Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions in
Huntsville, Al for computer licenses with a commercial value of $773,500.00.
Dr. Hill also published four maps titled: "An Oversized Oxbow," "Meigs Pasture Site,"
"Site 8SR44," and "Comparison". All published in the
Southeastern Archaeological Journal
titled "Late Holocene Climate Fluctuations and Culture Change in Southeastern North
America." Vol.22, No.1, Summer 2003, Pages 9-32.
Dr. Harry Holstein appeared
on Alabama Fox 6 to discuss Archaeology Sites in Calhoun County. He also
co-authored and presented a paper at the Southeastern Archaeology Conference in
Charlotte, NC on November 12, 2003. Paper was titled “Twenty-five years of
Archaeological Investigation at Davis Farm Archaeological Complex.”
Keith Little published an article in the
Southeastern Archaeological Journal
titled "Late Holocene Climate Fluctuations and Culture Change in Southeastern North America."
Vol.22, No.1, Summer 2003, Pages 9-32.
Dr. David Steffy gave an oral presentation at the National Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting in Seattle, November 4, 2004. Presentation was titled "Enhanced LNAPL
Recovery in an Unsaturated Aquifer by Using a Humic Acid."
Also, completed an environmental audit report on October 10, 2003: "Environmental Audit of
the Fox Lake Farms, Inc. 3773 Fox Lake Road, Titusville, FL 32780."
Department of Political Science
The department is actively engaged in conducting research and presenting research
findings at various professional meetings, such as: The Southeastern Conference on Public
Administration (Drs. Hunter and Veasey), The Citadel Conference on Southern
Politics (Drs. Owens and Barnett), The Mississippi Political Science Conference
(Dr. Barnett), The Georgia Conference on Public Administration (Dr. Hunter),
and the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Political Science Association (Drs.
Owens, Veasey, and Hunter).
Also, the department continues to work with various media representatives regarding
issues of significance to JSU and the broader service area, such as: the primary
elections (Dr. Veasey on Channel 24 and Fox), ongoing policy issues in the
Middle East (Dr. Savage in
The Anniston Star), and Dr. Veasey will work
with Channel 24 and the Jacksonville School District regarding a property tax
increase during the spring of 2004.
Sociology and Social Work
The BSW Program faculty completed the Self Study for Reaffirmation of Accreditation for
8 years by the Council on Social Work Education, 3 Volumes in September 2003.
They had their site visit on November 17 and 18, 2003.
Dr. David LoConto
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center (OVRC) exercises and InfoTrac College Edition exercises,
included in Wadsworth's
Sociology Online Resources and Writing Companion, First
Edition. Thomson/Wadsworth publishers.
“Charles A. Ellwood: Placing a giant back in the origins of Symbolic Interaction.” The Mid-South
Sociological Association meeting.
Rouge, LA.
“McDonaldization and plagiarism: Cheating as a rational means of accomplishment in academia.”
The Mid-South Sociological Association
Baton Rouge, LA. With Carrie
A. Vestecka.
“Still the object of desire: Health and gender issues of big beautiful women.”
The Mid-South Sociological Association
Baton Rouge, LA. with Karin N.
Guest speaker for the Gadsden Career Association Installation & Induction
Ceremony for ‘Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates’ (JAG).
October 29th.
Dr. Adrian Aveni
"Measuring the Consequences of Campus Internationalization: Results of a Pilot Study."
Paper presented at the NAFSA Region VII Conference in Tampa, Florida, November, 2003
Dr. Mark Fagan
Virginia Tobacco Commission Regional Assessment for Retirement Development,
(34 counties in Southside and Southwest Virginia), through the Center for Economic
Development at Jacksonville State University, December 2003, (97 pages)
“Retirement Migration,” with Charles F. Longino, Jr.,
Encyclopedia of Financial
Gerontology: Revised and Enlarged Edition, edited by Lois A. Vitt, December
“Attracting Retirees Could Be Big Business for the
State,” Special to the Mobile (Alabama) Register, September 28, 2003
“Teaching Research Online,” BPD Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, October 31, 2003.
Peroidicals Quoted In:
East Carolina Business Journal, December 2003;
Region Focus, The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia; Summer 2003
Newspapers Quoted In:
The Island Packet (Hilton Head, SC), November 1,
Florence (Alabama) Times Daily, October 12, 2003;
Charlotte (North Carolina) Observer, October 9, 2003;
The State Newspaper
(Columbia, SC), September 20, 2003.
Conference Attended: Attended the 2003 American Association of Retirement Communities
Annual Conference
Office Held: Program Chair for the 2004 American Association of Retirement Communities
Annual Conference
Ms. Kim Womack
Served as BPD Program Chair for the Annual BPD Meeting in Reno, Nevada.
Began national planning for Annual Meeting in Detroit Michigan in October/November, 2004.
Ms. Donna Kerns Smith
Presented a workshop, "Innovative Approaches to Integrating Research in Field
Instruction," at the Baccalaureate Program Director's Annual Meeting in
Reno, NV in October 2003.
Dr. Clark Hudspeth
Hudspeth, Clark D., Xiaohe Xu, and John P. Bartkowski. "Faith and Fatherhood
Reconsidered: Mapping the interaction Effects of Religion and Class on Paternal
Involvement." Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of the Mid-South
Sociological Association. November 05-08, 2003: Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Ms. Robyn Snider
Had two presentations at the Annual Conference for Baccalaureate Social Work
Program Directors, October 30 and 31, 2003.
These presentations were: 1. Linking Social Welfare Policy with Social
Work Practice, and 2. Integrating Research in Field Instruction.
Dr. Rodney Friery
Attended the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Denver,
Colorado, from November 19, 2003, to November 23, 2003.
Mr. Jonathan Adams
Co-presented a workshop,
Innovative Approaches to
Integrating Research in Field Instruction,
at the 21st Annual Baccalaureate Social Work Education
Conference in Reno, Nevada, October 30, 2003
Convened a workshop,
Enhancing Your Social Work Course with Electronic
Toolbox Programs,
at the 21st Annual Baccalaureate Social Work Education Conference in Reno, Nevada, October
31, 2003.
With social work interns, conducted and presented a special study
regarding staff retention for the Quality Assurance Committee of Etowah County
Department of Human Resources, October 1-November 20, 2003.
Presently 11 BSW Program interns from Etowah County and 5 BSW Program interns from
Calhoun County are employed with Etowah County out of 38 social workers.
Mr. James Powe
Presented for Calhoun County Department of Human Resources at the Assertion Hearing on
the compliance toward the RC Law Suit.
Thirty-seven percent of the current social workers at the Calhoun County
DHR were interns under Mr. Powe.
Dr. Hugh McCain
Was quoted in
The Birmingham News on November 26, 2003 in regards to his research
on roadside memorials.
Dr. Maureen Newton
The 21st Annual Baccalaureate Program Director’s Conference, October 29 – November
2, 2003, “But I Don’t Understand!
Linking Social Welfare Policy and Social Work Practice in Baccalaureate
Education” with Robyn Snider.
Community/Professional Service
Appointed to coordinate a needs assessment for area social work practioners in the NASW Coosa
Valley Chapter.
Ms. Dee Barclift
Faculty advisor to the SW Club
October - membership drive which recruited 40 new members
November - food drive for 2 local Food pantries
December - held a Christmas party for 40 children from local Boys and Girls Club. Pizza,
soda, candy and $15.00 gift card was furnished for all participants.
Provided 12 hours of training for over 200 law enforcement personnel from throughout the
Training addressed identifying
mental illnesses, personality disorders, intervention strategies, medication.
Attended BPD Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada.
Facilitated one session.
Dr. Nancy Francisco Stewart
"Social work practice in hospitals today from the perspective of social work staff.”
Selected Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference-National Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care, William
J. Spitzer, Editor, in press.
Convener, Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) 21st annual conference,
October 31-Nov. 2, 2003. Reno, Nevada.
Media Presentation
Channel 24, “Wake Up Alabama” on 10/15/2003: Was interviewed on television, Channel 24,
about the “Shirt off our backs”
project in a 20-minute discussion/presentation on the early show. Presented the
social work profession, issues faced by clients and agencies and spoke about
the JSU social work program.
and coordinated JSU and Coosa Valley NASW participation in the national “Shirt
off our backs” project.
letter to local professionals and spoke in social work classes on this project.
Collected vignettes of experiences with social service agencies, particularly
those programs identified with welfare reform.
Printed the vignettes on shirts which were then sent to Washington, DC
and displayed in the Senate Parking Lot as part of a national campaign on
October 27, 2003.
The 25+ shirts were
then sent to the Alabama Congressional delegation.
This project was featured on Channel 24 Alabama and reported on XM
Satellite Radio, CT Public Radio, WZBC Boston, KTFA Morning Show in Berkeley,
CBS Affiliate in North Bend, Oregon, and the entire press conference was taped
by NPR.
The project was a headline
story on Women’s E-News and the Institute for Public Accuracy.
