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VPASA Report to the Board of Trustees |
Department of Biology Dr. Benjie Blair attended a pre-health professional advisors meeting at Auburn University. (2/02) Dr. Charles Olander attended a "Strategies for Success Workshop" sponsored in Hendersonville, TN, by Benjamin Cummings. (2/02) The following faculty members in the Biology Department received a University Travel Grant to attend the regional meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists held at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina: Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou, Dr. Benjie Blair, Dr. George Cline, Dr. Mark Meade, Dr. James Rayburn, Dr. Frank Romano, Dr. Roger Sauterer. Christa Collins (Faculty mentors: Dr. Mark Meade and Dr. Charles Olander) was awarded a travel grant and research award by the Alabama Academy of Sciences for her study on "Effects of Phloxine B on population growth and respiration rates in Tetrahymena spp." The Biology Department sponsored the following seminar speakers:
Cline, G.R., and Renn Tumlison. 2002. Distribution and relative abundance of the Oklahoma Salamander (Eurycea tynerensis). Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 81:1-10. P.B. Nichols*, F.A. Romano, III, and D.R. Nelson. 2002. Seasonal and altitudinal variation in the distribution and abundance of Tardigrada on Dugger Mountain, AL. Zoologischer Anzeiger 240:501-504. Reinsel, K. A., P.S. Glas, James Rayburn, M.K. Pritchard and W.S. Fisher. 2001. Effects of food availability on survival, growth, and reproduction of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio: A laboratory study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 220:231-239. F.A. Romano, III, B. Barreras-Borrero, and D.R. Nelson. 2002. Ecological distribution and community analysis of Tardigrada from Choccolocco Creek, AL. Zoologischer Anzeiger 240:535-541. Dr. Frank Romano presented a talk entitled "Biology of the Tardigrades" at the Annual Meeting of the Florida Entomological Society. The following faculty and students of the Biology Department participated in the 79th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Sciences held at the University of West Alabama (Livingston, AL) on March 27-30, 2002:
The following faculty and students of the Biology Department participated in the regional meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists held at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. Abstracts of the presentations are published in Southeastern Biology, Volume 49, April 2002. The JSU Biology Department of Jacksonville State University had a remarkable turnout for this meeting. Except for Appalachian State University itself, JSU faculty and students gave more presentations than any other institution and made a very valuable contribution to the Association.
The following Biology faculty members participated in recruiting and enrolling students at Preview day on Saturday, March 16, 2002: Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou, Dr. George Cline, Dr. Benjie Blair, Dr. Cole Benton. The following Biology faculty members participated in Science Olympiad on Saturday, February 23, 2002: Dr. James Rayburn, Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou, Dr. Mark Meade, Dr. Frank Romano, Dr. George Cline, Dr. Roger Sauterer, Dr. Benjie Blair. Dr. George Cline served as a judge of student papers competing for the Odum Award of the Southeastern Division of the Ecological Society of America meeting with the Association of Southeastern Biologists at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. Dr. George Cline served as a judge of student papers competing for an award from the Southeastern Division of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists meeting with the Association of Southeastern Biologists at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. Dr. Mark Meade participated in the Habitat for Humanity student/faculty basketball game. Dr. Mark Meade and Dr. James Rayburn prepared a display for Leadership Calhoun County. Dr. Mark Meade was invited to serve as membership committee chair and vice biology committee chair at the 2002 meeting of the Alabama Academy of Sciences. Dr. Mark Meade was an invited judge for student paper and poster competitions at meetings of the Alabama Academy of Sciences and the Association of Southeastern Biologists. Dr. Frank Romano was elected chairperson of the College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Council. Dr. Frank Romano participated in Donoho High School's Intersession program and spent two weeks working with a high school student on a marine biology project. Dr. Frank Romano participated in a one-day workshop for EPIC Wildlife Biology program at JSU. Department of English Dr. William Hug presented a paper, "Blazing Saddles as Ethnic Carnival," at the 16th Annual International Conference in Literature, Visual Arts & Cinema. Atlanta, GA, November, 2001. Dr. Hug reviewed Invited Guest: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Southern Poetry. Ed. David Rigsbee and Steven Ford Brown. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2001. Anniston Star. December 2001. Ms. Janet Smart was actively involved in Community Service Activities. She volunteered 200 plus hours at the Berman Museum of World History during July and August 2001. She cleaned dozens of bronzes and restored blades and hilts of all kinds ranging from the medieval broad sword, the Confederate sabre, Napoleonic swords, and Oriental daggers and dirks. Some of her work is on display at the museum. Dr. John Jones' review of Romantic Poems, Poets, and Narrators by Joseph C. Sitterson, Jr. has just appeared in the Fall 2001 issue of South Atlantic Review. In his first year as CAS Honors Program Director, he has attended the nation, regional, and state organizations that support Honors programs, initiated more recognition for the Honors Program in the Undergraduate Catalogue and in the Fall 2002 course booklet, and improved recruiting by participating in the March Preview Day. This year, he has served as Vice President/President Elect of the Faculty Senate. Dr. Carmine Di Biase delivered a paper May 2001 on "Source Studies Revisited: Robert Greene and the Case of Gwydonius." The article was accepted for publication (this June) of a volume of essays on Fraud, Forgeries and Falseness in Literature (to be published by the University of Rouen). The title of the article by Dr. Di Biase is "Robert Greene's Euphuism and the Uses of Falseness." He also published three book reviews in Forum Italicum and three in Italica (these are journals dedicated to Italian studies). Dr. Steve Whitton has been intricately involved with the annual writing competition Imagining the Holocaust, with winners announced in fiction, essay, and poetry from middle and high schools across the state. This year, winners came from as far away as Mobile and as near as Anniston. This year's first prize winners are automatically entered in the contest sponsored by the Alabama Holocaust Commission. Carol Barnes, last year's state winner, was Steve's student in EH 101H and now is in his EH 102H class. The annual Southern Playwrights Competition is now in its 14th year, with winner selected from entries from across the nation. On The Brink, the conference on emerging Southern writers, is in its 8th year, as of February 9, 2002; eight writers from the Southern region were on campus for the event which included readings and book signings. The Late Mr. Shakespeare, adapted by Wayne Claeren and Steve Whitton from the novel by Robert Nye, made its debute in a world premiere on September 27, 2001; future productions are now being handled by Giles Gordon, in London. Ms. Gena Christopher and Ms. Judy McKibbin organized the initial conference of Millstream; A Look at the Literature of the Contemporary South, which was held on February 8, 2002. It attracted eight unpublished writers from three states. Four authors read their short stories; two read essays derived from primary research; and two read selected poems. It is their intent to publish these writers' works in a journal entitled Millstream. They chose the name for the symposium and journal to reflect one of the prominent features of this region and to allude to the writer's task of refining rough materials and resources into useful products. They believe Millstream will grow, for interest levels are high among writing groups and academics to share their efforts. Writers who did not submit entries this year have called to express their desire to participate next year. In addition to initiating the Millstream Symposium, Judy McKibbin wrote a piece about Eudora Welty for The Anniston Star as part of their memorial page in Welty's honor. Judy also wrote five book reviews, largely of serious literature, for the Star this year. Dr. Joanne Gates published the following article: "Introducing Students to Effective Refutation." In the "Short Takes" section of: Kliman, Bernice, ed. Approaches to Teaching Hamlet. New York: Modern Language Association, 2001, 216-217. Dr. Gates submitted the competitive poem, "Hamlet Haiku," for a contest at bardcentral.com which may be viewed at: http://www.jsu.edu/depart/english/gates/shak/hamlhaik.htm. The following papers were delivered by Dr. Gates:
