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17 February 2009

(Randal Blades photo)


JSU Drama's Sweeney Todd Opens Thursday, February 19

WHAT: Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street, A Musical Thriller by Stephen Sondheim

WHERE: Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center, Mainstage, Jacksonville State University Corner of Church and Eleventh

WHEN: February 19 - 21, 26 - 28 at 7 p.m. and February 22 and March 1 at 2 p.m.

HOW MUCH: Adult tickets $15; Senior citizen & JSU Personnel $12; and students, military and children $10 MasterCard, Visa, and Discover accepted

RESERVATIONS: Paid Reservations Recommended - Call 256-782-5648

BRIEF SYNOPSIS: JSU Drama and Music Departments presents the musical thriller SWEENEY TODD, the demon barber of Fleet Street with music by Stephen Sondheim. Book by Hugh Wheeler. Adaptation by Christopher Bond.

There were very tasty meat pies! What was that special ingredient? Sweeney Todd's plan is to get even for evils done by the lecherous judge who framed him and then ravaged his young wife. Unfortunately, Sweeney's desire to get even with the judge gets a little out of hand and begins to include his unlucky customers. This is a sophisticated, macabre, intense drama which is filled with hysterically funny moments of dark humor as well as frightening surprises.

"There is more artistic energy, creative personality and plain excitement than in a dozen average musicals." ~New York Times

The production will be held on the mainstage of Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center, Corner of Church Avenue and 11th Street.

INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES: Due to the subject matter of this play, it will be best enjoyed by ages twelve and up .


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