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Vice President Watt's Report to the Board of Trustees |
JACKSONVILLE -- January 23, 2001 --
Dr. David Watts, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, presented
the following report to the Board of Trustees on January 22. Dual Enrollment - 147 high school students from six school systems are enrolled in JSU courses for Spring 2001. Courses are delivered on campus, at the host schools, by compressed video, and over the Internet. Spring 2000 enrollment was 99 students, so the Dual Enrollment program is growing. Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)- ACE Completed Fall Semester in its new location on the third floor of Theron Montgomery Building. At this location students access a number of academic and personal support services. The offices open early and remain open during evening hours to accommodate student needs. Individual tutoring, group tutoring, and career counseling are just a few of the services provided at ACE. Military Science For school year 2000-2001, the JSU ROTC has been nationally ranked by the Army at 25th out of 270 ROTC programs across the nation. This is the second year in a row that the JSU ROTC program has been ranked in the top 10% of all ROTC programs. In December 2000, the JSU ROTC program commissioned two cadets. They expect to commission 19 cadets by the end of the school year. This number is 4 above the mission of 15 that the Army has prescribed. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Biology Department Grants. Debro, LaJoyce. "Improvement of undergraduate preparation in molecular biology." $79,861 (NSF $39,708; JSU $40,153). National Science Foundation. Nov 15, 2000. Publications and presentations at professional meetings. Biology Department. Publications. Nichols, Brent, Couch, James and Safaa Al-Hamdani. Selected physiological responses of Salvinia minima to different chromium concentrations. Aquatic Botany, 68:313-319. 2000. Presentations (6). Annual meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Nashville TN Nov 13-15, 2000. Aladdin, Rhonda, and Rayburn, James. The developmental toxicity of Phloxine B with and without exposure to light using FETAX. Poster. Al-Hamdani, Safaa. Evaluation of Salvinia as a biological agent in the remediation of heavy metals. Poster. Pendergrass, Darrell, Cline, George and Rayburn, James. Observations of Tadpole Deformities from Calhoun County, AL. Poster. Pendergrass, Darrell, and Rayburn, James. The effects of nitrogen compounds on the early development of Xenopus laevis. Poster. Rayburn, James. The uptake of copper and chromium in Palaemonetes pugio and Xenopus laevis embryos. Paper. Sauterer, Roger, Harper, Carla and Rayburn, James. Analysis of water and sediment extracts of Logan Martin (AL) by the FETAX assay. Poster. Presentations (4). Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA Oct 26-28, 2000. Blair, Benjie. Cellulose degradation by the anaerobe Eubacterium cellulosolvens. Paper presentation. Brown, Brian, Elisabeth Curtis, Richard Watkins and LaJoyce Debro. Cloning and analysis of a gene for exosporium enclosed parasporal inclusion protein of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies finitimus. Paper presentation. Cobb, Sarah (Kennesaw State Univ), Ingram, Joan (JSU)* and Donald McGarey (Kennesaw State Univ). Poster presentation. Seay, Leisa, Simpson, Dana and Blair, Benjie. The use of fatty acid methyl ester analysis to evaluate dual antibiotic effects on Klebsiella pneumoniae. Poster presentation. Seminars: Benton, Cole. Jacksonville State University (Professor of Biology). "Reflections on a trip to China." Oct 26, 2000. Blair, Stacy L., Jacksonville State University (MS in Biology candidate). "Evaluation of the potential use of Salvinia minima in copper remediation." Nov 22, 2000. Ingram, Joan H., Jacksonville State University (MS in Biology candidate). "Seroprevalence of Lyme Disease in Calhoun County, AL." Nov 9, 2000. Lloyd, James. University of Florida (Entomology Department). "Fireflies - 101." Nov 10, 2000. Other: LaJoyce Debro and Benjie Blair served as co-chairs of the Environmental Microbiology section at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch, American Society of Microbiology (ASM) held at Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA). Nov 9-10, 2000. Biology faculty received nine Faculty Research Grants for over $18,000 this fall. Drama Department JSU Drama will be hosting the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) Master Classes in the Fall of 2001. Four JSU representatives attended master classes at the University of Virginia in September. David Keefer, JSU Drama's Technical Director, is seeking corporate sponsorship for the Fall 2001 classes. The Drama Department was awarded scholarships to 23 students for the spring 2001 semester. Rehearsals are underway for the Drama and Music Department production of "ANYTHING GOES" which will be presented February 15-18 and 22-25. Learning Services Learning Services won the Outstanding Developmental Program in the State of Alabama from the Alabama Association for Developmental Education. Dr. Claudia McDade won the Outstanding Faculty Award from the JSU Alumni Association. Dr. Claudia McDade was invited to present a paper on