JSU Awards 367 Degrees at Summer Commencement
Three hundred sixty-seven candidates for graduation crossed the stage to receive degrees during Jacksonville State University’s Summer 2015 Commencement exercises on Friday, August 7 at JSU Stadium.
Leading the class were top graduates Chelsea Regan Prestridge of Florence, Ala., who graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science; Elizabeth Kirugumi of Vestavia Hills, Ala., who graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing; and Kelly Anne Greenhill of Florence, Ala., who graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
The faculty led the processional and University President Dr. John M. Beehler presented the degrees. Dr. Beehler, who became JSU’s 12th president on July 1, also delivered the commencement address.
JSU President Dr. John Beehler with top graduates (from left) Chelsea Prestridge, Kelly Greenhill and Elizabeth Kirugumi. (Steve Latham/JSU)