The College of Commerce and Business Administration held a Fall
Faculty/Staff Convocation on October 3, 2003.
During the Convocation, Dean William Fielding presented four faculty
members in the College with $500 awards for excellence: Dr. Joann Williams,
Assistant Professor of Management, 2002-2003 recipient of the Bob and Lou
Kennamer Award for Excellence in Teaching; Dr. John Sneed, Associate Professor
of Accounting, 2002-2003 recipient of the Dean’s Award for Excellence in
Teaching; Dr. James Thomas, Assistant Professor of Marketing, recipient of the
2002-2003 Dean’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Research; and Dr. James
McIntyre, Associate Professor of Finance was the recipient of the 2002-2003
Dean’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Service.
Certificates for Excellence in Teaching during the 2002-2003 Academic Year were
awarded to Dr. Patricia
Borstorff, Dr. Brent Cunningham, Mr. Mike Featherstone, Dr. Mark Hearn, Dr.
Michael Marker, Mr. Jeff Parter, Dr. James Thomas, Dr. Joann Williams, Dr. Gary
Yunker, Dr. Doris Bennett, Dr. Shawn Carter, Dr. Ronnie Clayton, Dr. Frank
Fuller, Dr. Ben Hardy, Mr. Floyd Kirby, Dr. Cynthia McCarty, Dr. James McIntyre,
Mr. Gene Padgham, Dr. Angela Sandberg, Dr. Bill Schmidt, Dr. Cynthia Sneed, Dr.
John Sneed, and Dr. Jeff Zanzig.
Certificates for Excellence
in Research during the 2002-2003 Academic Year were awarded to Dr. Patricia
Borstorff, Dr. Brent Cunningham, Dr. Mark Hearn, Dr. James Thomas, Dr. Joann
Williams, Dr. Shawn Carter, Dr. Ronnie Clayton, Dr. Ben Hardy, Dr. Cynthia
McCarty, Dr. James McIntyre, Dr. Angela Sandberg, Dr. Cynthia Sneed, Dr. John
Sneed, Dr. Chris Westley, and Dr. Jeff Zanzig.
Certificates for Excellence
in Service during the 2002-2003 Academic Year were awarded to Dr. Patricia
Borstorff, Dr. Brent Cunningham, Dr. Ken Day, Mr. Mike Featherstone, Dr.
Deborah Francis, Dr. Mark Hearn, Dr. Michael Marker, Mr. Jeff Parker, Dr. James
Thomas, Dr. Joann Williams, Dr. Gary Yunker, Dr. Doris Bennett, Dr. Shawn
Carter, Dr. Ronnie Clayton, Mr. Glenn Graham, Dr. Ben Hardy, Mr. Floyd Kirby,
Dr. Cynthia McCarty, Dr. James McIntyre, Mr. Gene Padgham, Dr. Angela Sandberg,
Dr. Jeff Zanzig, Mr. Ben Boozer, Mr. Penn Wilson, Mrs. Lori Carter, Mrs. LaRue
Gamble, Mrs. Debby Jones, Mrs. Pam Pope, Mrs. Mary Klug, Mrs. Kelly Roberts,
and Mrs. Clarice Smith.
Five faculty members were
promoted effective October 1, 2003.
They are:
Dr. Shawn Carter,
Associate Professor of Economics; Dr. Angela Sandberg, Professor of Accounting;
Dr. Richard Cobb, Professor of Management; Dr. Brent Cunningham, Associate
Professor of Marketing; and Dr. James Thomas, Associate Professor of Marketing.
Dean William Fielding
attended the SBAA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, November 2-4, 2003.
Dean Fielding continues to
serve on the Board of Directors for Second Chance, NABIS and Regions Bank.
Department of Finance,
Economics and Accounting
On November 13, 2003, Mr.
Gene Padgham took members of the Financial Management Association on a tour of
the Honda facility in Lincoln, Alabama.
The tour provided an opportunity to view both the car assembly process
and the engine building assembly line.
Witnessing the efficiency of the process, learning about their inventory
scheduling where parts arrive just hours before needed, and discussing job
opportunities made this a very educational and enlightening tour.
Dr. Cynthia McCarty took 5
area teachers to the National Council on Economic Education’s annual conference
in New Orleans for 3 days in October.
Dr. Christopher Westley
continues to serve on Glen Tenney’s dissertation committee through Touro
On November 30, 2003, Dr.
Westley had an article published in
The Birmingham News on page 8C
entitled “Hey Big Spender:
Bush Betrays
Budget Pledge”.
Dr. Westley has authored
end-of-chapter data questions for the new edition of Glen Hubbard’s
and Banking text, published by Addison-Wesley.
He has also reviewed a Microeconomics text for the McGraw-Hill
Higher Education Economics Department, an Intermediate Microeconomics text by
Hirschey for McGraw-Hill, and an Urban Economics text by McDonald and McMillan
for Blackwell Publishers.
Dr. Westley has submitted an
abstract for Public Choice Society meetings this March in Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Cynthia Sneed and Dr.
John Sneed co-authored a paper entitled “Unregessing the Alabama Tax Code: An
Analysis of the Riley Tax Plan” published by the Alabama Policy Institute.
Dr. Cynthia Sneed and Dr. John
Sneed co-authored two papers that they presented at the Academy of Accounting
and Finance Annual Meeting at New Orleans in December.
They were entitled:
“The Politics of Fiscal Illusion in the
Bible Belt” and “The Effectiveness of State Supermajority Limits in Curbing
State Expenditures.”
Dr. Jeff Zanzig completed a
course in computer networks as progress towards his certificate in computer
information systems.
Department of
Management, Marketing, and Information Management/E-Commerce
Brent Cunningham
During the fourth quarter of
2003 Dr. Brent Cunningham had two papers accepted at a conference and attended
that same conference.
Conference Papers:
Cunningham, Brent and Dr.
James L. Thomas, “Explicating Materialism in the Service Sector,” 2003 Atlantic
Marketing Association Annual Conference, Portland, Maine.
Cunningham, Brent, “Shopping
Orientations: Revisited and Revised,” 2003 Atlantic Marketing Association
Annual Conference, Portland, Maine.
Mr. Mike Featherstone
Conference Attended: 2003 Atlantic Marketing
Association Annual Conference, Portland, Maine.
Mike Featherstone had an article, "The Role of E-Commerce in Business Education"
accepted for publication in the
Australasion Journal of Business and Social Inquiry.
This is a peer reviewed publication.
He has been invited to present a paper, "An Examination of Varieties of Virtual Content in
International Business", at the Academy of Business Education Conference in April.
Mike Featherstone’s
dissertation proposal "International E-Commerce: a comparative analysis of
adoption and infusion in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United
States" has been accepted by the faculty at Southern Cross
Dr. Deborah Francis
Dr. Francis is the program
chair for the International Entrepreneurship Division for the 2004 USASBE
This job entailed finding 3
reviewers for each of the 19 papers that were submitted to IED, getting the
reviews back in a timely manner, compiling the reviews, making accept/reject/maybe
decisions on each paper, and submitting reviews and decision information to the
competitive chair.
This task began
around August 16,2003 and was completed September 10th.
Dr. Deborah Francis also did
a second review on a case for
Theory and Practice
. (
She serves on ETP's case review board.) She also did a second review on a paper for
The Academy of Management Journal.
Dr. Joann Williams
Dr. Williams was a guest
speaker at the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Business To Business Expo in
She spoke on E-mail and
Cell Phone Etiquette."
Dr. Williams made
arrangements to have Mrs. Shelley Cofield, Human Resource Director of Hunjan
Mfg. Of Alabama spoke to the Student Chapter of the Society for Human Resource
Management in November.
She spoke on
how to start your career.
Dr. Williams has placed and
will supervise six students in human resource and management internships. These
students are conducting their internships at Ace Products, HunJan Mfg.,
Jacksonville Medical Center, Modern Technology, Five Star Food Services and
Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce.
Center for Economic Development and Business Research
Small Business Development Center
Pat Shaddix (JSU Director of the Center for Economic Development and the Small
Business Development Center), Mr. Keith Lowe, and Ms. Robbie Medders attended
the Association of Small Business Development Centers (ASBDC) annual conference
in San Diego, California the last week of September.
At the ASBDC annual conference, Ms. Robbie Medders was presented
with the Alabama “State Star Award” at the closing banquet on Saturday
The Star Award is given to one
individual each year who has exhibited dedication and strong commitment to the
SBDC program in their respective state.
Ms. Medders was nominated for this award by the Alabama SBDC state
and SBDC center staff attended the College of Commerce and Business
Administration’s annual convocation in October.
Awards were presented to Mr. Ben Boozer, Ms. Clarice Smith, Ms.
Debby Jones, and Mr. Penn Wilson for their past year’s service.
Mr. Keith Lowe attended monthly meetings of
the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Small Business Committee at the Chamber
of Commerce.