the ExSel program at the National Conference on Student Retention in July in New Orleans, LA. She was also invited to submit a manuscript on discoveries in the Center for Individualized Instruction, which will appear in a book entitled Histories of Developmental Education to be published by the University of Minnesota. Music Department Encore!, the JSU Show Choir under the direction of Dr. Carrie Culver, is performing on January 13 for the Miss JSU Pageant on campus. The JSU Brass Choir, under the direction of Dr. Chris Culver, will present a program on the Sunday Afternoon Concert Series at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels in Anniston. The Program is scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m. on January 28. Dr. Jim Fairleigh will present an organ/piano recital for the Gadsden Music Club on Wednesday, January 10, at the First United Methodist Church in Gadsden. Physical and Earth Sciences Department Dr. David Steffy presented a paper at the 16th International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Technology in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Laura Weinkauf lectured about astronomy to 60 middle-school and high-school age Girl Scouts in October and to 180 elementary-grade Girl Scouts in November. Dr. Harry Holstein was awarded a contract for $130,997 from the Alabama Department of Transportation to conduct a Phase III archaeological investigation of site 1Ca567 located along the eastern bypass on Fort McClellan. Dr. Howard Johnson was elected to a three-year term on the executive board of the National Council for Geographic Education as vice president of finance. Mr. Curtis Hill organized a successful 5K Run and raised over $900 to support continued renovation of Janney Furnace in Ohatchee. Political Science Department Dr. Glen Browder, Eminent Scholar and Professor of Political Science, recently spoke to an international audience in Russia about "The American Experience in Chemical Weapons Destruction" at the Moscow Public Forum on Challenges to Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Following the forum, Browder met with former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss the differences in American and Russian programs for destructing chemical weapons and other matters of international environmental interest. Gorbachev wanted to know how he could be more actively involved in promoting this cause. Upon the suggestion from Browder, Gorbachev will begin writing and speaking to international audiences. He may also pay a visit to the U.S. to meet with American public officials. The Moscow Public Forum was sponsored by Green Cross International, which is headed by Gorbachev. It was organized by Green Cross Russia, Green Cross Switzerland, and Global Green USA. Green Cross' mission is to "cultivate a more harmonious relationship between humans and the environment." Psychology Department Dr. William Palya published the following article: W. L. Palya & C. P. Powell. (2000) Differential conditioning based on a difference in the predictability of reinforcement. Learning and Motivation, 31, 402_415. He also participated in the following professional presentation: C. P. Powell, W. L. Palya, E. Palya & D. Walter. Evaluation of Miller's comparator hypothesis. Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis, October, 2000. Dr. Palya also received a JSU Faculty Research Grant for $2783.00, November 2000. Dr. Donald Patterson attended the Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis meeting in Birmingham, AL on Oct. 18, 2000. Dr. Patterson also chaired a session and presented a paper on Faculty Burnout in at the Association of Heads of Departments of Psychology meeting in Myrtle Beach, SC. Dec. 1, 2, 2000. Dr. Claudia McDade won the Outstanding Developmental Program in the State of Alabama award from the Alabama Association for Developmental Education. Dr. McDade also won the Outstanding Faculty Award from the JSU Alumni Association. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dean Fielding participated in a Technology Summit held in Birmingham on Thursday, September 28. The Technology Summit was co-hosted by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama, and the Alabama Technology Network. Dean Fielding attended the Business Council of Alabama meeting in Birmingham on Thursday, October 12. The annual CCBA Fall Picnic was held on Wednesday, October 18 at the JSU amphitheater. Dean Fielding had breakfast with City Officials on Thursday, October 26. The College of Commerce and Business Administration completed and submitted the annual AACSB Salary Survey on Tuesday, October 31. Dean Fielding attended the SBAA Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, November 5-7. The College of Commerce and Business Administration and The College of Education will jointly offer a program designed to certify teachers in Business Education. The College of Commerce and Business Administration held a Fall Faculty/Staff Convocation on October 4, 2000. During the Convocation, Dean Bill Fielding presented five faculty members in the College with $500 awards for excellency: Dr. Brent Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Marketing, 1999-2000 recipient of the Bob and Lou Kennamer Award for Excellence in