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VPAA Report to the Board of Trustees |
Department of Biology Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani was awarded a Fullbright Fellowship and a professional development leave to conduct research and teach in Jordan. Dr. Benjie Blair was an invited reviewer for the National Science Foundation - Course Curriculum and Laboratory Grant review process, Washington, D.C. (July, 2001) Dr. Benjie Blair was an invited participant in the Gordon Research Conference on Cellulases and Cellulosomes held in Andover, New Hampshire. (July, 2001) Dr. Benjie Blair judged student presentations at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the American Society of Microbiology held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. (November, 2001) Dr. George Cline completed an NSF Workshop on "New Approaches and Techniques for Teaching Science: Addressing Environmental problems to Stimulate Undergraduate Learning" held at Jacksonville State University. (August, 2001) Dr. George Cline was appointed to the Board of Directors for the regional journal, "Southeastern Naturalist". (May 2001) Dr. LaJoyce Debro served as a representative from Alabama to the Executive Planning Committee at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the American Society of Microbiology held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. (November 2001) Dr. LaJoyce Debro judged student presentations at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students sponsored by the American Society of Microbiology in Orlando, Florida. (November, 2001) Dr. LaJoyce Debro was an invited reviewer for the National Science Foundation - Course Curriculum and Laboratory Grant review process and Research in Undergraduate Institutions review process, Washington, D.C. (July, 2001 and October, 2001) Dr. LaJoyce Debro received a Faculty Research Grant award of $2,987 from Jacksonville State University to study "Baseline Assessment of Genotoxic Risks Associated with Hazardous Waste Disposal at the Anniston Army Depot". (November, 2001) Dr. Taba Hamissou received a Faculty Research Grant award of $3,000 from Jacksonville State University to study "The Effects of Aluminum and Zinc Toxicity on the Development of Arabidopsis thaliana: A Molecular Anatomy Approach". (November, 2001) Dr. Mark Meade and Dr. James Rayburn received an award of $53,850 from the Calhoun County Community Foundation for "Improved Pre-Health Professional Education Experiences through the Use of Computer-Based Physiology Laboratories". (May, 2001) Dr. Mark Meade received a Faculty Research Grant award of $2,886 from Jacksonville State University to study "Genetic Diversity of the Blue Shiner, Cyprinella caerulea, Populations in Northeast Alabama. (November, 2001) Dr. Mark Meade received the Jacksonville State University McWhorter Outstanding Teaching Award. (May, 2001) Dr. Charles Olander and eight of his students spent 20 days studying Tropical Biology (BY 454) in the Yucatan, Mexico. (June, 2001) Dr. James Rayburn received a Faculty Research Grant award of $2,300 from Jacksonville State University To study "Water Quality Measurements at Diveland Park: A Contamination Survey". (November, 2001) Dr. James Rayburn received a University Travel Grant of $1,201 to attend the national meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry in Baltimore, MD. (November, 2001) Dr. Frank Romano hosted a 5-day workshop (sponsored by the National Science Foundation) for faculty entitled "New Approaches and Techniques for Teaching Science: Addressing Environmental Problems to Stimulate Undergraduate Learning". Dr. Frank Romano participated in a Ph.D. qualifying examination at the University of South Florida in Gainesville, FL. (October, 2001) Dr. Frank Romano received a Faculty Research Grant award of $2,097.99 from Jacksonville State University to study "Behavioral Ecology of Craspedacusta sowerbii (a freshwater jellyfish) in Rock Quarry Glencoe, Alabama". (November, 2001) Dr. Roger Sauterer received a Faculty Research Grant Award of $3,000 from Jacksonville State University to study "Analysis of Cytochrome P-450 1A (CYT 1A) Enzyme Expression in Developing Frog Embryos Exposed to Control or Snow Creek Water and Sediment Extracts: Correlation with Results from the Fetax Development Assay". (November, 2001) Dr. Roger Sauterer received a University Travel Grant of $983 to attend the national meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry in Baltimore, MD. (November, 2001) The Biology Department sponsored the following seminar speakers:
