JSU Newswire
Jacksonville, Alabama

Report of Trustees' Quarterly Meeting

GADSDEN -- April 15, 2002 -- The Jacksonville State University board of trustees gave President Bill Meehan authorization to begin the preliminary steps toward establishing a $15 million bond issue to fund the renovation of Ayers Hall along with a newly acquired building at Ft. McClellan and other capital improvements.

The president will report back to the trustees on his negotiations during their summer meeting.

In other business, the trustees increased tuition beginning with the fall semester by $150. Tuition was set as follows:


  • $1,620 per regular semester for 12 to 16 semester hours
  • $135 per hour for less than 12 semester hours or additional hours over 16 hours
  • Out-of-state fees: an additional $1,620 for 12 to 16 hours and an additional $135 per hour for less than 12 semester hours or additional hours over 16 semester hours

  • $1,620 per regular semester for 10 to 12 semester hours
  • $162 per hour for less than 10 semester hours or additional hours over 12 semester hours
  • Out-of-state fees: an additional $1,620 for 10 to 12 semester hours and an additional $162 per hour for less than 10 semester hours or additional hours over 12 semester hours.
Housing costs will be the same as the previous year.

President Meehan gave the following capital projects report:

Houston Cole Library - The roof system and granite installation are complete. Chalking between the granite joints is 88% complete; the exterior painting is 15% complete, and replacement of concrete pavers on the ground floor entrance way is 45% complete. A rededication of Houston Cole Library is planned for the October Board meeting.

Martin Hall - The project is complete except for a few of the warranty items.

Chief Ladiga Trail - The asphalt portion of the trail is 100% complete. The kiosk is erected; the parking lot and remaining pavement connections are scheduled to be complete by late April or early May.

Joe Ford Economic Center - The trustee meeting was held in the new building, which is now occupied. Numerous punch list items remain to be completed. Parking lot paving has been awarded to McCartney Construction Company.

Chimney Peak - Weather has prevented progress in the last two months. Concrete swells are 95% complete. Erosion of some of the road bed will have to be corrected before paving can begin when dry weather occurs.

Ayers Hall Renovation - Asbestos abatement has been awarded to Montgomery Environment. Work is scheduled to start in May and be completed in the summer months.

Roof Replacements 2002 - The contract has been awarded to Standard Roofing of Birmingham, Alabama. Work on the roof of the JSU McClellan Child Development Center should begin today.

Merrill Hall and Brewer Hall Chiller Replacement - Air condition systems are operational in both buildings and the entire project is 99% complete.

Pete Matthews Coliseum Swimming Pool - The filtration and pump system replacement has been awarded to Mid-South Controls. The work is scheduled to begin today and will be complete in approximately a month.


University Investment Returns Report - The report is a requirement of the University's regional accrediting association, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. This report indicates returns for the University fiscal year end (September 30, 2001) for the last three years. Please note that this was two weeks after September 11th, and JSU stocks recovered 27.2% from this value at the December 31, 2001 reporting.

Fall Applications - Accepted undergraduate applications, as of April 10th, exceeded last year's total at this time by 220 applicants with 61 more applications accepted from Georgia than this time last year.


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