Ben Boozer assisted the ASBDC State office in presenting a seminar for the
Society of Women Engineers at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center in October.
Pat Shaddix, Mr. Willard Butterworth, and Mr. Penn Wilson participated in the
annual conference of the Alabama Association of Regional Councils in Orange
Beach during October.
Pat Shaddix participated in the Association of University Business &
Economic Research annual conference in New Orleans during October.
Mike Self attended monthly meetings of the Etowah County Industry-Education
Alliance during the reporting period.
Keith Lowe and Mr. Ben Boozer participated in the Calhoun County Chamber of
Commerce Business Expo in which five workshop sessions were presented to 99
Robbie Medders and Mr. Keith Lowe continue to participate in the monthly
meetings of the Senior Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) at the Calhoun
County Chamber of Commerce.
Robbie Medders attended the Gadsden Chamber of Commerce 2003 Small Business
Awards luncheon in October.
were presented to twelve small businesses.
Mike Self staffed the Joe Ford Center for Economic Development during the
quarter for both the JSU Center for Economic Development and Small Business
Development Center.
Pat Shaddix, Ms. Debby Jones, Ms. Robbie Medders, Mr. Mike Self, and Mr. Penn
Wilson attended and presented the 2003 American Association of Retirement
Communities (AARC) annual conference in Nashville, Tennessee, the first week of
Over 100 attendees heard
presentations from some of the nation’s leaders in the field of retiree
attraction as an economic development strategy.
The JSU Center for Economic Development is the national
headquarters for the AARC and staff members worked for months preparing for the
successful conference.
Willard Butterworth participated in the early November annual meeting of the
East Alabama Regional Planning & Development Commission of which he is a
board member.
Willard Butterworth participated in the annual Southern Economic Development
Council conference in Hilton Head, South Carolina, in November.
Willard Butterworth addressed the Ft. Payne Kiwanis Club in November.
He talked about the many services offered
to communities by JSU and the JSU Economic Development Center.
Mike Self spoke to Dr. Marsha Hardney’s Career Development Class at
His topic was
“Entrepreneurship as a Career.”
Pat Shaddix announced that the selections for the JSU SBDC Advisory Board were
Those individuals agreeing
to serve areas follows: Ms. Tracy Rouse, Alabama Safety Products; Ms. Sandra
Turner, Anniston Army Depot; Mr. Louis Fuller, Fuller Medical Company; Mr.
Phillip Pearson, Screened Image; Mr. Ed Gardner, St. Clair County Economic
Development Council; and Mr. Blaine Galliher, Gadsden State Community College
and State Representative for Etowah and St. Clair Counties.
Ben Boozer addressed a class at the Alabama School for the Deaf in which he
discussed the importance of small business.
JSU SBDC participated in an Association of Small Business Development Centers
(ASBDC) accreditation review in December.
Pat Shaddix and Mr. Penn Wilson participated in planning meetings in Montgomery
for a statewide retiree attraction conference.
Pat Shaddix and Ms. Robbie Medders participated in monthly board meetings for
Northeast Alabama Business Incubator System (NABIS) at the Entrepreneurial
Center during the quarter.
Mr. Ben Boozer assisted the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce by serving as a
judge in their Christmas parade in early December.
All CED/SBDC staff
members attended the JSU Staff Awards Meeting & Luncheon at Leone Cole
Auditorium in December.
The SBDC completed
the first quarter of its fiscal year having worked with over 120 clients individually.
SBDC assistance is offered through
individual counseling as well as through training sessions on a variety of
topics pertinent to small business owners.
Several articles
written by SBDC staff members were published in the “Calhoun County Business
Journal”, a publication of the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce.
JSU Economic Update were printed and distributed statewide during
the quarter. Mr. Penn Wilson has now
taken over as the editor of the Update.
The SBDC presented
six workshops/conferences with a total of 169 participants during the reporting
Additional workshops are
scheduled for the next quarter.
Mr. Willard
Butterworth assisted Dr. William Fielding with completing the “Economic Impact
of the I-20 Automotive Corridor on Alabama” study.
Dean’s Office
The College of Education and
Professional Studies NCATE Steering Committee held a planning retreat at the
Barn Restaurant in Jacksonville, Alabama on November 24, 2003.
The purpose of the retreat was to finalize
the Unit’s Assessment Plan for the National Council for the Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE) visit scheduled for Fall 2005.
Dr. Cynthia Harper attended
the state Press Release in Montgomery, Alabama on December 18, 2003 to receive
information regarding results of the recent administration of the
Professional Education Personnel Evaluation
Program (PEPE).
Jacksonville State
University’s College of Education and Professional Studies received the grade A
for all education programs in which JSU teacher education graduates were
The mission of PEPE is to
assure excellence in education in Alabama's public schools. The primary purpose
of the program is to assist educators through the process of performance
evaluation and professional growth to deliver quality education services, thus
increasing student achievement.
Dr. Cynthia Harper attended
the Education Dean’s meeting in Montgomery, Alabama on January 12, 2004.
The purpose of the meeting was to adopt new
state standards and regulations for teacher education programs.
New standards are closely aligned with the
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
Programs in the College of Education and
Professional Studies have been NCATE accredited since 1954.
Dr. Cynthia Harper attended
the Alabama Partnership for Children Board Meeting on January 13, 2004 in
Montgomery, Alabama.
The College of Education and
Professional Studies held its annual Spring Faculty Meeting on January 9, 2004
in Self Hall.
The purpose of the
meeting focused on ways to strengthen academic advisement at all program
Department of Child Development Center
The JSU Child Development
Center has an enrollment of 90 children ages six weeks through six years of
There are nine instructional
classrooms opened.
Each classroom has a
certified lead teacher and two teacher assistants to conduct daily lesson plans
and provide quality childcare to the community.
As children enroll at the
Center, the parents are issued a password that enables them to go on line and
view their child in their classrooms via internet.
This unique feature is not available in any other childcare
facility in the area.
The cameras
provide ultimate safety and advancement toward perfecting teaching skills
performed and observed daily.
New equipment for the two
outside playgrounds and the two indoor playrooms has been installed at the
All equipment is safety
certified and age appropriate for the students who are served at the
The Center has received a food permit from the Calhoun County Health Department.
Food preparation is to begin on site within
the month of February.
All employees employed at
the Center have undergone fingerprinting and criminal background checks by the
Alabama Bureau of Investigation. This
information is currently on file at the Center.
Eight computers have been
purchased and installed in the computer lab at the Center. Each classroom has an opportunity to visit
the computer lab weekly. Mrs. Sharon
Caroza provides weekly individualized computer lessons in our lab.
Mrs. Kristi Triplett, the
director of the Center, attended a McClellan networking breakfast on November
12, 2003. McClellan area
representatives were available to discuss development plans for the year 2004.
The Center has purchased and
installed childcare management software. This software provides fingertip access to vital information on the
children enrolled and the employees. Information such as, medical history, birthdays, classroom groups,
payments of tuition and certification information is stored and readily
The Center is currently
hosting six J.S.U. practicum classes. The following practicums have been scheduled for the Spring Semester at
the Center: Early Childhood Education
352 and 306, Family and Consumer Science, Nutrition and the Life Cycle, HPER,
Nursing 324 and Special Education 403. The Center hosted 172 practicum students from JSU.
Department of Communication
The Foreign Editors
Conference, sponsored by the Southern Center for International Studies, The
Ayers Family Institute and Jacksonville State University, was held at
Jacksonville State University on Wednesday, October 22, 2003. Nine panelists
participated in the conference: Roger Cohen, foreign editor for the NY Times;
Lee Cullum, a regular contributing columnist for the Dallas Morning News;
George de Lama, deputy managing editor of news at the Chicago Tribune;
Loren Jenkins, senior foreign editor at NPR; Eason Jordan, executive vice
president & chief news executive at CNN; Simon K. C. Li, assistant managing
editor of The Los Angeles Times; Stuart H. Loory, the Lee Hills Chair in
Free-Press Studies at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, &
editor of the IPI Global Journalist; Chris Waddle, vice president
for news at the Anniston Star and president of the Ayers Family
Institute for Community Journalism. The moderator was Terrence Smith, media
correspondent and senior producer for “The News hour with Jim Lehrer.” The theme of the conference was, “The Angry
World: International News Coverage in America.” The conference explored the roots of anti-Western sentiment
around the world and the implications for the American press in bringing the
story to its readers. The proceedings of the conference will be aired on PBS
and distributed to all schools of journalism in the US later. The conference
was well attended with most JSU communication students actively attending and
completing a class project based on the conference. Most expressed their
delight about what they learned from the conference.
The Department of
Communication currently has two faculty vacancies to fill: the Ayers Chair of
Communication vacated by Mr. Lloyd Dobyns, and a broadcast faculty position to
be vacated by Dr. Ralph Carmode (retiring) at the end of this academic year.
The search is on for the Ayers chair’s position, while the broadcast faculty
position is awaiting approval.