The unit was awarded over $300,000 in grants/contracts during the Fall term. Dr. Jan Gryko presented a paper entitled "133Cs and 23Na NMR Studies of Cs8NaxGe136 Clathrates" at the Materials Research Society Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Harry Holstein and Mr. Keith Little presented a paper entitled "Terminal Late Woodland Manifestations in the Coosa Valley of Northeast Alabama" at the Southeast Archaeological Conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dr. Al Nichols presented a paper entitled "Derivatives of the NMDA Receptor-antagonist5,7-Dichlorokynurenic Acid Which Can Also Act at Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channels" at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego, California. Dr. David Steffy presented a paper entitled "The Use of Humic Acid to Promote the Remediation of a NAPL in a Porous Medium" at the National Ground Water Association's Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, in Houston, Texas. Students Dan Groghan, Melissa Bandy, and Martin Satola assisted in the project. Dr. Kelly Gregg presented a paper entitled "Using a Geographic Perspective to Interpret a Civil War Era Iron Furnace" at the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers meeting in Lexington, Kentucky. Six undergraduate geography students, Amanda Mitchell, Jennifer Belknap, Andy Orr, Casey Reaves, Shane Kirby and Robert Spans, presented papers at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers in Lexington, Kentucky. History and Foreign Languages: The Calhoun County School System, with the History Department at JSU as its partner, received a major grant from the U.S. Department of Education to create a program that will use local resources to teach American History. Dr. George Lauderbaugh will serve as the JSU Coordinator for the project. Dr. Philip Koerper, Dr. Suzanne Marshall, and Dr. Jennifer Gross will be among the instructors. Dr. Harvey Jackson will be the program evaluator. Dr. Llew Cook read a paper on "Austrian Mercenaries with Napoleon in Russia" at the annual meeting of the Southwest Social Studies Association. This past summer he attended a month-long seminar on Military History at the U. S. Army Military Academy at West Point. Dr. Ted Childress and Dr Daniel Hollis have retired. Dr. Jennifer Gross, Ph.D., University of Georgia, was appointed assistant professor of history. Her specialty is the American Civil War era. She is a member of the executive council of the Southern Association of Women Historians and has submitted an article to the American Quarterly for publication. Dr. George Lauderbaugh presented a paper on "The Origins of Good Neighbors: the United States and Ecuador, 1921-1933" at the annual meeting of the Association of Third World Studies. He published an article, "The United States and Ecuador: The Genesis of a Relationship," in the Proceedings of the Association of Third World Studies. (Fall, 2001). Dr. Russel Lemmons received a grant form the Alabama Council for International Programs to attend a four-week summer seminar in Cairo on "Egypt and the Middle East Process." He as also been accepted for a Seminar on the German Concentration Camp System at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies in January. Most significantly, Dr. Lemmons was named the JSU Faculty Scholar Lecturer for 2001-2002. Dr. Suzanne Marshall recently learned that her book-length manuscript, "Lord, We're Just Trying to Save Your Water: Environmental Activism and Dissent in the South," has been accepted for publication by the University Press of Florida. Dr. Harvey Jackson published a chapter, "Mobile Since 1945," in Mobile: The New History of Alabama's First City, and an entry in Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State. He spoke to the New South Coalition meeting on the origins of Alabama's 1901 constitution and has spoken on constitutional reform in Alabama to local civic and education groups. Department of Psychology: Dr. Michael Clayton presented a paper at the Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis titled "Improving the Management of Overtime Costs Through Decentralized Controls: Managing an Organizational Metacontingency" in Birmingham, AL, Nov. 8, 2001. Dr. William Palya had the following manuscript accepted for publication: W. L. Palya, D. Walter, R. Kessel, & R. Lucke. Linear modeling of steady-state behavioral dynamics. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Dr. Palya also did the following professional poster presentations with students:
Department of MCIS: Presentations and Professional Conferences: Southeastern - Computing in Small Colleges Conference (All papers are refereed and published in Conference Proceedings.)