Teaching; Mr. Gene Padgham, Instructor of Finance, 1999-2000 recipient of the Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching; Dr. James McIntyre, Jr., Assistant Professor of Finance, recipient of the 1999-2000 Dean's Faculty Award for Excellence in Research; Dr. Mark Hearn, Associate Professor of Management, and Dr. Patricia Borstorff, Assistant Professor of Management. Each was the recipient of the 1999-2000 Dean's Faculty Award for Excellence in Service. Certificates for Excellence in Teaching during the 1999-2000 Academic Year were awarded to Dr. Doris Bennett, Dr. Shawn Carter, Dr. Brent Cunningham, Dr. Frank Fuller, Mr. Floyd Kirby, Dr. Mike Marker, Dr. Cynthia McCarty, Dr. James McIntyre, Jr., Mr. Gene Padgham, and Dr. Angela Sandberg. Certificates for Excellence in Research during the 1999-2000 Academic Year were awarded to Dr. Patricia Borstorff, Ms. Elise Gantt, Mr. Glenn Graham, Dr. Mark Hearn, Dr. James McIntyre, Jr., Dr. John Milewicz, Dr. James Thomas, Dr. George Trivoli, and Dr. Chris Westley. Certificates for Excellence in Service during the 1999-2000 Academic Year were awarded to Dr. Doris Bennett, Mr. Ben Boozer, Dr. Patricia Borstorff, Dr. Shawn Carter, Dr. Richard Cobb, Dr. Ken Day, Mr. Glenn Graham, Dr. Mark Hearn, Mrs. Debby Jones, Dr. Joann Krauss, Dr. Bill Loftin, Mr. Keith Lowe, Dr. Cynthia McCarty, Dr. James McIntyre, Jr., Dr. John Milewicz, Mr. Jeff Parker, Mr. Gene Padgham, and Mr. James Thomas. Finance, Economics and Accounting Department Jeff Zanzig attended the AICPA Accounting Educators Conference on November 2-4, 2000, in Atlanta, GA. Student Accounting Association speaker for the month of November was Ms. Kerry Latorre, a special agent with the IRS. She spoke about setting up the VITA income tax program and job opportunities available in the IRS. Floyd Kirby traveled with JSU students to Montavalo, AL for an Accounting Interview Day on November 30, 2000. Cynthia McCarty attended the National Conference, Economics America 2000 National Conference on October 11-14, 2000, in Savannah Ga. She also attended a Center Director's Meeting in Birmingham for the Alabama Council of Economic Education December 7, 2000. Chris Westley attended a Mises Institute Economics Conference on October 6-8, 200 at Auburn University. Jim McIntyre was Elected Vice President for Local Arrangements by the Southern Finance Association for the 2001 Convention, Nov. 16, 2000, in Destin, FL. Jim McIntyre attended and served as discussant at the 2000 Southern Finance Association Meeting on November 14, 2000, in Savannah, GA. Jim McIntyre was a lecturer on Personal Finance for the Alabama Extension Service on September 5, 2000. Gene Padgham attended the Annual Instructor's Seminar, of the Real Estate Commission, at Auburn University on October 20, 2000. Management/Marketing In October 2000, Pat Borstorff met as member of Board of Directors of Alabama Society for Human Resource Management in Montgomery. She was elected as Alabama Certification Advisor of AL SHRM for 2001 and will continue as a Board member for 2001. Dr. Pat Borstorff was special guest of JSU Pan Hellenic and Inter-Fraternity Council at yearly awards banquet last term and serves as faculty advisor for Kappa Alpha fraternity. In October, two HR directors at the JSU Career Fair met with International Business classes of Dr. Pat Borstorff's. Dr. Pat Borstorff had a research paper written with an MBA student accepted in December by the Association of International Business for presentation at their national conference in March. Dr. Pat Borstorff had a second research paper accepted by the Southwest Academy of Management to be presented in March. Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED) Small Business Development Center (SBDC) The Center for Economic Development, which houses the national office of the American Association of Retirement Communities, presented the AARC annual fall meeting in Biloxi, Mississippi. The meeting, held October 30 - November 1, attracted over 100 participants from across the country. Nationally recognized speakers with expertise in attracting affluent retirees for economic development gave conference attendees numerous ideas for their communities and states. During the opening workshop, participants were also invited to take part in the "60 Ideas in 60 Minutes" segment in which they had one minute to share a success story about retiree attraction in their community (judges presented monetary prizes to the top three ideas). The participants remarked that the Biloxi conference was the most successful one they had ever attended. The Center for Economic Development is currently conducting the following contract projects: Bridgeport Utilities - Personnel Analysis; Public Library of Anniston and Calhoun County - Personnel Policies and Procedures; Gadsden Area Chamber of Commerce - Economic Analysis of Etowah County. The Center is also conducting a workforce needs study and an assessment of the skills of displaced Gulf States Steel workers to assist them in re-employment. A member of the CED staff attended the annual meeting of the Alabama State Data Center (ASDC). The CED is one of 25 affiliates in the state and has been an affiliate of the ASDC network since 1988. Affiliate agencies provide convenient access