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President's Quarterly Report |
Joe M. Ford Economic Development Center The parking lot project is complete and awaiting final inspection by the Alabama Department of Transportation. Gadsden State Community College has prepared construction documents to complete the third floor of the Joe Ford Economic Development Center on the Gadsden State campus. Completion of the third floor will result in JSU occupying the entire second floor to include classrooms and the compressed video units. Chimney Peak The original phase, paving the existing dirt roadway to the top of the mountain, is complete and waiting final inspection. Phase II, the paving to Mountain Avenue additional parking and a turn around is in the design stage. Construction documents are still in the preparation stage for an observatory at the top of Chimney Peak. A consultant from Vanderbilt University has been identified to help in deciding the best location for the observatory. The parking area will be determined by the location of the observatory. The location for the turn around is being determined by a civil engineer. Ayers Hall Renovation Construction documents have been prepared for the renovation of Ayers Hall. The pre-bid conference was held January 21 and the bid opening date is set for February 11, 2003. Once completed this facility will house the departments of: mathematics and computer science, psychology, technology and engineering, and academic computer services. Roof Replacement 2002 The Child Development Center at McClellan, Sparkman Hall, Stone Center, and Stephenson Hall are basically completed. The Coliseum roof replacement is in progress and approximately 70% complete. Soccer Field The project is approximately 75% complete after a delay due to wet weather making the ground unsuitable. Preparations are underway for laying sod. Underground Electrical - Coliseum, Soccer and Baseball Fields The contract documents have been prepared and the Pre-construction Conference was held on January 7, 2003. The bids were opened on January 23, 2003 and the bid was awarded to Salt Creek Electric. McClellan Child Development Center Renovations The work is approximately 98% complete. The parking lot resurfacing is dependent upon the weather and temperatures being at least 40 degrees for several days in a row. Following lunch today the Trustees are invited on a tour of the facility. Candidates for the center's director have been interviewed and final selection will be made in early February. The planned opening for the center will be spring. McClellan Building 3181 The construction documents are in the final stages of preparation. Some changes may be made in Gadsden State Community College's portion of the building as a result of the merger with Ayers State Technical College. Pre-qualification of contractors is anticipated to begin by the end of January, and construction to begin early in the spring of 2003. Cole Auditorium/Hopper Cafeteria Chiller Replacement The new chiller has been installed and the project is 95% complete. Stone Center Chiller Replacement The new unit arrived January 17 and installation is progressing expeditiously. The system will be installed and ready to provide air conditioning when needed this Spring Semester. Curtiss Hall Chiller Replacement The contract has been awarded and the units ordered and are scheduled to arrive February 13, 2003. Stephenson Multi-Purpose Building The design drawings have been completed and are currently being reviewed for this facility that will house the athletic administration, weight room and facilities for volleyball and softball. The Pre-bid Conference is scheduled for February 18 and the bid opening date is February 25, 2003. Field House Renovations The architect is finalizing the construction documents for bidding this facility, which will house our football program. Snow Stadium Light Pole Corrections The project to correct the weaknesses in the base of the light poles at Paul Snow Stadium is complete including excavation, inspection, and correction of each light pole around the stadium. Library Elevator Replacement The contract to replace the elevator mechanisms in all three elevators of the Houston Cole Library was not awarded after bid opening and review. The project will be re-bid after minor changes are made in the scope of the work. Bibb Graves Lightning Protection System Contract documents were prepared and the bid opening held on January 14, 2003 with no bidders. The University then negotiated a contract with Salt Creek Electric to perform the work. Ramona Wood Heat Pump Replacement The contract to replace the heat pump for Ramona Wood Building has been awarded to Mid South Control Systems, Inc. Preliminary demolition work is in progress in preparation for shutting the building down when milder temperatures arrive. Paving 2002 A contract for major resurfacing of campus parking lots was awarded to APAC-Alabama, Inc. of Anniston, Alabama. Work is to begin in early May 2003. The resurfacing will include the parking lots at the Library, Martin/McGee Hall, the Coliseum, Brewer Hall, and Building Services. Also, included are the driveway around the RV lot near the stadium and Trustee Circle. Paving 2003 - Daugette/Stone Center Parking Lots The bids were received on December 30, 2002 and the contract awarded to Logan Construction, Inc. to build two new parking lots on campus. This will provide 159 additional parking spaces at two critical points of need on campus, 73 additional parking spaces will be added at Daugette Hall and 86 additional spaces at Stone Center. Boiler Installation The contract has been awarded to Mid-South Controls to install separate heating boilers at eight buildings on campus in conjunction with the Southern Company Energy Solutions, LLC (Alabama Power) master contract. To date, three boilers have been installed and eight more remain to be installed. This installation is part of our campus plan to eliminate the existing coal-fired steam system that currently heats these buildings. Lighting Retrofit The project has been bid and awarded to Braswell Electric, Inc. of Suwanee, Georgia for five academic buildings. The project includes retrofitting with energy efficient bulbs, electronic ballast and fixtures as required in the contract with Southern Company Energy Solutions, LLC. Coliseum Track Bids have been received and the contract awarded to Lower Brothers Company, Inc. of Birmingham, Alabama to repair and resurface the running track. The work is scheduled for early May 2003. Spring Enrollment and Housing Report 2003 - Enrollment totals for Spring Semester 2003 are 499 above last spring for a total head count of 8448. Credit hour production has also increased for a total of 5,207 credit hours above last spring semester. University housing and residential life reports apartment and residence occupancy at 1,463 as of January 9. North American Bus Industries - Jacksonville State University's Department of Technology and Engineering in late October hosted a dedication for its new Manufacturing Design Lab housed in Self Hall. The lab was made possible through contributions from North American Bus Industries (NABI--the world's second largest manufacturer of transit bus whose North American headquarters is located in