JSU Writers Bowl - October 2001 - 150 high school students from across the state attended. Southern Playwrights Competition - 13th year - already underway; last year's winner Blood of the Bear will be produced in May 2002. On the Brink Southern Writers Conference - Feb. 4, 2002 - Eight writers confirmed. Dean William Fielding and Dr. Bill Scroggins attended the ACHE (Alabama Commission on Higher Education) meeting in Montgomery on Friday, December 14. The College of Commerce and Business Administration was proposing a Concentration in International Business within the BA in Economics. The Concentration was approved. Dean Fielding presented an Economic Impact Study on the Medical Service Industry to the Board Members at Stringfellow Hospital on Thursday, October 25. The CCBA Annual Fall Picnic was held October 24. Dean William Fielding and Mr. Pat Shaddix attended the Business Council of Alabama (BCA) meeting in Birmingham on Thursday, October 18. Former President George Bush was the guest speaker. Finance, Economics and Accounting Department Dr. James McIntyre's manuscript entitled "A Business Application of the Minute Paper," has been accepted for publication in the Academy of Educational Leadership Journal. Dr. George Trivoli is doing a regular segment on the PBS TV Network for Alabama At Work, "Your Money" on personal finance. This appears on Friday and Sunday afternoons. Dr. Angela Sandberg is co-authoring the Instructor's Manual for Managerial Accounting: A Focus on Decision Making with Steve Jackson and Roby Sawyers, Southwestern Publishing. She also has served as a reviewer for the fourth edition of Financial Accounting by Porter and Norton, also published by Southwestern Publishing. Economic Update articles that have been published include:
Dr. Chris Westley had an article published on November 18, 2001, Birmingham News, "Memo To Politicians: Hands Off Economic Policy." Also, on August 12, 2001, Anniston Star, "The Reich Way: Former Clinton Cabinet Member Puts Forth Anti-Market Treatise" and on August 19, 2001, Birmingham News, "Carriage-Trade Medical Services Thriving." On November 17, 2001 Dr. Westley was interviewed for broadcast by Larry Pratt on Soundwaves 2000. The interview was entitled "Interdependence of the Welfare/Warfare State." Financial Management Association On November 14th, the Financial Management Association hosted a speaker from AmSouth Bank. Shea Black, a JSU graduate, is currently in a branch manager training program with AmSouth. This is a first-of-its-kind program for AmSouth, and Shea related her experiences from the interviewing and hiring process to her current responsibilities. The meeting was well attended; members were curious and asked a number of insightful questions. Many of them will soon be faced with the job seeking and selection process, and they gained some knowledge that should be beneficial to them in this endeavor. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) had many activities in the surrounding communities this semester. These include the following: "Welcome to the Real World" with Isaac Chappell, Jr., of the Calhoun County Extension Service, was a program designed to teach high school students what it will be like once they graduate. It impacted a total of 172 students at Anniston, Oxford and Pleasant Valley High Schools and a total of 14 hours work. The extension service won a state award and received $800 based on the hard work the students did. "Scarcity Exercise" demonstrated the difference between wants and needs through an exercise with the students. It impacted fourteen 3rd - 6th graders at the United Methodist Daycare. "Arthur's Funny Money Exercise" which was a fun money exercise for sixteen K-2nd graders at United Methodist Daycare. "Goods and Services Exercises" was a game of goods and services. It impacted nine 4-year olds at Episcopal Preschool Friends and sixteen K-2nd graders at the United Methodist Daycare. "Opening a Business" was a program about opening their own business, the procedures and why. It impacted nine 4-year olds at Episcopal Preschool Friend and sixteen K-2nd graders. "Savings Exercise" was an exercise about the importance of saving money and ways they would earn money for sixteen K-2nd graders at the United Methodist Daycare. "Division of Labor" was an exercise in group efficiency for sixteen 3rd-6th graders at the United Methodist Daycare. Also, students spoke and did exercises with the gifted students in the 4th, 5th and 6th grades at Kitty Stone Elementary about economics. They taught specialization from one country to another by using the idea of comparative advantage; the idea of production line and productivity due to specialization; opportunity cost by using a buyer/sellers program; inflation by using play-dough economics; scarcity in economics; and the WHATZIT GAME. Management/Marketing Department Professional Activities of Faculty:
Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED) Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Conferences attended by CED/SBDC during the quarter included: Alabama Association of Regional Councils (Pat Shaddix conducted a presentation on retiree recruitment); American Association of Retirement Communities; Small Business Directors Association; Alabama Constitutional Reform Conference (sponsored by the Alabama-Georgia Foothills Forum- JSU). The American Association of Retirement Communities (national office is located in the JSU Center for Economic Development) hosted its annual fall conference in Savannah, Georgia. While the events of September 11 did affect attendance to some extent, the attendees were provided with valuable information on how to attract affluent retirees to their communities. Participants represented almost every aspect of this industry: retirement villages/communities, local chambers of commerce, cities/mayors, county commissioners, retirement task forces, higher education, departments of tourism, retirement community developers, state development offices, state retiree programs, state economic development programs, realtors, and city convention/visitor bureaus. Topics provided marketing tips, national senior housing trends, strategic planning for quality communities, and permanent tourism. Dr. Mark Fagan (JSU professor and retiree consultant) presented an update on a comprehensive "how to" manual on retiree attraction which is being produced through the Center for Economic Development. The Center for Economic Development received a request from the Alabama Farmers Federation in Montgomery for 200 copies of the November issue of JSU Economic Update. Mr. Freddie Patterson, Director of the Department of Governmental Affairs, praised the JSU center on JSU Economic Update, and stated that, "I am surprised that Jacksonville State University is the only higher education institution in the state that publishes such information on a monthly basis." Robbie Medders and Penn Wilson represented JSU and the American Association of Retirement Communities (national office located at JSU) in the Congressman Bud Cramer Economic Development Conference sponsored by the Shoals Chamber of Commerce in Florence. Their session on the "Impact of Retirees on a Communities" was presented to approximately 340 participants. Custom contract projects currently being conducted by the Center for Economic Development include: Bridgeport Utilities - Personnel Analysis; The Anniston Star - Readership Survey; and Family Savings Credit Union (Gadsden) - Customer Satisfaction Survey; City of Alexander City - Computer Analysis; Gadsden Water Works & Sewer Board - Compensation Plan & Benefits Analysis. Dean's Office Dr. Sheila Anne Webb and Dr. Cynthia Harper made a presentation entitled "Successful Teacher Preparation for Multicultural Classrooms" at the Mid-South Education Research Association Conference, November 14-16, 2001 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb gave a presentation at the European-American University Administrators' Conference, "Higher Education in the 21st Century" in Madrid, Spain in October 2001. Dr. Sheila Anne Webb attended Dean's meeting in Montgomery on October 16, 2001. Dr. Cynthia Harper and Dr. Patricia Lowry recently submitted a State Improvement Grant (SIG) for Collaborative Teacher/Special Education. JSU's grant application was selected as one of five State Improvement Grants awarded to Universities in Alabama. The purpose of the $15,000 mini-grant is to increase collaboration between special education programs, local education agencies, and parents of students with disabilities. The College of Education and Professional Studies and the JSU In-Service Center hosted 4 Professional Development Meetings during the Fall semester for 29 Reading Specialists employed in the JSU service area. The College of Education and Professional Studies received an Eisenhower Grant through the Alabama Commission of Higher Education to provide funding for the professional development activities. The College of Education and Professional Studies hosted the Superintendent's Consortium on November 8th. The College purchased a display case for college awards for the lobby of Ramona Wood Building. Fall semester began Reading Specialist Masters Program. Communications Dr. Kingsley Harbor joined the department in January as the new department head. Ayers Lecture was held on October 24 with Godfrey Hodgson as speaker. Mr. Lloyd Dobyns met with American Press Institute to arrange writing regular online media column for API. The 2001 Mimosa was published and distributed. Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Rita Boydston presented at Alabama Reading Association Annual Conference in Birmingham, AL on October 19, 2001. Dr. Elizabeth Engley presented at Alabama Reading Association Annual Conference in Birmingham, AL on October 19, 2001. Dr. Slenda Haynes presented at Alabama Reading Association Annual Conference in Birmingham, AL on October 19, 2001. Ms. Nina King presented at Alabama Reading Association Annual Conference in Birmingham, AL on October 19, 2001. Dr. Patricia Lowry presented at Alabama Reading Association Annual Conference in Birmingham, AL on October 19, 2001. She had an article published in the Science magazine titled "Science and Children." She presented at MSERA Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 13-16, 2001. She and Dr. Harper were also awarded a $15,000 grant from Alabama State Department of Education. Dr. Judy McCrary presented at MSERA Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 13-16, 2001. She had an article published in the Science magazine titled "Science and Children." Ms. Lynetta Owens presented at MSERA Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 13-16, 2001. Educational Resources Dr. Charles Notar presented at Alabama Council on Social Studies conference. Dr. Carol Uline continued work with Alabama Reading Initiative and JSU In-Service. Dr. Jan Wilson attended state department meeting. Dr. Annette Bohannon attended ALCA meeting. Drs. Kathleen Friery and Marvin Jenkins worked with the REACH project in the Calhoun County Schools. Drs. Kathleen Friery and Marvin Jenkins participated in the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce Expo. Drs. Bivens, Eady, Montgomery and Zuelke attended SREB meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Family and Consumer Sciences Mrs. Paula Napoli is now the Director of the FCS Child Development Center and an Instructor in our Child Growth and Development area. Dr. Tim Roberts from Virginia Tech will be an Assistant Professor in the Nutrition and Foods area. Mrs. Robbie Boggs will be our new Instructor in Merchandising. Mrs. Karen Nemeth and 10 of her students attended the Professional Section meeting of AAFCS at the University of North Alabama in Florence, AL. Mrs. Karen Nemeth represented Alabama in the Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. She is President-elect of AAFCS. Health, Physical Education & Recreation Jim McLaughlin updated the HPER faculty web page, is currently placing the 2 -year project and all departmental degree checklists on the web and has an article in print with colleagues at UT. Gina Mabrey has been asked to serve on the Little River Canyon Advisory Committee. Donna Bailey instituted a Tuesday/Thursday, late afternoon water aerobics class for faculty and staff, which has grown significantly in only a few short weeks. Ms. Bailey, Dr. Hey and Dr. Hammett had an article published. The Gamecock Gallop, sponsored by the HPER club, was considered a success. We had 70 participants - which included an 84-year-old gentleman. The feedback from the participants was very positive. Of course, we plan this to be an annual event. The department is planning some renovations to the offices due to water damage. Instructional Services Dr. Franklin L. King presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. Mr. Mike Zenanko won a Special Citation Award from PDK International for the JSU Phi Delta Kappa website. The Chapter #0211 website may be viewed at www.pdk.jsu.edu The Instructional Services Unit has employed a new secretary in the vacancy left by Ms. Hope Trantham who accepted a position in the Department of Distance Education. The Department is very pleased to welcome Ms. Cathy Burrows. Ms. Burrows has a masters degree in History and brings to the department needed secretarial skills. The Learning Resource Center has served over 737 patrons during the fall semester (September 3, 2001 - November 20, 2001). It is estimated that only 1 out of 5 patrons actually sign in. Three tables and 12 chairs were purchased for the Learning Resource Center. During the fall semester, The Teaching/Learning Center had 116 tutors working with 87 community children. A total of 1,160 hours of free tutoring was provided. A new class called Service Learning will be offered in the Spring Catalogue. This course prepares JSU students to participate in the tutoring process. Teacher Service Center The Center provided on-site Advisement at Gadsden State (2 times), Snead State, Southern Union, and Northeast Community College. Dr. Kelly W. Ryan presented a paper on Service Outsourcing at the Southeast College Counseling Center Conference in LaFayette, Louisiana. The Center confirmed and recommended 105 undergraduate candidates and 109 graduate candidates for Fall 2001 graduation. The Center recommended 237 graduates for state teacher certification. Forty-two student Interns completed a semester-long K-12 placement. Technology The department has been awarded the Pro-Engineering software design package as part