Dr. Gates continues her service as Chair of the Board, Friends of the Houston Cole Library at JSU. In October 2001, the Library hosted Debi Holmes-Binney, author of Desert Sojourn. As part of the JSU Festival of the Arts, the Library Friends, with the support of Alabama Humanities Foundation, sponsored scholar Pam Kingsbury's lecture, "Books to Die For: The Mysteries of Anne George" in February. Dr. Gates maintains JSU's English Department Web Site, which includes information on departmental projects and activities. She has added the June 2001 edition of Postscripts as a pdf file. Go to http://www.jsu.edu/depart/english/postscrp/index.htm for more information on downloading. As teaching initiatives, Dr. Gates makes use of Blackboard for discussion posts in Women's Literature and the Fall 2001 section of Shakespeare. Ms. Gloria Horton served as a panelist for a seventy-five minute Roundtable discussion, "Measuring Up to the Challenge: Sharing Stories from Out Teaching Through Writing for Publication," at the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English Conference) in Baltimore. She presented a one-hour concurrent session, "Writing-- Where's the Fun in That?" at the Georgia Council of Teachers of English Conference in February. Ms. Horton conducted a two-hour workshop for the Pell City School system, "Finding the Fun in Writing," in October. She also chaired the annual WIT Conference and the ACETA Conference, hosted by Jacksonville State University this spring. She is President of the Alabama Council of Teachers of English. Ms. Jennifer Ferrell Foster taught two sections of English 098 for ESL students in the Fall of 2001. These students were primarily those living in the International House. She plans to continue teaching ESL courses and hopes to incorporate other composition classes solely for the ESL population. She finished off the year in an exciting way by marrying Joey Foster. At the WIT 2002 conference, she presented a workshop entitled "Teaching the ESL Student: Going Global in Your Classroom," where she shared her experience and research on working with these students. Ms. Julia F. Wooster in May 2002 will be teaching a course entitled Detective Fiction. She has spent a great deal of time during the past six months in the reading and preparation process of the course. Margaret R. Griffin serves on the following committees: Institutional Advancement (Section VI) Committee (preparing for SACS site visit, Spring 2003); Search Committee - 17th and 18th Century positions, JSU English Department, 2002; and Planning Committee for ACETA Spring Meeting at JSU March 15-16, 2002. Susan Methvin received the following in a letter from Grey Brown, Director Literary Arts, Cultural Services, Duke University Medical Center: "Your poems 'Privet' and 'CT Scan in July' were chosen in our exhibit of fifty poems noon display throughout the Medical Center. The exhibit featuring your poems and other poems by local and nationally recognized poets was funded by grants from the North Carolina Arts Council and the medical Center Alumni Association. Other poets featured in the display include Galway Kinnell, Langston Hughes, Mary Oliver, William Stafford and Alice Walker...In addition to your two poems on display being two of my favorites, I think it also means a lot to other patients and visitors to read work by a fellow patient. Also, ART/RAGE/US, a collection of art and writing by breast cancer survivors, will be on exhibit in New Orleans this Spring. ART/RAGE/US has been published by Chronicle Books and the exhibit has appeared in Hong Kong, San Francisco, and Traverse City, Michigan. Susan's poem "Breast Imaging" is included in the collection. Her poems, "April Wedding" and "Cheaha Mountain" appear in AMARYLLIS Vol. 8, 2001. Ms. Susan Sellers chaired the English Competency Committee and served as Director of the English Competency Exam. She also served on the Speech Committee, English 101-102 Committee, Advanced Writing Committee, and Phi Kappa Phi Committee, whose purpose is to establish a chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society on the JSU campus. She also served as the Middle School Contest Coordinator for the statewide "Imagining the Holocaust Writing Contest." For four years, she has been Faculty Advisor to Phi Mu Sorority and Academic Advisor to Alpha Omnicron Pi Sorority at JSU. Dr. Randy Davis served as discussion leader for the 11th Annual Literature and Medicine Retreat, Montgomery, AL, January 26-27, 2002, sponsored by the Alabama Chapter of the American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine. Department of History and Foreign Languages The History Department is working with the Calhoun County School System to explore ways to teach history using local resources. This program, known as Learning America's Story Through Interesting New Genres (LASTING), is funded by a three-year grant from the U. S. Department of Education. Dr. Nancy Blain presented at Twentieth Century Spanish Literature Conference, Louisville, KY. An article by Dr. Blain was published in SELA (Southeast Latin America) which is the Scholarly publication of the Southeast Conference on Latin America. She had a paper accepted for publication in Confluencia. Dr. Llew Cook worked with Dr. Karen Henricks on a special project for the Burman Museum -- Egyptian Odyssey: Fact or Fantasy. Dr. Cook presented a paper "Napoleon's Fire Department in Paris" for the Consortium for Revolutionary Europe. Dr. Cook helped with the Staff Ride to Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield for ROTC Cadets. Dr. Cook took the History Club to the Civil War Museum in Atlanta. Dr. Phil Koerper spoke on "Presidential Humor" and "Winston S. Churchill" for Interhostel. He made three presentations to Calhoun County public school teachers as part of the LASTING program. He presented a paper on Winston S. Churchill as part of the AIcons of the 20th Century program at the Comer Library, Sylacauga . Dr. George Lauderbaugh presented a paper: "The Sanitation of Guayaquil: Opportunity for Convergence Lost" at the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies. He spoke to the Coosa County Historical Society on Civil War Navies and conducted two workshops for LASTING. Dr. Russel Lemmons' article was accepted for publication in the Journal of Cold War Studies. He received a grant from the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to participate in a one-week seminar on Nazi Concentration Camps. Dr. Lemmons had three book reviews published in German Studies Review and one review in Choice. He participated in a panel on his trip to Egypt (last summer) at the annual meeting of the Alabama Council of International Programs. Dr. Lemmons gave a talk on "The Rise of Hitler" at the Comer Library, Sylacauga. He also gave a talk on "Mt. Sinai" to the JSU History Club and at the Anniston First Presbyterian Church. His article, "Archives in the New Germany," will be published in Provenance. Dr. Suzanne Marshall delivered a paper entitled "We Just Want to Save Your Water, Lord" at the annual meeting of the Appalachian Studies Conference. Dr. Harvey H. Jackson is serving as President of the Alabama Association of Historians. He was appointed to the Board of Advisors for the Museum of Alabama History that is being built as part of the expansion of the Alabama Department of Archives and History. Evaluator for the LASTING program. Dr. Jackson also made a presentation for the teachers. Dr. Jackson gave presentations on "Constitutional Reform" to the Anniston Kiwanis, the District Five and Six School Administrators, and the Calhoun County Retired Teachers. He made presentations on the "Rise and Decline of the Redneck Riviera" to various civic organizations. Dr. Jackson made two presentations: "Death by Success: American Liberalism in the 20th Century" and "George Wallace" for the Comer Library in Sylacauga. He helped plan and co-ordinate the Constitutional Reform Rally held at JSU on February 28. Department of Math and Computer Sciences Aaron Garrett, graduate student in the Master of Science in Computer Systems and Software Design program, has a refereed article accepted for publication and presentation to the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. The topic of the article is "A Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Virtual Environment Latency Reduction." Aaron has been accepted to the Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill with a full fellowship. Dr. Mario Aguilar, Associate Professor, MCIS Department, received a $99,000 NASA grant that will run for three years. The title of the grant is "Decoding EMG Signals to Reduce Latency in VE Applications." Department of Political Science and Public Administration The Department participated in and also helped to facilitate the Constitutional Reform Rally at JSU for High School seniors of greater Calhoun County on February 28, 2002. Faculty members participating were Drs. Allen, Owens, Smith, Davis, and Veasey. Drs. Owens and Allen attended the Citadel Conference on Southern Politics in Charleston, SC, on March 2002. Dr. Owens holds the directorship of the JSU PSC/PA Model Arab League Team and was actively involved with the team's attendance and participation at the SE Competition in