to census and other socioeconomic data. The Center for Economic Development received many demographic data requests from media representatives, city and county offices, business owners, chambers of commerce, and individuals. The monthly publication of "JSU Economic Update," which has a circulation of approximately 3,000 statewide subscribers, increases awareness that the JSU CED is a respected source of economic development information. The Center also received requests for additional copies of selected timely articles. Featured topics for the quarter included: "Information Technology: Revolutionizing the Travel Industry (October issue); "Micropower Generation - Small May Be Better" (November issue); and "The Expanding Market for Long Term Care Insurance" (December issue). The Small Business Development Center has completed its fourth presentation of the NxLevel business training to the community. The workshop style sessions were held at the Greenbrier Entrepreneur Center (Northeast Alabama Business Incubator System). SBDC staff members provided on-going support to chambers of commerce in our nine-county service area. Numerous referrals from chambers were assisted by Center staff. CED and SBDC staff members attended a reception honoring Representative Richard Lindsay at the Centre City Hall. Representative Lindsay has been appointed to serve as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee for the Alabama House of Representatives. Speaker of the House Seth Hammett was on hand to congratulate Rep. Lindsay as well as a host of other elected officials and community leaders. CED and SBDC staff attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Yachiyo Manufacturing of Alabama in Steele, Alabama. Yachiyo will be a first-tier supplier to Honda Manufacturing of Alabama. Governor Siegelman was on-hand to welcome company representatives. SBDC Center staff manned a display booth at a Trade Fair at the Anniston Army Depot's Physical Fitness Center. Information on many aspects of JSU was provided to over 150 attendees at the event. During the first quarter of FY2001, the SBDC worked with over 300 clients. Small business procurement clients reported in excess of $3 million in government contract awards. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Dean's Office The College of Education and Professional Studies brochure "Passport to Success" was published and will be distributed to universities, community colleges, schools, superintendents, alumni and all JSU faculty/staff. Held Spring 2001 College meeting on January 5, 2001. The College of Education and Professional Studies will run two advertisements in the Alabama Sports Magazine during December 2000 and January 2001. Dr. Harper worked on the following: Proposal for Child Development Center at Ft. McClellan; Alabama Reading Initiative; NCATE; Eisenhower Grant proposal with the College of Arts and Science; the High Hopes Partnerships with many local school systems. Drs. Webb and Harper visited Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) sites. The College of Education and Professional Studies submitted to Dr. Watts the intent to submit Reading Specialist Degree. A submission of Doctoral Program to ACHE is pending the guidelines for submission. Dr. Harper made presentations at Mid-South Educational Research Association and Technology and Media Conference, and attended NCATE conference. Dr. Webb attended the HBCU/MI Educational Technology Conference and the NAIT accreditation of JSU's Technology Department. Communication The Department of Communication is co-sponsoring the Ayers Lecture on January 16, 2001 with Mr. Kevin Klose, President and CEO of National Public Radio. Mr. Dobyns is involved in script development with Northeast Alabama Business Entrepreneurial Center. Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Steve Armstrong presented at National Adolescent Conference in Portland, Oregon , November 2-5, 2000. Dr. Armstrong also presented at International Conference on Teacher Ed for Children with Behavior Disorders in Temple, Arizona on November 16-19, 2000. Dr. Mary Baldwin attended Alabama Reading Initiative Meeting in Montgomery, AL on October 24, 2000. Dr. Baldwin also attended a Grant Writing Workshop here on campus, November 9 and 10. Dr. Rita Boydston presented at Alabama Reading Association in Huntsville, AL on October 12, 2000. Ms. Blanche Colley attended CSPD Committee Meeting in Montgomery, AL on October 20, 2000. Ms. Colley also attended Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting in Montgomery, AL on October 26, 2000. Dr. Elizabeth Engley presented at Alabama Reading Association in Huntsville, AL on October 13, 2000. Dr. Engley also attended the NAEYC meeting in Atlanta, GA on November 19, 2000. Dr. Slenda Haynes presented at Alabama Reading Association in Huntsville, AL on October 13, 2000. Dr. Patsy Lowry presented at Alabama Reading Association in Huntsville, AL on October 13, 2000. Dr. Lowry also presented at MSERA Conference in Bowling Green, Kentucky November 15-17, 2000. Dr. Judy McCrary presented at MSERA Conference in Bowling Green, Kentucky, November 15-17, 2000. Ms. Lynetta Owens presented at MSERA Conference in Bowling Green, Kentucky November 15-17, 2000. Dr. Charlotte Reece attended Association