of the Automotive Manufacturing Initiative. Dr. Edwin Bellman presented at the National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT) Annual Convention in Dearborn, Michigan on October 31-November 4, 2001. TV Services The office received new camera equipment and a new truck that will be used to cover JSU football games and graduation. Mike Hathcock is currently working on the following projects: replacing speakers at the Coliseum; wiring new digital equipment in the WLJS control room; graduation commencement; continued work with Channel 24 programming. LIBRARY The Library installed an image-based online reserve reading system and moved the reserve desk to the lobby. The image-based system will provide online access to reserve readings for distance learners as well as students on campus. A smart lab, consisting of an instructors control center and sixteen individual workstations was installed in the 10th floor classroom. EZ Proxy was installed on the library server in order to provide off-campus authentication and access from a variety of browsers. The exterior renovation is progressing with the north face completed and partial completion of the east and west faces. The Library completed the Library Unit Report and submitted it to the Self Study Office. DISTANCE EDUCATION Faculty/staff accomplishments: Ms. Sherri Restauri and Dr. Franklin L. King presented at the Annual Mid-South Educational Research Association Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. Monthly Blackboard workshops continued to be successful in introducing instructors and training them how to incorporate the system into their classes. A videoconferencing workshop emphasizing the new Smartboard was conducted on October 15, 2001. A workshop with the members of the APCO faculty was conducted on November 19, 2002. Approximately 50 one-on-one tutorials were conducted this summer. Eighteen new courses were submitted to the Southern Regional Electronic Campus for Spring 2002. One new program was also submitted (Bachelor degree in Emergency Management). The Impact Center in Scottsboro, Alabama has requested that Jacksonville State University provide videoconferencing. The videoconferencing system in Naylor Hall will be relocated on or before January 15 to the new Joe Ford Center, Gadsden, Alabama. This move will enhance video course offerings in the Gadsden area. A CD-ROM publishing system was purchased to provide for mass distribution of disks to students enrolled in all distance-learning formats. This will reduce download times for students desiring laboratory demonstrations, music and lengthy PowerPoint presentations. It is felt that this capability will greatly improve the instructional process. Five UPS units were purchased to protect videoconferencing equipment at remote sites. These units were intended to reduce the disruption of services that frequently results from electrical storms. The total number of students enrolled during the Fall 2001 semester in distance learning courses, not counting supplements to classes, was 1,189 students. The total number of distance education courses offered was 44. During the Fall 2001 semester, 2,566 students enrolled in classes that included distance-learning technologies at Jacksonville State University . While in the Fall 2001 and Marathon P semesters, 30 online classes were offered, the total number of online classes scheduled for the Spring 2002 and Marathon Q semesters is 45. For Spring 2002 and Marathon Q, 80 classes are scheduled to use online technology (course and supplement), representing 88 sections. Eight different classes were offered through videoconferencing utilizing 10 sites and five courses were offered through college by cassette during the Fall 2001 semester. The MSN Advisory Board met at the College of Nursing and Health Sciences on October 30, 2001 for the annual meeting to discuss issues pertinent to advanced practice nursing. Salary compression, nursing workforce shortages, employment opportunities and health care economics were discussed in relation to the MSN program/curriculum. Eight members of the board were in attendance. New board members include: Mr. Larry Deason (Farmers and Merchants Bank), Mr. Wayne Carmello-Harper (Calhoun County Community Foundation), Mr. Matt Hayes (Stringfellow Hospital), Ms. Lori Bell (Calhoun County Health Department), and Dr. Judy Hamrick (Quality of Life, Inc.). The annual CNHS Career Day was held on October 15th with 31 agencies registering to attend. All students enrolled in the upper division of nursing were asked to participate in this opportunity to discuss employment options with various agency representatives from across the Southeast. The CNHS was awarded a subcontract with the AIDS Services Center for a new project entitled Targeted HIV Outreach and Intervention Model Development and Evaluation for Underserved HIV Positive Populations Not in Care. The total amount of the award is $130,000 and this is a two-year project. Dr. Beth Hembree, Dr. Jane Freeman, Dr. Martha Lavender, Dr. Doris Bennett, and Mr. Gene Padgham comprise the JSU evaluation team for the project. The Alabama Board of Nursing recently notified the College that the 2001 Annual Report had been accepted as presented. In addition, the CNHS was commended for having a 100% pass rate on the NCLEX exam for the period between October 1, 2000 and September 30, 2001. Dr. Martha G. Lavender provided testimony to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in Chicago on October 22nd. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss ways to increase communication and collaboration between practice, education, and regulation. The Community Health nursing students at the Anniston Nursing Clinic saw a total of 235 Head Start students ranging in age of three to five years old for physical exams as well as vision and hearing tests. Other community outreach activities included: 35 vision and hearing tests at Lads & Lassies Day Care, 33 flu shots and 61 glucose checks on the NEARMC Wellness Bus, signing up 65 individuals for the Rx Prescription Program in Anniston, health education and safety presentations to 45 children at the Boys and Girls Club, 60 blood pressure screenings at the Soup Kitchen, smoking cessation presentations to 203 students at various schools, six home visits at Stone Creek Retirement Center in Jacksonville, 35 home visits at Constantine, and seeing 45 individuals at the Anniston Nursing Clinic. The Pediatric nursing students presented two programs on smoking cessation on the JSU campus to approximately 300 area middle school students on November 29. REGISTRAR The Registrar's Office successfully completed three graduations this year. STUDENT AFFAIRS Admissions On November 2, Jacksonville State University hosted its second annual Emerging Leaders Day. Approximately 130 juniors from area high schools attended this leadership experience. Students were selected from the following counties: Calhoun, Clay, Cherokee, Cleburne, DeKalb, Etowah, Marshall, Randolph, Shelby, St. Clair and Talladega. These students were nominated to attend by their high school counselors. Selections were based on their leadership skills and their interest in furthering their education. At the close of the day, a scholarship and door prizes were awarded. Beth Green of Springville High School received a one-year tuition scholarship to JSU. Career Placement Services Career Placement Services hosted its Fall Business Fair on October 10, 2001 in Merrill Building. Over 300 students participated along with twenty-five companies and agencies. In an effort to increase awareness with the University community concerning the purposes of Career Placement, a new brochure and a new web site were designed and distributed during Fall 2001. JSU's Co-Op program continues to serve students and industry with 23 companies posting Co-Op positions. Disability Support Services DSS is proud to proclaim that 6% of its enrolled students received their diplomas at the Fall 2001 Graduation. The Captioned Media Program (CMP), a federally funded project that makes captioned videos and DVD's available for the benefit of individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, is creating its first Postsecondary Depository at JSU. Shelving is being assembled to house the initial delivery of 5000+ titles with a worth of over $1,500,000.00. The plan is to replicate this concept in the other 3 Federal Regions once JSU site procedures have been established. CMP is also proposing to work with DSS in the production of technical sign language video tapes for dissemination throughout the United States. Cindy Camp, DSS Specialist in Deafness, will be the Depository Manager. Through joint work with the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation, E.H. Gentry Technical Facility, and the Capilouto Center for the Deaf, DSS has received special funding of $65,000.00 to conduct three weekend workshops for students and their parents who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. University Housing & Residence Life The numbers in this report represent each student living in the halls, including Residence Life staff (55) and Faculty (2) in Residence. In previous years, they have also been included. The grand total does not include the 13 houses, since there may be 2 to 4 people living in them.
JSU-GADSDEN The Joe M. Ford Center for Economic Development should be ready for occupancy in the spring semester. It will house most of the JSU-Gadsden operation, including a satellite office of JSU's Small Business Development Center. The opening of these facilities will greatly enhance JSU's presence in Northeast Alabama. |
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