Spartansburg, SC, on March 22-24, 2002. Dr. Veasey and Mr. Bellew (GA) attended and presented the paper "Devolutionary Federalism's Impact on the State of Alabama" at the Alabama Association of Political Scientists Annual Conference in Montgomery, Alabama on April 5-6, 2002. "Devolutionary Federalism's Impact on the State of Alabama." Department of Psychology Ms. Trudie Guffey, the Psychology Department Clinic Coordinator, passed her licensing exam by the Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology. She is now a Licensed Psychological Technician (LPT). Dr. Mike Clayton passed his certification exam and is now a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Dr. Clayton also presented a paper at the Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis titled "Managing an Organizational Metacontingency." At that meeting he was elected to the Executive Board of ALABA. Dr. Clayton was also the sole American selected to receive an ABA International Development grant. In addition, Dr. Clayton received a faculty research grant. Dr. Steve Bitgood published a book chapter titled "Environmental Psychology in Museums, Zoos and Other Exhibition Centers" in the Handbook of Environmental Psychology. Edited by Bechtel, R. and Churchman, A. Published by John Wiley & Sons. Dr. Cathy Simpson began work on a five-year, $250,000 federal grant to evaluate the effectiveness of innovative substance abuse delivery services in Hobson City, AL for people with HIV/AIDS. Dr. Simpson presented a paper at the Conference for Behavioral Economics in Birmingham, AL titled: "Merging Behavioral Economic and Public Health Approaches to the Delivery of Services for Substance Abuse: Concepts and Applications." This paper was also accepted for publication as a chapter in an edited book. Dr. William Palya produced two 1-hour videos for the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior. Dr. Palya, as an editor for two different professional journals, has reviewed five manuscripts for publication. Dr. Palya has also submitted three articles for publication in refereed professional journals. Dr. Don Patterson has been nominated for Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 2002. Department of Sociology and Social Work The BSW Program at JSU has been awarded two contracts for 2002 from the East Alabama Area Agency on Aging. The AAA Training Contract provides for training/supervision to selected employees at AAA. Ms. Dee Barclift will be working in this capacity. JSU will also receive six stipends for BSW students doing their Field Placement at AAA. Each stipend is for $2,000 per semester. The AAA Research contract will involve the BSW Program faculty and students to conduct research to test three outcomes measurement instruments developed through the federal Administration on Aging's (AoA) Performance Outcome Measures Project (POMP) for Older Americans Act (OAA) program activities. This activity is a component of a national pilot project consisting of 12 states. The East Alabama AAA is the only regional agency participating in Alabama and JSU is the only university in Alabama participating. The Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) will provide training and coordination for the project and will be the liaison to the federal AoA. One thousand interviews will be done with clients from three major services (nutrition, home care, and transportation). The faculty and students from the BSW Program at JSU will enter the data from these interviews into a computer software program for data analysis provided by the ADSS. Dr. Mark Fagan, Dr. Maureen Newton, Ms. Donna Smith, and Ms. Kim Womack will be working on this project. For the 9th consecutive year, a contract with the State of Alabama's Department of Human Resources was approved, providing faculty salary funds and stipends for 24 social work students in Field Placements at the Calhoun County Department of Human Resources and the Etowah County DHR. These stipends are for $2,000 per semester. Mr. James Powe continues to serve as the JSU BSW Program Field Coordinator at the Calhoun County DHR. Mr. Jonathan was hired to serve as the JSU BSW Program Field Coordinator at the Etowah County DHR. The BSW Program faculty continued to assist the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. Ms Donna Smith chairs the Ron Federico Silent Auction and Ms. Kim Womack serves as chair of the committee on Special Features. Ms. Kim Womack, Ms. Robyn Snider, Ms. Dee Barclift, and Dr. Maureen Newton all made presentations at the BPD annual conference in Denver, Colorado in November 2001. The BSW Program continues its agreement with the LIN-C Program of the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department. This is a program that works to prevent violence in schools. This agreement provides two student stipends for Field Instruction per year. This brings the total number of paid Field Placements to 32 per year. Senior BSW student Sandra Bumgardner was chosen to present oral and written testimony at the Social Work Policy Practice Forum on October 2, 2001 in Washington, DC. She was one of eight candidates chosen to testify from across the country and the only undergraduate student chosen to participate. Her testimony addressed the Child Protection Services Improvement Act (HR1371). Ms. Bumgardner's faculty sponsor was Dr. Maureen Newton who accompanied her in Washington, DC and attended the Forum on Capitol Hill. Department of Criminal Justice Dr. Gordon Crews The following articles were authored/co-authored by Gordon A. Crews: Dr. Gordon A. Crews, Crews, G. A., & Montgomery, R. H., Jr. (2002). Prison violence. Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment. Berkshire, MA: Berkshire Publishing. Montgomery, R. H., Jr., & Crews, G. A. (2002). Prison riots. Encyclopedia of Crime & Punishment. Berkshire, MA: Berkshire Publishing. Crews, G.A. (2001). Shadows in the Streets: Policing, Crime Prevention, and Street Gangs. (Deborah M. Robinson, Ed.), pp. 127-136. (ISBN: 0-13-028436-X). Papers Presented by Dr. Crews include: "Satanic Tourism & Legend Trips: Adolescent Dabblers and Identity Work Revisited," March 7, 2002. Co-presenter: Dr. M. Reid Counts, UNC Wilmington, 2002 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences - Anaheim, California. "Chasing Shadows: Confronting Juvenile Hate Crime Violence in America," November 7, 2001. Chair of Student Panel: Don Shaver, Holli Driver, Renee Trull, & Ivy McDaniel, 2001 American Society of Criminology - Atlanta, Georgia. "Satanic Tourism & Legend Trips: The Possible Connections between Occult," September 26-29, 2001. Participation and Juvenile Delinquency, 2001 Southern Criminal Justice Association - Baton Rouge, LA. Professional affiliations of Dr. Crews include: Northeast Alabama Police Academy & Georgia State Police Academy (2000 to present). Certified Alabama & Georgia POST Instructor - Slotted to teach specialty courses on juvenile offenders (e.g., gang and occult involvement) Jacksonville, Alabama & Forsyth, Georgia. Translation & Analyzation of Occult-Related Graffatti, Spring 2000 - present. Working with Georgia State Police Academy and Northeast Alabama Police Academy to translate and analyze occult and Satanic type graffiti and writings found in Georgia and Alabama. A Report of the Survey of Public's Perception and Opinions of the Quality of Law Enforcement Services. Provided by the Calhoun County Office of Sheriff. (Spring 2002). Received grant to study the public perception of the Calhoun County Office of the Sheriff. Substance Abuse Program Committee 2001-present, Jacksonville State University Community Traffic Safety Program 2001-present Education Subcommittee, Jacksonville, Alabama Enrollment Management Committee 2000-present, Jacksonville State University Department Head Council 2000-2001, Jacksonville State University Association Audit Committee Chair 1999-present Alpha Phi Sigma Faculty Advisor 2001-present Theta Beta Rho Chapter, Jacksonville State University Lambda Alpha Epsilon Faculty Advisor 2000-present Alpha Sigma Omega Chapter, Jacksonville State University Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Member 1990-present American Society of Criminology Member 1993-present Southern Criminal Justice Association Member 1989-present, Director at Large 1999-present, Audit Comm.1999-present Dr. Bob Evans October 2001: Paper presented at the Southern Criminal Justice Association meeting in Baton Rouge: "The relationship between ADHD and behavioral characteristics of Conduct Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and the Borderline Personality Disorder." November 2001: Wrote a paper which was presented at the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta: "Personality traits of a sample of Scottish Police Officers." March 2002: Presented a research paper with Sullenberger at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences conference in Anaheim, CA: "Neuroimaging as evidence of offender psychopathology: New clarity or further confusion?" Worked with Dr. Crews in making major changes to the Master of Science with a major in Criminal Justice degree program: Creating new courses, revising existing courses, and altering others, as well as, improving the standards for admission into the MSCJ program. Developed the JSU Criminal