The Department of
Communication will be launching its newsletter in the spring of 2004. The
newsletter will begin as an annual publication and later increase in frequency
possibly to twice a year. It will serve, among other things, as a bridge
between the department and its alumni and as a recruitment tool.
Plans for the 2004 Communication
Week have begun. Decisions about dates, speakers, as well as the complete
program are currently underway. So also are plans for the 2004 Summer
Journalism Institute, both to be held in the Department of Communication.
The department has formed
several committees since this year to create an inclusive leadership structure
that involves faculty members in leadership positions. Latest among these
committees are:
Diversity Committee (chaired by Dr. Augustine Ihator). This committee is responsible
for the recruitment and retention of minority faculty and students in the
department, and
The Publicity and Publications Committee (co-chairs: Mr. Mike Stedham and Dr.
Augustine Ihator). Other members of this committee include Mr. Jerry Chandler,
Dr. Kingsley O. Harbor, the editor of the student newspaper, The Chanticleer
(currently Elizabeth D. Lusk), and the program director of the radio station
(WLJS-FM 91.9) (currently Eric Johnson). The Publicity and Publications
Committee is responsible for all publications and public relations promotions
for the Department of Communication.
Dr. Kingsley O Harbor,
department head of Communication, and Mr. Mike Stedham, manager of student
media at JSU, met with the executive director of Alabama Press Association
(APA) and another board member of APA on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 in
Birmingham. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of our
cooperation with APA in conducting a pilot project that will establish
newspapers in high schools in the JSU area of service. That pilot project, if
successful as we believe it will, will serve as a model for establishing
newspapers in high schools in other areas of the state of Alabama.
Dr. Augustine Ihator,
associate professor of public relations, has a paper accepted for publication
in Corporate Communications: An International Journal. The title of his paper
is, "The Impact of
Social and Technological Changes on Corporate Communication."
Dr. Ihator will also be
presenting a research paper titled "Managing Global Corporate Crisis: A
Critical Analysis of Cultural Implications," at the 7th Annual Meeting of
the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Las Vegas, February
9-11, 2004.
Ms. Kara Hall, Head of Human
Resources and PR (Public Relations) Programs at the Mizell Memorial Hospital in
Opp, Alabama, spoke to PR students on Monday, November 24 at 8:45 a.m. in the
Department of Communication. The speech was arranged by Dr. Ihator.
Mr. Jerry Chandler,
assistant professor of journalism, recently returned from a writers' summit
meeting in Chicago, a meeting for all contributors to Frequent Flyer magazine.
Also, he is about to
publish a story about low-fare airlines in Business Travel Executive magazine.
The SPJ (Society of
Professional Journalists) chapter at JSU recently received a three hundred
dollar ($300) grant from JSU SGA (Student Government Assoc.), and that is the
highest amount of grant given to any organization on campus by the SGA.
The 2003 yearbook, Mimosa,
has been completed and will be here ahead of schedule.
Mr. Mike Stedham, manager of
student media, has completed (with Mr. Mike Hathcock) and submitted, ahead of
time, the FCC license renewal agreement for the campus radio station’s
continued operation.
Department of Curriculum
and Instruction
Dr. Larry Beard presented at
the NCTM Southern Regional Conference in Charleston, SC November 5-8, 2003.
Dr. Elizabeth Engley
presented at Alabama Association for Young Children Annual Conference in Gulf
Shores, AL October 17, 2003.
Dr. Slenda Haynes presented
at Alabama Reading Association Conference in Montgomery, AL October 10, 2003.
Dr. Celia Hilber presented
at Alabama Association for Young Children Annual Conference in Gulf Shores, AL
October 16-18, 2003.
Dr. Nina King presented at
Georgia Association for Young Children Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA October
11, 2003. Dr. King also presented at
Alabama Association for Young Children Annual Conference in Gulf Shores, AL
October 16-18, 2003.
Dr. Patsy Lowry presented at
Alabama Reading Association Conference in Montgomery, AL October 9, 2003. Dr. Lowry also presented at MSERA Conference
in Biloxi, MS November 5-7, 2003.
Dr. Judy McCrary presented
at Alabama Reading Association Conference in Montgomery, AL October 9, 2003. Dr. McCrary also presented at MSERA
Conference in Biloxi, MS November 5-7, 2003.
Dr. Gena Riley presented at
the NCTM Southern Regional Conference in Charleston, SC November 6-8,
Mrs. Sandra Sudduth
presented at Alabama Reading Association Conference in Montgomery, AL October
10, 2003.
Department of Educational Resources
Dr. Jan Wilson and Dr. Charles Notar had an article approved for
publication in the Journal of
Instructional Psychology. The title
of the article is, “The Table of Specifications: Insuring Accountability in Teacher Made Tests.”
Dr. Donna Herring, Dr.
Charles Notar, and Dr. Jan Wilson had a grant approved. The title of the grant is, “Enhancing
Teacher Education through National Technology (ET)”. This is a PT3 Grant for three years totaling $385,000.00.
Dr. Mary Montgomery visited
Austria on personal business, but met with Professor Peter Holaer at University
of Innsbruck, Austria, to discuss Educational Administration programs in that
part of the world.
Dr. Jerry Kiser received
certification training in “How to Write a CACREP Self-Study” at a workshop in
Alexandria, VA.
Dr. Tommy Turner visited
Piedmont Middle School in Piedmont, AL, to present a short workshop on issues
regarding bullying, hazing, disrespect, etc. This same workshop was presented to JSU Student Teachers at the
student teaching seminar.
Dr. Donna Herring has
presented over eight pre-service workshops for local teachers.
Dr. Jan Wilson, Dr. Dennis
Zuelke, and Dr. Gordon Nelson presented at the MSERA Conference in Biloxi, MS.
Department of Family and Consumer
Ms. Karen Nemeth, as
President of the Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences attended
the Executive Board meeting in Birmingham on October 1.
Ms. Robbie Boggs and FCS Merchandising
students attended the Spring, 2004 RTW Fashion Show for women and children
presented by the Fashion Office of the Apparel Mart in Atlanta, GA, Friday evening, Oct. 17. Apparel and accessories from various vendors
were featured on the runway to buyers and guests attending the spring market.
Ms. Paula Napoli, along with
Dr. Elizabeth Engley, Dr. Nina King, and Dr. Celia Hilber presented a workshop
at the annual AAYC Conference in Gulf Shores on October 18.
School pictures were taken
at the JSU Child Development Center in East Mason Hall on Oct. 20. Parents, siblings, and grandparents were
also invited for pictures. It turned
out to be a great family affair.
Ms. Karen Nemeth served as
Higher Ed. Vice President for AL Teachers of FACS (ACTE) in Montgomery on Oct.
Ms. Karen Nemeth served on
Randolph County Career Tec. Ed. Advisory Board on Oct. 30.
The JSU Child Development
Center enjoyed going across our beautiful campus to Trick or Treat on Oct.
Thanks to all the different offices
= that welcomed our children with wonderful
treats. We would also like to thank
our special visitors to the JSU Child Center: Smokey, the horse, Ginger an
English Mastiff, and Chelsea a Maltese. These animals were part of our lessons on veterinarians and how to care
for pets. A special thanks to Dr. Cline from the Biology Department for coming
to visit us during Halloween week. He
brought Mr. Bones, a full size skeleton, a bat, and a live snake named Charlie.
Dr. Tim Roberts attended a
dietary managers’ advisory committee meeting at Auburn University on Nov. 10.
Ms. Karen Nemeth attended
the National Task Force for CFCS Certification in Austin, Texas November
12 - 14, 2003.
Ms. Robbie Boggs serves on
the Bauder College Advisory Board and attended the meeting in Atlanta, GA. on
Nov. 13.
Ms. Paula Napoli did a
presentation entitled
APreschool Friends Program@ at Grace Episcopal Church in Anniston on Nov. 24.
Our enrollment for Spring,
2004 has increased by 10%.
Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation
Dr. Glen Roswal conducted
tennis clinic with Lleyton Hewitt at the US Open in New York.
Dr. Glen Roswal attended the
USTA Conference. (member of Plan for Growth Committee and Special Populations
Dr. Glen Roswal presented
paper at the VISTA 2003 Conference (International Paralympics committee) in
Bollnas, Sweden.
Dr. Glen Roswal presented
4-day seminar on Special Olympics and Adapted Physical Education in Ljubljana,
Dr. Glen Roswal presented
session at 2003 AAHPERD National Student Leadership Conference 2004.
The AWE-some Program is
celebrating 20 years of operation.
Donna Hey, program director, held a Halloween costume party for the group on
October 28, 2003.
A number of the HPER
faculty (Hey, Mabrey, Hill, and McLaughlin) assisted with that celebration.
Dr. Glen Roswal is in Alaska
for a Special Olympics conference.
As part of the HPER
partnership with the Piedmont School System: Scott Austin, Strength and
Conditioning Coach at JSU, presented a program on strength and conditioning for
children 6th – 12th grades.