Anniston) and National Automotive Center (the NAC is the Department of Defense's/Army's focal point for collaborative ground vehicle research and development. The NAC, located at the Tank-automotive and Armaments Command in Michigan, is an integral part of the Army's Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center. The NAC serves as a catalyst linking industry, academia and government agencies in the development and exchange of automotive technologies.) NABI provided the graphics workstations valued at $50,000 needed to run the software. The Pro-Engineering software package was provided by the National Automotive Center valued at over $80,000. The new lab will provide JSU students with the ability to create manufacturing designs utilizing advanced 3-D solid modeling and assembly techniques. Future additions to the lab will allow students to create prototypes of their designs. ROTC Agreement with Gadsden State Community College - Jacksonville State University and Gadsden State Community College signed a partnership agreement that allows students at GSCC to take freshman and sophomore level military science classes through the JSU Reserve Officer Training Candidate (ROTC) Program at either the GSCC campus or the JSU campus. This partnership allows the students at GSCC to have the same opportunity as JSU students to compete for two and three year ROTC scholarships. It also means Gadsden State students will be considered part of the JSU Corps of Cadets and will be eligible to participate in all military functions and extracurricular activities associated with the Gamecock Battalion and JSU's ROTC program. High School Juniors Participate in JSU's Emerging Leaders Day - Over 150 juniors from 89 area high schools got a taste of college life today, courtesy of Jacksonville State University's Admissions Office, Student Affairs and Student Government Association on Emerging Leaders Day, November 7. The event, in its third year at JSU, is an opportunity for the students to participate in leadership seminars, meet student leaders from other high schools as well as meet with JSU student leaders. Annual Career Expo - On November 13, Career Placement Services hosted its annual Career Expo 2002 in Stephenson Hall. Thirty companies registered to participate and several of these companies had never recruited at our campus. The Expo is designed to bring JSU's students, seniors and graduates in contact with prospective employers. Phi Kappa Phi - The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, a 104-year-old organization whose mission is "to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others," recently held induction ceremonies on campus. Phi Kappa Phi backs up these ideals with the biggest awards program of any academic honor society, over $500,000 annually in national and local scholarships and awards for which JSU faculty and student members are now eligible to apply. Preview Days Spring 2003 - Preview days for Spring 2003 will be Saturday, February 15 and March 15. On both of these Saturdays our faculty and staff will be available to meet students, review academic programs, give campus tours, discuss financial aid, university housing and register for Summer and Fall classes 2003. All prospective new students freshmen, transfers and their parents are invited. SACS Update - Thanks to the efforts of our Self-Study Steering Committee, its Director, Dr. Martha Lavender, Associate Director, Dr. Louise Clark along with faculty and staff across the university, we have completed the self-study document and addendum of responses to recommendations and suggestions in the study. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools visiting team lead by Dr. Sherry Hoppe, President of Austin Peay University, Tennessee will be on campus February 24 through 27. Please mark your calendar for the reception and dinner for the visiting team to be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, February 24. The reception will be at the president's home followed by the dinner on the 11th floor of the Houston Cole Library. All Trustees will be invited and an invitation is being mailed to your home address. USA TODAY - NCAA Academic Achievement Awards - The USA TODAY - recognized Jacksonville State University as among the top ten Division I-AA schools to have the most improved graduation rates of student athletes in 2002. USA TODAY stated in a letter to President Meehan, "This is a sign that your student-athletes take the academic competition just as seriously as the athletics competition." Institute for Emergency Preparedness - Dr. Barry Cox, Director of the Institute for Emergency Preparedness is hear today to provide a brief update on the institute which is a collaborative effort between JSU, Gadsden State Community College and Ayers State Technical College. The Institute provides educational opportunities and credentials to the more than 240,000 public safety communication workers in this country. JSU provides a certificate, baccalaureate degree, and masters degree in emergency management through traditional and on-line instruction. Center for Economic Development - Mr. Pat Shaddix, Director of JSU's Center for Economic Development and Small Business Administration is here today to brief the Board on the services provided by the Center. Examples of services provided include economic impact studies, marketing surveys, employee attitude assessment, training, and personnel and pay plan development. In addition to the Center's consultants, the faculty is involved in providing expertise to area businesses and governments. The Center publishes a monthly newsletter, JSU Economic Update that provides data on the economy of northeast Alabama. Professional Education Personnel Evaluation - The State of Alabama released their 2002 teacher preparation report card for 2002, the Professional Education Personnel Evaluation program (PEPE) in December 2002. This is the personnel evaluation of all first year teachers by their principals. Jacksonville State University has received good reports in all three years of the PEPE program and this year all but one of our programs received "Clear" status. But this year, without advising colleges of education, the State Department of Education announced the status of every program regardless of the number of graduates. Our Vocal/Choral Music program has graduated one teacher for each of the years 1999-2000, 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. During the first year, 1999-2000, one of these three students received less than a passing PEPE score. A program must have at least 90% of its graduates achieve an acceptable score to be designated "Clear" and at least 80% to prevent a status of "Alert." Unfortunately and arithmetically there is no way to get 80% or 90% when the proportions are as low as 1 in 3. Therefore, the State Department of Education without regard to the basic principals of statistical validity disregarded the number of graduates in reporting PEPE scores this year. I have asked Dr. Sheila Webb, Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies to provide a brief update on PEPE and how JSU's Vocal/ Choral program will be returned to "Clear" status, as are all other JSU's teacher education programs. |
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