Justice Study in England & Scotland Program. More than 25 students will participate in the program in July 2002. Negotiated, secured, and implemented a $5,000 contract with the Calhoun County Office of the Sheriff to develop a survey instrument and conduct and evaluate the results of a survey of Calhoun citizens' perceptions of crime and law enforcement services provided by the Office of the Sheriff. Designed a survey instrument for Deputies of the Office of the Sheriff to distribute to citizens with whom they come into contact. Successfully negotiated a $5,600 contract to conduct phase one of an evaluation of the Calhoun County Jail. Phase two will be conducted this fall and will involve an evaluation contract for $6,000. Writing an Internet Course for the Criminal Justice Planning, Evaluation, and Grant writing course. Continuing research on the study of ADHD. Currently engaged in writing a grant application for $500,000 over two years with the Office of the Sheriff, Calhoun County School District, and the Department of Criminal Justice of JSU. Analyzing, as a community service, crime date collected by the Office of the Sheriff over the past six years. Completion is expected Spring 2002. Spring 2002: Chaired the Criminal Justice Faculty Search Committee. Dr. Randy Wood Spring 2002: Served on the Faculty Search Committee. Served on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for Department of Criminal Justice. University Level Service: Professional Development Committee. SACS Self-Study Instructional Support, Informational Technology Sub-Committee. Preview Day Registration Advisor in February and March 2001. Met with Katja Fuess, recruit for women's basketball team (at request of Asst. Coach). Community Service: Guest Lecturer at Northeast Alabama Police Academy on the following dates: September 13, 2001, October 24, 2001, February 12, 2002, February 18, 2002. Mr. Bob Benson September 2001: Organized a Dangerous Drug Seminar featuring agents from the Calhoun County Drug Task Force. October 2001: Organized and hosted a Town Hall meeting with a panel of experts answering questions related to terrorism, biological weapons, etc. The program was televised and later featured on the late news broadcast by Channel 6 in Birmingham. October 18, 2001: Gave a talk to the Oxford Kiwanis Club on World Terrorism. October 25, 2001: Gave a talk to the Oxford Kiwanis Club on Domestic Terrorism. February 2002: Interviewed by the Pell City newspaper for a feature article on the "National Threat from Terrorism." February and March 2002: Registered students for Visitation Day. Served on Board of Directors for the Alabama Professional Investigator's Association. Also responsible for training. Served as a member of the Merit Pay Committee for the Arts & Sciences Faculty Council. Dr. Rick Davis Currently working on book as co-author entitled Court is Now in Session: The American Judicial System and Process, for Peter Lang Publishers. Publication scheduled for 2002. Contributed a chapter to the upcoming book Resorting to Casinos: How the Mississippi Casino Resort Industry Was Made, to be published by the University of Mississippi Press in 2002. Presented paper entitled "The Impact of Election Reform on Judicial Decision-Making" for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2002 Annual meeting. Contributor to The Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy edited by David Schultz and published by Facts on File. Scheduled for publication in 2002. Served as Faculty Senate Representative - Criminal Justice. Served on Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Committee. Served on University Scholarship/Financial Aid Committee. Served as Faculty sponsor for Lamda Alpha Epsilon. Served on search committee for Department of Criminal Justice. March 2002: Spoke to Youth Leadership Calhoun County meeting. Represented the Department of Criminal Justice for Athletic Department recruiting functions. Dr. Georgia Smith Served as Chair, Thesis Committee for graduate student. Served on both the Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum Committees for the Department of Criminal Justice. Psychopharmacology for Counselors - 2001, Appalachian School for Alcohol & Other Drug Studies, JSU. October 2001: Selected as one of the featured alumni for The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice focus week, Florida State University Sesquicentennial Celebration. Co-Author on paper entitled "Chemical Handcuffs: The Use of Medications to Control Correctional Populations" presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Criminal Justice Association. Co-Author on paper entitled "Illegal Gambling Behavior in Public and Nonpublic Places" presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Mr. Dean Buttram February 2002: Assisted with Preview Day for Department. March 2002: Coordinated Criminal Justice Career Fair. Spring 2002: Took over responsibilities of Intern Director for Department. Have established internship programs with D.E.A. and Secret Service Agency, as well as other Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. Assumed responsibility for advisement of NAE and will represent the department at the National Convention in March 2002. Currently in the process of creating a Criminal Justice Departmental brochure with the help of Mary Smith at JSU News & Publication Department. This publication will be given to all prospective students and agencies throughout the region. In the process of working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to develop an internship program for the department with the help of special agent Ruth Hearn Bustamonte. Lambda Alpha Epsilon & Alpha Phi Sigma Fall 2001: Coordinated the following seminars: West Memphis Three, Satanic and Occult, Juvenile Violence, Child Abuse, Self Defense, and Anti-social personalities and Crime. Participated in the food drive for the Christian Outreach Center of Jacksonville. Coordinated student trip to Louisiana State Penitentiary. Spring 2002: Coordinated the following seminars: Crime Prevention through community programming, Islamic Religion, Collection and Preservation of Evidence, Forensic Pathology, and Internet Crime. Participated in shooting range practices. Coordinated a car wash fundraiser. March 2002: Assisted with the Criminal Justice Career Fair. Conducted free seminar for women on self-defense. Sent group of students to participate in LAE National Competition in Wyoming. Assisted with special cleaning and personal hygiene product drive for the Jacksonville Christian Outreach Center. Dean William Fielding presented an Economic Impact Study on Tourism to the Hospitality Committee at the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce on January 16, 2002. Dean William Fielding attended the AAHEB (Alabama Association for Higher Education in Business) Meeting at Perdido Beach, AL, March 7 & 8. Finance/Economics/Accounting Dr. Ronnie Clayton was a Discussant at the Allied Social Science Association meeting in Atlanta, GA on January 4, 2002. An article, "JSU's Outshopping Index for Alabama Counties," was published by Gene Padgham in the JSU Economic Update. The Financial Management Association chapter at JSU hosted Mr. Kenneth Lamar Sims, Jacksonville branch manager for Southtrust, as its invited speaker on January 31. Mr. Sims spoke to the members on jobs in banking and how best to prepare for them. The Accounting Association banquet was held on March 18, 2002. Recipients of the cash awards were as follows:
Drs. John and Cynthia Sneed's article entitled "Do Governmental Bond Markets Recognize Balanced Budget Laws in State Borrowing Costs?" was accepted as a refereed publication in Public Budgeting and Financial Management, Fall 2002, Vol. 14, issue 3. Dr. John Sneed co-authored an article, "Are Student Evaluations a Valid Measure of Teaching Effectiveness: Perceptions of Accounting Faculty Members and Administrators," which was presented in Las Vegas in January 2002, with Donald "Ace" Morgan (presenter) and Laurie Swinney at the annual meeting of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Cynthia Sneed and Dr. John Sneed authored "Unraveling the Cash Balance Conundrum." Dr. Cynthia Sneed presented the article at the 2001 American Academy of Accounting and Finance in New Orleans on December 4-8, 2002. Dr. John Sneed co-authored "The Emphasis on Teaching and Research at AACSB and non AACSB Institutions," which was presented by co-author Donald "Ace" Morgan and Laurie Swinney (presenter) at the 2001 American Academy of Accounting and Finance in January 2002. Dr. Chris Westley chaired a panel entitled "Austrian Microeconomics" at the Austrian Scholars Conference in Auburn, AL on March 15, 2002. On March 22, he chaired a panel entitled "Economics of Voting" at the Public Choice meeting in San Diego. Also, on March 23, he presented "Primary Systems and Voter Turnout: An Investigation of State Gubernatorial Elections" at the Turnout panel at the Public Choice meeting in San Diego. Dr. Cynthia McCarty and Robbie Medders served as day chairs and coordinated with the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce a visit from the Youth Leadership of Calhoun County to JSU on March 14. Thirty-five high school juniors, two from every school in Calhoun County, was chosen to