for Constructivist Teaching in Atlanta, GA, October 19-20, 2000. Ms. Sandra Sudduth was consultant for Goals 2000 for the Alabama State Department of Education in Montgomery, AL on December 5, 2000. Educational Resources Drs. Friery, Kiser, Jenkins, & Bohannon presented at the ALCA. Dr. Bohannon was elected President of ALCA. Dr. Kiser & Dr. Bohannon are executive members of the board for ALCA. Dr. Uline attended Training Comp. Strategies Module in Montgomery and Birmingham in November; she also presented 3 workshops. Dr. Jan Wilson attended a project START training workshop. Dr. Michal LeVasseur presented 3 workshops for teachers in Mobile, Alabama; she also attended a conference and judged a World Geography Bowl in Chapel Hill, NC. Drs. Zuelke and Nelson presented a research paper at the Mid-South Educational Research Association in Bowling Green, Kentucky; and Dr. Zuelke also chaired a paper presentation session and attended a mandatory workshop for SACS Facilitators and PEER review team chairs in Bessemer, AL. Family & Consumer Sciences Mrs. Karen Nemeth has been awarded three Faculty Development Grants. She will attend a workshop entitled "Leading by Design," also serve as a voting delegate to The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and preside at sessions of the Alabama Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference. Our two (2) Family and Consumer Sciences student groups collected food and toys for needy families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mrs. Pan Logsdon is our newest staff member in Family and Consumer Sciences. She comes from Athens, Georgia and has a master's in Music Education. She is the Teacher's Assistant in the Child Growth and Development Center. Family and Consumer Sciences is still operating with two (2) full time faculty, 6 adjunct and 1 Pro-rata faculty for Spring, 2001 with present faculty each doing an overload. Health, Physical Education & Recreation William Hey is updating the department web page and the department has purchased a digital camera for use on the web page. Margaret Pope developed two workshops directed at the elementary level. HPER is undergoing accreditation process with Athletic Training. Dr. Hey and some of his students have been notified they have been accepted for publication in international and state journals. Ms. Claire Mowling is working the HPER Club and they have been serving refreshments at the basketball games to raise money for the club. Dr. Roswal received over $1,000 to make presentation for AAHPERD. Mr. McLaughlin is working on putting Wellness Center forms on-line so faculty and staff can complete the forms prior to coming in for assessment. He is also working on getting a web page for the Wellness Center. Instructional Services The Teaching Learning Center (T/LC) had 144 JSU tutors during the fall 2000 semester. Forty-six tutored outside the T/LC. Fifty-six children from the community were tutored on campus. Over eight hundred clients were served in the Learning Resource Center. The MIL received a budget increase that resulted in the purchase of needed upgrades and hardware. Adobe Illustrator 7.0 was upgraded to 9.0, and HyperStudio 3.3 was upgraded to 5.0. A hub was purchased for room 104 that will enable the computers to be connected to printers and the network. The Microsoft Grant provided a license to upgrade to MS Office 2001 for the MAC and provided several edutainment CD's. Mr. Mike Zenanko edited the College of Education and Professional Studies Annual Report 2000. Dr. King attended a Blackboard conference in Washington, D.C., two SACS meetings and an Apple workshop in Atlanta. Teacher Service Center Dr. Ryan has been to four community colleges recruiting. Ms. Riggins attended a Diversity Workshop in Orlando, FL. Technology Terry Marbut attended the symposium on Career Technology Teacher Shortage in Montgomery. Technology Department has a new mini computer lab with 10 workstations. The department is working on proposal for Master's Program. The department submitted the ACHE viability report for Safety program. Mr. Marbut visited the Boeing Plant in Decatur. Dr. Bellman attended the Business and Technology Davy at Floyd College. Television Services Provided support to Distance Learning in the following areas: Videoconferencing classes, Online Courses, Telecourses, Web design, Blackboard and Videoconferencing workshops. Completed two 30-second promotional spots (TV & radio) for Kaleidoscope 2001. Completed one 30-second radio spot for JSU-Gadsden. Assisted with the live broadcast of JSU's December 2000 Graduation. Television Services continues to adapt to changing priorities in an effort to meet the various needs of the JSU community. COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Office of Continuing Education The Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police, Jacksonville State University, the University of North Alabama, and Troy State University/Dothan have entered into a partnership to offer a certified law enforcement executive program. This Program is open to all active and full_time police chiefs in Alabama who are members in good standing in the Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police. The program has been developed as a series of one day or eight-hour