The next professional develop at Piedmont will be Dr. Tim
Roberts’ program on nutrition for athletes with emphasis on nutritional
The specifics requirements
for of the “Graduate HPER Honor Society” have been develop and the first
induction ceremony will be held December 2003.
Dr. John Hammett visited
Louisiana College to review and observe their arthritis exercise program.
The following faculty either
presented, presided, and or sat as an officer at the Alabama State Association
of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (ASAHPERD) Conference in
Birmingham: Willie Hey, Roland Thornburg, Ronnie Harris, Glenn Roswal, Donna
Bailey-Hey, Gina Mabrey, Lori Thornburg, Jim McLaughlin, and Kory Hill.
Several of the HPER graduate
and undergraduate students also presented at ASAHPERD Conference.
Dr. William Hey received the
ASAHPERD PRIDE Recognition Award.
award honors individuals who have given their time, energy, and a commitment to
bettering the lives of children, adults, and senior citizens.
Specifically put, these individuals display
Dr. Jimmy Griffin presented
two papers at the 31st Annual Association for Experiential Education
Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The 3rd Annual
Gamecock Gallup had 134 participants and netted $1055 for the HPER Club.
The 1st Annual
Gamecock Youth Run had 125 participants and netted $1919 for the HPER Club.
The race directors, Mr. Jim
McLaughlin (Gamecock Gallup) and Mrs. Lori Thornburg (Gamecock Youth Run), are
to be commended for their fine leadership.
Other faculty and staff that
assisted with the runs are: Willie Hey, Roland Thornburg, Ronnie Harris, Donna
Bailey-Hey, Gina Mabrey, and John Hammett.
Dr. Hammett and Mr. Eric
Johnson (JSU Head Athletic Trainer) visited the University of Tennessee at
Chattanooga to review their entry level and post-certification masters programs
in athletic training.
Three students presented
their EDS presentations
Dr. Glenn Roswal
presentations two papers at Alaska AHPERD Conference in Anchorage.
Article in
Proceedings of
the International Conference on Outdoor Recreation and Education, 2002- Connecting
Web-based Learning with Staff Development for Experiential Programs. Jimmy
Griffin, Ph.D. & Chuck Hooker, M.Ed.
Graduate and Undergraduate
HPER Honor Societies held there fall induction and awards ceremony on December
10, 2003.
Six students received
graduating honors and five students were inducted into the Society.
The HPER Alumni Newsletter
was mailed out on December 18, 2003.
Department of Instructional Services
Mr. Mike
Zenanko edited the “Passport to Success: Annual report of CE&PS” for the fourth
year. Four thousand of these booklets were printed. Mr. Mike Zenanko and Dr.
Gordon Nelson conducted a Phi Delta Kappa PowerPoint training session at
Anniston Middle School for new teachers in the local school systems.
The Learning Resource Center
has added over 400 books through donations and purchases. Fourteen new Ellison
dies have been added to the Centers collection of 480 dies. Mrs. Penny Lane has
worked to update the LRC’s collection of psychological tests
During the fall semester,
The Teaching/Learning Center had 167 tutors working with 102 community
A total of 1,670 hours of
free tutoring was provided.
Dorothy Phillips has been hired as the Coordinator of the Teaching Learning
The Multimedia Instructional
Laboratories now has 24 new and up-to-date workstations for computer
instruction. One of the features of these workstations allows students to save
to CDs or DVDs their student portfolios created during student teaching. The
Ramona Wood Building now has five classrooms equipped with computer
workstations, LCD projectors and Smart Boards. These help the Faculty to
demonstrate current technology in the classroom as required by the SDE. Two
more smart classrooms are being created. The classrooms are located at Mason Hall
for the Family and Consumer Sciences Department and the other at Pete Mathews
Coliseum for the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department. Mr.
Stan Cates, the MIL technician is making the new installations.
Department of the Teacher Service Center
The Teacher Education
Services has successfully placed 208 Preservice Teachers in 9 Alabama counties
and 3 Georgia counties.
Department of Technology & Engineering
Mr. Terry Marbut and Dr. Ed
Bellman made a presentation at the annual conference of the National
Association of Industrial Technology.
The department is exploring
the potential development of a program to enable JSU to provide Honda
associates with the opportunity to pursue a Bachelors degree in Technology.
Honda associates are currently restricted in their ability to pursue higher
education through traditional programs due to rotating work schedules.
Mr. Lyle Barnard (pro-rata
instructor) attended a workshop provided by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET) to obtain information on trends in
technological education.
Department of TV Services
A new Fall Preview Day and a
new JSU spot are completed.
30-second spots aired on WJXS TV24 and Horizon Cable.
TV Services provided
equipment and engineering support for the “taped delay” broadcast of all home
Jacksonville State University football games.
TV Services Director Mr. Mike Hathcock was the “Play-By-Play”
All games were aired
numerous times on WJXS TV24.
“Inside Gamecock Athletics”
was produced on a weekly basis during the football season.
This program featured highlights from each
football game, comments from Head Coach Jack Crowe and interviews with the
“Inside Gamecock Athletics” was
seen each Tuesday at 9 p.m. and each Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. on WJXS TV24.
Horizon Communications in Marshall County
also broadcast the show.
A three minute thirty second
JSU promo and two thirty second JSU commercials air on Fox SportsSouth during
the JSU/Murray State football game.
Services produced all the promos and thirty second spots during the fall.
Fox SportsSouth reaches more than 11 million households.
“The Greater Calhoun County
Area Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities” Twentieth Annual
Awards Luncheon is taped.
The Awards
ceremony aired on Cable One.
“The Report on International
News Coverage in America” press conference is taped.
This program is part of the Ayers Family Institute for Community
Journalism produced by the Southern Center for International Studies.
A three minute thirty second
JSU promo and a thirty second JSU commercial, both produced by TV Services,
airs during the JSU/Tennessee Tech football game seen on the Football Network
over the Empire Sports Channel. Only satellite dish subscribers had the option
of picking up the game.
The Gamecock Athletic Hall
of Fame Class of 2003 Induction is taped. This program aired on WJXS TV24.
Handel’s “Messiah” is taped
before a standing room only audience at The Church of St. Michael and All
Angels in Anniston.
This concert
featured JSU’s A Cappella Choir, the Calhoun County Civic Chorale and Festival
JSU Faculty member Dr.
Patricia Corbin of the Department of Music directed the Messiah.
This feature required over 60 hours worth of
The program aired twice
during the Christmas Season.
Office of Continuing Education
The Office of Continuing
Education has entered into a yearlong consulting agreement with Jacksonville
Medical Center entitled “Partners in Service Excellence.”
This program will begin with a consultant’s
assessment to facilitate a plan that will include a Best Practice and Magnet
Recognition Status Review; a Customer Service Training Plan; a
Leadership/Management Training Plan; and an Employee Selection, Recognition,
and Appreciation initiative.
the “New Medical Center” and a Communication Plan will also be included.
The Office of Continuing
Education is working with the Office of Domestic Preparedness through EAI with
on-site Conversational Spanish training for individuals who will be working
with First Responders.
A Beginning
class was conducted in the 2003 Fall Semester and an additional Beginning and
Intermediate Class began in January 2004. This program is scheduled to be a
yearlong program.
The Office of Continuing
Education continues to be involved with M&H Valve in its development of
candidates for supervisory positions within their organization.
Because of the success in the Anniston
plant, the corporate office has sent its representative to consider adopting
the total program for the international corporation.
Three Medical Certificate
programs were initiated in Fall 2003 with a total of 13 individuals
These classes: Medical
Billing and Coding, Pharmacy Technician, and EKG Cardiovascular have been
approved by the Workforce Incentive Act for individuals who have become
unemployed as a result of company closings, etc.
Through this program, an individual can receive tuition
assistance to assist them in retraining.
The Office of Continuing
Education will offer its first Auctioneer School, accredited by the Alabama
Board of Auctioneers, beginning January 30 and continuing until graduation on
February 8.
The students are required
to plan and conduct their own auction, and this auction is scheduled for
February 8 at the Gamecock Center.
Continuing education classes
for practicing auctioneers will be offered through the Office of Continuing
Education for the first time beginning January 31.
The University Partnership
for Alabama Continuing Education reports the following accomplishments for
Police Chiefs:
433 participants in the program
chiefs earned 40-hour certificates in 2003
chiefs earned 80-hour certificates in 2003
chiefs earned 160-hour certificates
total certificates have been earned since the beginning of the program in 2000
County Administrators:
administrators received certificates in 2003
9 administrators became Certified County
Administrators in 2003
administrators have received certificates since beginning of program
administrators have become Certified County Administrators since the beginning
of the program
County Engineers:
6 county engineers received certificates in 2003
20 county engineers have received certificates since the beginning of the program
of Graduate Studies
The graduate enrollment set
an all-time record of 1650 students for the 2004 Spring Semester was a record
enrollment for spring semesters.