attend. The activities for the day were: tour of the campus, Show Choir, Camp Life, speakers on career opportunities, locating scholarships, financial aid, and smoking cessation. Other speakers were Amber Reid (Miss JSU), Ashley Martin, Tom Sikes and the SGA. Management/Marketing Pat Borstorff Pat Borstorff gave a presentation to the Calhoun County Society for Human Resource Management on "Retirement Planning and Gender Difference" on January 8th, 2002. On March 15, 2002 Pat Borstorff gave a presentation to the Executive Women's Network of Northeast Alabama on "How to Plan for Your Retirement". On February 12th, 2002 Pat Borstorff attended a Board meeting for the Calhoun County Society of Human Resources. March 12th, chaired meeting of Etowah County and Calhoun County Society for Human Resource Management. Taught Human Resource Certification Study course for Alabama Society for Human Resource Management in Birmingham, Alabama on March 1, 2002 and on March 17th, 2002. Pat Borstorff was awarded "Human Resource Professional of the Year" by the Calhoun County Society for Human Resource Management. Pat Borstorff served as vice-president of programs for the Calhoun County Society for Human Resource Management. Pat Borstorff was a finalist for Faculty Advisor of the Year for Greeks at JSU and honored at Greek Awards presentation in March 2002. Pat Borstorff has had a paper accepted at the International Case Studies Association of the Allied Academies to be presented in April 2002. Deborah Francis Deborah H. Francis reviewed for 2002 Academy of Management Meeting IM Division. Wrote article for IMD newsletter on financial status. Debrorah Francis attended USASBE conference in Reno, Nevada where she attended special day-long session on Direct Selling industry, met CEO/founder of Creative Memories Corp. and toured his plant, chaired a session and was elected program-chair-elect for international entrepreneurship division. Dr. Francis was interviewed by Sue Shellenburger of the Wall Street Journal for an article on friendships in the workplace. Dr. Francis is in the process of reviewing a case for Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice. Jim Thomas Referred Journal Publications (had accepted for publication): Thomas, James L., Scott J. Vitell, Faye W. Gilbert and Gregory M. Rose (2002), "The Impact of Ethical Cues on Consumer Satisfaction with Service," Journal of Retailing, (forthcoming). Vitell, Scott J., Joseph G.P. Paolillo, and James L. Thomas (2002), "The Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility: A Study of Marketing Professionals," Business Ethics Quarterly, (forthcoming). Service to the Marketing Discipline: Served as Proceedings Editor for the 2002 Conference of the Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators. Served on the Editorial Review Board for the TSU Business & Economics Review. Reviewed a manuscript for the Journal of Business Ethics. Service to the College of Commerce & Business Administration: Served as co-sponsor of the JSU student chapter of the American Marketing Association. Served on the CCBA Graduate Committee. Served on the CCBA Assessment Committee. Served on the CCBA Faculty Research Committee. Service to Jacksonville State University: Served on the JSU Strategic Marketing Plan Task Force. Served on the JSU Professional Development Committee. Joann Krauss Williams Served as a judge of South Trust Bank branch projects regarding their Quality Initiative Program, January 16, 2002. Gave a presentation "Lies, More Lies" to Leadership Calhoun County, March 21, 2002. Also at the presentation, a CCBA Tshirt was given away as a door prize.January 16, 2002 Arranged for guest speaker, Dr. John Spain, President and Founder of Information Risk Group in Atlanta, GA, to speak to students in MGT 491, CBA 375 and other listeners on "Internet Security." Arranged for Mr. Larrie Currie, a certified Covey trainer with State Farm Insurance in Anniston, AL, to speak to students in MGT 491 on "The Secrets of Effective Leaders." Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED) Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Conferences attended by CED/SBDC personnel during the quarter included: Economic Development Association of Alabama Winter Conference; Alabama 2002 Economic Outlook; Lifestyles Expo (retirees); Mississippi State Procurement Conference (government contracting); Constitution Reform: What's In It For Me? (Sponsored by the Alabama-Georgia Foothills Forum for Calhoun County senior high school students). Numerous presentations to civic and professional groups/associations, including: Alabama Realtors, Homebuilders, and Bankers (retiree attraction); a booth at the Lifestyles Expo (retirees); Montgomery Realtors Association (retiree attraction). The January/February 2002 issue of JSU Economic Update featured one of its eagerly anticipated recurring articles on the outshopping index for Alabama Counties. The CED usually receives requests for additional copies following this printing, and this year was no exception. The Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce requested 30 copies for its board of directors and other interested parties. The Alabama Retail Association in Montgomery called for 60 copies to distribute to their board. Mr. Bill Crist, publisher of The Brewton Standard, contacted the Center for back issues of the index so that he could work on an article plotting Escambia County's trend over the years. Copies of the 1999, 1997, and 1994 indices were faxed to him. Mr. Crist's email of thanks stated that, "They are going to be very helpful with my column. That index is pretty interesting, and shows that we're doing a better job keeping shoppers here than we think (although there's still room for improvement)." During the reporting period, the 25 selected communities were inventoried for their potential in attracting affluent retirees as an economic development strategy. Funding for this project was received from the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. A narrative of each community has been prepared based upon the inventory findings. The community's strengths are the focus of the report. Custom contract projects currently being conducted by the Center for Economic Development include: Bridgeport Utilities - Personnel Analysis; JSU Student Employment Survey. The Small Business Development Center conducted seminars as follows: Small Business Workshop for Daycare Center Directors, Youth Leadership Calhoun County; The Importance of Credit for the Entrepreneur (Parts I & II for Oxford High School students); Alabama Department of Revenue New Business/Alabama Taxes Workshop (two seminars). Dean's Office Dr. Sheila Anne Webb served as chair of the McClellan Child Development Center Committee. The Child Development Center Committee is working on renovation, curriculum, staffing and budget needs with a target opening date of Fall 2002. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb was interviewed by President Meehan on radio and in The Jacksonville News regarding "A" on education state report card conducted by State Department of Education. Alabama Commission on Higher Education awarded the ESTEEM (Exploring Scientific Truths Environmentally to Enhance Mathematics) Grant in the amount of $87,322 to Jacksonville State University--Sheila Webb, Director; Jan Wilson, Coordinator; Barbara Yunker, Evaluator. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb serves on the Ayers Hall Building Committee. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb attended the Early Childhood Governor's Commission for TEACH meeting in Montgomery, Alabama, January/March 2002. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb and Dr. Cynthia Harper presented at the 2002 Association of Teacher Educators Conference in Denver, Colorado, February 2002. Dr. Cynthia Harper attended the Alabama Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, January 2002. Dr. Cynthia Harper attended the National Science Foundation Workshop on Math and Science Partnership Program in Arlington, Virginia, March 2002. Dr. Cynthia Harper presented at the 2002 American Association of Colleges and Teachers conference in New York, New York, February 2002. Communications Mr. Jerry Chandler appeared on WBRC on 1/18/02 to talk about airport and airline security. Mr. Lloyd Dobyns is writing an article to be published in ten states in the Southeastern United States regarding the development of hybrid cars. FCC has approved doubling the power of JSU radio station, WLJS, from 3KW to 6KW. The antenna will be moved to Chimney Peak. Dr. Kingsley Harbor is currently revising a national survey on Scholastic Journalism which he has been commissioned to conduct by the ASJMC (Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication.) Dr. Kingsley Harbor has been invited to present a paper at the African Studies Association Conference to be held in Kentucky State University in April 2002. Josie Connell, communication student, will be awarded by the Mississippi Broadcasters Association in April for a radio program she produced. Josie will also be working with TV 24. Mr. Dobyns reviewed a book Bias, by Goldberg (author) in Network Television Habits. Mr. Chandler is writing two articles on "Business Jets," one for The New York Times and one for Airport Security Financial Times of London. Mr. Stedham reported that The Chanticleer has experienced growth in revenue. April 8 - 11, 2002 initiated the first Mass Communication Week at JSU. Dr. Harbor was a guest on TV 24 on Monday, March 11. Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Steve Armstrong attended CEC Superconference in Montgomery on January 27-29, 2002. Dr. Larry Beard presented at International TAM/CEC Conference in Reston, VA on January 10-13, 2002 and at CEC Superconference in Montgomery, AL on January 27-29, 2002. Ms. Blanche Colley attended Comprehensive System of Personnel Development/State Improvement Grant Advisory Committee Meeting in Montgomery, AL on January 28, 2002. Dr. Slenda Haynes presented at CEC Superconference in Montgomery, AL on January 28, 2002. Ms. Celia Hilber presented at Early Childhood Special Education Inservice Curriculum Cluster 7 at Jacksonville State University on March 22, 2002. Ms. Nina King presented Stress workshop for childcare providers at Children's Services in Anniston on February 28, 2002. Dr. Patricia Lowry presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, GA on March 7 & 8, 2002. Dr. Judy McCrary presented at the Georgia Reading Association Conference in Atlanta, March 7 & 8. Ms. Lynetta Owens presented at AACTE Conference in New York on February 23-26, 2002. Educational Resources Dr. Wilson attended training in Montgomery for Calhoun County Judicial Volunteer Program. Dr. Zuelke presented in Orlando, FL at the American Association of School Administrators Conference. Dr. Uline attended training at UAB for the 2001 Comprehension Strategies Module (2 sessions). Dr. Bohannon went to Perdido Beach, AL for ALSCA & AL Career Tech conference and to Montgomery for ALSCA & ALCA conference. She went to Washington, DC the 22nd and 23rd for ASCA training sessions. Drs. Jenkins, Bohannon, Friery & Kiser , have presented the following: "Spirituality-Labyrinths: A Tool for Clinical Intervention in Counseling;" "Character Education;" Character Education Strategies for Jr./Sr. High School Students"; "EMDR: A New Counseling Technique." Drs. Friery, Notar & Wilson are having an article published through PROJECT INNOVATION an Education, College Student Journal and Reading Improvement. Drs. Wilson and Zuelke have applied for JSU professional travel grants. Dr. Friery is participating in LCC with the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce. Family & Consumer Sciences Mrs. Karen Nemeth attended the Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting in Birmingham on Feb. 21-23, 2002. Also attending were Ms. Kim Mitchell, pro-rata instructor, and nine Family and Consumer Sciences students. Mrs. Nemeth presided at three educational sessions and presided at the annual business meeting on Friday. Mrs. Nemeth was installed as the 2002-03 president of Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Mrs. Nemeth had been actively involved in the planning of this annual meeting and will be in charge of planning next year's entire meeting. It was a very successful meeting with over 200 in attendance. Ms. Kim Mitchell was awarded a $750.00 graduate scholarship by the Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is completing the Ed.S. in Secondary Education with a subject area concentration in Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Alabama. She intends to enter the doctoral program at the University of Alabama. Miss Olivia Myers, president of JSU Student Family and Consumer Sciences was a candidate for state president. Mrs. Nemeth reports that she was very proud of the professionalism shown by our group of nine students. They represented JSU well. The students served as hostesses at four of the educational sessions. The students worked at the JSU departmental exhibit between sessions and even sold $320 of FCS cookbooks. The sale of cookbooks helped pay for the students' registration at the meeting as well as hotel rooms for them during the meeting. Three of the students attending are current student teachers and they made several contacts during the meeting and actually had job offers from representatives of a couple of school systems. Nutrition faculty members are making plans for the Accreditation Site visit by the American Dietetics Association in November, 2002. Mrs. Debra Goodwin and 10 Family and Consumer Sciences students attended the Alabama Dietetic Association State meeting in Montgomery on March 14 and 15. Two of our students received special recognition at the meeting. Krystal Hill received the Outstanding Student Award and Tiffany Mitchell received a Scholarship from the Northeast Alabama Dietetic Association. Health, Physical Education & Recreation Dr. Roland Thornburg has accepted the Physical Education (Pedagogy) Position, and will be joining the HPER faculty Fall 2002. Dr. William Hey and Mrs. Donna Bailey-Hey had papers accepted for presentation at the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance conference in April. Dr. Glenn Roswal was presented the University of Florida Distinguished Alumni of the College of Health and Human Performance Award in January. He also attended the AAHPERD Executive Committee Meeting, Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Mac Gillam instituted a new Internet course for the spring 2002 semester. Mr. Jim McLaughlin, along with several exercise science students, attended the annual meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine in Atlanta, GA. He also presented/published one referred article. The Wellness Center continued to provide health fitness and medical screening evaluations to faculty, staff and students. Dr. Ronnie Harris presented a program for the American Red Cross on "CPR for the Professional". He also attended the Nutrition and Exercise Conference in Atlanta, GA. Instructional Services Faculty/staff accomplishments: Mike Zenanko edited the "Passport to Success: Annual report of CE&PS" for the second year. Four thousand of these booklets were printed. The Learning Resource Center served over 364 patrons during the first two months of the spring semester (January 3, 2002 - February 28, 2002). It is estimated that only 1 out of 5 patrons actually sign in. The Learning Resource Center acquired the Athena library management system on March 7, 2002, and has begun cataloging all books and materials. This software will enable the ISU to keep extremely accurate cataloging and circulation records and will expedite searches for specific items by title, author or subject. Positions were approved for the Director of the Instructional Services Center and the Coordinator of the Learning Resource Center. During the spring semester, the Teaching/Learning Center had 149 tutors working with 102 community children at JSU. A total of 1,490 hours of free tutoring was provided. A new class called Service Learning was offered in the Spring Catalogue. This course prepares JSU students to participate in the tutoring process. Three people signed up for the course. In order to help students taking this service course, 10 copies of The Master Tutor by MacDonald were purchased and put on the shelves of the Learning Resource Center to facilitate the students' tutoring. Other students involved with tutoring practicums will also use these books. The Multimedia Instructional Laboratories purchased and had installed Adobe Illustrator 10 and Adobe PageMaker 7.0 on both the Wintel and Macintosh platforms. These upgrades help the students in EIM 410 to learn the most vanguard forms of the software. Technology Terry Marbut is looking at a new technology that would provide rapid prototyping. He hopes to partner with industry to pool resources for the new technology. Technology received computers provided by the $50,000 grant. Technology Fair is April 19. With the start of the Spring Semester, January 2002, Houston Cole Library began using the Docutek Electronic Reserve system (ERes.) This system is integrated with the Voyager Web-based library catalog and makes test files, class notes, journal articles and other reserve materials available through the Internet to JSU students and faculty. The Houston Cole Library implemented its new "smart lab" at the beginning of the Spring Semester. Classes can now experience "hands on" library instruction. The new 17-workstation computer lab lets library patrons learn about the library and its resources by participating in the instruction sessions. Students are able to work on-line along with the librarian or instructor to complete catalog, Internet, and/or database searching. The instructor's workstation can monitor the actions of the students and communicate with, stop, or correct the individual workstations. The instructor is also able to broadcast any or all workstation screens to the large projection screen for the entire class to view. This technology allows for three-way interaction: Teacher to Student, Student to Student, Student to Teacher - for both local and remote sites. Salary adjustments were recommended and approved for junior assistant professors and one associate professor. Luke Griffin was hired as Electronic Resources/Government Documents Librarian. Elizabeth Milewicz resigned as Education Librarian. Elizabeth Milewicz completed the revision of a manuscript accepted by Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education: "Learning to Question: Categories of Questioning Used by Preservice Teachers during Diagnostic Mathematics Interviews" (co-authored with Dr. Patricia S. Moyer, George Mason University). Elizabeth Milewicz has had a manuscript accepted for publication by Young Children: "Fostering and Sustaining Young Children's Interest in Reading and Writing for Multiple Purposes" (co-authored with Carol Donovan, University of Alabama, College of Education). Kim Weatherford had an article published: "Academic Librarian Status and Benefit in Alabama," The Alabama Librarian 2002 (52:1): 13-19 (co-authored with Della Darby, Samford University). John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Kim Weatherford submitted a proposal for an Alabama Library Association poster session, "Interface-Life: The Houston Cole Library's Web Page Redesign Project." The proposal was accepted for presentation at the 2002 Alabama Library Association Convention in Huntsville, Alabama in April. Jodi Poe and Kim Weatherford submitted a proposal for an Alabama Association for College and Research Libraries Best Practices Session: "Adding Electronic Journals to Your Online Catalog." The proposal was accepted for presentation at the 2002 Alabama Library Association Convention in Huntsville, Alabama in April. (Co-contributor, Della Darby, Samford University) John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Kim Weatherford submitted a manuscript for possible publication to The Southeastern Librarian "Interface-Life": The Houston Cole Library's Web Page Redesign Project. John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Kim Weatherford submitted a proposal for an American Library Association poster session, "Functional by Design: The Use of a Comparative Study to Determine the Usability and Functionality of One Library's Web Site," The proposal was accepted for presentation in June at the 2002 American Library Association Convention in Atlanta, GA. John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe presented "Course Reserves made Easy: An Introduction to the Library's Electronic Course Reserve System" at the JSU Academe, March 2002. Jodi Poe participated in an Academe presentation with Dr. Brenda Phillips, "Focus on Grant Writing" February 2002. The library's revision of the Collection Management and Development Policy manual has been published as an ERIC document: McAbee, Sonja L., comp., Mary D. Bevis, Jodi W. Poe, and George Whitesel, eds. (2001). Houston Cole Library Collection Management and Development Policy (2nd ed.). Jacksonville, Alabama: Jacksonville State University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 456 843). Hanrong Wang had a paper, "Research and Services for Remote Access," accepted for presentation at the ALLA CUS Research Forum during the Alabama Library Association Convention in Huntsville, April 11. The annual CNHS Honors Day will be held on April 4th in recognition of the academic and service accomplishments of nursing students, particularly the 87 seniors in the baccalaureate program. Dr. C. Neal Canup is the speaker for the event. The CNHS was awarded a subcontract with the AIDS Services Center for a new project entitled "Mental Health Treatment Program." The total amount of the award is $145,000 and is a five-year project. Dr. Beth Hembree, Dr. Doris Bennett, and Mr. Gene Padgham comprise the JSU evaluation team for the project. Dr. Martha G. Lavender presented a workshop on "Innovations in Leadership and Management" in Anchorage, Alaska on February 6, 2002 and provided a general session presentation on "The Nursing Shortage: Opportunities for the Future" at the annual Perinatal Conference in Huntsville, Alabama on March 16, 2002. Fourteen nursing students were selected to the 2001-2002 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Ms. Paula Davis and Ms. Christie Shelton completed the WMD First Responder Training Program at the Center for Domestic Preparedness in February 2002. Ms. Monika Hossain was recognized as a 2002 recipient of the Alabama League for Nursing's Lamplighter Award. The ceremony will be held on April 4th. Pediatric nursing students presented a session on Smoking Cessation to Youth Leadership Calhoun County on March 14, 2002. Students from the Jacksonville Association of Nursing Students (JANS) sponsored a First Aid Station at the Constitutional Reform Rally held in Mathews Coliseum on February 28th. An introductory Blackboard workshop and two advanced Blackboard workshops were offered. A videoconferencing workshop was conducted to familiarize instructors with the technology in preparation for their use of the equipment during the summer sessions. A Centra demonstration involving live audio and video for a blended eLearning environment was also conducted for interested faculty. One-on-one tutorials continued to be offered throughout the spring semester. Eighteen new courses were submitted to the Southern Regional Electronic Campus for Spring 2002. Two new programs were also submitted (Bachelor degree in Emergency Management and the Masters of Public Administration with a Concentration in Spatial Analysis and Management). The Masters of Public Administration with a Concentration in Spatial Analysis and Management can now be taken online. The Distance Learning homepage was updated. A news link was added to the web site that includes the departmental newsletter, Eminus, as well as other significant events and information. The Blackboard server received a memory (RAM upgrade) to bring it up to the most recent specifications recommended by Blackboard. The Impact Center in Scottsboro, Alabama requested that Jacksonville State University provide videoconferencing. This facility will be used during the summer sessions. The videoconferencing system in Naylor Hall was relocated to the new Joe Ford Center. This move will enhance the videocourse offerings in the Gadsden area. Additional videoconferencing partnerships were formed with the Fernbank Science Center, Atlanta, Georgia and Morgan County High School, Morgan County, Georgia. The Cass High School, Cartersville, Georgia site was visited for possible relocation within the high school in order to provide a larger student capacity. A CD-ROM publishing system provided the opportunity for the mass distribution of disks to students enrolled in all distance-learning formats. This will reduce download times for students desiring laboratory demonstrations, music and lengthy PowerPoint presentations. This new capability will enhance the instructional process. Spring and Marathon Q 2002 online and Blackboard enrollment statistics were:
Admissions Jacksonville State University hosted Spring Preview Days on February 16 and March 16, 2002. Accepted students were encouraged to register for fall semester at both Preview Days. A total of 380 freshmen and 65 transfer students registered, which is the highest registration ever for Preview Days. Undergraduate admission applications are at an all time high. Career Placement Services On February 21st, Career Placement Services hosted over 65 school systems from eight states at its Annual Education Fair. The fair had a non-traditional format as well as a different set-up from previous fairs. Students had the opportunity to actually interview the systems of their choice by signing up early. Over 100 recruiters were present, with 60 responding to the survey. According to the respondents, 57% considered the non-traditional format excellent; 30% considered it good. Sixty-three percent (63%) considered the quality of the contacts excellent, and 31% considered them good. The majority of respondents (77%) rated the professionalism of the students excellent, while 96% considered the professionalism of the staff excellent. According to 73% of the respondents, the overall impression of the fair was excellent. Over 200 students registered for the fair, but only 45 completed evaluations. Of the 45 responding, 59% stated that the overall impression of the fair was excellent and 34% rated it good. Over 70% of the respondents rated the non-traditional format excellent and good. Career Placement Services provided two workshops during the week of March 18th in preparation for its first annual Professional Connection Interview Day held on April 10th. The first workshop, Resumania, was held on March 19th in the computer lab of TMB. Twenty-three (23) students received one-on-one assistance writing resumes. Over 60 students attended the second workshop that was held on March 20th in Merrill Building. James Mudler, Corporate Recruiter from ITC Delta Com spoke on "Interviewing Skills"; Edwin Breeden from Mens Wearhouse spoke on "Corporate Dress", and Greg Beason from Honeywell Aerospace spoke on "How to Make it in the Corporate World." Fifteen companies participated in Career Placement's first annual Professional Connection Interview Day held on April 10th. This event gave the employer the opportunity to meet and interview students who are pursuing employment in accounting, economics, E-commerce, finance, management, marketing, computer science and technology. In addition, it provided JSU's seniors and alumni the opportunity of multiple interview experiences. Fourteen students are placed in co-operative education partnerships with 8 different companies for the Spring Semester 2002. Counseling and Career Services The 2nd Annual Appalachian School will be July 9-12, 2002 on campus. The week-long school is designed for professionals in prevention, identification, assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and enforcement of chemical abuse and dependency. Multicultural Services Martin Luther King Week at JSU: During the week of January 21-25, 2002 Jacksonville State University celebrated Martin Luther King Week. Reverend Dallas Wilson, 5th Regional Youth and College Division Director of NAACP, was the keynote speaker. The office also sponsored a bus trip to the Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia on January 21, 2002. Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference: Seven students attended the Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference in College Station, Texas. The conference on January 17-20, 2002 was sponsored by Texas A & M University. Officers and members of the African American Association (AAA) attended the conference. The conference provided the participants with an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, explore issues of importance to students of color, meet potential employers, as well as network and interact with significant national and international leaders. Black History Month at JSU was very entertaining and educational. The highlight of the month was the lecture and motivational speech by Judge Greg Mathis on February 6, 2002 at Cole Auditorium. Judge Mathis is a television judge with his own nationally syndicated show, distributed by Warner Brothers Television. The other special event for the month was the Soul Food Dinner Theater featuring Pin Points Theater from Washington, D.C. production play "Hooked on Love." Other activities for the month included an African American Heritage Month Scholarship Pageant and an African American Heritage Month Free Party for students in Cole Auditorium. The month concluded with a special performance by Alabama State University's Theater Arts Program performance of "The Soul of Nat Turner" on February 28, 2002. This was a joint project between the JSU Drama Department, Alabama State University Drama Department, and the Multicultural Services Department. Recreational Sports The Northeast Regional High School Basketball Tournament was held at Pete Mathews Coliseum, February 19-23, 2002. Forty-eight teams competed and over 25,000 people attended the five-day event. Two students won scholarships sponsored by the Alumni Association - Daniel Leonard from Grant and Perry McMurry from Flat Rock. Student Activities SGA collected 140 pints of blood at the Spring Blood Drive. The SGA sent 26 students to the YMCA Collegiate Legislature Conference held in Montgomery during February. Awards were presented to the following students:
GREEK NEWS The Interfraternity Council (IFC) of Jacksonville State University attended the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference (SEIFC) Leadership Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, February 21-24, 2002. The students attending were Chris Betzler, Mark Choquette, Josh Fuller, Stephen Holmes, and Jeremy Sims. JSU's IFC received several awards:
Terry Casey, Director of Student Activities, is currently serving on the executive board as SEIFC Assistant Director. The Interfraternity Council GPA was above the undergraduate men's average for Fall 2001. Greek Awards The annual Greek Awards ceremony was held on February 26, 2002. Award recipients are selected based on the Five-Star Evaluation program adopted two years ago. Sororities President's Gold Cup - Phi Mu President's Silver Cup - Delta Zeta President's Bronze Cup - Alpha Omicron Pi & Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternities President's Gold Cup - Kappa Alpha Order President's Silver Cup - Sigma Nu President's Bronze Cup - None Highest GPA National Panhellenic Council - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Panhellenic Council - Phi Mu Interfraternity Council - Sigma Nu Most Improved GPA National Panhellenic Council - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Panhellenic Council - Alpha Xi Delta Interfraternity Council - Sigma Phi Epsilon Highest New Member GPA Panhellenic Council - Phi Mu Interfraternity Council - Sigma Nu Advisor/Alumna of the Year Ms. Gloria Culberson Hice, Zeta Tau Alpha Faculty Advisor of the Year Dr. Alice Cusimano, Alpha Omicron Pi Greek Man of the Year M. Stephen Holmes, Kappa Alpha Order Greek Woman of the Year Joy A. Boyd, Alpha Omicron Pi Excellence in Campus Involvement Fraternity - Kappa Alpha Order Sorority - Alpha Omicron Pi Excellence in University and Community Relations Fraternity - Kappa Alpha Order, Alpha Tau Omega Sorority - Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Zeta, Phi Mu, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Also, 58 Scholar Awards were given to members maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Re-Chartering: The Delta Epsilon Colony of Pi Kappa Phi has been recommended for re-chartering at JSU. The Chapter was closed in the early 90's. The colony has been working toward re-chartering for the past few years. The event was held April 13, 2002. Many national officers, representatives, and chapter alumni attended. Department of University Housing & Residence Life An additional wing was opened in Daugette Hall, Fall 2001. Residence Life had approximately 100 applicants for resident assistant positions for 2002; 50 were interviewed. Currently, housing has 113 housing applicants for summer. Presently, housing has 345 new housing applicants for Fall 2002; 157 re-applicant residents requested a private room for Fall 2002. University Police Department Officers hired since September 1, 2001:
The Military Science Department vision is to recruit the very best students available for Jacksonville State ROTC. The Department seeks to retain those students through a challenging curriculum, quality mentoring, and a positive program that encourages leadership, scholarship, individual responsibility and Battalion camaraderie. The department trains and develops their cadets to ensure they are fully prepared to accept the responsibilities of a commissioned officer and to effectively lead America's sons and daughters. The Department strives to commission the very best lieutenants that enter the Army each year. Gamecock cadets carried the tradition of excellence throughout the first half of another academic year. In November, the Ranger Challenge Team excelled in Brigade level competition by earning a silver streamer in ROTC's "varsity sport." In the annual fall & spring awards ceremonies, 31 local patriotic and civic organizations presented awards to cadets who excelled in leadership, athletics and academics. Additionally, cadets earned over 160 battalion and Cadet Command awards. In December, the department held its annual Winter Commissioning Ceremony. Two cadets were commissioned to second lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Robert Spans, the Fall 2001 Cadet Battalion Commander, is currently at Fort Sill, Oklahoma attending the Field Artillery Officers Basic Course, and Second Lieutenant LaShanda Caver serves as JSU ROTC's Gold Bar Recruiter. Second Lieutenant Caver is doing an outstanding job representing the University and already earned the distinction of recruiting more prospective ROTC students than any Gold Bar Recruiter in the previous five years. Recently, JSU ROTC hosted its annual seven-university joint field training exercise (FTX), Viking Pelham. During the FTX, junior level cadets were trained in squad tactics, the leader's reaction course, land navigation, and physical fitness in preparation for the National Advanced Leaders' Camp at Fort Lewis, Washington this summer. This year 16 members of the junior class will be competing against their peers from across the nation at Fort Lewis. The ROTC curriculum continues to evolve to meet the leadership challenges of the 21st century. The department is focused on sending the message to all prospective cadets and to the University population that ROTC provides the best leadership training available for young men and women. Academic Center for Excellence Supplemental Learning Services (SLS) There were 334 students who participated in individual tutoring, study groups, or Supplemental Instruction sessions during the Fall 2001 semester in General Education course work. Supplemental Learning Services posted a 66.7% pass rate for students who utilized this free service. Math courses continue to be the highest demand courses for tutorial; 50% of students tutored in this area passed with assistance from SLS. Special emphasis this year has been given to the physical sciences in the General Education requirements. Students who attended tutoring in biology and chemistry passed at a rate of 46%. Emphasis for the Spring 2002 semester was to encourage students taking these courses to attend study sessions or tutorial at the beginning of the semester before falling behind in these courses. In addition, SLS provides evening study hall and tutorial assistance for freshmen athletes. During the Fall semester, 78 athletes attended study hall and averaged a 2.92 GPA for the semester. |
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