modules. To complete Level I requires attendance at 10 modules (seminars, conference events, etc.). The University Partnership works closely with the Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police's Training Committee in planning, developing, coordinating, and implementing the entire program. Jacksonville State University's Office of Continuing Education provides full administrative support for the entire certification program. Certification in this program acknowledges that the successful candidate has mastered the body of knowledge expected of a competent law enforcement executive. The body of knowledge includes: vision, team building, change management, strategic planning, interpersonal relations, ethics, resource allocation, and use and management of the external environment. An important direct benefit of this certification process is the public prestige of having met a prescribed standard of excellence as a law enforcement professional. Every effort will be made to promote and publicize a participant's achieving each level of certification. In-Service Education Center The In-Service Education Center has been awarded a contract by the State Department of Education to employ a Reading Specialist to assist Alabama Reading Initiative schools in the JSU area. In September, the In-Service Education Center sponsored a two-day Reading Renaissance workshop for 38 teachers in the following systems: Clay County, Cleburne County, Cherokee County, Etowah County, Randolph County, Piedmont City, Jacksonville City, and Gadsden City. The In-Service Education Center had 28 teachers and administrators from the JSU area who attended the Alabama Staff Development Council Conference in Birmingham in late October. COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES Dr. Beth Hembree has completed and submitted the final materials for the training curriculum for emergency medical technicians program contracted by the Center for Domestic Preparedness and the U.S. Public Health Services. A panel of nationally recognized experts critiqued the program in October. Training will begin in FY 01 at Noble Training Center. Approximately 355 junior high students visited the JSU campus on November 16th as a component of the ongoing educational outreach associated with the Smoking Cessation Program. Wellborn, Weaver, and Centre Middle Schools participated in the event. In December, the College will graduate its first ten students from the Master of Science in Nursing program. Three nursing students have been elected to the Executive Board of the Alabama Association of Nursing Students (AANS). This constitutes the eighth consecutive year that JSU students have been serving in leadership roles in AANS! Tiffany Anderson (State Project Chairman), Summer Gaymon (Legislative Chair), and Amy Summers (Treasurer) were elected for one year terms. The Jacksonville Association of Nursing Students (JANS) received two state awards: Most Chapter Money Raised for Make-A-Wish Foundation (JSU students raised $1,000 of the state total of $5,000) and Most Creative Chapter Fundraising Program - Kiss-the-Pig Contest. In October, the College was officially notified of continuing accreditation of the BSN program (for the maximum period of 10 years) and initial accreditation of the MSN program (for the maximum period of 5 years) by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). LIBRARY Work began on replacing the folding curtain room dividers on 11th floor. William Hubbard was appointed to a three-year term on the State Advisory Council on Libraries. William Hubbard was elected Vice-Chair of Network of Alabama Academic Libraries. William Batchelor was named JSU Employee of the Month for December. DISTANCE EDUCATION In August the University purchased Blackboard software for the implementation of campus wide Internet based distance learning. By the beginning of the fall 2000 semester, five courses were being offered through Blackboard. In addition, Blackboard was used to supplement existing classes. Currently, there are sixteen courses scheduled to be offered in the online format in the spring. Nine of the sixteen instructors have indicated their intentions to use Blackboard as the platform from which they will be teaching. Seven instructors will be using another format besides Blackboard, with one of those wavering between the two formats. Presently, there are nine supplements being utilized through Blackboard for the Spring 2001 semester. There are currently four Blackboard workshops scheduled during the Spring 2001 semester. Therefore, a total of 22 courses and workshops will be using the Blackboard system during the spring 2001 semester. Thirteen course shells are in the development stage with no stated completion date. Two of these are intended to be online courses, while eleven will be supplements. Any or all of these could possibly be ready by the spring 2001 semester. Due to the large amount of faculty interest in this new e-learning platform, workshops were offered to those parties interested in learning more about the program. To date, a total of six workshops with forty-four attendees have been offered. Certificates were awarded for completion of the workshops. Due to the request of participants, an advanced workshop is planned