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15 October 2008

October Academe:
"Assessing Academic Programs
from the Inside Out"

The October meeting of Academe will take place on Thursday, October 23, at 3:15 p.m. in 1101C, Houston Cole Library. The program will be "Assessing Academic Programs from the Inside Out," a presentation to "introduce faculty to the differing types of assessment plans and techniques that can be incorporated into any unit," according to Dr. Jean Pugliese, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.

The presenters, Dr. John Hammett, Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies, and Dr. Louise Clark, Associate Dean, College of Commerce and Business Administration, have designed and implemented assessment plans in their own colleges, so they will be knowledgeable guides for attendees from colleges that have not yet completed the program review process.They will be able to provide helpful hints about "logistics and implementation of assessment plans."

Please join your colleagues for this informative and important session on program assessment.

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