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6 November 2008

Volunteers Needed for Midnight Snack in the Caf


Final exams are rapidly approaching and once again it is time for our annual Midnight Snack in the Caf, where students can let loose and take a deserved break. 

The SGA requests the assistance of the faculty and staff in spreading the excitement about the end of the semester and serving our students breakfast in the dining hall. We will have karaoke available for anyone interested in showing off his or her talent. 

The Midnight Snack will be December 10 from 10 p.m until midnight.  If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out the detachable portion of this form and confirm your participation with this exciting event.

The SGA appreciates the wonderful and cooperative faculty and staff here at JSU and thanks you for your continued support.  We hope to see you there!

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