In-Service Education Center
On October 6 and 7, 2003,
the Alabama Reading Initiative, Alabama Leadership Academy, and In-Service
Education Center provided a training session for 61 public school teachers and
administrators entitled, “Leading for Literacy.”
On November 18, 2003, the
In-Service Education Center provided professional development credit for 69
teachers in conjunction with Honda and Alabama Public Television for a training
session, “What’s Up in Factories?” at the Honda Training Facilities in Lincoln.
The In-Service Education
Center began the second year of a National Board Certification preparation
Twenty-four teachers enrolled
to attend multiple sessions of this series.
In December, the Center was awarded a contract from the Alabama
Department of Education to assist in payment to the trainers for these
During this school year, the
In-Service Education Center is working with the Alabama Reading Initiative to
re-certify Cohort Three schools as participants in this program.
During the first quarter of this year Oxford
Middle School, Oxford High School, and Weaver Elementary School have
participated in Recertification programs with the assistance of the JSU
In-Service Reading Coaches.
On October 30, the
In-Service Center provided training for the teachers of Etowah County as part
of a series of sessions that will enable teachers to better prepare their
students for the Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing.
Three proposals
have been submitted for federal funding:
Advanced Education
Professional Nurse Traineeship
to fund
tuition and other related expenses for graduate students enrolled in the MSN
program during the 2004-05 academic year. The total request is for $245,928.
MSN Clinical Nurse
Specialist Program for Rural, Underserved Populations
proposal requesting continued support for program development in the MSN
program targeting expansion of the Institute for Excellence in Community
Health, online course/program development, and enhancement of curricular offerings
related to emergency preparedness and bioterrorism. The total request is for
$460,469 over a two-year period.
Building A Diverse Workforce
in Rural, Underserved Areas
is a new
proposal requesting funds to increase the number of baccalaureate prepared
nurses from disadvantaged, underrepresented, and minority backgrounds. The
total request is for $734,546 over a three-year period.
Jane Cash and Dr. Beth Hembree
submitted a proposal to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation –
Birmingham Affiliate, for their project
entitled, “Breast Screening Project for Underserved Minority Women Living in
Public Housing Complexes.” The total project was $14,996.
staff have been hired for the Anniston PCB Health Study.
Ms. Christie Shelton is serving as the Project Director and Ms. Sharee Hutchinson is serving as Research Assistant/Clerical
Staff. A JSU outreach office in the West Anniston area will be secured in the
next few weeks. Funding for this project is provided by the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. A Community Meeting is
scheduled on January 15th to provide a forum for the research team
to discuss the health study with the community members.
Jacksonville Association of Nursing Students (JANS) was presented
the Break-Through to Nursing Award on October 18, 2003 for their innovative
fundraising activities and donations of books overseas. Two JANS members were
elected to the Executive Board of the Alabama Association of Nursing
Bryana Vosley was elected as the Nominations Elections Chairperson
Daniel Crow was elected as 2nd Vice President of AANS.
The MSN Program Progress
Report was reviewed and the MSN program was awarded continuing accreditation by
the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) in October.
Jane Cash, Ms. Lynn Hillhouse, and Ms. Katie Brothers
co-authored a paper that was presented at the Sigma
Theta Tau International (STTI) meeting in Toronto, Canada. Ms. Lynn Hillhouse presented two
additional papers to the American Association of Perianesthesia Nurses (New
Orleans) and the American Academy of Neuroscience Nurses (Birmingham).
Martha G. Lavender
was elected as a
Director for the Executive Board of the Council on Collegiate Education for
Nursing, Southern Regional Education Board in November 2003.
The Military Science Department’s vision is to recruit the very best students
available for Jacksonville State ROTC.
We retain those students through a challenging curriculum, quality
mentoring, and a positive program that encourages leadership, scholarship,
individual responsibility and Battalion camaraderie.
We train and develop our cadets to ensure they are fully prepared
to accept the responsibilities of a commissioned officer and to effectively
lead America’s sons and daughters.
strive to commission the very best lieutenants that enter the Army each
The Gamecock Battalion sent an eight-cadet team to
compete in the Army 10-Miler road race in Washington D.C. in October.
The team was accompanied by Major John Nolan
from the ROTC Department and Mr. Jim McLaughlin of the HPER Department.
The ROTC Alumni Association and the SGA
contributed funds to defray the costs of the trip, and JSU ROTC alumni in the
D.C. area hosted a dinner in honor of the team and arranged a tour of the
The dinner for the team also
served as the kick-off event of the JSU D.C. Area National Alumni Chapter.
Forty-four alumni attended the event, including
Major General David Bryan who serves in the area.
The team finished twenty-second among all ROTC and service
academy teams that participated.
In October, our Ranger Challenge Teams traveled to
Camp Shelby, Mississippi to compete against 23 other teams within our
This year was the first time
in recent history that the Department fielded two competitive teams.
Both teams acquitted themselves extremely
Team “A” earned a silver streamer
overall, and Team “B” earned a bronze streamer while finishing first overall on
the hand grenade assault course.
The annual JSU ROTC Alumni Dinner the evening prior
to homecoming drew over 100 attendees.
The Military Alumnus of the Year, Colonel Luke Wilson, provided
Colonel Wilson is the Director
of Operations for 5th US Army in San Antonio, Texas.
The Ranger Club built, guarded and
supervised the bonfire for homecoming, and JSU cadets provided the color guard
for the game.
JSU Alumnus, Captain Will Cambardella, was honored
during half-time of the JSU-Tennessee-Martin game on military appreciation day,
October 11th.
He recently returned from
a nine-month deployment in Iraq with the 3rd Infantry Division.
Captain Cambardella was presented a plaque
by Dr. Meehan, and Ms. Meehan presented flowers to Ms. Cambardella.
Thirty six JSU cadets and eight cadre members
participated in the annual Gamecock Gallup 10K Race.
For the second year in a row, the Military Science Department was
recognized as the department with the highest percentage of participating cadre
and students.
A number of students and
cadre were among the top three finishers in their respective age groups.
We conducted our annual Fall Awards Ceremony in
Forty-one cadets were
recognized for excellence in leadership, athletics and academics.
For the first time, we presented the new
scholarships established through the work of the ROTC Alumni Association.
Eight students received $1000.00 awards, and
one student received a $500.00 award.
The alumni association also presented Officer’s Guides to eighteen
senior cadets.
Two senior cadets were
awarded ROTC Corporate Partner Scholarships in the amount of $1000.00
Less than 2% of cadets in the
nation receive these awards.
The Gamecock Battalion’s Marksmanship was again
recognized for excellence.
Department entered two teams this year in the ROTC Intercollegiate Marksmanship
Team “A” finished first in
the nation in M-16 sub-caliber competition and third in the nation in .22
caliber marksmanship.
Team “B” finished
third in the nation in .22 caliber competition.
Western Region Headquarters conducted a command
inspection of the Military Science Department in December.
The team inspected logistics, administrative
and personnel management procedures, recruiting, training, information
management and security, and safety.
The Department received commendable ratings in five of the six areas,
the highest number of commendable ratings the team has given.
Captain Dean Shackelford was presented an
on-the-spot Army Achievement Medal for his outstanding recruiting
We held our annual Winter Commissioning Ceremony in
December, where four new lieutenants joined the brotherhood of arms.
Jacksonville State ROTC has now
1346 officers since 1948.
Lieutenant Colonel Doc May, the Professor of
Military Science provided remarks.
Lieutenant Colonel May was the keynote speaker for
the Vulcan Materials Corporation Christmas Banquet in Birmingham and the
Military Officers’ Association of America meeting at McClellan in January.
Each of these meetings provided an
opportunity for Lieutenant Colonel May to raise awareness of the educational
and extracurricular opportunities at JSU and the opportunities available
through ROTC.
The ROTC curriculum is designed to prepare our
students to meet the leadership challenges of America’s Army in the 21st
century. Our focus is to send the message to all prospective cadets and to the
University population that we provide the best leadership training available
for young men and women.
Organizational items:
Ms. Sherri
Restauri had a paper presentation accepted for the Society for Information
Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. The presentation
will be on March 3, 2004.
Dr. Franklin
King coauthored a presentation,
Gender Differences in Computer Knowledge,
for the annual MSERA (Mid-South Educational Researcher) meeting, October 2003.
Distance Education had a very significant impact upon both
students and faculty at Jacksonville State University.
During the Fall 2003 semester, six thousand
and three enrollments were noted in distance learning classes and in courses
supplemented by distance learning technologies.
One hundred and ninety-six courses were affected by distance
learning experiences and 251 sections were impacted.
In that final enrollment figures and courses offerings for the
Spring 2004 session are not yet available, they will be reported in the next
Board of Trustees' report.
Consistent with
the growth in the number of courses offered through the online mode of Distance
Education, 3
new courses were added to
the Electronic Campus for the fall semester, bringing the total number of unique
courses JSU is advertising through the Electronic Campus to ninety-seven.