for the spring 2001 semester. Individual assistance was provided to instructors throughout the fall 2000 semester. As suggested by SACS, three student evaluation forms have been created to appraise and improve the current level of functioning for all three distance learning formats - College by Cassette, Videoconferencing, and Online. A fourth evaluation has also been created for the instructors' evaluation of their distance learning experience. Nine courses were offered through videoconferencing during the fall 2000 semester. Ten graduate and undergraduate compressed video courses will be offered in the spring 2001 semester. Fourteen different sites will participate. A dual enrollment course will be offered to Pell City High School. Business courses will originate in Merrill Building and be broadcast to both the Bevill Manufacturing Technology Center and the Marshall County Technical School. Workshops for instructors interested in utilizing the Videoconferencing format have been conducted. The first session, December 6, lasted approximately one hour and had nine instructors present. Certificates were awarded for completion of the class. A variety of new courses have been added to the Electronic Campus this semester. Each of the instructors for the new online classes were offered an opportunity to participate in this expansive program that reaches students in more than sixteen states. The Emergency Management program became the first graduate program to be listed in the Electronic Campus. In addition to the Emergency Management program, the APCO Virtual College program is offered entirely online. For the spring semester, there are currently 15 classes posted on the Electronic Campus. These classes range from Emergency Management to Education. Many more classes are expected to be added. The following summary information is provided: FALL 2000 College by Cassette Total number of classes - 7 Total number enrolled - 251 Videoconferencing Total number of classes - 9 Total number enrolled - 343 Online Courses Total number of classes - 18 Total number enrolled - 389 Step Program Total number of classes - 4 Total number enrolled - 27 Total number of students enrolled, Fall 2000 - 1010 REGISTRAR Registrar's Office coordinated Commencement ceremonies for December 15, 2000. We are currently registering students for the Spring 2001 term. Enrollment is as follows: Spring 2000 Spring 2001 7011 7285 Enrollment is up by 274 as of this date, January 10, 2001. Last day to register is January 16, 2001. JSU GADSDEN Construction on the Joe M. Ford Economic Development Center is moving at a steady pace. Work continued through the extremely cold weather last month. Steel and concrete forms for the second floor are in place. A preliminary look at enrollment figures for the Gadsden branch indicate the numbers are comparable with previous spring semesters. Firm numbers will be available shortly after the close of registration. Figures are assessed two ways: 1) Those students taking classes in Gadsden and the main campus, and 2) students taking classes in Gadsden only. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Students at the JSU International House made an enthusiastic commitment to the United Way Campaign in November and December with two initiatives: 1) Students canvassed JSU professors for pledges and donations; and 2) Students collected nearly $600 and donated 60 gifts (30 "boy" gifts, and 30 "girl" gifts) for distribution to disadvantaged children in Calhoun County. These gifts were on display at the United Way luncheon in Anniston last December. STUDENT AFFAIRS First Annual Emerging Leaders Day On November 10, 2000, 114 leading high school juniors from surrounding counties visited Jacksonville State University for the First Annual Emerging Leaders Day. These juniors were selected by their guidance counselors to attend Emerging Leaders Day by having a genuine interest in JSU, high school involvement in clubs and extracurricular activities and community involvement. Once chosen, students attended an informative day on the campus of JSU. Their day included two mock classes that the students chose for their interest areas. Faculty members prepared these classes in advance. Next, students had a buffet lunch in Leone Cole Auditorium. At least one JSU faculty or staff member sat at each table with the students to answer any questions they may have. Door prizes were also given away during lunch. Students were then given a walking tour of the campus. Each time the students were split to attend the different activities, they were with a different group of students. This allowed them to meet a host of students just like them and make some new friends. To end the day, the entire group gathered in the Theron Montgomery Building (TMB) for a closing ceremony with the JSU Cheerleaders. At the ceremony, more door prizes were given away along with a leadership scholarship for one lucky student to use in 2002-2003. Kara Roberts of Hokes Bluff High School was awarded that scholarship. All students left with an Emerging Leaders Day T-shirt and a wealth of knowledge about JSU and the college day experience. University Police Department The University Police Department achieved reaccreditation on December 2, 2000. The formal award was presented