College of Education and Professional Studies

CAEP accreditation shield logoThe Jacksonville State University College of Education & Professional Studies proudly serves the citizens of northeast Alabama, the southeast, and the nation through our traditional and online programs of study. Teachers and other school personnel prepared at the baccalaureate, master's, and educational specialist levels develop an extensive knowledge and skill based education appropriate for the level of certification. Developing initial and advanced education candidates into effective, reflective, creative decision makers is the fundamental goal of all teacher preparation programs at Jax State. Each degree program is designed to provide a strong knowledge and skill base that will help to ensure a successful future.

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Academic Departments

A culinary student garnishes a dish

Career Technical Education & Professional Studies

  • Child Development
  • Family & Consumer Sciences
  • Human Sciences
  • Merchandising
  • Hospitality & Culinary Management
  • Business Education
  • Instructional Technology
  • Library Media
An empty education leader's office in the afternoon sun.

Professional Counseling & Leadership

  • Counselor Education, School and Clinical Mental Health
  • Instructional Leadership/Teacher Leader
  • Educational Leadership, EdD
A pre-k teacher handles manipulatives with her children

Teacher Education

  • Special Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • English Language Arts Education
  • General Science Education
  • General Social Studies Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Music Education
  • Physical Education
  • Music Education, Instrumental
  • Music Education, Vocal/Choral