Continued growth in course listings in the Electronic Campus is expected as
more online courses are created. Investment in listing courses through SREC
provides JSU online courses with a broader prospective student base.
Training on the
Blackboard system was continued throughout this term. A total of 5 workshops
were conducted during the Fall 2003 term, including instruction at the
Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.
Individual training sessions on the Blackboard system,
instructional design issues, and other pertinent instructional technology
concerns continued to be offered to instructors during the Fall semester. The
new Instructional Technology & Design Laboratory was opened for use by
faculty members for one-on-one training on Blackboard, as well as Instructional
Design and instructional technology assistance.
The Office of
Distance Education continues to work on highly innovative projects including
video streaming in association with Honda and the implementation of area wide
broadband communication infrastructure for education and economic
The infrastructure will
support distance learning, telemedicine, video surveillance and video
arraignment, Internet services (email and web-hosting), e-Government services,
possibly business broadband services including voice, video and data
County stakeholders
include twelve high schools, six county seats, two institutions of higher
learning and three hospitals.
The Office of
Distance Education obtained a 10-site license from the eHelp RoboDemo Education
Program grant. RoboDemo eLearning software is used for creating interactive
simulations and demonstrations in Shockwave's Flash format. Documents created
with RoboDemo can then be utilized to provide online training and simulations
across campus in both academic and administrative needs, including the ability
to convert PowerPoint slideshows into movie-formatted Flash presentations. The
education grant provided the 10-site license to JSU for free, at an approximate
cost savings of $2990.00. Licenses have been distributed to several faculty
members on campus, as well as maintained within the Office of Distance
Education's Instructional Technology & Design Laboratory.
During the Spring 2004 session, Videoconferencing classes are scheduled to be
offered at 15 different sites in Alabama and Georgia.
There are six videoconferencing classes currently scheduled for
the College of Education and Professional Studies and the College of Commerce
and Business Administration.
The third floor of the Joe
M. Ford Center is complete and presently occupied by Gadsden State Community
Under the terms of the lease
agreement this allows JSU Gadsden to exclusively occupy the second floor.
Computers for the computer
lab have been installed at the Ford Center. This lab is part of the shared space between GSCC and JSU on the first
floor. The lab will enhance instruction
as well as services to our students. The Department of Continuing Education has programs scheduled for the
Interior painting has been
completed on all floors except the basement.
Carpeting has been installed on public service floors except 10th.
Elevator installation has begun with one elevator
out of service at all times until the installation has been completed.
The library initiated an
electronic book service with the purchase of 9,000 Ebooks, which are accessible
online for browsing or check-out.
The library acquired a
surplus digital scanner and installed it at the reference desk in order to
provide free scanning service to the university community.
Ms. Jodi Poe reviewed
Statistics on the Web: Find Them Fast –
At Little or No Cost, by Paula Berinstein.
Choice 41, 2003.
Every van has been out of
commission since November when a FedEx truck parked at the top of the ramp to
the loading dock lost its parking brake and rolled downhill into it, causing
considerable body damage.
The van is at
a body shop now and should be back in service by the end of January.
Mr. Luke Griffin authored
with Vickey L. Baggott,
Guide to Popular U. S. Government Publications, 7th ed. Libraries Unlimited, Englewood CO, 2003.
Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis and
Mr. Luke Griffin published “Faculty Use of Electronic Library Resources” in
Exchange Quarterly, Vol. 7 (3), Fall 2003.
Mr. John Bauer-Graham, Ms.
Jodi Poe, and Ms. Kim Weatherford published “Functional by Design:
The Use of a Comparative Study to Determine
the Usability and Functionality of One Library’s Web Site,”
Services Quarterly, Vol. 21 (2), 2003.
Over 150 juniors from 56 area high schools got a taste of college life courtesy of
Jacksonville State University’s Emerging
Leaders Day on November 6, 2003.
The event, in its fourth year at JSU, is an opportunity for the students to
participate in leadership seminars, meet student leaders from other high
schools as well as meet with JSU student leaders. High school counselors were
asked to identify three juniors in their school who hold leadership roles and
are interested in further developing leadership skills to attend the
The students selected two
sessions from the following:
Discover: Presented by Mr. Don Killingsworth
Destructive Behaviors: Presented by Mr. Ricky Naugher
Entrepreneurship: Presented by Dr. Cynthia McCarty
Health Issues: Presented by Dr. Sarah Latham
Leadership: Presented by Mr. Robert Hayes
Medical Developments: Presented by Dr. Benjie Blair and Dr. Mark Meade
Team Building: Presented by Mr. Terry Casey
Volunteerism: Presented by Ms. Linda Shelton
At the end of the day, several students received door
prizes as souvenirs of their day at JSU.
Matthew Taheri, a junior from Plainview High School, walked away with
the grand prize: a leadership scholarship worth one year’s tuition at JSU.
Career Placement Services
On October 3, 2003 Ms. Sarah
Aultman, program assistant for Career Placement Services presented a power
point presentation to the
College of
Nursing on the career services offered to students.
Career Placement Services began their Career Week workshop series with "Resumania" on Thursday, October 16th.
Participation ranged from freshmen to grad students and staff as they all took
advantage of one-on-one resume advisement from the Career Placement staff.
David Myer of the English Department assisted Janet White and Sarah Aultman and as a
result over 20 students received individual help with resumes and cover letters.
Beginning on October 20th and continuing through October 22nd, several prestigious
executives provided seminars to JSU students on “Employability Skills.”
These presenters came from Sherwin-Williams, Russell Corporation, Honeywell Aerospace,
and Redstone Arsenal. At each session these speakers addressed between 50 and 80 students
and spoke to them about employment trends and issues, as well as the tools and skills
needed to succeed in the competitive corporate world of today.
Another type of workshop included in the Career Week was “Corporate Dress/Design on a Dime.”
Consultants from Casual Corner of Boaz and Men's Wearhouse of Atlanta discussed
appropriate business attire. The staff of Career Placement Services offered the 25
participants hints on how to achieve a professional appearance for a fraction of the
cost by wise shopping at local thrift stores.
Wrapping up the Career Week workshop series was Tim Grey, Chief of Staff for Civilian
Employment at Redstone Arsenal. Mr. Grey comes to Huntsville from Washington, D.C. and is
responsible for all the civilian employment authorities. He spoke to an audience of
60 students about the valuable opportunities and benefits to be found in federal
employment. Mr. Grey is a 1970 JSU alumnus.> Thursday, October 23 was a huge success
as Career Placement Services hosted 60 recruiters from 28 different companies at the
annual Fall Career Day. Focusing on business, finance, computer science, and technology
majors, 250+ students were able to network with executives, expand their knowledge of
diverse industries, and hand out resumes to potential employers. It was a great way to
end a very valuable and productive week of events!
On October 30th,
Ms. Sarah Aultman participated in the “Women for Hire” Career Fair in Atlanta.
Sherwin-Williams conducted
on-campus interviews on October 6th.
Career Placement Services
hosted a Christmas Tea on December 5th to honor those faculty
members serving as liaisons within each academic department.
Several faculty and staff participated.
Ms. Janet White, Director of
Career Placement Services attended the Open House in Birmingham held by
Japan-America Society of Alabama (JASA) on December 12th.
American Cast Iron and Pipe
conducted on-campus interviews for co-op students on December 12th.
Currently there are 423
students electronically registered with Career Placement Services using
Monstertrak, and 194 students have contracted with Referencenow, a web-based
credential file holder.
In the last
quarter, approximately 350 students sought assistance through Career Placement
Services; 197 schools sought teachers, and 212 companies sought non-teaching
15 students participated in
co-op partnerships with 8 different companies during the Fall Semester.
Counseling and Career Services
The fall was very successful for the JSU Peer Educators.
The activities for National Alcohol Awareness Week were as
follows with number of students participating shown in parenthesis:
Alcohol Use Survey – (886)
Pledge Cards signed to Not
Drink and Drive – (558)
Fatal Vision Goggles
(simulating the effects of alcohol in the system)- (62)
Windshields Washed –
allowing “Safe Vision; Don’t Drink & Drive” (71)
Tobacco Use Survey Results
How often do you smoke?
Never – 149
Occasionally – 26
Daily – 26
Weekly – 0
How many cigarettes do you
smoke per day?
None – 17
½ pack – 13
1 pack – 12
or more packs – 0
How many cigars do you smoke
per day?
None – 13
- 6
- 3
7 or more – 0
How often do you use chewing
tobacco, snuff, dip, etc.?
Never – 13
Daily – 1
Weekly – 0
For women: Are you pregnant,
breast-feeding, or planning a pregnancy?
Yes – 1
No – 18
Sex: Male – 66 Female- 135
Ethnic/Racial group:
American Indian or Alaska
Native – 1
Asian – 2
Black or African American –
Hispanic or Latino – 1
Caucasian – 131
The 4th Annual
Appalachian School of Alcohol and Other Drug Studies is set for June 22-25,
The school will be hosted by the
Offices of Counseling and Career Services, Counselor Education, Continuing
Education and Jacksonville State University.
