The Alabama Department of Public Safety, through its Jacksonville State Trooper Post, recently conferred its highest civilian award on JSU President Bill Meehan and three other JSU employees for donating a dozen computers along with the manpower and expertise to network them together. Shown left to right, following the awards presentation, are Trooper Brent C. Thomas; Mr. Randy Harper, executive director of JSU's Data Systems Management Divison; Mr. Mark Matthews and Mr. Sean Ponder, JSU computer technical specialists; President Meehan; and Joyce Shelley, commander of the Trooper's Jacksonville Post. (Steve Latham photo)
JACKSONVILLE -- When it comes to computers, no state trooper post in Alabama is as well connected as the Jacksonville State Trooper headquarters, thanks to a gift of a dozen surplus computers and technical assistance in connecting them to a network.
When JSU President Bill Meehan found out the local post needed help, he not only authorized the contribution but provided a team of experts to make the system function effectively. As a result, Trooper Brent Thomas reports that the Post is now a model facility.
The Troopers said "thanks" by giving their highest award, Honorary State Trooper, to Dr. Meehan and the team from Data Systems Management: Mr. Randy Harper, Mr. Mark Matthews, and Mr. Sean Ponder.
"Dr. Meehan and JSU has been extremely supportive, and for this reason we are happy to present this rare honor," said Trooper Brent C. Thomas, public affairs officer.
Ponder said the computers were surplus equipment removed from labs.
Ponder and Matthews installed the computers, ran the cables and provided technical support.