to Chief Nelson Coleman and Deputy Chief Terry Schneider at the CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) conference in Burlington, Vermont. Student Activities Cara Dawn Byford, Assistant Director of Student Activities, and Don Killingsworth, Graduate Assistant-Student Activities, were both awarded Order of Omega, Greek National Honor Society, Fellowships. They have received scholarships to continue their education. Terry Casey, Director of Student Activities, has been appointed as Assistant Executive Director for the Southeastern Interfraternity Conference. Panhellenic, Interfraternity, and National Pan-Hellenic Councils donated $750.00 to United Way. The following sororities exceeded the All Women's Average for the Fall Semester: Alpha Omicron Pi Phi Mu Delta Sigma Theta Sigma Gamma Rho Kappa Sigma Fraternity exceeded the All Men's Average for the Fall Semester. SGA Donated 149 pints of blood during the fall blood drive. Counseling and Career Services A new counselor, Vicki Morgan was hired in November 2000. She has a master's degree from JSU and is currently working on her LPC License. Career Placement Services will be hosting the Education/Career Fair on February 1st. Approximately 50 school systems will be participating, representing Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Indiana, and Maryland. The first Annual Appalachian School for Alcohol and Drug Studies is being planned for July 9 -13th, 2001. This event is a weeklong professional school that will involve agencies from Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. Financial Aid The Office of Financial Aid relocated to the first floor of Bibb Graves Hall across from the Admissions Office. This location will be more convenient for students and will enable the staffs of Financial Aid and Admissions to work more closely in serving students. Diane Price was named Assistant Director of Financial Aid effective December 1, 2000. Disability Support Services DSS graduated 18 students in December 2000. It was one of our largest groups ever. Amy Peterson, a December graduate from the College of Education and Professional Studies who is Deaf, started to work as a Specialist in American Sign Language at the Alabama School for the Deaf. DSS is celebrating its 15th year. A large multi-state class of individuals is receiving training, both brick & click, to become captionists using the C-Print method through DSS. This special program was developed by the Rochester Institute of Technology to give real time captions to students who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Late Deafened. The staff of DSS was invited to participate in the first strategic planning session for Deaf Services, Alabama Rehabilitation Services in Montgomery. Multicultural Services African American Student Leadership Conference: The Office of Multicultural Services sponsored seven (7) students to the African American Student Leadership Conference in Holly Springs, Mississippi (Rust College) January 11-14, 2001. The Conference provided its participants with an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, explore issues of importance to students of color, meet potential employers, and network and interact with significant national and international leaders. The theme, "Connecting Progress African Minds for Effective Leadership: A Continuing Legacy", reflected the need to reexamine past leadership models and to create new ones that would address a future waiting to be born. Mr. Dick Gregory gave the final keynote address Saturday evening, and Africa in Motion provided a cultural experience to conclude the evening. Martin Luther King Week at JSU: During the week of January 15-19, 2001 Jacksonville State University celebrated Martin Luther King Week. Reverend Charles White, 5th Regional Director of NAACP was the keynote speaker on January 18, 2001 in the TMB Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. The office also sponsored a bus trip to National Civil Rights Museum (Lorraine Hotel--the site of King's assassination) in Memphis, Tennessee on January 14-15, 2001. Diversity Education Course: As part of the University's Strengthening Institutions Program Grant, The Office of Multicultural Services is teaching the course entitled "Diversity Education: Discovering the ISMs - Racism, Classism, Ableism, Ageism, Heterosexism, Sexism, Anti-Semitism and Affirmative Actionism" during spring semester. Twenty-one (21) students have registered for the course. As noted in the Title III grant, the course seeks to develop students and faculty appreciation of multiculturalism and cultural diversity. Black History Month at JSU: Black History Month at JSU promises to be very entertaining and educational. The highlight of the month will be the Soul Food Dinner Theater featuring Pin Points Theater from Washington, D.C., Production play "1001 Black Inventions". Other activities for the month include the following: the popular comedian, "Rickey Smiley" the host of BET's Comic View; a gospel concert; the fifth annual Black Alumni Chapter Annual Meeting and Banquet/Dance; an African American Heritage Month Scholarship Pageant; and an African American Heritage Month Free Party for students in Cole Auditorium. |
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