Our enrollment went from 176 to 226 last year.
We are expecting even larger numbers this year.
Multicultural Services
2003 Homecoming NPHC
Stepshow - The Office of Multicultural Services and National Panhellenic
Council (NPHC) sponsored the fifth annual Homecoming Stepshow at Pete Mathews
Coliseum on November 15, 2003.
teams from JSU NPHC participated along with three visiting step teams.
The visiting teams consisted of one team
from Alabama State University, one from Troy State University and one from
Greenboro High School (Greenboro, Alabama). The program also featured a singing
group from Anniston. Over sixteen hundred and fifty (1650) students and guest
of the University attended this event.
This was the largest crowd ever for a stepshow.
Native American Month POW Wow -
is Native
American Month and this year Multicultural Services sponsored the first annual
Native American Month Pow Wow from November 6-9, 2003 on the Quad.
The entire first and second grades from
Kitty Stone Elementary School attended the Pow Wow on Friday, November 7, 2003.
A large number of guests from the community and University attended the celebration
as well.
There were also ten vendors
displaying Native American cultural crafts through out the celebration.
Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference -
The Office of Multicultural Services
will sponsor eight students to attend the Southwest Black Student Leadership
Conference at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas from January
22-25, 2004.
The African American
Association (AAA) officers and members will be attending this conference. This
will be the eighth year that students from JSU have participated in similar leadership
Over 1200 students and
advisors attended this conference in 2003. The conference provides its
participants with an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, explore
issues of importance to students of color, meet potential employers, network
and interact with significant national and international leaders.
The theme of SBSLC 2004 is
Collegiate Leaders: The Catalyst for a Productive Tomorrow. It is our
hope that through dynamic, innovative workshops, participants are challenged to
desire and achieve excellence in every area of their individual lives.
The students will be attending numerous
leadership workshops.
Martin Luther King Week - During the week of January
19-23, 2004 Jacksonville State University will celebrate Martin Luther King
We are planning many exciting
programs and activities for the student body and faculty.
A special showing of the famous “I Have a
Dream” speech will be shown on January 22, 2003 in the TMB Auditorium at 7:30
The office will also sponsor a bus
trip to Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia on January 19, 2004.
Black History Month - Black History Month at JSU
promises to be very entertaining and educational.
The highlight of the month will be the Soul Food Dinner Theater
featuring Pin Points Theater’s
The Meeting on February 12, 2003 at 6:30
p.m. at Leone Cole Auditorium.
intriguing play is the critically acclaimed powerful drama about the lives,
philosophies, and times of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Other activities for the month include a
lecture by Hasani Pettiford, a renowned professional speaker, television
personality, financial consultant and author of three critically acclaimed
In addition to comedy night, JSU
Gospel Choir in concert, an African American Heritage Month Scholarship Pageant
and an African American Heritage Month Free Party for students in Cole
JSU Students' Appreciation And Fun Day On The Quad:
The Office of Multicultural Services, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, and the
African American Association will sponsor a Student Appreciation and Fun Day on
the Quad to end the semester and prepare students for upcoming finals on April
15, 2004.
During the fall semester over
700 students/faculty/staff enjoyed a free cookout dinner, entertainment by DJ
Anthony Gregory and participated in various sporting activities.
Student Life
Greek Life
All Executive members of the
Interfraternity Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the Panhellenic
Council attended a retreat from January 5th – 6th.
The Councils outlined goals for the entire
Greek community.
Collaboration among
councils was discussed and initiated.
All Greek governing councils
elected new officers in November 2003.
The Panhellenic Council
designed a Unity Project for all five Panhellenic chapters.
The women are currently coordinating
philanthropy and social activities, such as a self-defense seminar, birthday
party for the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, and a Trash (Clean-up) Day for all Greeks.
The Interfraternity Council
has decided to bring a new fraternity to campus for the 2004-2005 academic
The Council is current receiving
information from national fraternities not present on Jacksonville State
University’s campus.
The anticipated
date for a decision is April 2004.
The Interfraternity Council
applied for five awards for the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference held in
Atlanta, Georgia in February.
All five
executive council members will attend the conference.
The Panhellenic Council
applied for a Project Recognition Award for the Southeastern Panhellenic
Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia in March.
Several Greek women are attending.
Academic Report
The following chapters exceeded the All Undergraduate Grade Point Average (G.P.A.):
Delta Sigma Theta
Phi Mu
Zeta Tau Alpha
Alpha Omicon Pi
36 students within the Greek community received a 4.00 G.P.A.
had record-breaking turnouts of students, faculty and staff donors for the fall
semester Blood Drive with totals around 250.
The Student Activities Council has branched out to several campus organizations.
The JSU Cheerleaders and Marching Southerners received goody backs with an
inspirational poem from the Student Activities Council.
This was done in an effort to acknowledge
all of the hard work that these organizations put into making JSU a better and
more spirited campus.
The SAC also
sponsored a tailgate party, which supplied food and beverages to any and all
students that wished to attend.
SAC has made many successful efforts throughout the year to increase attendance
at SGA events and to make any and every person and organization feel
acknowledged and welcome.
The Student Government Association’s Organizational Council sponsored a motivational
speaker for students with a special session exclusively for campus employees.
Midnight Snack in the Caf sponsored by the SGA was one of the best ever with record
attendance and participation.
The SGA’s STARS (Students Together Advocating Realistic Solutions) Committee works in
conjunction with the Higher Education Partnership in Montgomery. The
STARS Committee is presently working on a handful of policy assignments for the
Partnership that will be presented before the state budget hearing committee.
The policy assignment that JSU was given involves researching statistics about
the education system in Florida and how that information could be used here in
Alabama. The other universities were given other states to research so
that this information can be compiled into a report for when the committee is
contemplating the Alabama budget.
Freshman Forum
The Freshman Forum reached
out into the community in October spreading cheer to senior citizens at the
Jacksonville Health and Rehabilitation Center.
Members of the Forum prepared bags filled with sugar-free goodies and
attached a friendly JSU message offering "treats" to the elderly,
rather than "tricks" on Halloween.
In November, the Freshman
Forum hosted an Involvement Expo featuring different organizations from across
The intent of this endeavor was
to align freshmen leaders with JSU organizations and promote involvement in
extracurricular activities.
The speakers
included representatives from the JSU Ambassadors, Greek Life, Gamecock Hostesses,
and the Y.M.C.A. Collegiate Legislature.
Information was provided, questions were answered, and connections were
made that will enrich student leadership, programs, and lives in the future.
To close the fall semester,
the Forum sponsored a Pajama mixer for the freshman class.
Pizza, Karaoke, and contests brought
students together for an evening of fellowship and fun for everyone.
In accordance with the
mission of the University, the Office of Student Life is striving to open the
eyes of our campus population to cultural diversity and social
Our efforts are aimed at
further enhancing the student experience at Jacksonville State.
University Housing and
Residence Life
*2 beds are currently offline.
Total #
of Residents
Campus Inn
Pannell Efficiency
Penn House
*17 out of the 267 apartments are currently offline.
# of
# of Houses
*1 house is currently offline.
Total Capacity
Total # of Residents
Occupancy %
International House
Effective Fall 2004, the Department of University Housing and Residence Life will implement the
following changes:
Daugette Hall will be designated as males and continuous housing.
Fitzpatrick Hall will
be designated as freshmen females and continuous housing.
Campus Inn Efficiency Apartments earned credit hour requirement will be reduced from 64 to 32 hours
with the GPA remaining 2.25.
Sparkman Hall will offer sororities the opportunity to rent an entire floor or half a floor.
Crow Hall will be designated as male athlete and freshmen housing. (We will enforce the NCAA 49%
student-athlete housing rule.)
Police Department
In November 2003 the Commission on Accreditation for
Law Enforcement Agencies granted reaccredidation to Jacksonville State
University Police Department during the CALEA conference in Colorado Springs,
Colorado. UPD Police Chief Terry Schneider appeared before a panel of National
Law Enforcement experts to answer specific questions and provide a detailed
overview of the JSU Police Department. After reviewing the onsite report and
evaluating the presentation by Chief Schneider, the CALEA full commission
membership voted unanimously to grant full reaccredidation to the JSU police
2003 Crime Statistics - During the past 12 months, Jacksonville State University
experienced a 30 percent decrease (250 reported) in reported crimes from the
previous year. This makes the crime rate for 2003 the second lowest in the past
13 years. Arrests increased by 57 percent (92) from 2002 (53). Cost of crime to
JSU and the campus community remained relatively the same: for 2003, crime
victims on- campus reported losing $50,671.90 in stolen property and $11,945.00
in damages, for a total of $62,616.90.
Victims off-campus (students living in Jacksonville area) reported
losing $82,937.00 in stolen property and $12,078.00 in damages. Direct cost of
crime to victims in 2003 was $157,631.90.