Marching Ballerina “Boot Camp” Registration Kicks Off May 1


Registration for the Marching Ballerina “Boot Camp” kicks off on May 1. This is a fun, half-day class for all school ages. Participants will learn dances from Marching Ballerinas and have the opportunity to perform for friends and family. 

The $30 registration fee covers a t-shirt (guaranteed only with registration and payment before May 28th), snacks, water, and a donation to the Marching Ballerinas. The “boot camp” will take place on Friday, June 9, 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., on the Marching Southerners practice field (pending completion). Final details will be emailed to all participants.

To register, click here. For more information, please contact Noelle Stovall at

Marching Ballerinas Boot Camp Flyer