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14 October 2008

JSU to Host Second Alabama
Community Development Institute Class

The Alabama Community Development Institute (CDI) was approved by the Community Development Council (CDC) in February, 2007. The second Alabama CDI class will be October 27-31 on the 11th floor of the Houston Cole Library. Contact the Office of Continuing Education for additional information or to register: (256) 782-5918. You may also register online:

Year I Curriculum
Community Development Principles
Diversity and Multicultural Communication
New Town Simulation
Strategic Visioning and Planning
Grant Writing I
Introduction to Economic Development
Team Building
Site Selection I
Retirement Development
Asset Mapping and Development I
Community Assessment
Leadership and Ethics
Community Policing

Year II Curriculum
Workforce Development
Grant Writing II
State of Jefferson Simulation
Community Finance
Land Use Planning
Community and Industrial Development
Introduction to Economic Development
Site Selection II
Business Retention and Expansion
Available Housing
Community Leadership Development
Asset Mapping and Development II

The institute training takes place one week per year for three years. At the end of the three-year training cycle, an individual may qualify to sit for the Professional Community and Economic Developer Certification exam.

Each year the participants who successfully complete the training will receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs), or they may apply their Institute training to a formal degree program that we hope to have running as part of the Master's in Public Administration (MPA) program within the next two years.

Those individuals who are interested in "fast-tracking" the completion of training can attend CDIs in the other states that offer the CDI experience.

Currently, the CDC has approved Community Development Institutes in six regions of the nation. Those regions are Arkansas, Texas, West Virginia, Illinois, Idaho, and Alabama. The CDC is currently entertaining proposals from New England and the West Coast, which will complete the regions targeted by the CDC in terms of national coverage. Even though our program here is titled the Alabama CDI, our service area includes the states of Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and Alabama.

The CDI is committed to the non-exclusive training of individuals in the fields of community and economic development. The participants come from a wide range of occupations and interests, from elected officials to volunteers at non-profit organizations.

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