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Jacksonville, Alabama

JSU's Radio Station
Ushers in Digital Age
with New Board, Computers

By Danni Lusk
Chanticleer News Editor

With one semester of school closing, a new semester at JSU's WLJS opens with a new set of equipment.

92J has installed a new control board to update the studio to today's radio standards. The old board in the station was over 25 years old. The old system was analog, using tape cartridges called carts and CDs to play music, commercials and public service announcements. Carts are not very reliable recording devices. The tape sometimes drags and causes the sound to be distorted, according to student media director Mike Stedham.

The new board is digital, eliminating the use of carts and will enable the DJ to use computer software to program songs and produce commercials in the on-air studio. "We wanted to make WLJS as much a good training ground as possible for people who were going to work in radio," said Stedham. "[The students] needed to use the kind of equipment they would encounter when they went to professional radio stations."

One of the advantages of having a digital board is music can be programmed in and played automatically, without having a DJ in the studio. Music can be cued with the touch of a button or played automatically at a specific time. "We used to play re-broadcasts of old shows between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.," said Jason Bozeman, director of 92J. "Now we're gonna be playing music that's stored in the computer."

During National Public Radio broadcasts, public announcements, commercials and local news can be played at a certain time automatically, said Stedham.

Although the new board could cut down on the number of DJs in the studio, 92J believes in having live DJs and taking requests, according to Bozeman. "That's what makes us ... an original station in this area."

92J is always looking for more volunteers to work at the station. Any student interested in radio can volunteer. "We are always looking for people who want to be in radio to come do a shift or two for us a week," said Stedham.

The new system is currently in use.

"I think it's great for the station," said Bozeman. "I think it's gonna be one of those things that helps keep us on the edge of college radio in the state and help keep us one of the best."


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